{% set name = "conda" %} {% set version = "22.9.0" %} {% set build_number = "0" %} {% set sha256 = "35c924fab82e1be7a3359494ff02eab2b2d9b04004cc689e41f84edc1fb853c0" %} # Running the upstream test suite requires the inclusion of test files, which # balloons the size of the package and occasionally triggers false-positive # security warnings; values can be "yes" or "no". {% set run_upstream_tests = "no" %} package: name: {{ name }} version: {{ version }} source: url: https://github.com/conda/{{ name }}/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: {{ sha256 }} build: skip: True # [py<37] number: {{ build_number }} # These are present when the new environment is created # so we have to exempt them from the list of initial files # for conda-build to realize they should be included. always_include_files: - bin/conda # [unix] - bin/activate # [unix] - bin/deactivate # [unix] - Scripts/activate.bat # [win] - Scripts/activate # [win] - Scripts/deactivate # [win] requirements: build: - m2-filesystem # [win] - m2-bash # [win] - m2-base # [win] host: - python - conda-package-handling >=1.3.0 - menuinst >=1.4.11,<2 # [win] - pip - ruamel_yaml >=0.11.14,<0.17 - setuptools >=31.0.1 - toolz >=0.8.1 run: - python - conda-package-handling >=1.3.0 - menuinst >=1.4.11,<2 # [win] - pycosat >=0.6.3 - pyopenssl >=16.2.0 - requests >=2.20.1,<3 - ruamel_yaml >=0.11.14,<0.17 - setuptools >=31.0.1 - toolz >=0.8.1 run_constrained: - conda-build >=3 - conda-content-trust >=0.1.1 - conda-env >=2.6 - cytoolz >=0.8.1 test: {% if run_upstream_tests == 'yes' %} source_files: - tests - setup.cfg {% endif %} requires: {% if run_upstream_tests == 'yes' %} - mock - pytest - pexpect - responses # - conda-build # needed to run the test suite, but we're not doing that right now. {% endif %} - m2-filesystem # [win] - m2-bash # [win] - m2-base # [win] imports: - conda - conda_env downstreams: - conda-smithy # [py3k] about: home: https://conda.io license: BSD-3-Clause license_family: BSD license_file: LICENSE.txt summary: OS-agnostic, system-level binary package and environment manager. description: > Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system for installing multiple versions of software packages and their dependencies and switching easily between them. It works on Linux, OS X and Windows, and was created for Python programs but can package and distribute any software. doc_url: https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/ dev_url: https://github.com/conda/conda extra: recipe-maintainers: - jakirkham - jjhelmus - kalefranz - mcg1969 - msarahan - mwcraig - ocefpaf - patricksnape - pelson - scopatz - mbargull - chenghlee - jezdez - kenodegard - travishathaway