# Makefile for the RootShower program. # This Makefile shows nicely how to compile and link applications # using the ROOT libraries on all supported platforms. # # Copyright (c) 2000 Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers # # Author: Fons Rademakers, 12/2/2003 RC := root-config ifeq ($(shell which $(RC) 2>&1 | sed -ne "s@.*/$(RC)@$(RC)@p"),$(RC)) MKARCH := $(wildcard $(shell $(RC) --etcdir)/Makefile.arch) endif ifneq ($(MKARCH),) include $(MKARCH) else ROOTSYS = ../.. include $(ROOTSYS)/etc/Makefile.arch endif #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROOTSHOWERS := $(wildcard *.$(SrcSuf)) RootShowerDict.$(SrcSuf) ROOTSHOWERO := $(ROOTSHOWERS:.$(SrcSuf)=.$(ObjSuf)) ROOTSHOWER = RootShower$(ExeSuf) ifeq ($(PLATFORM),win32) ROOTSHOWERRC := rootshower.rc ROOTSHOWERRES := rootshower.res endif OBJS = $(ROOTSHOWERO) PROGRAMS = $(ROOTSHOWER) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SUFFIXES: .$(SrcSuf) .$(ObjSuf) .$(DllSuf) all: $(PROGRAMS) ifeq ($(PLATFORM),win32) $(ROOTSHOWERRES) : $(ROOTSHOWERRC) rc -DBUILDNUMBER=0 -r -fo $(ROOTSHOWERRES) $(ROOTSHOWERRC) endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),win32) $(ROOTSHOWER): $(ROOTSHOWERO) $(ROOTSHOWERRES) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup \ $^ $(GLIBS) '$(ROOTSYS)\lib\libEG.lib' '$(ROOTSYS)\lib\libHtml.lib' \ '$(ROOTSYS)\lib\libGeom.lib' $(OutPutOpt)$@ $(MT_EXE) else $(ROOTSHOWER): $(ROOTSHOWERO) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(GLIBS) -lEG -lGed -lHtml -lThread -lGeom $(OutPutOpt)$@ endif @echo "$@ done" RootShowerDict.$(SrcSuf): MyParticle.h MyDetector.h MyEvent.h RSLinkDef.h @echo "Generating dictionary $@..." $(ROOTCLING) -f $@ -c $^ clean: @rm -f $(OBJS) *.res core distclean: clean @rm -f $(PROGRAMS) *Dict.* *.def *.exp \ *.geom *.root *.ps *.so .def so_locations @rm -rf cxx_repository ### .$(SrcSuf).$(ObjSuf): $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<