# Copyright (C) 2006-2018, Stefan Schwarzer # and ftputil contributors (see `doc/contributors.txt`) # See the file LICENSE for licensing terms. """ ftp_stat_cache.py - cache for (l)stat data """ import time import ftputil.error import ftputil.lrucache # This module shouldn't be used by clients of the ftputil library. __all__ = [] class StatCache: """ Implement an LRU (least-recently-used) cache. `StatCache` objects have an attribute `max_age`. After this duration after _setting_ it a cache entry will expire. For example, if you code my_cache = StatCache() my_cache.max_age = 10 my_cache["/home"] = ... the value my_cache["/home"] can be retrieved for 10 seconds. After that, the entry will be treated as if it had never been in the cache and should be fetched again from the remote host. Note that the `__len__` method does no age tests and thus may include some or many already expired entries. """ # Default number of cache entries _DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 5000 def __init__(self): # Can be reset with method `resize` self._cache = ftputil.lrucache.LRUCache(self._DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE) # Never expire self.max_age = None self.enable() def enable(self): """ Enable storage of stat results. """ self._enabled = True def disable(self): """ Disable the cache. Further storage attempts with `__setitem__` won't have any visible effect. Disabling the cache only effects new storage attempts. Values stored before calling `disable` can still be retrieved unless disturbed by a `resize` command or normal cache expiration. """ # `_enabled` is set via calling `enable` in the constructor. # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._enabled = False def resize(self, new_size): """ Set number of cache entries to the integer `new_size`. If the new size is smaller than the current cache size, relatively long-unused elements will be removed. """ self._cache.size = new_size def _age(self, path): """ Return the age of a cache entry for `path` in seconds. If the path isn't in the cache, raise a `CacheMissError`. """ try: return time.time() - self._cache.mtime(path) except ftputil.lrucache.CacheKeyError: raise ftputil.error.CacheMissError( "no entry for path {} in cache".format(path) ) def clear(self): """ Clear (invalidate) all cache entries. """ self._cache.clear() def invalidate(self, path): """ Invalidate the cache entry for the absolute `path` if present. After that, the stat result data for `path` can no longer be retrieved, as if it had never been stored. If no stat result for `path` is in the cache, do _not_ raise an exception. """ # XXX: To be 100 % sure, this should be `host.sep`, but I don't want to # introduce a reference to the `FTPHost` object for only that purpose. assert path.startswith("/"), "{} must be an absolute path".format(path) try: del self._cache[path] except ftputil.lrucache.CacheKeyError: # Ignore errors pass def __getitem__(self, path): """ Return the stat entry for the `path`. If there's no stored stat entry or the cache is disabled, raise `CacheMissError`. """ if not self._enabled: raise ftputil.error.CacheMissError("cache is disabled") # Possibly raise a `CacheMissError` in `_age` if (self.max_age is not None) and (self._age(path) > self.max_age): self.invalidate(path) raise ftputil.error.CacheMissError( "entry for path {} has expired".format(path) ) else: # XXX: I don't know if this may raise a `CacheMissError` in case of # race conditions. I prefer robust code. try: return self._cache[path] except ftputil.lrucache.CacheKeyError: raise ftputil.error.CacheMissError( "entry for path {} not found".format(path) ) def __setitem__(self, path, stat_result): """ Put the stat data for the absolute `path` into the cache, unless it's disabled. """ assert path.startswith("/") if not self._enabled: return self._cache[path] = stat_result def __contains__(self, path): """ Support for the `in` operator. Return a true value, if data for `path` is in the cache, else return a false value. """ try: # Implicitly do an age test which may raise `CacheMissError`. self[path] except ftputil.error.CacheMissError: return False else: return True # # The following methods are only intended for debugging! # def __len__(self): """ Return the number of entries in the cache. Note that this may include some (or many) expired entries. """ return len(self._cache) def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of the cache contents. """ lines = [] for key in sorted(self._cache): lines.append("{}: {}".format(key, self[key])) return "\n".join(lines)