#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Luke Maurits # All rights reserved. # With contributions from: # * Chris Clark # * Klein Stephane # * John Filleau # * Vladimir Vrzić # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from __future__ import annotations import copy import csv import io import json import math import random import re import textwrap from html import escape from html.parser import HTMLParser from typing import Any import wcwidth # hrule styles FRAME = 0 ALL = 1 NONE = 2 HEADER = 3 # Table styles DEFAULT = 10 MSWORD_FRIENDLY = 11 PLAIN_COLUMNS = 12 MARKDOWN = 13 ORGMODE = 14 DOUBLE_BORDER = 15 SINGLE_BORDER = 16 RANDOM = 20 BASE_ALIGN_VALUE = "base_align_value" _re = re.compile(r"\033\[[0-9;]*m|\033\(B") def _get_size(text): lines = text.split("\n") height = len(lines) width = max(_str_block_width(line) for line in lines) return width, height class PrettyTable: def __init__(self, field_names=None, **kwargs) -> None: """Return a new PrettyTable instance Arguments: encoding - Unicode encoding scheme used to decode any encoded input title - optional table title field_names - list or tuple of field names fields - list or tuple of field names to include in displays start - index of first data row to include in output end - index of last data row to include in output PLUS ONE (list slice style) header - print a header showing field names (True or False) header_style - stylisation to apply to field names in header ("cap", "title", "upper", "lower" or None) border - print a border around the table (True or False) preserve_internal_border - print a border inside the table even if border is disabled (True or False) hrules - controls printing of horizontal rules after rows. Allowed values: FRAME, HEADER, ALL, NONE vrules - controls printing of vertical rules between columns. Allowed values: FRAME, ALL, NONE int_format - controls formatting of integer data float_format - controls formatting of floating point data custom_format - controls formatting of any column using callable min_table_width - minimum desired table width, in characters max_table_width - maximum desired table width, in characters min_width - minimum desired field width, in characters max_width - maximum desired field width, in characters padding_width - number of spaces on either side of column data (only used if left and right paddings are None) left_padding_width - number of spaces on left hand side of column data right_padding_width - number of spaces on right hand side of column data vertical_char - single character string used to draw vertical lines horizontal_char - single character string used to draw horizontal lines horizontal_align_char - single character string used to indicate alignment junction_char - single character string used to draw line junctions top_junction_char - single character string used to draw top line junctions bottom_junction_char - single character string used to draw bottom line junctions right_junction_char - single character string used to draw right line junctions left_junction_char - single character string used to draw left line junctions top_right_junction_char - single character string used to draw top-right line junctions top_left_junction_char - single character string used to draw top-left line junctions bottom_right_junction_char - single character string used to draw bottom-right line junctions bottom_left_junction_char - single character string used to draw bottom-left line junctions sortby - name of field to sort rows by sort_key - sorting key function, applied to data points before sorting align - default align for each column (None, "l", "c" or "r") valign - default valign for each row (None, "t", "m" or "b") reversesort - True or False to sort in descending or ascending order oldsortslice - Slice rows before sorting in the "old style" """ self.encoding = kwargs.get("encoding", "UTF-8") # Data self._field_names = [] self._rows = [] self.align = {} self.valign = {} self.max_width = {} self.min_width = {} self.int_format = {} self.float_format = {} self.custom_format = {} if field_names: self.field_names = field_names else: self._widths = [] # Options self._options = [ "title", "start", "end", "fields", "header", "border", "preserve_internal_border", "sortby", "reversesort", "sort_key", "attributes", "format", "hrules", "vrules", "int_format", "float_format", "custom_format", "min_table_width", "max_table_width", "padding_width", "left_padding_width", "right_padding_width", "vertical_char", "horizontal_char", "horizontal_align_char", "junction_char", "header_style", "valign", "xhtml", "print_empty", "oldsortslice", "top_junction_char", "bottom_junction_char", "right_junction_char", "left_junction_char", "top_right_junction_char", "top_left_junction_char", "bottom_right_junction_char", "bottom_left_junction_char", "align", "valign", "max_width", "min_width", "none_format", ] for option in self._options: if option in kwargs: