/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_gl /// Show rendering of parametric surfaces. /// /// A parametric surface is defined by three functions: /// S(u, v) : {x(u, v), y(u, v), z(u, v)}. /// To create parametric surface and draw it one has to: /// 1. Create canvas, which support OpenGL drawing (two ways): /// - Call gStyle->SetCanvasPreferGL(kTRUE) /// - Or create canvas with name, wich contains "gl". /// 2. create TGLParametricEquation object. /// ~~~{.cpp} /// TGLParametricEquation *eq = new TGLParametricEquation("name", /// "some FORMULA here - x(u, v)", /// "some FORMULA here - y(u, v)", /// "some FORMULA here - z(u, v)", /// uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax); /// ~~~ /// where FORMULA is the same string (mathematical expression), /// as in TF2, but you should use 'u' (or 'U') instead of 'x' /// and 'v' (or 'V') instead of 'y'. /// 3. Call equation->Draw(); /// Parametric surfaces support 21 color "schemes", you can change /// the color: /// - place mouse cursor above surface (surface is selected in pad) /// - press 's' or 'S'. /// /// \macro_image(nobatch) /// \macro_code /// /// \author Timur Pocheptsov void glparametric() { gStyle->SetCanvasPreferGL(kTRUE); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("canvas","Parametric surfaces with gl", 100, 10, 700, 700); c->SetFillColor(42); gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(42); c->Divide(2, 2); c->cd(1); TGLParametricEquation *p1 = new TGLParametricEquation("Conchoid", "1.2 ^ u * (1 + cos(v)) * cos(u)", "1.2 ^ u * (1 + cos(v)) * sin(u)", "1.2 ^ u * sin(v) - 1.5 * 1.2 ^ u", 0., 6 * TMath::Pi(), 0., TMath::TwoPi()); p1->Draw(); c->cd(2); TGLParametricEquation *p2 = new TGLParametricEquation("Apple", "cos(u) * (4 + 3.8 * cos(v)) ", "sin(u) * (4 + 3.8 * cos(v))", "(cos(v) + sin(v) - 1) * (1 + sin(v)) * log(1 - pi * v / 10) + 7.5 * sin(v)", 0, TMath::TwoPi(), -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()); p2->Draw(); c->cd(3); TGLParametricEquation *p3 = new TGLParametricEquation("Toupie", "(abs(u) - 1) ^ 2 * cos(v)", "(abs(u) - 1) ^ 2 * sin(v)", "u", -1., 1., 0, TMath::TwoPi()); p3->Draw(); c->cd(4); TGLParametricEquation *p4 = new TGLParametricEquation("Trangluoid trefoil", "2 * sin(3 * u) / (2 + cos(v))", "2 * (sin(u) + 2 * sin(2 * u)) / (2 + cos(v + 2 * pi / 3))", "(cos(u) - 2 * cos(2 * u)) * (2 + cos(v)) * (2 + cos(v + 2 * pi / 3)) / 4", -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(), -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()); p4->Draw(); }