---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th October 2019 - v4.1 New release (V. Kulikovskiy) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evt tag is changed from freedan to fixedcan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th September 2019 - v4.0 New release (V. Kulikovskiy) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can has now coordinates X, Y of the center. Evt tag is changed to "freecan: X Y Zmin Zmax R" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th September 2019 - v3.9 New release (V. Kulikovskiy) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All flux parameters are now configurable. New evt tag "mupage_flux_parameters:" showing parameters set. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th September 2019 - v3.8 New release (V. Kulikovskiy) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * New configurable parameter Emax is added. Also default value of 500 GeV is set for backward compatibility (so this parameter is not mandatory to set). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th September 2018 - v3r6 New release (V.Kulikovskiy) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * New release for using the code on CentOS 7. * Time is now respect to the time of the bundle center arrival to the can (before it was respect to the first muon). * The first muon is the bundle is not forced now to reach the can (before there was a loop regenerating its position until it reaches the can). * Energy of the muons in the can is corrected for the path from the plane of interaction to the can (positive/negative). It is assuming the same distance as for the time correction. * Multiplicity and the energy in the bundle tag is now related to the bundle at the point of generation on the can (before it was simply a sum of the muons reached the can). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16th April 2010 - v3r5 New release (G.Carminati) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * New release for using the code on Scientific Linux 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29th July 2009 - v3r4 Second order modification (G.Carminati) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * After the correction of the zenith angle parameter defining the maximum value for the Hit-or-Miss method (Nmax) implemented in the version v3r1 (24th Nov 2008), the parameter MFactor in dat/parameters.dat is redundant. Thus it is deleted from the list of input parameters as well as all the related error checks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd June 2009 - v3r4 New release (G.Carminati) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Since the first version of MUPAGE, the minimum generable energy for a muon was 20 GeV. However the parametric formulas are valid in the range between 1 GeV and 500 TeV, thus the computation of the flux, and consequently of the livetime, was underestimate of about 10%. Now, the minimum energy is set up at 1 GeV and the user can not choose anymore another value in the input file (dat/parameters.dat). That is true also for the maximum energy. To generate events at energy larger than 1 GeV, the user can (still) select the chosen value using the parameter Ethreshold. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26th March 2009 - v3r3 New release (G.Carminati) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Implementation of a new class (ReadDetector) in order to read the new detector file format. * Implementation of Doxygen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23rd December 2008 - v3r2 New release (G.Carminati) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The switching between the coordinate systems was not implemented correctly in the version v3r1. Now the problem is fixed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24th November 2008 - v3r1 New version (G.Carminati) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Found and fixed a bug concerning the coordinate system used. The switching between the azimuth angle and the phi angle was not correctly defined (see talk at Rome PAW Meeting Nov 2008) * Found and fixed an error also in the calculation of the impact point z-position on the barrel surface of the shower axis. The error is negligible because it is implemented before of the Hit-or-Miss selection * The zenith angle parameter defining the maximum value for the Hit-or-Miss method (Nmax) has been changed. The function has now a maximum for zenith angle q' = \pi/2 + 1/2 arctan(-R/2H) * (ONLY IN THE ANTARES FORMAT) Insertion of a new tag in the event output file: "track_bundle". The new tag gives information about the multiplicity, the impact point position (x, y, z) and the direction (vx, vy, vz) of the shower axis. Because the generated multiplicity of the shower has been included in this new tag, the previous tag "mult" has been deleted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th November 2007 - v2r2 Release running on SL4-32bit (G.Carminati) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Indispensable modifications to use the code on Scientific Linux 4 * Substitution of the deprecated class with the class * Insertion of a new parameter in dat/parameters.dat file: Ethreshold. This parameter corresponds to the minimum energy of the threshold. If the user do not want to use a threshold for the energy, the parameter has to be set equal to the value of minimum energy (Emin). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27th June 2007 - v2r1 New version (G.Carminati) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Substitution of random generator: TRandom3 * Insertion of a new parameter in dat/parameters.dat file: EnlargedCANr, i.e. how many meters are necessaries to enlarged the CAN radius to avoid losing events (for $THRONG_DIR/DETECTOR/l05_c09_s00.det detector, we suggest 300 m) * Insertion of livetime information in the header of output file; the livetime format is: livetime: average_livetime_in_seconds statistical_error_in_seconds ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18th April 2007 - v1r1 First release of the code (G.Carminati) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------