self._validate_option(option, kwargs[option]) else: kwargs[option] = None self._title = kwargs["title"] or None self._start = kwargs["start"] or 0 self._end = kwargs["end"] or None self._fields = kwargs["fields"] or None self._none_format = {} if kwargs["header"] in (True, False): self._header = kwargs["header"] else: self._header = True self._header_style = kwargs["header_style"] or None if kwargs["border"] in (True, False): self._border = kwargs["border"] else: self._border = True if kwargs["preserve_internal_border"] in (True, False): self._preserve_internal_border = kwargs["preserve_internal_border"] else: self._preserve_internal_border = False self._hrules = kwargs["hrules"] or FRAME self._vrules = kwargs["vrules"] or ALL self._sortby = kwargs["sortby"] or None if kwargs["reversesort"] in (True, False): self._reversesort = kwargs["reversesort"] else: self._reversesort = False self._sort_key = kwargs["sort_key"] or (lambda x: x) # Column specific arguments, use property.setters self.align = kwargs["align"] or {} self.valign = kwargs["valign"] or {} self.max_width = kwargs["max_width"] or {} self.min_width = kwargs["min_width"] or {} self.int_format = kwargs["int_format"] or {} self.float_format = kwargs["float_format"] or {} self.custom_format = kwargs["custom_format"] or {} self.none_format = kwargs["none_format"] or {} self._min_table_width = kwargs["min_table_width"] or None self._max_table_width = kwargs["max_table_width"] or None if kwargs["padding_width"] is None: self._padding_width = 1 else: self._padding_width = kwargs["padding_width"] self._left_padding_width = kwargs["left_padding_width"] or None self._right_padding_width = kwargs["right_padding_width"] or None self._vertical_char = kwargs["vertical_char"] or "|" self._horizontal_char = kwargs["horizontal_char"] or "-" self._horizontal_align_char = kwargs["horizontal_align_char"] self._junction_char = kwargs["junction_char"] or "+" self._top_junction_char = kwargs["top_junction_char"] self._bottom_junction_char = kwargs["bottom_junction_char"] self._right_junction_char = kwargs["right_junction_char"] self._left_junction_char = kwargs["left_junction_char"] self._top_right_junction_char = kwargs["top_right_junction_char"] self._top_left_junction_char = kwargs["top_left_junction_char"] self._bottom_right_junction_char = kwargs["bottom_right_junction_char"] self._bottom_left_junction_char = kwargs["bottom_left_junction_char"] if kwargs["print_empty"] in (True, False): self._print_empty = kwargs["print_empty"] else: self._print_empty = True if kwargs["oldsortslice"] in (True, False): self._oldsortslice = kwargs["oldsortslice"] else: self._oldsortslice = False self._format = kwargs["format"] or False self._xhtml = kwargs["xhtml"] or False self._attributes = kwargs["attributes"] or {} def _justify(self, text, width, align): excess = width - _str_block_width(text) if align == "l": return text + excess * " " elif align == "r": return excess * " " + text else: if excess % 2: # Uneven padding # Put more space on right if text is of odd length... if _str_block_width(text) % 2: return (excess // 2) * " " + text + (excess // 2 + 1) * " " # and more space on left if text is of even length else: return (excess // 2 + 1) * " " + text + (excess // 2) * " " # Why distribute extra space this way? To match the behaviour of # the inbuilt str.center() method. else: # Equal padding on either side return (excess // 2) * " " + text + (excess // 2) * " " def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "rowcount": return len(self._rows) elif name == "colcount": if self._field_names: return len(self._field_names) elif self._rows: return len(self._rows[0]) else: return 0 else: raise AttributeError(name) def __getitem__(self, index): new = PrettyTable() new.field_names = self.field_names for attr in self._options: setattr(new, "_" + attr, getattr(self, "_" + attr)) setattr(new, "_align", getattr(self, "_align")) if isinstance(index, slice): for row in self._rows[index]: new.add_row(row) elif isinstance(index, int): new.add_row(self._rows[index]) else: raise IndexError(f"Index {index} is invalid, must be an integer or slice") return new def __str__(self): return self.get_string() def __repr__(self): return self.get_string() def _repr_html_(self): """ Returns get_html_string value by default as the repr call in Jupyter notebook environment """ return self.get_html_string() ############################## # ATTRIBUTE VALIDATORS # ############################## # The method _validate_option is all that should be used elsewhere in the code base # to validate options. It will call the appropriate validation method for that # option. The individual validation methods should never need to be called directly # (although nothing bad will happen if they *are*). # Validation happens in TWO places. # Firstly, in the property setters defined in the ATTRIBUTE MANAGEMENT section. # Secondly, in the _get_options method, where keyword arguments are