/*############################################################# *# # *# Author: G.Carminati # *# # *############################################################# */ #include "Muons.hh" #include "Parameters.hh" Muons::Muons(double zenith, double azimuth, unsigned int multiplicity, double depth, TRandom3& trand) : zenith_(zenith), azimuth_(azimuth), multiplicity_(multiplicity), depth_(depth), trand_(trand) {} //============================================================= /* First Release: Jan 2007 # *############################################################# * * This function sets parameters */ void Muons::Set(const double& zenithSG, const double& azimuth, const unsigned int& multiplicity, const double& depth) { zenith_ = zenithSG; azimuth_ = azimuth; multiplicity_ = multiplicity; depth_ = depth; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jan 2007 # *############################################################# * * This function sets the parameters of file parameters.inp */ void Muons::GetParameters(const double& depthmax, const double& canzmin, const double& canzmax, const double& canradius, const double& lsmin, const double& lsmax, const double& energymin, const double& energymax) { depthmax_ = depthmax; canzmin_ = canzmin; canzmax_ = canzmax; canradius_ = canradius; lsmin_ = lsmin; lsmax_ = lsmax; energymin_ = energymin; energymax_ = energymax; } //============================================================= /* First Release: May 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the flux for multiple muons * * INPUT: muon vertical depth (in km.w.e.) * zenithal angle (in rad) * muon multiplicity * * OUTPUT: flux */ double Muons::Flux() { double ct = cos(zenith_); /*compute parameter kappa*/ double k0 = pow(depth_,K0b)*K0a; double k1 = (K1a*depth_ + K1b ); double k = k0*ct*exp(k1/ct); /*compute parameter ni*/ double ni0 = ni0a*depth_*depth_ + ni0b*depth_ + ni0c; double ni1 = ni1a*exp(ni1b*depth_); double ni = ni0*exp(ni1/ct); /*compute the flux*/ double flux = k / pow(multiplicity_,ni); return flux; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2007 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the projected area * * INPUT: CAN radius (in m) * zenithal angle (in rad) * * OUTPUT: projectedarea */ double Muons::ProjectedArea() { double area = TMath::Pi()*canradius_*canradius_; double projectedarea = area*cos(zenith_); return projectedarea; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2007 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the solid angle * * INPUT: minimum angle (in rad) * maximum angle (in rad) * * OUTPUT: solidangle */ double Muons::SolidAngle(const double& alpha1, const double& alpha2) { double cosines = cos(alpha1) - cos(alpha2); cosines = fabs(cosines); double solidangle = cosines * 2.*TMath::Pi(); return solidangle; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2007 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the product of the flux, the * projected area and the solid angle * * INPUT: CAN radius (in m) * zenithal angle (in rad) * minimum angle (in rad) * maximum angle (in rad) * * OUTPUT: g */ double Muons::GAMMA(const double& alpha1, const double& alpha2) { double g = Flux()*ProjectedArea()*SolidAngle(alpha1,alpha2); return g; } //============================================================= /* First Adaptation: Sep 2005 # * from ANTARES Software (canToDraw.cc) # *############################################################# * * This function generates a random point on a * cylindric surface (not on the lower disk) * * INPUT: zenithal angle (in rad) * azimuthal angle (in rad) * * OUTPUT: posBundleOnCAN = (x,y,z) on the cylindric * surface (in m) */ Vec3D Muons::axisBundleOnCAN() { double Xr = 0.; double Yr = 0.; double sign = 0.; double Yoff = 0.; double phi_in = 0.; double ct = cos(zenith_); double st = sin(zenith_); double a = canradius_ * ct; double b = canradius_; double Hproj = (canzmax_ - canzmin_)*0.5 * st; double BundleOnCAN_posx = 