#ifndef HEAD_HH_INCLUDED #define HEAD_HH_INCLUDED #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Vec.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Exception.hh" #include "TObject.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Trim a string in place * * \param s input string * \return list of tokens */ static inline void trimstring(std::string &s) { // from the left s.erase( s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), [](int ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); })); // from the right s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](int ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); }).base(), s.end()); } /** * Split string at delimiter. Trailing and leading whitespace is removed from each token. * Empty tokens are not put in the output list. * * \param str input string * \param delim token delimiter * \return list of tokens */ inline std::vector splitstring(const std::string& str, char delim = ' ') { using namespace std; vector r; stringstream ss(str); string token; while (getline(ss, token, delim)) { trimstring(token); if (token != "") r.push_back(token); } return r; } /** * The Head class reflects the header of Monte-Carlo event files, which consists of keys (also referred to as "tags") and values. */ struct Head : public TObject, std::map { /** * Check availability of data with the given key. * * \param key key * \return true if data are available; else false */ bool have_line (std::string key ) const { return count( key ) != 0; } /** * Get data with the given key.\n * This method throws a run-time exception if no data are available. * * \param key key * \return data */ const std::string& get_line( std::string key ) const { return this->at(key); } /** * Get data with the given key.\n * This method throws a run-time exception if no data are available. * * \param key key * \return data */ std::string& get_line( std::string key ) { return this->at(key); } /** * In case of duplicate keys, they are internally stored in the map * with a suffix "_n". This function returns all the keys that start * with 'key' and end in "_n", with n an integer * * \param tag tag (without suffix) */ std::vector< std::string> matching_keys( const std::string& tag ) const { std::vector< std::string> r; auto match = [&] (const std::string & key) { if (key == tag) return true; if ( key.find( tag ) != 0 ) return false; // what is left should be of the form _d(ddd) std::string left = key.substr( tag.length(), key.length() ); if (left.length() < 2 || left[0] != '_' ) return false ; for ( unsigned i = 1; i < left.length(); i++ ) { if (!std::isdigit( left[i] )) return false ; } return true; }; for ( auto& p : *this ) { if ( match( p.first ) ) r.push_back( p.first ); } return r; } /** * Get all data compatible with the given key. This means all data * that is internally stored with "key_n", with n an integer \n * This method throws a run-time exception if no data are available. * * \param tag tag (without suffix) * \return data */ std::vector< std::string > get_lines( const std::string& tag ) const { std::vector< std::string > r; for ( auto& key : matching_keys( tag ) ) { r.push_back( get_line( key ) ); } return r; } /** * Set data with the given tag. The function will return the actual key that * is used internally to store the result, which is equal to the tag with an * optional "_n" added to ensure uniqueness. * * \param tag tag * \param line data * \param ensure_unique add '_n' (with n an integer) to the tag if it would overwrite an existing key. */ std::string set_line( std::string tag, std::string line , bool ensure_unique = true ) { std::string k = tag; if (ensure_unique) for (int i = 1; find(k) != end() ; i++) { k = tag + "_" + std::to_string(i); } std::map::operator[]( k ) = line; return k; } /** * Get data with the given key at given index.\n * This method throws a run-time exception if no data are available. * * \param key key * \param idx index * \return data */ std::string get_field( std::string key, int idx ) const { using namespace std; vector v = splitstring( get_line(key) ); if ( idx < 0 || idx >= int ( v.size() ) ) { THROW(Exception, "Cannot find word number " << idx << " in line " << get_line(key) << " for key: " << key); } return v[idx]; } /** * Get index of data with the given key at given field.