mixed with # persistent settings def _validate_option(self, option, val): if option == "field_names": self._validate_field_names(val) elif option == "none_format": self._validate_none_format(val) elif option in ( "start", "end", "max_width", "min_width", "min_table_width", "max_table_width", "padding_width", "left_padding_width", "right_padding_width", "format", ): self._validate_nonnegative_int(option, val) elif option == "sortby": self._validate_field_name(option, val) elif option == "sort_key": self._validate_function(option, val) elif option == "hrules": self._validate_hrules(option, val) elif option == "vrules": self._validate_vrules(option, val) elif option == "fields": self._validate_all_field_names(option, val) elif option in ( "header", "border", "preserve_internal_border", "reversesort", "xhtml", "print_empty", "oldsortslice", ): self._validate_true_or_false(option, val) elif option == "header_style": self._validate_header_style(val) elif option == "int_format": self._validate_int_format(option, val) elif option == "float_format": self._validate_float_format(option, val) elif option == "custom_format": for k, formatter in val.items(): self._validate_function(f"{option}.{k}", formatter) elif option in ( "vertical_char", "horizontal_char", "horizontal_align_char", "junction_char", "top_junction_char", "bottom_junction_char", "right_junction_char", "left_junction_char", "top_right_junction_char", "top_left_junction_char", "bottom_right_junction_char", "bottom_left_junction_char", ): self._validate_single_char(option, val) elif option == "attributes": self._validate_attributes(option, val) def _validate_field_names(self, val): # Check for appropriate length if self._field_names: try: assert len(val) == len(self._field_names) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( "Field name list has incorrect number of values, " f"(actual) {len(val)}!={len(self._field_names)} (expected)" ) if self._rows: try: assert len(val) == len(self._rows[0]) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( "Field name list has incorrect number of values, " f"(actual) {len(val)}!={len(self._rows[0])} (expected)" ) # Check for uniqueness try: assert len(val) == len(set(val)) except AssertionError: raise ValueError("Field names must be unique") def _validate_none_format(self, val): try: if val is not None: assert isinstance(val, str) except AssertionError: raise TypeError( "Replacement for None value must be a string if being supplied." ) def _validate_header_style(self, val): try: assert val in ("cap", "title", "upper", "lower", None) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( "Invalid header style, use cap, title, upper, lower or None" ) def _validate_align(self, val): try: assert val in ["l", "c", "r"] except AssertionError: raise ValueError(f"Alignment {val} is invalid, use l, c or r") def _validate_valign(self, val): try: assert val in ["t", "m", "b", None] except AssertionError: raise ValueError(f"Alignment {val} is invalid, use t, m, b or None") def _validate_nonnegative_int(self, name, val): try: assert int(val) >= 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for {name}: {val}") def _validate_true_or_false(self, name, val): try: assert val in (True, False) except AssertionError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for {name}. Must be True or False.") def _validate_int_format(self, name, val): if val == "": return try: assert isinstance(val, str) assert val.isdigit() except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Invalid value for {name}. Must be an integer format string." ) def _validate_float_format(self, name, val): if val == "": return try: assert isinstance(val, str) assert "." in val bits = val.split(".") assert len(bits) <= 2 assert bits[0] == "" or bits[0].isdigit() assert ( bits[1] == "" or bits[1].isdigit() or (bits[1][-1] == "f" and bits[1].rstrip("f").isdigit()) ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Invalid value for {name}. Must be a float format string." ) def _validate_function(self, name, val): try: assert hasattr(val, "__call__") except AssertionError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for {name}. Must be a function.") def _validate_hrules(self, name, val): try: assert val in (ALL, FRAME, HEADER, NONE) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Invalid value for {name}. Must be ALL, FRAME, HEADER or NONE." ) def _validate_vrules(self, name, val): try: assert val in (ALL, FRAME, NONE) except AssertionError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for {name}. Must be ALL, FRAME, or NONE.") def _validate_field_name(self, name, val): try: assert (val in self._field_names) or (val is None) except AssertionError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid field name: {val}") def _validate_all_field_names(self, name, val): try: for x in val: self._validate_field_name(name, x) except AssertionError: raise ValueError("Fields must be a sequence of field names") def _validate_single_char(self, name, val): try: assert _str_block_width(val) == 1 except AssertionError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for {name}. Must be a string of length 1.") def _validate_attributes(self, name, val): try: assert isinstance(val, dict) except AssertionError: raise TypeError("Attributes must be a dictionary of name/value pairs") ############################## # ATTRIBUTE MANAGEMENT # ############################## @property def rows(self) -> list[Any]: return self._rows[:] @property def xhtml(self) -> bool: """Print
