// @(#)root/test/RootIDE/:$Id$ // Author: Bertrand Bellenot 20/04/2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGROOTIDE #define ROOT_TGROOTIDE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGRootIDE // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TGFrame.h" #include "TGTextEdit.h" class TGToolBar; class TTimer; class TGStatusBar; class TGLayoutHints; class TGMenuBar; class TGPopupMenu; class TString; class TMacro; class TGText; class TGTextEntry; class TGComboBox; class TGTextBuffer; class TGTab; class TGFileContainer; class TGLVEntry; class TObjArray; class TGTabElement; class TGVerticalFrame; class TGHorizontalFrame; class TGPictureButton; class THtml; class TGLabel; class TProcessID; class TGHtml; class TGDocument : public TNamed { protected: Int_t fTabId; // Tab id associated to this document Bool_t fModified; // modified flag TGTextEdit *fEditor; // pointer on TGTextEdit widget TGTab *fTab; // pointer to main TGTab widget TGTabElement *fTabEl; // pointer to associated TGTabElement TObjArray *fDocList; // pointer to list of opened documents public: TGDocument(const char *fname = "", const char *title = "", Int_t tabid = 0, TGTab *tab = 0, TGTabElement *tabel = 0, TGTextEdit *edit = 0, TObjArray *doclist = 0); virtual ~TGDocument() { } Bool_t Open(const char *filename); Bool_t Close(); Bool_t Save(const char *filename = ""); Int_t GetTabId() const { return fTabId; } Bool_t IsModified() const { return fModified; } void SetTabId(Int_t id) { fTabId = id; } void Modified(Bool_t mod = kTRUE) { fModified = mod; } TGTextEdit *GetTextEdit() const { return fEditor; } TGTab *GetTab() const { return fTab; } TGTabElement *GetTabEl() const { return fTabEl; } void DataChanged(); void DataDropped(char *fname); ClassDef(TGDocument,0) // Simple class describing document used in TGRootIDE }; class TGRootIDE : public TGMainFrame { protected: Int_t fPid; // current process id TTimer *fTimer; // for statusbar and toolbar update TGStatusBar *fStatusBar; // for file name, line and col number TGToolBar *fToolBar; // toolbar with common tool buttons TGTab *fTab; // Main tab TGTextEntry *fDir; // directory text entry TGTextBuffer *fDirBuf; // directory text buffer TGComboBox *fDirCombo; // directory history combobox TGFileContainer *fContents; // file navigation container TGTextEdit *fTextEdit; // active text edit widget TGTextView *fTextView; // command output widget TGComboBox *fComboCmd; // commands combobox TGComboBox *fFileType; // file type combobox TGTextEntry *fFilter; // file type text entry widget TGLabel *fLabel; // "command :" label TGTextEntry *fCommand; // command text entry widget TGTextBuffer *fCommandBuf; // command text buffer TGLayoutHints *fMenuBarLayout; // used for the menubar TGLayoutHints *fMenuBarItemLayout; // used for for menubar items TGMenuBar *fMenuBar; // editor's menu bar TGPopupMenu *fMenuFile; // "File" menu entry TGPopupMenu *fMenuEdit; // "Edit" menu entry TGPopupMenu *fMenuSearch; // "Search" menu entry TGPopupMenu *fMenuTools; // "Tools" menu entry TGPopupMenu *fMenuHelp; // "Help" menu entry Bool_t fExiting; // true if editor is closing Bool_t fTextChanged; // true if text has changed TString fFilename; // name of the opened file TMacro *fMacro; // pointer on the opened macro TObjArray *fDocList; // list of open documents TGDocument *fCurrentDoc; // pointer on current document Int_t fCurrent; // index of current document Int_t fNbDoc; // number of documents TGVerticalFrame *fVerticalFrame; // vertical frame TGHorizontalFrame *fHorizontalFrame; // horizontal frame TGPictureButton *fBack; // back button TGPictureButton *fForward; // forward button TGPictureButton *fReload; // reload button TGPictureButton *fStop; // stop loading button TGPictureButton *fHome; // home button TGComboBox *fComboBox; // url history combo box TGTextBuffer *fURLBuf; // url buffer TGTextEntry *fURL; // url text entry THtml *fHtml; // html doc TGHtml *fGuiHtml; // html widget virtual void Build(); public: TGRootIDE(const char *filename = 0, const TGWindow *p = 0, UInt_t w = 900, UInt_t h = 600); TGRootIDE(TMacro *macro, const TGWindow *p = 0, UInt_t w = 0, UInt_t h = 0); virtual ~TGRootIDE(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); virtual Bool_t HandleKey(Event_t *event); virtual Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *t); virtual void CloseWindow(); void ClearText(); Bool_t LoadBuffer(const char *buf) { return fTextEdit->LoadBuffer(buf); } void LoadFile(char *fname = NULL); void SaveFile(const char *fname); Bool_t SaveFileAs(); void PrintText(); void Search(Bool_t ret); void Goto(); void About(); Int_t IsSaved(); void CompileMacro(); void ExecuteMacro(); void InterruptMacro(); void SetText(TGText *text) { fTextEdit->SetText(text); } void AddText(TGText *text) { fTextEdit->AddText(text); } void AddLine(const char *string) { fTextEdit->AddLine(string); } void AddLineFast(const char *string) { fTextEdit->AddLineFast(string); } TGText *GetText() const { return fTextEdit->GetText(); } void DisplayFile(const TString &fname); void DisplayDirectory(const TString &fname); void DisplayObject(const TString& fname,const TString& name); void OnDoubleClick(TGLVEntry* f, Int_t btn); void CloseTab(Int_t id); void DoTab(Int_t id); void ApplyFilter(Int_t id); void CheckRemote(const char *str); void DirSelected(const char *txt); void DirChanged(); void Selected(const char *txt); void URLChanged(); void Back(); void Forward(); void Reload(); void Stop(); void MouseOver(char *); void MouseDown(char *); ClassDef(TGRootIDE,0) // Simple IDE using TGTextEdit and TGHtml widgets }; #endif