#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Retrieves DETX files from the database. Usage: detx [options] DET_ID detx [options] DET_ID RUN detx (-h | --help) detx --version Options: DET_ID The detector ID (e.g. 49) RUN The run ID. -p P_CAL Position calibration ID [default: 0]. -r R_CAL Rotation calibration ID [default: 0]. -t T_CAL Time calibration ID [default: 0]. -o OUT Output folder or filename. -h --help Show this screen. Example: detx 49 8220 # retrieve the calibrated DETX for run 8220 of ORCA6 """ import km3db from km3db.logger import log from docopt import docopt def main(): args = docopt(__doc__, version=km3db.version) try: det_id = int(args["DET_ID"]) except ValueError: log.error("Please proivde a valid detector ID (e.g. 49).") return if args["RUN"] is not None: detx = km3db.tools.detx_for_run(det_id, int(args["RUN"])) else: detx = km3db.tools.detx( det_id, pcal=args["-p"], rcal=args["-r"], tcal=args["-t"] ) if detx is None: log.error("No detx found.") return if args["-o"]: with open(args["-o"], "w") as fobj: fobj.write(detx) else: try: print(detx) except BrokenPipeError: pass