{% set version = "1.22.3" %} package: name: numpy version: {{ version }} source: - url: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/download/v{{ version }}/numpy-{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: a906c0b4301a3d62ccf66d058fe779a65c1c34f6719ef2058f96e1856f48bca5 patches: # backport fix for https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/20448 - patches/0001-move-get_glibc_version-to-np.testing-skip-2-more-tes.patch # the sources by upstream themselves (as opposed to automated by github) contain the # svml submodule (which isn't in github tarball due to dear-github/dear-github#214); # keep this for reference & debugging when necessary; for exact commit, see: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/tree/v{{ version }}/numpy/core/src/umath # - git_url: https://github.com/numpy/SVML.git # git_rev: 1c5260a61e7dce6be48073dfa96291edb0a11d79 # folder: numpy/core/src/umath/svml build: number: 2 skip: true # [py<38] entry_points: - f2py = numpy.f2py.f2py2e:main # [win] run_exports: - {{ pin_subpackage("numpy") }} requirements: build: - python # [build_platform != target_platform] - cross-python_{{ target_platform }} # [build_platform != target_platform] - cython # [build_platform != target_platform] - setuptools <60.0.0 # [build_platform != target_platform] - {{ compiler('c') }} - {{ compiler('cxx') }} host: - setuptools <60.0.0 - python - pip - cython - libblas - libcblas - liblapack run: - python run_constrained: # enforce eviction of package from anaconda defaults - numpy-base <0a0 {% set tests_to_skip = "_not_a_real_test" %} # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/15243 {% set tests_to_skip = tests_to_skip + " or test_loss_of_precision[complex256]" %} # [ppc64le] # Probably needs too much memory on ppc64le, it sometimes crashes on travis {% set tests_to_skip = tests_to_skip + " or test_large_archive" %} # [CI == "travis"] # there are some tests that cannot really work in emulation, see e.g. numpy/numpy#20445 {% set tests_to_skip = tests_to_skip + " or Test_ARM_Features" %} # [build_platform != target_platform] # flaky refcount-based test; already skipped upstream for win+py39 {% set tests_to_skip = tests_to_skip + " or test_partial_iteration_cleanup" %} # [osx] test: requires: - pytest - pytest-timeout - pytest-xdist # [CI != "travis"] - hypothesis - setuptools <60.0.0 # some linux tests need a compiler - {{ compiler('c') }} # [linux] commands: - f2py -h # numpy.test will show SIMD features of agent (in the past, there have been # failures that occured depending on presence/absence of e.g. AVX512); # for signature of numpy.test see the following (note default: label='fast'), # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/maintenance/1.22.x/numpy/_pytesttester.py#L81-L82 {% set label = "'fast'" if (aarch64 or ppc64le) else "'full'" %} {% set num_proc = "" if ppc64le else "'-nauto', " %} {% set param = "verbose=1, label=" + label + ", tests=None" %} {% set extra = "extra_argv=['-k', 'not (" + tests_to_skip + ")', " + num_proc + "'--timeout=3000', '--durations=50']" %} - python -c "import numpy, sys; sys.exit(not numpy.test({{ param }}, {{ extra }}))" imports: - numpy - numpy.core.multiarray - numpy.core._multiarray_tests - numpy.core.numeric - numpy.core._operand_flag_tests - numpy.core._struct_ufunc_tests - numpy.core._rational_tests - numpy.core.umath - numpy.core._umath_tests - numpy.linalg.lapack_lite - numpy.random.mtrand about: home: http://numpy.org/ license: BSD-3-Clause license_file: LICENSE.txt summary: The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. doc_url: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/ dev_url: https://github.com/numpy/numpy extra: recipe-maintainers: - jakirkham - msarahan - pelson - rgommers - ocefpaf - isuruf - xhochy - h-vetinari