/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_gl /// Demonstrates 3D viewer architecture TVirtualViewer3D and TBuffer3D in the local frame. /// /// Here each shape is described in a TBuffer3D class, /// with a suitible translation matrix to place each instance /// NOTE: to be executed via .x viewer3DLocal.C+ /// /// NOTE: We don't implement raw tesselation of sphere - hence this will /// not appear in viewers which don't support directly (non-OpenGL) /// Shows that viewers can at least deal gracefully with these cases /// /// Our abstract base shape class. /// /// As we overload TObject::Paint which is called directly from compiled /// code, this script must also be compiled to work correctly. /// /// ~~~{.cpp} /// #if defined(__CINT__) && !defined(__MAKECINT__) /// { /// gSystem->CompileMacro("viewer3DLocal.C"); /// viewer3DLocal(); /// } /// #else /// ~~~ /// /// \macro_code /// /// \author Richard Maunder #include "TVirtualViewer3D.h" #include "TBuffer3D.h" #include "TBuffer3DTypes.h" #include "TObject.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TAtt3D.h" #include class Shape : public TObject { public: Shape(Int_t color, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z); ~Shape() {}; virtual TBuffer3D & GetBuffer3D(UInt_t reqSections) = 0; protected: Double_t fX, fY, fZ; // Origin Int_t fColor; ClassDef(Shape,0); }; ClassImp(Shape); Shape::Shape(Int_t color, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) : fX(x), fY(y), fZ(z), fColor(color) {} class Sphere : public Shape { public: Sphere(Int_t color, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t radius); ~Sphere() {}; virtual TBuffer3D & GetBuffer3D(UInt_t reqSections); private: Double_t fRadius; ClassDef(Sphere,0); }; ClassImp(Sphere); Sphere::Sphere(Int_t color, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t radius) : Shape(color,x,y,z), fRadius(radius) {} TBuffer3D & Sphere::GetBuffer3D(UInt_t reqSections) { static TBuffer3DSphere buffer; // Complete kCore section - this could be moved to Shape base class if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kCore) { buffer.ClearSectionsValid(); buffer.fID = this; buffer.fColor = fColor; // Color index - see gROOT->GetColor() buffer.fTransparency = 0; // Transparency 0 (opaque) - 100 (fully transparent) // Complete local/master transformation matrix - simple x/y/z // translation. Easiest way to set identity then override the // translation components buffer.SetLocalMasterIdentity(); buffer.fLocalMaster[12] = fX; buffer.fLocalMaster[13] = fY; buffer.fLocalMaster[14] = fZ; buffer.fLocalFrame = kTRUE; // Local frame buffer.fReflection = kFALSE; buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kCore); } // Complete kBoundingBox section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox) { Double_t origin[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; Double_t halfLength[3] = { fRadius, fRadius, fRadius }; buffer.SetAABoundingBox(origin, halfLength); buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox); } // Complete kShapeSpecific section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kShapeSpecific) { buffer.fRadiusOuter = fRadius; buffer.fRadiusInner = 0.0; buffer.fThetaMin = 0.0; buffer.fThetaMax = 180.0; buffer.fPhiMin = 0.0; buffer.fPhiMax = 360.0; buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kShapeSpecific); } // We don't implement raw tesselation of sphere - hence this will // not appear in viewers which don't support directly (non-OpenGL) // Complete kRawSizes section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kRawSizes) { //buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kRawSizes); } // Complete kRaw section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kRaw) { //buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kRaw); } return buffer; } class Box : public Shape { public: Box(Int_t color, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t dX, Double_t dY, Double_t dZ); ~Box() {}; virtual TBuffer3D & GetBuffer3D(UInt_t reqSections); private: Double_t fDX, fDY, fDZ; // Half lengths