DEPTHmax 2.475 # maximum depth in km (not in km.w.e.) can_center_x 0 # center of can X in m can_center_y 0 # center of can Y in m Zmin -278.151 # minimum z in m Zmax 313.971 # maximum z in m CANr 238.611 # can radius in m EnlargedCANr 100.0 # meters to add to the can radius THETAmin 0.0 # minimum zenith angle in degrees THETAmax 85.0 # maximum zenith angle in degrees Rmin 0.0 # minimum radial distribution in m Rmax 100.0 # maximum radial distribution in m Ethreshold 0.001 # minimum energy of threshold in TeV MULTmin 1 # minimum multiplicity MULTmax 100 # maximum multiplicity GEANTid 5 # muon in GEANT nomenclature density 1.03 # mean value of seawater density in g cm^(-3) AbsLength 55.0 # absorption length in m NAbsLength 2.5 # number of absorption length #Emax 100000 # maximum energy of the generated muons in TeV (DEFAULT 500) #K0a 0.1 #for complete list and default values, please see src/