tags if True,
tags if False""" return self._xhtml @xhtml.setter def xhtml(self, val): self._validate_option("xhtml", val) self._xhtml = val @property def none_format(self): return self._none_format @none_format.setter def none_format(self, val): if not self._field_names: self._none_format = {} elif val is None or (isinstance(val, dict) and len(val) == 0): for field in self._field_names: self._none_format[field] = None else: self._validate_none_format(val) for field in self._field_names: self._none_format[field] = val @property def field_names(self): """List or tuple of field names When setting field_names, if there are already field names the new list of field names must be the same length. Columns are renamed and row data remains unchanged.""" return self._field_names @field_names.setter def field_names(self, val): val = [str(x) for x in val] self._validate_option("field_names", val) old_names = None if self._field_names: old_names = self._field_names[:] self._field_names = val if self._align and old_names: for old_name, new_name in zip(old_names, val): self._align[new_name] = self._align[old_name] for old_name in old_names: if old_name not in self._align: self._align.pop(old_name) elif self._align: for field_name in self._field_names: self._align[field_name] = self._align[BASE_ALIGN_VALUE] else: self.align = "c" if self._valign and old_names: for old_name, new_name in zip(old_names, val): self._valign[new_name] = self._valign[old_name] for old_name in old_names: if old_name not in self._valign: self._valign.pop(old_name) else: self.valign = "t" @property def align(self): """Controls alignment of fields Arguments: align - alignment, one of "l", "c", or "r" """ return self._align @align.setter def align(self, val): if val is None or (isinstance(val, dict) and len(val) == 0): if not self._field_names: self._align = {BASE_ALIGN_VALUE: "c"} else: for field in self._field_names: self._align[field] = "c" else: self._validate_align(val) if not self._field_names: self._align = {BASE_ALIGN_VALUE: val} else: for field in self._field_names: self._align[field] = val @property def valign(self): """Controls vertical alignment of fields Arguments: valign - vertical alignment, one of "t", "m", or "b" """ return self._valign @valign.setter def valign(self, val): if not self._field_names: self._valign = {} elif val is None or (isinstance(val, dict) and len(val) == 0): for field in self._field_names: self._valign[field] = "t" else: self._validate_valign(val) for field in self._field_names: self._valign[field] = val @property def max_width(self): """Controls maximum width of fields Arguments: max_width - maximum width integer""" return self._max_width @max_width.setter def max_width(self, val): if val is None or (isinstance(val, dict) and len(val) == 0): self._max_width = {} else: self._validate_option("max_width", val) for field in self._field_names: self._max_width[field] = val @property def min_width(self): """Controls minimum width of fields Arguments: min_width - minimum width integer""" return self._min_width @min_width.setter def min_width(self, val): if val is None or (isinstance(val, dict) and len(val) == 0): self._min_width = {} else: self._validate_option("min_width", val) for field in self._field_names: self._min_width[field] = val @property def min_table_width(self): return self._min_table_width @min_table_width.setter def min_table_width(self, val): self._validate_option("min_table_width", val) self._min_table_width = val @property def max_table_width(self): return self._max_table_width @max_table_width.setter def max_table_width(self, val): self._validate_option("max_table_width", val) self._max_table_width = val @property def fields(self): """List or tuple of field names to include in displays""" return self._fields @fields.setter def fields(self, val): self._validate_option("fields", val) self._fields = val @property def title(self): """Optional table title Arguments: title - table title""" return self._title @title.setter def title(self, val): self._title = str(val) @property def start(self): """Start index of the range of rows to print Arguments: start - index of first data row to include in output""" return self._start @start.setter def start(self, val): self._validate_option("start", val) self._start = val @property def end(self): """End index of the range of rows to print Arguments: end - index of last