ELF>@@=>@BDEGIKMNPRSUWXZ\^`bcdfhjlnpqstvxz|~UHAUATSHHH0HHH0HH0HHHHH~=HHHHuHH։H`HHPHHPHHPHHHHHHH`HHHH`HHH`AIйHH`HHH"ttHHHHHHHHHHpHHHHpHHH`AIйHHpHHHH HH HHH HHHHEHHUHEHHUHHHHEHHEHHEHHUHEHHUHHHHEHHEHHHH`HHEHEHH HHEHHUHEHHUH HHHEHHEHH HH HH HH HtHHA ADH HAvHHEkHEHEHHHHHHUHEHHHUHHHHEHHEHEE;|HHHHH`HHEHHHHHHHEHHHHEHHH`AIйHHEHHH]HHHHH`HH0HHH`HHHH+HHpHHHHHHEHHHEHGHHEHHHEH%HHEHHHEHHHHHH HrHHEHHHEH, --build-config Choose configuration to test.-V,--verboseEnable verbose output from tests.-VV,--extra-verboseEnable more verbose output from tests.--debugDisplaying more verbose internals of CTest.--output-on-failureOutput anything outputted by the test program if the test should fail.--test-output-size-passed Limit the output for passed tests to bytes--test-output-size-failed Limit the output for failed tests to bytes-FEnable failover.-j , --parallel Run the tests in parallel using the given number of jobs.-Q,--quietMake ctest quiet.-O , --output-log Output to log file-N,--show-onlyDisable actual execution of tests.-L , --label-regex Run tests with labels matching regular expression.-R , --tests-regex Run tests matching regular expression.-E , --exclude-regex Exclude tests matching regular expression.-LE , --label-exclude Exclude tests with labels matching regular expression.-D , --dashboard Execute dashboard test-D :=Define a variable for script mode-M , --test-model Sets the model for a dashboard-T , --test-action Sets the dashboard action to perform--track Specify the track to submit dashboard to-S