-- 7fc63312330b479bb32e598d47cef1a8 Subject: Activation request failed due to missing unit Defined-By: dbus-broker Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel systemd failed to activate the name @DBUS_BROKER_LAUNCH_SERVICE_NAME@ because the service @DBUS_BROKER_LAUNCH_SERVICE_UNIT@ could not be found. A possible reason for this is that @DBUS_BROKER_LAUNCH_SERVICE_UNIT@ is an alias to a disabled service. This is allowed by design, to give the administrator a way to disable name activation for a given service while still allowing it to be installed and potentially started in other ways. In order not to flood the logs, this message is only emitted once per name. -- ee9799dab1e24d81b7bee7759a543e1b Subject: Activation request failed due to masked unit Defined-By: dbus-broker Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel systemd failed to activate the name @DBUS_BROKER_LAUNCH_SERVICE_NAME@ because the service @DBUS_BROKER_LAUNCH_SERVICE_UNIT@ was masked. It is a valid setup to mask units to disable them locally, but keep them installed. Therefore, this is not considered an error. If you want the service to be activatable via D-Bus, you must unmask the service. The systemd documentation contains more information on masked services. In order not to flood the logs, this message is only emitted once per name. -- f15d2347662d483ea9bcd8aa1a691d28 Subject: dbus-broker-launch received a SIGHUP Defined-By: dbus-broker Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel The HUP signal was sent to the dbus-broker-launch process from PID @DBUS_BROKER_LAUNCH_SIGNAL_PID@, triggering a configuration reload. Note that SIGHUP is delivered asynchronously, so the caller doesn't know when the requested reload has completed. It is therefore recommended to use the org.freedekstop.DBus.ReloadConfig method call on the driver instead. -- c8c6cde1c488439aba371a664353d9d8 Subject: A configuration directory was written to Defined-By: dbus-broker Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel A write was detected to one of the directories containing D-Bus configuration files, triggering a configuration reload. This functionality exists for backwards compatibility to pick up changes to D-Bus configuration without an explicit reolad request. Typically when installing or removing third-party software causes D-Bus configuration files to be added or removed. It is worth noting that this may cause partial configuration to be loaded in case dispatching this notification races with the writing of the configuration files. However, a future notification will then cause the configuration to be reladed again. -- 0ce0fa61d1a9433dabd67417f6b8e535 Subject: Failed to open service file Defined-By: dbus-broker Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel A service file could not be opened for reading. For compatibility reasons the error is ignored and loading of the other service files continues. Failure to open the file file may be caused by for instance, a concurrent removal of the file or the file not being readable. -- 24dc708d9e6a4226a3efe2033bb744de Subject: Invalid service file Defined-By: dbus-broker Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel A service file is a ini-type configuration file. It has one required section named [D-BUS Service]. The section contains the required key 'Name', which must be a valid D-Bus name that is unique across all service files. It also contains at least one of the two optional keys 'SystemdService' and 'Exec', as well as optionally the key 'User'. Exec must be a valid shell command and User must be a valid user on the system. A service file should be named after the D-Bus name it configures. That is a file containing Name=org.foo.bar1 should be named org.foo.bar1.service. For backwards compatibility, we only warn when files do not follow this convention when run as a user bus. The system bus considers this an error and ignores the service file. -- a0fa58cafd6f4f0c8d003d16ccf9e797 Subject: dbus-broker process exited Defined-By: dbus-broker Support: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bus1-devel The dbus-broker-launch process was notified that its child, dbus-broker exited.