data row to include in output PLUS ONE (list slice style)""" return self._end @end.setter def end(self, val): self._validate_option("end", val) self._end = val @property def sortby(self): """Name of field by which to sort rows Arguments: sortby - field name to sort by""" return self._sortby @sortby.setter def sortby(self, val): self._validate_option("sortby", val) self._sortby = val @property def reversesort(self): """Controls direction of sorting (ascending vs descending) Arguments: reveresort - set to True to sort by descending order, or False to sort by ascending order""" return self._reversesort @reversesort.setter def reversesort(self, val): self._validate_option("reversesort", val) self._reversesort = val @property def sort_key(self): """Sorting key function, applied to data points before sorting Arguments: sort_key - a function which takes one argument and returns something to be sorted""" return self._sort_key @sort_key.setter def sort_key(self, val): self._validate_option("sort_key", val) self._sort_key = val @property def header(self): """Controls printing of table header with field names Arguments: header - print a header showing field names (True or False)""" return self._header @header.setter def header(self, val): self._validate_option("header", val) self._header = val @property def header_style(self): """Controls stylisation applied to field names in header Arguments: header_style - stylisation to apply to field names in header ("cap", "title", "upper", "lower" or None)""" return self._header_style @header_style.setter def header_style(self, val): self._validate_header_style(val) self._header_style = val @property def border(self): """Controls printing of border around table Arguments: border - print a border around the table (True or False)""" return self._border @border.setter def border(self, val): self._validate_option("border", val) self._border = val @property def preserve_internal_border(self): """Controls printing of border inside table Arguments: preserve_internal_border - print a border inside the table even if border is disabled (True or False)""" return self._preserve_internal_border @preserve_internal_border.setter def preserve_internal_border(self, val): self._validate_option("preserve_internal_border", val) self._preserve_internal_border = val @property def hrules(self): """Controls printing of horizontal rules after rows Arguments: hrules - horizontal rules style. Allowed values: FRAME, ALL, HEADER, NONE""" return self._hrules @hrules.setter def hrules(self, val): self._validate_option("hrules", val) self._hrules = val @property def vrules(self): """Controls printing of vertical rules between columns Arguments: vrules - vertical rules style. Allowed values: FRAME, ALL, NONE""" return self._vrules @vrules.setter def vrules(self, val): self._validate_option("vrules", val) self._vrules = val @property def int_format(self): """Controls formatting of integer data Arguments: int_format - integer format string""" return self._int_format @int_format.setter def int_format(self, val): if val is None or (isinstance(val, dict) and len(val) == 0): self._int_format = {} else: self._validate_option("int_format", val) for field in self._field_names: self._int_format[field] = val @property def float_format(self): """Controls formatting of floating point data Arguments: float_format - floating point format string""" return self._float_format @float_format.setter def float_format(self, val): if val is None or (isinstance(val, dict) and len(val) == 0): self._float_format = {} else: self._validate_option("float_format", val) for field in self._field_names: self._float_format[field] = val @property def custom_format(self): """Controls formatting of any column using callable Arguments: custom_format - Dictionary of field_name and callable""" return self._custom_format @custom_format.setter def custom_format(self, val): if val is None: self._custom_format = {} elif isinstance(val, dict): for k, v in val.items(): self._validate_function(f"custom_value.{k}", v) self._custom_format = val elif hasattr(val, "__call__"): self._validate_function("custom_value", val) for field in self._field_names: self._custom_format[field] = val else: raise TypeError( "The custom_format property need to be a dictionary or callable" ) @property def padding_width(self): """The number of empty spaces between a column's edge and its content Arguments: padding_width - number of spaces, must be a positive integer""" return self._padding_width @padding_width.setter def padding_width(self, val): self._validate_option("padding_width", val) self._padding_width = val @property def left_padding_width(self): """The number of empty spaces between a column's left edge and its content Arguments: left_padding - number of spaces, must be a positive integer""" return self._left_padding_width @left_padding_width.setter def left_padding_width(self, val): self._validate_option("left_padding_width", val) self._left_padding_width = val @property def right_padding_width(self): """The number of empty spaces between a column's right edge and its content Arguments: right_padding - number of spaces, must be a positive integer""" return self._right_padding_width @right_padding_width.setter def right_padding_width(self, val): self._validate_option("right_padding_width", val) self._right_padding_width = val @property def vertical_char(self): """The character used when printing table borders to draw vertical lines Arguments: vertical_char - single character string used to draw vertical lines""" return self._vertical_char @vertical_char.setter def vertical_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("vertical_char", val) self._vertical_char = val @property def horizontal_char(self): """The character used when printing table borders to draw horizontal lines Arguments: horizontal_char - single character string used to draw horizontal lines""" return self._horizontal_char @horizontal_char.setter def horizontal_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("horizontal_char", val) self._horizontal_char = val @property def horizontal_align_char(self): """The character used to indicate column alignment in horizontal lines Arguments: horizontal_align_char - single character string used to indicate alignment""" return self._bottom_left_junction_char or self.junction_char @horizontal_align_char.setter def horizontal_align_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("horizontal_align_char", val) self._horizontal_align_char = val @property def junction_char(self): """The character used when printing table borders to draw line junctions Arguments: junction_char - single character string used to draw line junctions""" return self._junction_char @junction_char.setter def junction_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("junction_char", val) self._junction_char = val @property def top_junction_char(self): """The character used when printing table borders to draw top line junctions Arguments: top_junction_char - single character string used to draw top line junctions""" return self._top_junction_char or self.junction_char @top_junction_char.setter def top_junction_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("top_junction_char", val) self._top_junction_char = val @property def bottom_junction_char(self): """The character used when printing table borders to draw bottom line junctions Arguments: bottom_junction_char - single character string used to draw bottom line junctions""" return self._bottom_junction_char or self.junction_char @bottom_junction_char.setter def bottom_junction_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("bottom_junction_char", val) self._bottom_junction_char = val @property def right_junction_char(self): """The character used when printing table borders to draw right line junctions Arguments: right_junction_char - single character string used to draw right line junctions""" return self._right_junction_char or self.junction_char @right_junction_char.setter def right_junction_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("right_junction_char", val) self._right_junction_char = val @property def left_junction_char(self): """The character used when printing table borders to draw left line junctions Arguments: left_junction_char - single character string used to draw left line junctions""" return self._left_junction_char or self.junction_char @left_junction_char.setter def left_junction_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("left_junction_char", val) self._left_junction_char = val @property def top_right_junction_char(self): """ The character used when printing table borders to draw top-right line junctions Arguments: top_right_junction_char - single character string used to draw top-right line junctions""" return self._top_right_junction_char or self.junction_char @top_right_junction_char.setter def top_right_junction_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("top_right_junction_char", val) self._top_right_junction_char = val @property def top_left_junction_char(self): """ The character used when printing table borders to draw top-left line junctions Arguments: top_left_junction_char - single character string used to draw top-left line junctions""" return self._top_left_junction_char or self.junction_char @top_left_junction_char.setter def top_left_junction_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("top_left_junction_char", val) self._top_left_junction_char = val @property def bottom_right_junction_char(self): """The character used when printing table borders to draw bottom-right line junctions Arguments: bottom_right_junction_char - single character string used to draw bottom-right line junctions""" return self._bottom_right_junction_char or self.junction_char @bottom_right_junction_char.setter def bottom_right_junction_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("bottom_right_junction_char", val) self._bottom_right_junction_char = val @property def bottom_left_junction_char(self): """The character used when printing table borders to draw bottom-left line junctions Arguments: bottom_left_junction_char - single character string used to draw bottom-left line junctions""" return self._bottom_left_junction_char or self.junction_char @bottom_left_junction_char.setter def bottom_left_junction_char(self, val): val = str(val) self._validate_option("bottom_left_junction_char", val) self._bottom_left_junction_char = val @property def format(self): """Controls whether or not HTML tables are formatted to match styling options Arguments: format - True or False""" return self._format @format.setter def format(self, val): self._validate_option("format", val) self._format = val @property def print_empty(self): """Controls whether or not empty tables produce a header and frame or just an empty string Arguments: print_empty - True or False""" return self._print_empty @print_empty.setter def print_empty(self, val): self._validate_option("print_empty", val) self._print_empty = val @property def attributes(self): """A dictionary of HTML attribute name/value pairs to be included in the tag when printing HTML Arguments: attributes - dictionary of attributes""" return self._attributes @attributes.setter def attributes(self, val): self._validate_option("attributes", val) self._attributes = val @property def oldsortslice(self): """oldsortslice - Slice rows before sorting in the "old style" """ return self._oldsortslice @oldsortslice.setter def oldsortslice(self, val): self._validate_option("oldsortslice", val) self._oldsortslice = val ############################## # OPTION MIXER # ############################## def _get_options(self, kwargs): options = {} for option in self._options: if option in kwargs: self._validate_option(option, kwargs[option]) options[option] = kwargs[option] else: options[option] = getattr(self, option) return options ############################## # PRESET STYLE LOGIC # ############################## def set_style(self, style) -> None: if style == DEFAULT: self._set_default_style() elif style == MSWORD_FRIENDLY: self._set_msword_style() elif style == PLAIN_COLUMNS: self._set_columns_style() elif style == MARKDOWN: self._set_markdown_style() elif style == ORGMODE: self._set_orgmode_style() elif style == DOUBLE_BORDER: self._set_double_border_style() elif style == SINGLE_BORDER: self._set_single_border_style() elif style == RANDOM: self._set_random_style() else: raise ValueError("Invalid pre-set style") def _set_orgmode_style(self): self._set_default_style() self.orgmode = True def _set_markdown_style(self): self.header = True self.border = True self._hrules = None self.padding_width = 1 self.left_padding_width = 1 self.right_padding_width = 1 self.vertical_char = "|" self.junction_char = "|" self._horizontal_align_char = ":" def _set_default_style(self): self.header = True self.border = True self._hrules = FRAME self._vrules = ALL self.padding_width = 1 self.left_padding_width = 1 self.right_padding_width = 1 self.vertical_char = "|" self.horizontal_char = "-" self._horizontal_align_char = None self.junction_char = "+" self._top_junction_char = None self._bottom_junction_char = None self._right_junction_char = None self._left_junction_char = None self._top_right_junction_char = None self._top_left_junction_char = None self._bottom_right_junction_char = None self._bottom_left_junction_char = None def _set_msword_style(self): self.header = True self.border = True self._hrules = NONE self.padding_width = 1 self.left_padding_width = 1 self.right_padding_width = 1 self.vertical_char = "|" def _set_columns_style(self): self.header = True self.border = False self.padding_width = 1 self.left_padding_width = 0 self.right_padding_width = 8 def _set_double_border_style(self): self.horizontal_char = "═" self.vertical_char = "║" self.junction_char = "╬" self.top_junction_char = "╦" self.bottom_junction_char = "╩" self.right_junction_char = "╣" self.left_junction_char = "╠" self.top_right_junction_char = "╗" self.top_left_junction_char = "╔" self.bottom_right_junction_char = "╝" self.bottom_left_junction_char = "╚" def _set_single_border_style(self): self.horizontal_char = "─" self.vertical_char = "│" self.junction_char = "┼" self.top_junction_char = "┬" self.bottom_junction_char = "┴" self.right_junction_char = "┤" self.left_junction_char = "├" self.top_right_junction_char = "┐" self.top_left_junction_char = "┌" self.bottom_right_junction_char = "┘" self.bottom_left_junction_char = "└" def _set_random_style(self): # Just for fun! self.header = random.choice((True, False)) self.border = random.choice((True, False)) self._hrules = random.choice((ALL, FRAME, HEADER, NONE)) self._vrules = random.choice((ALL, FRAME, NONE)) self.left_padding_width = random.randint(0, 5) self.right_padding_width = random.randint(0, 5) self.vertical_char = random.choice(r"~!