ClassDef(Box,0); }; ClassImp(Box); Box::Box(Int_t color, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t dX, Double_t dY, Double_t dZ) : Shape(color,x,y,z), fDX(dX), fDY(dY), fDZ(dZ) {} TBuffer3D & Box::GetBuffer3D(UInt_t reqSections) { static TBuffer3D buffer(TBuffer3DTypes::kGeneric); // Complete kCore section - this could be moved to Shape base class if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kCore) { buffer.ClearSectionsValid(); buffer.fID = this; buffer.fColor = fColor; // Color index - see gROOT->GetColor() buffer.fTransparency = 0; // Transparency 0 (opaque) - 100 (fully transparent) // Complete local/master transformation matrix - simple x/y/z // translation. Easiest way to set identity then override the // translation components buffer.SetLocalMasterIdentity(); buffer.fLocalMaster[12] = fX; buffer.fLocalMaster[13] = fY; buffer.fLocalMaster[14] = fZ; buffer.fLocalFrame = kTRUE; // Local frame buffer.fReflection = kFALSE; buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kCore); } // Complete kBoundingBox section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox) { Double_t origin[3] = { fX, fY, fZ }; Double_t halfLength[3] = { fDX, fDY, fDZ }; buffer.SetAABoundingBox(origin, halfLength); buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox); } // No kShapeSpecific section // Complete kRawSizes section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kRawSizes) { buffer.SetRawSizes(8, 3*8, 12, 3*12, 6, 6*6); buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kRawSizes); } // Complete kRaw section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kRaw) { // Points (8) // 3 components: x,y,z buffer.fPnts[ 0] = fX - fDX; buffer.fPnts[ 1] = fY - fDY; buffer.fPnts[ 2] = fZ - fDZ; // 0 buffer.fPnts[ 3] = fX + fDX; buffer.fPnts[ 4] = fY - fDY; buffer.fPnts[ 5] = fZ - fDZ; // 1 buffer.fPnts[ 6] = fX + fDX; buffer.fPnts[ 7] = fY + fDY; buffer.fPnts[ 8] = fZ - fDZ; // 2 buffer.fPnts[ 9] = fX - fDX; buffer.fPnts[10] = fY + fDY; buffer.fPnts[11] = fZ - fDZ; // 3 buffer.fPnts[12] = fX - fDX; buffer.fPnts[13] = fY - fDY; buffer.fPnts[14] = fZ + fDZ; // 4 buffer.fPnts[15] = fX + fDX; buffer.fPnts[16] = fY - fDY; buffer.fPnts[17] = fZ + fDZ; // 5 buffer.fPnts[18] = fX + fDX; buffer.fPnts[19] = fY + fDY; buffer.fPnts[20] = fZ + fDZ; // 6 buffer.fPnts[21] = fX - fDX; buffer.fPnts[22] = fY + fDY; buffer.fPnts[23] = fZ + fDZ; // 7 // Segments (12) // 3 components: segment color(ignored), start point index, end point index // Indexes reference the above points buffer.fSegs[ 0] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[ 1] = 0 ; buffer.fSegs[ 2] = 1 ; // 0 buffer.fSegs[ 3] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[ 4] = 1 ; buffer.fSegs[ 5] = 2 ; // 1 buffer.fSegs[ 6] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[ 7] = 2 ; buffer.fSegs[ 8] = 3 ; // 2 buffer.fSegs[ 9] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[10] = 3 ; buffer.fSegs[11] = 0 ; // 3 buffer.fSegs[12] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[13] = 4 ; buffer.fSegs[14] = 5 ; // 4 buffer.fSegs[15] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[16] = 5 ; buffer.fSegs[17] = 6 ; // 5 buffer.fSegs[18] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[19] = 6 ; buffer.fSegs[20] = 7 ; // 6 buffer.fSegs[21] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[22] = 7 ; buffer.fSegs[23] = 4 ; // 7 buffer.fSegs[24] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[25] = 0 ; buffer.fSegs[26] = 4 ; // 8 buffer.fSegs[27] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[28] = 1 ; buffer.fSegs[29] = 5 ; // 9 buffer.fSegs[30] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[31] = 2 ; buffer.fSegs[32] = 6 ; // 10 buffer.fSegs[33] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[34] = 3 ; buffer.fSegs[35] = 7 ; // 11 // Polygons (6) // 5+ (2+n) components: polygon color (ignored), segment count(n=3+), // seg1, seg2 .... segn index // Segments indexes refer to the above 12 segments // Here n=4 - each polygon defines a rectangle - 4 sides. buffer.fPols[ 0] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[ 1] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[ 2] = 8 ; // 0 buffer.fPols[ 3] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[ 4] = 9 ; buffer.fPols[ 5] = 0 ; buffer.fPols[ 6] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[ 7] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[ 8] = 9 ; // 1 buffer.fPols[ 9] = 5 ; buffer.fPols[10] = 10 ; buffer.fPols[11] = 1 ; buffer.fPols[12] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[13] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[14] = 10 ; // 2 buffer.fPols[15] = 6 ; buffer.fPols[16] = 11 ; buffer.fPols[17] = 2 ; buffer.fPols[18] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[19] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[20] = 11 ; // 3 buffer.fPols[21] = 7 ; buffer.fPols[22] = 8 ; buffer.fPols[23] = 3 ; buffer.fPols[24] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[25] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[26] = 1 ; // 4 buffer.fPols[27] = 2 ; buffer.fPols[28] = 3 ; buffer.fPols[29] = 0 ; buffer.fPols[30] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[31] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[32] = 7 ; // 5 buffer.fPols[33] = 6 ; buffer.fPols[34] = 5 ; buffer.fPols[35] = 4 ; buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kRaw); } return buffer; } class SBPyramid : public Shape { public: SBPyramid(Int_t color, Double_t d, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t dX, Double_t dY, Double_t dZ); ~SBPyramid() {}; virtual TBuffer3D & GetBuffer3D(UInt_t reqSections); private: Double_t fDX, fDY, fDZ; // Base half lengths dX,dY // Pyr. height dZ ClassDef(SBPyramid,0); }; ClassImp(SBPyramid); SBPyramid::SBPyramid(Int_t color, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t dX, Double_t dY, Double_t dZ) : Shape(color,x,y,z), fDX(dX), fDY(dY), fDZ(dZ) {} TBuffer3D & SBPyramid::GetBuffer3D(UInt_t reqSections) { static TBuffer3D buffer(TBuffer3DTypes::kGeneric); // Complete kCore section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kCore) { buffer.ClearSectionsValid(); buffer.fID = this; buffer.fColor = fColor; // Color index - see gROOT->GetColor() buffer.fTransparency = 0; // Transparency 0 (opaque) - 100 (fully transparent) // Complete local/master transformation matrix - simple x/y/z // translation. Easiest way to set identity then override the // translation components buffer.SetLocalMasterIdentity(); buffer.fLocalMaster[12] = fX; buffer.fLocalMaster[13] = fY; buffer.fLocalMaster[14] = fZ; buffer.fLocalFrame = kTRUE; // Local frame buffer.fReflection = kFALSE; buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kCore); } // Complete kBoundingBox section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox) { Double_t halfLength[3] = { fDX, fDY, fDZ/2.0 }; Double_t origin[3] = { fX , fY, fZ + halfLength[2]}; buffer.SetAABoundingBox(origin, halfLength); buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox); } // No kShapeSpecific section // Complete kRawSizes section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kRawSizes) { buffer.SetRawSizes(5, 3*5, 8, 3*8, 5, 6 + 4*5); buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kRawSizes); } // Complete kRaw section if (reqSections & TBuffer3D::kRaw) { // Points (5) // 3 components: x,y,z buffer.fPnts[ 0] = fX - fDX; buffer.fPnts[ 1] = fY - fDY; buffer.fPnts[ 2] = fZ; // 0 buffer.fPnts[ 3] = fX + fDX; buffer.fPnts[ 4] = fY - fDY; buffer.fPnts[ 5] = fZ; // 1 buffer.fPnts[ 6] = fX + fDX; buffer.fPnts[ 7] = fY + fDY; buffer.fPnts[ 8] = fZ; // 2 buffer.fPnts[ 9] = fX - fDX; buffer.fPnts[10] = fY + fDY; buffer.fPnts[11] = fZ; // 3 buffer.fPnts[12] = fX; buffer.fPnts[13] = fY ; buffer.fPnts[14] = fZ + fDZ; // 4 (pyr top point) // Segments (8) // 3 components: segment color(ignored), start point index, end point index // Indexes reference the above points buffer.fSegs[ 0] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[ 1] = 0 ; buffer.fSegs[ 2] = 1 ; // 0 base buffer.fSegs[ 3] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[ 4] = 1 ; buffer.fSegs[ 5] = 2 ; // 1 base buffer.fSegs[ 6] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[ 7] = 2 ; buffer.fSegs[ 8] = 3 ; // 2 base buffer.fSegs[ 9] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[10] = 3 ; buffer.fSegs[11] = 0 ; // 3 base buffer.fSegs[12] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[13] = 0 ; buffer.fSegs[14] = 4 ; // 4 side buffer.fSegs[15] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[16] = 1 ; buffer.fSegs[17] = 4 ; // 5 side buffer.fSegs[18] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[19] = 2 ; buffer.fSegs[20] = 4 ; // 6 side buffer.fSegs[21] = fColor ; buffer.fSegs[22] = 3 ; buffer.fSegs[23] = 4 ; // 7 side // Polygons (6) // 5+ (2+n) components: polygon color (ignored), segment count(n=3+), // seg1, seg2 .... segn index // Segments indexes refer to the above 12 segments // Here n=4 - each polygon defines a rectangle - 4 sides. buffer.fPols[ 0] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[ 1] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[ 2] = 0 ; // base buffer.fPols[ 3] = 1 ; buffer.fPols[ 4] = 2 ; buffer.fPols[ 5] = 3 ; buffer.fPols[ 6] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[ 7] = 3 ; buffer.fPols[ 8] = 0 ; // side 0 buffer.fPols[ 9] = 4 ; buffer.fPols[10] = 5 ; buffer.fPols[11] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[12] = 3 ; buffer.fPols[13] = 1 ; // side 1 buffer.fPols[14] = 5 ; buffer.fPols[15] = 6 ; buffer.fPols[16] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[17] = 3 ; buffer.fPols[18] = 2 ; // side 2 buffer.fPols[19] = 6 ; buffer.fPols[20] = 7 ; buffer.fPols[21] = fColor ; buffer.fPols[22] = 3 ; buffer.fPols[23] = 3 ; // side 3 buffer.fPols[24] = 7 ; buffer.fPols[25] = 4 ; buffer.SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kRaw); } return buffer; } class MyGeom : public TObject, public TAtt3D { public: MyGeom(); ~MyGeom(); void Draw(Option_t *option); void Paint(Option_t *option); private: std::vector fShapes; ClassDef(MyGeom,0); }; ClassImp(MyGeom); MyGeom::MyGeom() { // Create our simple geometry - sphere, couple of boxes // and a square base pyramid Shape * aShape; aShape = new Sphere(kYellow, 80.0, 60.0, 120.0, 10.0); fShapes.push_back(aShape); aShape = new Box(kRed, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0); fShapes.push_back(aShape); aShape = new Box(kBlue, 50.0, 100.0, 200.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0); fShapes.push_back(aShape); aShape = new SBPyramid(kGreen, 20.0, 25.0, 45.0, 30.0, 30.0, 90.0); fShapes.push_back(aShape); } MyGeom::~MyGeom() { // Clear out fShapes } void MyGeom::Draw(Option_t *option) { TObject::Draw(option); // Ask pad to create 3D viewer of type 'option' gPad->GetViewer3D(option); } void MyGeom::Paint(Option_t * /*option*/) { TVirtualViewer3D * viewer = gPad->GetViewer3D(); // If MyGeom derives from TAtt3D then pad will recognise // that the object it is asking to paint is 3D, and open/close // the scene for us. If not Open/Close are required //viewer->BeginScene(); // We are working in the master frame - so we don't bother // to ask the viewer if it prefers local. Viewer's must // always support master frame as minimum. c.f. with // viewer3DLocal.C std::vector::const_iterator ShapeIt = fShapes.begin(); Shape * shape; while (ShapeIt != fShapes.end()) { shape = *ShapeIt; UInt_t reqSections = TBuffer3D::kCore|TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox|TBuffer3D::kShapeSpecific; TBuffer3D & buffer = shape->GetBuffer3D(reqSections); reqSections = viewer->AddObject(buffer); if (reqSections != TBuffer3D::kNone) { shape->GetBuffer3D(reqSections); viewer->AddObject(buffer); } ShapeIt++; } // Not required as we are TAtt3D subclass //viewer->EndScene(); } void viewer3DLocal() { printf("\n\nviewer3DLocal: This frame demonstates local frame use of 3D viewer architecture.\n"); printf("Creates sphere, two boxes and a square based pyramid, described in local frame.\n"); printf("We do not implement raw tesselation of sphere - hence will not appear in viewers\n"); printf("which do not support in natively (non-GL viewer).\n\n"); MyGeom * myGeom = new MyGeom; myGeom->Draw("ogl"); } //#endif