/* * $Header$ * $Log$ * * The graphical user interface for the Neutron Cross section database */ #define __XSGUI_CXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "XSGui.h" #include "XSVarious.h" #include "XSElementDlg.h" #include "XSReactionDlg.h" //ClassImp(XSGui); const char *filetypes[] = { "All files", "*", "Data file", "*.dat", "ENDF files", "*.endf", 0, 0 }; /* ----- XSGui ----- */ XSGui::XSGui(const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) : TGMainFrame(p, w, h) { // Create the main frame. A TGMainFrame is a top level window. // Create menubar and popup menus. The hint objects are used to place // and group the different menu widgets with respect to eachother. menuBarLayout = new TGLayoutHints( kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 1, 1); menuBarItemLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0); menuBarHelpLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight); // Build up the menus // First the Main (FILE) menu fileMenu = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); fileMenu->AddEntry("&Open...", M_FILE_OPEN); fileMenu->AddEntry("&Save", M_FILE_SAVE); fileMenu->AddEntry("S&ave as...", M_FILE_SAVEAS); fileMenu->AddEntry("&Close", M_FILE_CLOSE); fileMenu->AddSeparator(); fileMenu->AddEntry("&Print", M_FILE_PRINT); fileMenu->AddEntry("P&rint setup...", M_FILE_PRINT_SETUP); fileMenu->AddSeparator(); fileMenu->AddEntry("E&xit", M_FILE_EXIT); fileMenu->DisableEntry(M_FILE_SAVEAS); fileMenu->DisableEntry(M_FILE_CLOSE); // The database menu and the current elements in graph elemMenu = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); elemMenu->AddEntry("&Reaction", M_ELEM_REACTION); elemMenu->AddEntry("&Modify", M_ELEM_MODIFY); elemMenu->AddEntry("&Clear", M_ELEM_CLEAR); elemMenu->AddSeparator(); elemMenu->AddLabel("Current Elements in Graph"); // The Currently Editing elements menu optMenu = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); optMenu->AddEntry("&Zoom", -1); optMenu->AddEntry("&Options", -1); // The Help Menu helpMenu = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); helpMenu->AddEntry("&About",M_HELP_ABOUT); // Menu button messages are handled by the main frame (i.e. "this") // ProcessMessage() method. fileMenu->Associate(this); elemMenu->Associate(this); optMenu->Associate(this); helpMenu->Associate(this); menuBar = new TGMenuBar(this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); menuBar->AddPopup("&File", fileMenu, menuBarItemLayout); menuBar->AddPopup("&Element", elemMenu, menuBarItemLayout); menuBar->AddPopup("&Options", optMenu, menuBarItemLayout); menuBar->AddPopup("&Help", helpMenu, menuBarHelpLayout); AddFrame(menuBar, menuBarLayout); // Create a ROOT Canvas used for drawing... canvasWindow = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas("Canvas",this, 600,400); // Initialise the canvas canvas = canvasWindow->GetCanvas(); canvas->SetFillColor(42); canvas->SetGrid(); canvas->GetFrame()->SetFillColor(21); canvas->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(6); canvas->SetLogx(); canvas->SetLogy(); canvas->Update(); AddFrame(canvasWindow, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 0, 0, 2, 2)); statusBar = new TGStatusBar(this, 60, 20); AddFrame(statusBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 1, 0)); statusBar->SetText(PRGNAME); SetWindowName(PRGNAME); MapSubwindows(); // we need to use GetDefault...() to initialize the layout algorithm... Resize(GetDefaultSize()); MapWindow(); } // XSGui /* ----- ~XSGui ----- */ XSGui::~XSGui() { // Delete all created widgets. delete menuBarLayout; delete menuBarItemLayout; delete menuBarHelpLayout; delete fileMenu; delete elemMenu; delete optMenu; delete helpMenu; delete statusBar; delete canvasWindow; } // ~XSGui /* ----- CloseWindow ----- */ void XSGui::CloseWindow() { // Got close message for this MainFrame. Calls parent CloseWindow() // (which destroys the window) and terminate the application. // The close message is generated by the window manager when its close // window menu item is selected. TGMainFrame::CloseWindow(); gApplication->Terminate(0); } // CloseWindow /* ----- ProcessMenuMessage ----- */ Bool_t XSGui::ProcessMenuMessage( Long_t param ) { switch (param) { case M_FILE_OPEN: { static TString dir("."); TGFileInfo fi; fi.fFileTypes = filetypes; fi.SetIniDir(dir); new TGFileDialog(fClient->GetRoot(), this, kFDOpen, &fi); dir = fi.fIniDir; } break; case M_FILE_SAVE: printf("M_FILE_SAVE\n"); break; case M_FILE_EXIT: // this also terminates theApp CloseWindow(); break; case M_ELEM_REACTION: new XSReactionDlg(fClient->GetRoot(), this, 1, 500,600); break; case M_HELP_ABOUT: // About(); int retval; new TGMsgBox(fClient->GetRoot(), this, "About", "About....", kMBIconAsterisk, kMBOk, &retval ); break; default: break; } return kTRUE; } // ProcessMenuMessage /* ----- ProcessMessage ----- */ Bool_t XSGui::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t param1, Long_t) { // Handle messages send to the XSGui object. char str[100]; switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_COMMAND: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: snprintf(str,100, "Button was pressed, id = %ld\n", param1); statusBar->SetText(str); break; case kCM_MENUSELECT: if (param1>=0) statusBar->SetText(menuTip[param1]); else statusBar->SetText("Undefined Menu!"); break; case kCM_MENU: ProcessMenuMessage(param1); break; default: break; } default: break; } return kTRUE; } // ProcessMessage //---- Main program ---------------------------------------------------------- TROOT root("GUI", "GUI test environment"); /* ----- main ----- */ int main(int ac, char *av[]) { TApplication theApp("App", &ac, av); XSGui mainWindow(gClient->GetRoot(), 400, 220); XSinitialise(); theApp.Run(); XSfinalise(); return 0; } // main