# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This Makefile represents the part of the general Makefile which handels # lists of files that require specific common actions. # In this, the symbol SRCS corresponds to a list of .cc files that should # be compiled and (optionally) linked. # For the compilation and linking of files, the symbols OBJS and BINS are # reserved, respectivly. # # The list of executable files and library files that should be installed # are defined by the symbols APPS and LIBS, respectively. # # The compilation proceeds according the rules defined in the file Makerules. # The corresponding dependencies are generated automatically by inclusion of # the this Makefile. For this, the symbol SRCS is used. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- all:: $(BINS) $(LIBS) $(BINS): %: %.o $(OBJS): %.o: %.cc %.d install:: $(APPS) $(LIBS) $(APPS):: $(JPP_BIN)%: % $(MKDIR) $(JPP_BIN) $(INSTALL) $(INSTALL_XMODE) $^ $@ $(LIBS):: $(JPP_LIB)%: % $(MKDIR) $(JPP_LIB) $(INSTALL) $(INSTALL_MODE) $^ $@ clean:: $(RM) *.o *.so *.d $(BINS) $(RM) *~ ifdef SRCS ifneq ("$(MAKECMDGOALS)","") ifeq ($(findstring $(MAKECMDGOALS), $(BINS)), $(MAKECMDGOALS)) -include $(MAKECMDGOALS).d else ifeq ($(findstring $(MAKECMDGOALS), $(OBJS)), $(MAKECMDGOALS)) -include $(MAKECMDGOALS:.o=.d) else ifeq ("$(MAKECMDGOALS)","default") -include $(SRCS:.cc=.d) endif else -include $(SRCS:.cc=.d) endif endif