0.; double BundleOnCAN_posy = 0.; double BundleOnCAN_posz = 0.; for (bool loop = true; loop;) { Xr = trand_.Rndm() *2*canradius_ - canradius_; Yr = trand_.Rndm() *2*(Hproj+a) - (Hproj+a); if(fabs(Yr) > Hproj) { sign = fabs(Yr)/Yr; Yoff = Yr - sign*Hproj; if( Xr*Xr/(b*b) + Yoff*Yoff/(a*a) > 1. ) continue; } loop = false; } /* coordinates on the upper disk */ if(( Yr > (Hproj-a) )&&( Xr*Xr/(b*b)+(Yr-Hproj)*(Yr-Hproj)/(a*a) <= 1. )) { /* we change sign of x coordinate to use frames of same helicity */ BundleOnCAN_posx = - Xr; BundleOnCAN_posy = (Yr-Hproj)/ct; BundleOnCAN_posz = canzmax_; } else /* coordinates on the lateral surface */ { /* we change sign of x coordinate to use frames of same helicity */ phi_in = azimuth_ + 3*TMath::Pi()/2. - acos(-Xr/canradius_); BundleOnCAN_posx = canradius_ * cos(phi_in); BundleOnCAN_posy = canradius_ * sin(phi_in); BundleOnCAN_posz = ( Yr + a*sqrt(1.-Xr*Xr/(b*b)) )/st; BundleOnCAN_posz += centerZ(); } Vec3D posBundleOnCAN(BundleOnCAN_posx, BundleOnCAN_posy, BundleOnCAN_posz); return posBundleOnCAN; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Dec 2006 # *############################################################# * * This function inizializes the vertical depth of muon with * respect to the sea level (in km.w.e.) */ double Muons::Depth(const double& zBundle) { depth_ = depthmax_ + canzmin_*MeterToKm() - zBundle*MeterToKm(); depth_ *= kmTOkmwe(); return depth_; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the depth for energy distribution * * INPUT: muon vertical depth (in km.w.e.) * zenithal angle (in rad) * * OUTPUT: betachi */ double Muons::BetaChi() { double chi = depth_/cos(zenith_); double betachi = BETA*chi; return betachi; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the gamma parameter for energy * distribution of single muons * * INPUT: muon vertical depth (in km.w.e.) * * OUTPUT: gamma_singlemu */ double Muons::Gamma_singlemu() { double gamma_singlemu = g0*log(depth_) + g1; return gamma_singlemu; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the epsilon parameter for energy * distribution of single muons * * INPUT: muon vertical depth (in km.w.e.) * zenithal angle (in rad) * * OUTPUT: epsilon_singlemu */ double Muons::Epsilon_singlemu() { double e0 = e0a * exp(e0b*depth_); double e1 = e1a*depth_ + e1b; double epsilon_singlemu = e0/cos(zenith_) + e1; return epsilon_singlemu; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the maximum energy value * of a single muon * * OUTPUT: esinglemax */ double Muons::E_singlemu() { double funzi = 1 - exp(-BetaChi()); funzi *= Epsilon_singlemu(); double esinglemax = funzi / (Gamma_singlemu() - 1); return esinglemax; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the energy distribution of a * single muon * * INPUT: E_mu = energy value (in TeV) * * OUTPUT: dnde_singlemu */ double Muons::dNdE_singlemu(const double& E_mu) { /*compute the normalization factor G*/ double gamma = Gamma_singlemu(); double epsilon = Epsilon_singlemu(); double bx = BetaChi(); double funzi = 1 - exp(-bx); double gammaLess1 = gamma - 1; double func_g = pow(funzi, gammaLess1); double g = 2.3*gammaLess1*pow(epsilon, gammaLess1); g *= exp(gammaLess1*bx)*func_g; /*compute the maximum value of distribution energy*/ double funzi2 = funzi*epsilon + E_mu; double func = pow(funzi2, -gamma); double espo = exp(bx*(1-gamma)) * E_mu; double dnde_singlemu = g*espo*func; return dnde_singlemu; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jul 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the energy of a single muon * * OUTPUT: energy (in TeV) */ double Muons::HoR_Energy_singlemu() { const double logEmin = log10(energymin_); const double logEmax = log10(energymax_); double energy; /* Hit or Miss method to accept (or reject) the energy value computed */ bool loop = true; while(loop) { double loge = trand_.Rndm() * (logEmax - logEmin) + logEmin; energy = pow(10, loge); double f_e = dNdE_singlemu(energy); double u_e = trand_.Rndm() * dNdE_singlemu( E_singlemu() ); if (u_e <= f_e) loop = false; } return energy; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jul 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the average radius value for * radial distribution * * INPUT: multiplicity * zenithal angle (in rad) * muon vertical depth (in km.w.e.) * * OUTPUT: average_r */ double Muons::AverageRadius() { int mult = ( multiplicity_ < 4 ) ? multiplicity_ : 4; double rho0 = RHO0a * mult + RHO0b; double espo = exp((zenith_ - THETA0) * Fpiccolo) + 1; double F = 1 / espo; double average_r = rho0 * pow(depth_,RHO1) * F; return average_r; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jul 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the alpha parameter for * radial distribution * * INPUT: muon vertical depth (in km.w.e.) * multiplicity * * OUTPUT: alpha */ double Muons::Alpha() { int mult = ( multiplicity_ < 4 ) ? multiplicity_ : 4; double alpha0 = ALPHA0a*mult + ALPHA0b; double alpha1 = ALPHA1a*mult + ALPHA1b; double alpha = alpha0 * exp(alpha1*depth_); return alpha; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jul 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the maximum radial distribution * value of a muon in a bundle * * OUTPUT: rpeak */ double Muons::Rpeak() { double alpha = Alpha(); double R0 = (alpha - 3) * AverageRadius() * 0.5; double rpeak = R0 / (alpha - 1); return rpeak; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jul 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the radial distribution of a muon * in a bundle * * INPUT: r = lateral spread (in meters) * * OUTPUT: dndr */ double Muons::dNdR(const double& r) { double alpha = Alpha(); double R0 = (alpha - 3) * AverageRadius() * 0.5; double AlphaLessTwo = alpha - 2; double C = (alpha - 1) * AlphaLessTwo * pow(R0, AlphaLessTwo); double denom = pow((r + R0), alpha); double dndr = C * r / denom; return dndr; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jul 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function generates the lateral spread (in function * of the radial distribution) of a muon in bundle * * OUTPUT: radius */ double Muons::HoR_Radius() { double radius; /* Hit or Miss method to accept (or reject) the radial value computed */ bool loop = true; while(loop) { radius = trand_.Rndm() * (lsmax_ - lsmin_) + lsmin_; double f_R = dNdR(radius); double u_R = trand_.Rndm() * dNdR( Rpeak() ); if (u_R <= f_R) loop = false; } return radius; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the gamma parameter for energy * distribution of multiple muons * * INPUT: r = lateral spread (in meter) * muon vertical depth (in km.w.e.) * multiplicity * * OUTPUT: gamma_multimu */ double Muons::Gamma_multimu(const double& r) { int mult = ( multiplicity_ < 4 ) ? multiplicity_ : 4; double a = A0 * depth_ + A1; double b0 = B0a * mult + B0b; double b1 = B1a * mult + B1b; double b = b0 * depth_ + b1; double q = Q0 * depth_ + Q1; double func_gamma = 1 - (exp(q*r)*.5); double gamma_multimu = a*r + b*func_gamma; return gamma_multimu; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the epsilon parameter for energy * distribution of single muons * * INPUT: r = lateral spread (in meter) * muon vertical depth (in km.w.e.) * zenithal angle (in rad) * * OUTPUT: epsilon_multimu */ double Muons::Epsilon_multimu(const double& r) { double c0 = C0a*depth_ + C0b; double c = c0 * exp(C1*r); double d0 = D0a*depth_ + D0b; double d1 = D1a*depth_ + D1b; double d = d0 * pow(r, d1); double epsilon_multimu = c*zenith_ + d; return epsilon_multimu; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the maximum energy value of a * multiple muon * * INPUT: r = lateral spread (in meter) * * OUTPUT: emultimax */ double Muons::E_multimu(const double& r) { double funzi = 1 - exp(-BetaChi()); funzi *= Epsilon_multimu(r); double emultimax = funzi / (Gamma_multimu(r) - 1); return emultimax; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jun 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the