{% set name = "locket" %} {% set version = "1.0.0" %} package: name: {{ name|lower }} version: {{ version }} source: url: https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/locket-{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: 5c0d4c052a8bbbf750e056a8e65ccd309086f4f0f18a2eac306a8dfa4112a632 build: script: {{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . --no-deps -vv number: 0 requirements: host: - python - pip - setuptools - wheel run: - python test: imports: - locket requires: - pip commands: - pip check || true # [not win] - pip check || 1 # [win] about: home: https://github.com/mwilliamson/locket.py license: BSD-2-Clause license_family: BSD license_file: LICENSE summary: File-based locks for Python for Linux and Windows description: | Locket implements a lock that can be used by multiple processes provided they use the same path. doc_url: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/locket doc_source_url: https://github.com/mwilliamson/locket.py/blob/master/README.rst dev_url: https://github.com/mwilliamson/locket.py extra: recipe-maintainers: - jcrist