// @(#)root/roofitcore:$name: $:$id$ // Authors: Wouter Verkerke November 2007 // C/C++ headers #include <list> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> // ROOT headers #include "TWebFile.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TBenchmark.h" // RooFit headers #include "RooNumIntConfig.h" #include "RooResolutionModel.h" #include "RooAbsData.h" #include "RooTrace.h" #include "RooMath.h" #include "RooUnitTest.h" // Tests file #include "stressHistFactory_tests.cxx" using namespace std ; using namespace RooFit ; //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*// // // // RooStats Unit Test S.T.R.E.S.S. Suite // // Authors: Ioan Gabriel Bucur, Lorenzo Moneta, Wouter Verkerke // // // //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print test program number and its title void StatusPrint(const Int_t id, const TString &title, const Int_t status, const Int_t lineWidth) { TString header = TString::Format("Test %d : %s ", id, title.Data()); cout << left << setw(lineWidth) << setfill('.') << header << " " << (status > 0 ? "OK" : (status < 0 ? "SKIPPED" : "FAILED")) << endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// width of lines when printing test results Int_t stressHistFactory(const char* refFile, Bool_t writeRef, Int_t verbose, Bool_t allTests, Bool_t oneTest, Int_t testNumber, Bool_t dryRun) { const Int_t lineWidth = 120; // Save memory directory location RooUnitTest::setMemDir(gDirectory) ; std::cout << "using reference file " << refFile << std::endl; TFile* fref = 0 ; if (!dryRun) { if (TString(refFile).Contains("http:")) { if (writeRef) { cout << "stressHistFactory ERROR: reference file must be local file in writing mode" << endl ; return -1 ; } fref = new TWebFile(refFile) ; } else { fref = new TFile(refFile, writeRef ? "RECREATE" : "") ; } if (fref->IsZombie()) { cout << "stressHistFactory ERROR: cannot open reference file " << refFile << endl ; return -1; } } if (dryRun) { // Preload singletons here so they don't show up in trace accounting RooNumIntConfig::defaultConfig() ; RooResolutionModel::identity() ; RooTrace::active(1) ; } // Add dedicated logging stream for errors that will remain active in silent mode RooMsgService::instance().addStream(RooFit::ERROR) ; cout << left << setw(lineWidth) << setfill('*') << "" << endl; cout << "*" << setw(lineWidth - 2) << setfill(' ') << " Histfactory S.T.R.E.S.S. suite " << "*" << endl; cout << setw(lineWidth) << setfill('*') << "" << endl; cout << setw(lineWidth) << setfill('*') << "" << endl; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); list<RooUnitTest*> testList; testList.push_back(new PdfComparison(fref, writeRef, verbose)); TString suiteType = TString::Format(" Starting S.T.R.E.S.S. %s", allTests ? "full suite" : (oneTest ? TString::Format("test %d", testNumber).Data() : "basic suite") ); cout << "*" << setw(lineWidth - 3) << setfill(' ') << suiteType << " *" << endl; cout << setw(lineWidth) << setfill('*') << "" << endl; gBenchmark->Start("stressHistFactory"); int nFailed = 0; { Int_t i; list<RooUnitTest*>::iterator iter; if (oneTest && (testNumber <= 0 || (UInt_t) testNumber > testList.size())) { cout << "Tests are numbered from 1 to " << testList.size() << endl; return -1; } else { for (iter = testList.begin(), i = 1; iter != testList.end(); iter++, i++) { if (!oneTest || testNumber == i) { int status = (*iter)->isTestAvailable() ? (*iter)->runTest() : -1; StatusPrint(i, (*iter)->GetName(), status , lineWidth); if (status <= 0) nFailed++; // successfull tests return a positive number } delete *iter; } } } if (dryRun) { RooTrace::dump(); } gBenchmark->Stop("stressHistFactory"); //Print table with results Bool_t UNIX = strcmp(gSystem->GetName(), "Unix") == 0; cout << setw(lineWidth) << setfill('*') << "" << endl; if (UNIX) { TString sp = gSystem->GetFromPipe("uname -a"); cout << "* SYS: " << sp << endl; if (strstr(gSystem->GetBuildNode(), "Linux")) { sp = gSystem->GetFromPipe("lsb_release -d -s"); cout << "* SYS: " << sp << endl; } if (strstr(gSystem->GetBuildNode(), "Darwin")) { sp = gSystem->GetFromPipe("sw_vers -productVersion"); sp += " Mac OS X "; cout << "* SYS: " << sp << endl; } } else { const Char_t *os = gSystem->Getenv("OS"); if (!os) cout << "* SYS: Windows 95" << endl; else cout << "* SYS: " << os << " " << gSystem->Getenv("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER") << endl; } cout << setw(lineWidth) << setfill('*') << "" << endl; gBenchmark->Print("stressHistFactory"); Double_t reftime = 2.4; //maclm compiled const Double_t rootmarks = 860 * reftime / gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("stressHistFactory"); cout << setw(lineWidth) << setfill('*') << "" << endl; cout << TString::Format("* ROOTMARKS = %6.1f * Root %-8s %d/%d", rootmarks, gROOT->GetVersion(), gROOT->GetVersionDate(), gROOT->GetVersionTime()) << endl; cout << setw(lineWidth) << setfill('*') << "" << endl; // NOTE: The function TStopwatch::CpuTime() calls Tstopwatch::Stop(), so you do not need to stop the timer separately. cout << "Time at the end of job = " << timer.CpuTime() << " seconds" << endl; if (fref) { fref->Close() ; delete fref ; } delete gBenchmark ; gBenchmark = 0 ; return nFailed; } //_____________________________batch only_____________________ #ifndef __CINT__ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { Bool_t doWrite = kFALSE; Int_t verbose = 0; Bool_t allTests = kFALSE; Bool_t oneTest = kFALSE; Int_t testNumber = 0; Bool_t dryRun = kFALSE; string refFileName = "$ROOTSYS/test/stressHistFactory_ref.root" ; // Parse command line arguments for (Int_t i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++) { string arg = argv[i] ; if (arg == "-f") { cout << "stressHistFactory: using reference file " << argv[i + 1] << endl ; refFileName = argv[++i] ; } else if (arg == "-w") { cout << "stressHistFactory: running in writing mode to update reference file" << endl ; doWrite = kTRUE ; } else if (arg == "-mc") { cout << "stressHistFactory: running in memcheck mode, no regression tests are performed" << endl; dryRun = kTRUE; } else if (arg == "-v") { cout << "stressHistFactory: running in verbose mode" << endl; verbose = 1; } else if (arg == "-vv") { cout << "stressHistFactory: running in very verbose mode" << endl; verbose = 2; } else if (arg == "-a") { cout << "stressHistFactory: deploying full suite of tests" << endl; allTests = kTRUE; } else if (arg == "-n") { cout << "stressHistFactory: running single test" << endl; oneTest = kTRUE; testNumber = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (arg == "-d") { cout << "stressHistFactory: setting gDebug to " << argv[i + 1] << endl; gDebug = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (arg == "-h") { cout << "usage: stressHistFactory [ options ] " << endl; cout << "" << endl; cout << " -f <file> : use given reference file instead of default (" << refFileName << ")" << endl; cout << " -w : write reference file, instead of reading file and running comparison tests" << endl; cout << " -n N : only run test with sequential number N" << endl; cout << " -a : run full suite of tests (default is basic suite); this overrides the -n single test option" << endl; cout << " -mc : memory check mode, no regression test are performed. Set this flag when running with valgrind" << endl; cout << " -vs : use vector-based storage for all datasets (default is tree-based storage)" << endl; cout << " -v/-vv : set verbose mode (show result of each regression test) or very verbose mode (show all roofit output as well)" << endl; cout << " -d N : set ROOT gDebug flag to N" << endl ; cout << " " << endl ; return 0 ; } } gBenchmark = new TBenchmark(); return stressHistFactory(refFileName.c_str(), doWrite, verbose, allTests, oneTest, testNumber, dryRun); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t stressHistFactory() { Bool_t doWrite = kFALSE; Int_t verbose = 0; Bool_t allTests = kFALSE; Bool_t oneTest = kFALSE; Int_t testNumber = 0; Bool_t dryRun = kFALSE; string refFileName = "$ROOTSYS/test/stressHistFactory_ref.root" ; return stressHistFactory(refFileName.c_str(), doWrite, verbose, allTests, oneTest, testNumber, dryRun); } #endif