This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.5 from fftw3.texi.

This manual is for FFTW (version 3.3.9, 10 December 2020).

   Copyright (C) 2003 Matteo Frigo.

   Copyright (C) 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

     Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
     this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission
     notice are preserved on all copies.

     Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
     this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided
     that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the
     terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

     Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
     manual into another language, under the above conditions for
     modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated
     in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
* fftw3: (fftw3).	FFTW User's Manual.

Indirect: 1057 301116

Tag Table:
Node: Top1057
Node: Introduction1730
Node: Tutorial8029
Ref: Tutorial-Footnote-19271
Node: Complex One-Dimensional DFTs9365
Node: Complex Multi-Dimensional DFTs15099
Ref: Complex Multi-Dimensional DFTs-Footnote-118525
Node: One-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data18660
Node: Multi-Dimensional DFTs of Real Data23100
Node: More DFTs of Real Data27026
Node: The Halfcomplex-format DFT30523
Node: Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms)33132
Ref: Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms)-Footnote-138721
Ref: Real even/odd DFTs (cosine/sine transforms)-Footnote-238910
Node: The Discrete Hartley Transform39844
Ref: The Discrete Hartley Transform-Footnote-142026
Node: Other Important Topics42276
Node: SIMD alignment and fftw_malloc42569
Node: Multi-dimensional Array Format44758
Node: Row-major Format45378
Node: Column-major Format47074
Node: Fixed-size Arrays in C48155
Node: Dynamic Arrays in C49591
Node: Dynamic Arrays in C-The Wrong Way51225
Node: Words of Wisdom-Saving Plans52973
Node: Caveats in Using Wisdom55641
Node: FFTW Reference57724
Node: Data Types and Files58212
Node: Complex numbers58644
Node: Precision60382
Node: Memory Allocation61942
Node: Using Plans63507
Node: Basic Interface67532
Ref: Basic Interface-Footnote-168276
Node: Complex DFTs68340
Node: Planner Flags72305
Node: Real-data DFTs77745
Node: Real-data DFT Array Format82734
Node: Real-to-Real Transforms84990
Node: Real-to-Real Transform Kinds88953
Node: Advanced Interface91418
Node: Advanced Complex DFTs92158
Node: Advanced Real-data DFTs96426
Node: Advanced Real-to-real Transforms98754
Node: Guru Interface99859
Node: Interleaved and split arrays100783
Node: Guru vector and transform sizes101822
Node: Guru Complex DFTs104519
Node: Guru Real-data DFTs107355
Node: Guru Real-to-real Transforms110274
Node: 64-bit Guru Interface111593
Node: New-array Execute Functions113908
Node: Wisdom118404
Node: Wisdom Export118763
Node: Wisdom Import120741
Node: Forgetting Wisdom122768
Node: Wisdom Utilities123141
Node: What FFTW Really Computes124503
Node: The 1d Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)125328
Node: The 1d Real-data DFT126686
Node: 1d Real-even DFTs (DCTs)128350
Node: 1d Real-odd DFTs (DSTs)131551
Node: 1d Discrete Hartley Transforms (DHTs)134487
Node: Multi-dimensional Transforms135163
Node: Multi-threaded FFTW137767
Node: Installation and Supported Hardware/Software139233
Node: Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW141057
Node: How Many Threads to Use?145848
Node: Thread safety146870
Node: Distributed-memory FFTW with MPI150170
Node: FFTW MPI Installation152745
Node: Linking and Initializing MPI FFTW154532
Node: 2d MPI example155755
Node: MPI Data Distribution159980
Node: Basic and advanced distribution interfaces162854
Node: Load balancing167275
Node: Transposed distributions168960
Node: One-dimensional distributions172727
Node: Multi-dimensional MPI DFTs of Real Data175292
Node: Other Multi-dimensional Real-data MPI Transforms179933
Node: FFTW MPI Transposes182106
Node: Basic distributed-transpose interface182946
Node: Advanced distributed-transpose interface185119
Node: An improved replacement for MPI_Alltoall186403
Node: FFTW MPI Wisdom188372
Ref: FFTW MPI Wisdom-Footnote-1191110
Node: Avoiding MPI Deadlocks192024
Node: FFTW MPI Performance Tips193049
Node: Combining MPI and Threads194514
Node: FFTW MPI Reference197977
Node: MPI Files and Data Types198556
Node: MPI Initialization199552
Node: Using MPI Plans200651
Node: MPI Data Distribution Functions202477
Node: MPI Plan Creation207934
Node: MPI Wisdom Communication218610
Node: FFTW MPI Fortran Interface219536
Ref: FFTW MPI Fortran Interface-Footnote-1225559
Node: Calling FFTW from Modern Fortran225967
Node: Overview of Fortran interface227317
Node: Extended and quadruple precision in Fortran230772
Node: Reversing array dimensions232152
Node: FFTW Fortran type reference235683
Node: Plan execution in Fortran240177
Node: Allocating aligned memory in Fortran243060
Node: Accessing the wisdom API from Fortran246422
Node: Wisdom File Export/Import from Fortran247199
Node: Wisdom String Export/Import from Fortran248861
Node: Wisdom Generic Export/Import from Fortran250846
Node: Defining an FFTW module253076
Node: Calling FFTW from Legacy Fortran254147
Node: Fortran-interface routines255704
Ref: Fortran-interface routines-Footnote-1259359
Ref: Fortran-interface routines-Footnote-2259562
Node: FFTW Constants in Fortran259695
Node: FFTW Execution in Fortran260849
Node: Fortran Examples263595
Node: Wisdom of Fortran?267168
Node: Upgrading from FFTW version 2268847
Ref: Upgrading from FFTW version 2-Footnote-1278570
Node: Installation and Customization278753
Node: Installation on Unix280394
Node: Installation on non-Unix systems288471
Node: Cycle Counters290688
Node: Generating your own code292439
Node: Acknowledgments294473
Node: License and Copyright298189
Node: Concept Index301116
Node: Library Index338976

End Tag Table