\n * * Note that this method uses the dictionary define in method Head::_hdr_dict. * * \param key key * \param field field * \return index (-1 if not present) */ int get_index_of_field(std::string key, std::string field) const { auto v = _hdr_dict()[key]; auto i = std::find (v.begin(), v.end(), field ); if (i == v.end()) return -1; return i - v.begin(); } /** * Get data with the given key at given field.\n * This method throws a run-time exception if no field is available. * * Note that this method uses the dictionary define in method Head::_hdr_dict. * * \param key key * \param field field * \return data */ std::string get_field( std::string key, std::string field ) const { int idx = get_index_of_field(key, field); if ( idx == -1 ) { THROW(Exception, "Failed to find" << key << " " << field); } return get_field( key, idx ); } /** * Set data with the given key at given field.\n * This method throws a run-time exception if no field available. * * Note that this method uses the dictionary define in method Head::_hdr_dict. * * \param key key * \param field field * \param value vakue */ void set_field( std::string key, std::string field, std::string value ) { using namespace std; if ( field == "" ) get_line( key ) = value; int idx = get_index_of_field( key, field ); if ( idx < 0 ) { THROW(Exception, "GFailed to find field in header line: " << key << " " << field); } vector vals = splitstring( get_line( key ) ); // if the fields before do not exist, add padding while ( int( vals.size() ) <= idx ) vals.push_back("0"); vals[idx] = value; ostringstream ss; for (unsigned i = 0; i < vals.size() ; i++ ) { ss << vals[i]; if ( i != vals.size() - 1) ss << " "; } set_line( key, ss.str() ); } /** * Print header. * * \param out output stream */ void print ( std::ostream& out = std::cout ) const { if (count("start_run")) out << "start_run: " << at("start_run") << std::endl; for ( auto& p : *this ) { if ( p.first == "start_run" || p.first == "end_event" ) continue; out << p.first << ": " << p.second << std::endl ; } out << "end_event:" << std::endl; } /** * Get internal description of the known lines in header. * * \return internal dictionary */ static std::map >& _hdr_dict() { using namespace std; // map with, for each tag (key), a vector of field-names static map > r; if ( r.size() > 0 ) return r; string desc = "DAQ:livetime\n" "cut_primary cut_seamuon cut_in cut_nu:Emin Emax cosTmin cosTmax\n" "generator physics simul:program version date time\n" "seed:program level iseed\n" "PM1_type_area:type area TTS\n" "PDF:i1 i2\n" "model:interaction muon scattering numberOfEnergyBins\n" "can:zmin zmax r\n" "genvol:zmin zmax r volume numberOfEvents\n" "merge:time gain\n" "coord_origin:x y z\n" "translate:x y z\n" "genhencut:gDir Emin\n" "k40:rate time\n" "norma:primaryFlux numberOfPrimaries\n" "livetime:numberOfSeconds errorOfSeconds\n" "flux:type key file_1 file_2\n" "spectrum:alpha\n" "fixedcan:xcenter ycenter zmin zmax radius\n" "start_run:run_id"; for ( auto line : splitstring(desc, '\n') ) { auto v = splitstring( line, ':'); vector< string > fields = splitstring( v[1] ); for ( auto key : splitstring( v[0] ) ) { r[key] = fields; } } return r; } /** * Get the number of generated events needed for computing event rates. * * \return number of events */ double ngen() const { return stod ( get_field("genvol", "numberOfEvents") ); } /** * Get the the live time provided by the DAQ sytstem (=number of processed timeslices * frametime). * * \return live time [s] */ double daq_livetime() const { return stod ( get_field("DAQ", "livetime") ); } /** * Get the Monte Carlo live time * * \return live time [s] */ double mc_livetime() const { return stod ( get_field("livetime", "numberOfSeconds") ); } /** * Get coordinate origin. * * \return position */ Vec coord_origin() const { return Vec( stod( get_field("coord_origin", "x") ), stod( get_field("coord_origin", "y") ), stod( get_field("coord_origin", "z") )); } /** * Get coordinate translation. * * \return translation */ Vec translate() const { return Vec( stod( get_field("translate", "x") ), stod( get_field("translate", "y") ), stod( get_field("translate", "z") )); } virtual ~Head() {} ClassDef(Head, 2 ); }; /** * Print header. * * \param out output stream * \param h header * \return output stream */ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Head& h) { h.print(out); return out; } #endif