#ifndef ROOT_hist2workspaceCommandLineOptionsHelp #define ROOT_hist2workspaceCommandLineOptionsHelp constexpr static const char kCommandLineOptionsHelp[] = R"RAW( usage: hist2workspace [-h] [-standard_form STANDARD_FORM] [-number_counting_form NUMBER_COUNTING_FORM] [-v] [-vv] OPTIONS: -h, --help show this help message and exit -standard_form default model, which creates an extended PDF that interpolates between RooHistFuncs This is much faster for models with many bins and uses significantly less memory -number_counting_form This was the original model in 5.28 (without patches). It uses a Poisson for each bin of the histogram. This can become slow and memory intensive when there are many bins. -v Switch HistFactory message stream to INFO level. -vv Switch HistFactory message stream to DEBUG level. )RAW"; #endif