energy distribution of a * multi muon in bundle * * INPUT: r = lateral spread (in meter) * E_mu = energy value (in TeV) * * OUTPUT: dnde_multimu */ double Muons::dNdE_multimu(const double& r, const double& E_mu) { /*compute the normalization factor G*/ double gamma = Gamma_multimu(r); double epsilon = Epsilon_multimu(r); double bx = BetaChi(); double GammaLessOne = gamma - 1; double funzi = 1 - exp(-bx); double func_g = pow(funzi, GammaLessOne); double g = 2.3*GammaLessOne*pow(epsilon, GammaLessOne); g *= exp(GammaLessOne*bx)*func_g; /*compute the maximum value of distribution energy*/ double funzi2 = funzi * epsilon + E_mu; double func = pow(funzi2, -gamma); double espo = exp(bx*(1-gamma)) * E_mu; double dnde_multimu = g * espo * func; return dnde_multimu; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Jul 2005 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the energy of a multiple muon * in a bundle * * INPUT: r = lateral spread (in meter) * * OUTPUT: energy (in TeV) */ double Muons::HoR_Energy_multimu(const double& r) { const double logEmin = log10(energymin_); const double logEmax = log10(energymax_); double energy; /* Hit or Miss method to accept (or reject) the energy value computed */ bool loop = true; while(loop) { double loge = trand_.Rndm() * (logEmax - logEmin) + logEmin; energy = pow(10, loge); double f_e = dNdE_multimu(r, energy); double u_e = trand_.Rndm() * dNdE_multimu(r, E_multimu(r) ); if (u_e <= f_e) loop = false; } return energy; } //============================================================= /* First Release: Mar 2006 # *############################################################# * * This function computes the position of each muon in the * bundle on the laboratory frame * * INPUT: posBundleOnCAN = coordinates (x,y,z) of the * shower axis impact point on * the can surface (in m) * zenithal angle (in rad) * azimuthal angle (in rad) * r = lateral spread (in m) * * OUTPUT: posMuOnLAB = coordinates (x,y,z) of each muon * on the laboratory frame (in m) */ Vec3D Muons::multimuOnLAB(Vec3D posBundleOnCAN, const double& r) { /* Xpi e Ypi are the coordinates of the intercept of the track with the orthogonal plane to bundle axis */ double beta = trand_.Rndm() * 2.*TMath::Pi(); /* in rad */ double Xpi = r*cos(beta); /* in m */ double Ypi = r*sin(beta); /* in m */ /* introduce the Euler angles (Phi, Theta, Psi) */ double Phi = - TMath::Pi()/2.; double Theta = TMath::Pi() - zenith_; double Psi = azimuth_ + TMath::Pi()/2.; double cf = cos(Phi); double sf = sin(Phi); double ct = cos(Theta); double st = sin(Theta); double cp = cos(Psi); double sp = sin(Psi); /* introduce the elements of the rotational matrix A, which is the composition of the three rotations with Euler angles in the so-called 'X-convention' */ double Axx = cf*cp - ct*sf*sp; double Axy = - sf*cp - ct*cf*sp; // double Axz = st*sp; <------- unused variable double Ayx = cf*sp + ct*sf*cp; double Ayy = - sf*sp + ct*cf*cp; // double Ayz = - st*cp; <------- unused variable double Azx = st*sf; double Azy = st*cf; // double Azz = ct; <------- unused variable double posx_MuOnLAB = Axx*Xpi + Axy*Ypi + posBundleOnCAN.x; /* in m */ double posy_MuOnLAB = Ayx*Xpi + Ayy*Ypi + posBundleOnCAN.y; /* in m */ double posz_MuOnLAB = Azx*Xpi + Azy*Ypi + posBundleOnCAN.z; /* in m */ Vec3D posMuOnLAB(posx_MuOnLAB, posy_MuOnLAB, posz_MuOnLAB); return posMuOnLAB; } //============================================================= /* First Adaptation: Sep 2005 # * from ANTARES Software # *############################################################# * * This function computes the position of the muon (single * or one in the bundle) on the cylindric surface * (not on the lower disk) * * INPUT: posMuBefore = coordinates (x,y,z) of the muon on * the laboratory frame (in m) * uBundle = direction cosines of bundle axis * * OUTPUT: posMuAfter = coordinates (x,y,z) of muon impact * point on the enlarged can surface * (in m) * * @return error code *