"""Module containing shims around Flake8 2.x behaviour. Previously, users would import :func:`get_style_guide` from ``flake8.engine``. In 3.0 we no longer have an "engine" module but we maintain the API from it. """ import argparse import logging import os.path import flake8 from flake8.formatting import base as formatter from flake8.main import application as app from flake8.options import config LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) __all__ = ("get_style_guide",) def get_style_guide(**kwargs): r"""Provision a StyleGuide for use. :param \*\*kwargs: Keyword arguments that provide some options for the StyleGuide. :returns: An initialized StyleGuide :rtype: :class:`StyleGuide` """ application = app.Application() prelim_opts, remaining_args = application.parse_preliminary_options([]) flake8.configure_logging(prelim_opts.verbose, prelim_opts.output_file) config_finder = config.ConfigFileFinder( application.program, prelim_opts.append_config, config_file=prelim_opts.config, ignore_config_files=prelim_opts.isolated, ) application.find_plugins(config_finder) application.register_plugin_options() application.parse_configuration_and_cli( config_finder, remaining_args, ) # We basically want application.initialize to be called but with these # options set instead before we make our formatter, notifier, internal # style guide and file checker manager. options = application.options for key, value in kwargs.items(): try: getattr(options, key) setattr(options, key, value) except AttributeError: LOG.error('Could not update option "%s"', key) application.make_formatter() application.make_guide() application.make_file_checker_manager() return StyleGuide(application) class StyleGuide: """Public facing object that mimic's Flake8 2.0's StyleGuide. .. note:: There are important changes in how this object behaves compared to the StyleGuide object provided in Flake8 2.x. .. warning:: This object should not be instantiated directly by users. .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 """ def __init__(self, application): """Initialize our StyleGuide.""" self._application = application self._file_checker_manager = application.file_checker_manager @property def options(self) -> argparse.Namespace: """Return application's options. An instance of :class:`argparse.Namespace` containing parsed options. """ return self._application.options @property def paths(self): """Return the extra arguments passed as paths.""" return self._application.paths def check_files(self, paths=None): """Run collected checks on the files provided. This will check the files passed in and return a :class:`Report` instance. :param list paths: List of filenames (or paths) to check. :returns: Object that mimic's Flake8 2.0's Reporter class. :rtype: flake8.api.legacy.Report """ self._application.run_checks(paths) self._application.report_errors() return Report(self._application) def excluded(self, filename, parent=None): """Determine if a file is excluded. :param str filename: Path to the file to check if it is excluded. :param str parent: Name of the parent directory containing the file. :returns: True if the filename is excluded, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return self._file_checker_manager.is_path_excluded(filename) or ( parent and self._file_checker_manager.is_path_excluded( os.path.join(parent, filename) ) ) def init_report(self, reporter=None): """Set up a formatter for this run of Flake8.""" if reporter is None: return if not issubclass(reporter, formatter.BaseFormatter): raise ValueError( "Report should be subclass of " "flake8.formatter.BaseFormatter." ) self._application.formatter = None self._application.make_formatter(reporter) self._application.guide = None # NOTE(sigmavirus24): This isn't the intended use of # Application#make_guide but it works pretty well. # Stop cringing... I know it's gross. self._application.make_guide() self._application.file_checker_manager = None self._application.make_file_checker_manager() def input_file(self, filename, lines=None, expected=None, line_offset=0): """Run collected checks on a single file. This will check the file passed in and return a :class:`Report` instance. :param str filename: The path to the file to check. :param list lines: Ignored since Flake8 3.0. :param expected: Ignored since Flake8 3.0. :param int line_offset: Ignored since Flake8 3.0. :returns: Object that mimic's Flake8 2.0's Reporter class. :rtype: flake8.api.legacy.Report """ return self.check_files([filename]) class Report: """Public facing object that mimic's Flake8 2.0's API. .. note:: There are important changes in how this object behaves compared to the object provided in Flake8 2.x. .. warning:: This should not be instantiated by users. .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 """ def __init__(self, application): """Initialize the Report for the user. .. warning:: This should not be instantiated by users. """ self._application = application self._style_guide = application.guide self._stats = self._style_guide.stats @property def total_errors(self): """Return the total number of errors.""" return self._application.result_count def get_statistics(self, violation): """Get the list of occurrences of a violation. :returns: List of occurrences of a violation formatted as: {Count} {Error Code} {Message}, e.g., ``8 E531 Some error message about the error`` :rtype: list """ return [ f"{s.count} {s.error_code} {s.message}" for s in self._stats.statistics_for(violation) ]