#include "KM3Cathods.hh" #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh" KM3Cathods::KM3Cathods() { IDs = new std::vector<G4int>; NumOfCathods = 0; } KM3Cathods::~KM3Cathods() { for (size_t i = 0; i < theCathods.size(); i++) { theCathods[i]->Tree->clear(); delete theCathods[i]->Tree; free(theCathods[i]); } theCathods.clear(); delete IDs; } void KM3Cathods::addCathod(const G4Transform3D &trans, const G4ThreeVector &Pos, const G4ThreeVector &Dir, const G4double Radius, const G4double Height, const G4int Dep, const G4int detx_id) { Cathod *aCathod = (Cathod *)malloc(sizeof(Cathod)); aCathod->trans = trans; aCathod->Position = Pos; aCathod->Direction = Dir; aCathod->Radius = Radius; aCathod->Height = Height; aCathod->Depth = Dep; //aCathod->ID = 0; IDs->push_back(detx_id); std::vector<G4int> *aTree = new std::vector<G4int>; aTree->reserve(Dep); aCathod->Tree = aTree; theCathods.push_back(aCathod); NumOfCathods++; } void KM3Cathods::addToTree(const G4int hist) { theCathods[NumOfCathods - 1]->Tree->push_back(hist); if ((G4int)(theCathods[NumOfCathods - 1]->Tree->size()) > theCathods[NumOfCathods - 1]->Depth) G4cout << "Warning: You add more History than declared" << G4endl; } // this method returns the cathod id from the history tree G4int KM3Cathods::GetCathodId(const G4int dep, const G4int hist[]) { G4int ih; ih = 0; iterator = 0; while (ih < dep) { while (hist[ih] != (*(theCathods[iterator]->Tree))[ih]) iterator++; ih++; } return (*IDs)[iterator]; } void KM3Cathods::SetCathodId(const G4int dep, const G4int hist[], G4int ID) { G4int ih; ih = 0; iterator = 0; while (ih < dep) { while (hist[ih] != (*(theCathods[iterator]->Tree))[ih]) iterator++; ih++; } (*IDs)[iterator] = ID; } void KM3Cathods::PrintAllCathods(FILE *outfile) { for (G4int i = 0; i < NumOfCathods; i++) { fprintf(outfile, "%d\n", theCathods[i]->Depth); for (size_t ihi = 0; ihi < theCathods[i]->Depth; ihi++) { fprintf(outfile, "%d\n", (*(theCathods[i]->Tree))[ihi]); } fprintf(outfile, "%.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e\n", theCathods[i]->Position(0) / cm, theCathods[i]->Position(1) / cm, theCathods[i]->Position(2) / cm, theCathods[i]->Direction(0), theCathods[i]->Direction(1), theCathods[i]->Direction(2)); } }