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\{}[];':\",./;<>?") self.horizontal_char = random.choice(r"~!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\{}[];':\",./;<>?") self.junction_char = random.choice(r"~!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\{}[];':\",./;<>?") self.preserve_internal_border = random.choice((True, False)) ############################## # DATA INPUT METHODS # ############################## def add_rows(self, rows) -> None: """Add rows to the table Arguments: rows - rows of data, should be an iterable of lists, each list with as many elements as the table has fields""" for row in rows: self.add_row(row) def add_row(self, row) -> None: """Add a row to the table Arguments: row - row of data, should be a list with as many elements as the table has fields""" if self._field_names and len(row) != len(self._field_names): raise ValueError( "Row has incorrect number of values, " f"(actual) {len(row)}!={len(self._field_names)} (expected)" ) if not self._field_names: self.field_names = [f"Field {n + 1}" for n in range(0, len(row))] self._rows.append(list(row)) def del_row(self, row_index) -> None: """Delete a row from the table Arguments: row_index - The index of the row you want to delete. Indexing starts at 0.""" if row_index > len(self._rows) - 1: raise IndexError( f"Can't delete row at index {row_index}, " f"table only has {len(self._rows)} rows" ) del self._rows[row_index] def add_column( self, fieldname, column, align: str = "c", valign: str = "t" ) -> None: """Add a column to the table. Arguments: fieldname - name of the field to contain the new column of data column - column of data, should be a list with as many elements as the table has rows align - desired alignment for this column - "l" for left, "c" for centre and "r" for right valign - desired vertical alignment for new columns - "t" for top, "m" for middle and "b" for bottom""" if len(self._rows) in (0, len(column)): self._validate_align(align) self._validate_valign(valign) self._field_names.append(fieldname) self._align[fieldname] = align self._valign[fieldname] = valign for i in range(0, len(column)): if len(self._rows) < i + 1: self._rows.append([]) self._rows[i].append(column[i]) else: raise ValueError( f"Column length {len(column)} does not match number of rows " f"{len(self._rows)}" ) def add_autoindex(self, fieldname: str = "Index"): """Add an auto-incrementing index column to the table. Arguments: fieldname - name of the field to contain the new column of data""" self._field_names.insert(0, fieldname) self._align[fieldname] = self.align self._valign[fieldname] = self.valign for i, row in enumerate(self._rows): row.insert(0, i + 1) def del_column(self, fieldname) -> None: """Delete a column from the table Arguments: fieldname - The field name of the column you want to delete.""" if fieldname not in self._field_names: raise ValueError( "Can't delete column %r which is not a field name of this table." " Field names are: %s" % (fieldname, ", ".join(map(repr, self._field_names))) ) col_index = self._field_names.index(fieldname) del self._field_names[col_index] for row in self._rows: del row[col_index] def clear_rows(self) -> None: """Delete all rows from the table but keep the current field names""" self._rows = [] def clear(self) -> None: """Delete all rows and field names from the table, maintaining nothing but styling options""" self._rows = [] self._field_names = [] self._widths = [] ############################## # MISC PUBLIC METHODS # ############################## def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) ############################## # MISC PRIVATE METHODS # ############################## def _format_value(self, field, value): if isinstance(value, int) and field in self._int_format: return ("%%%sd" % self._int_format[field]) % value elif isinstance(value, float) and field in self._float_format: return ("%%%sf" % self._float_format[field]) % value formatter = self._custom_format.get(field, (lambda f, v: str(v))) return formatter(field, value) def _compute_table_width(self, options): table_width = 2 if options["vrules"] in (FRAME, ALL) else 0 per_col_padding = sum(self._get_padding_widths(options)) for index, fieldname in enumerate(self.field_names): if not options["fields"] or ( options["fields"] and fieldname in options["fields"] ): table_width += self._widths[index] + per_col_padding return table_width def _compute_widths(self, rows, options): if options["header"]: widths = [_get_size(field)[0] for field in self._field_names] else: widths = len(self.field_names) * [0] for row in rows: for index, value in enumerate(row): fieldname = self.field_names[index] if self.none_format.get(fieldname) is not None: if value == "None" or value is None: value = self.none_format.get(fieldname) if fieldname in self.max_width: widths[index] = max( widths[index], min(_get_size(value)[0], self.max_width[fieldname]), ) else: widths[index] = max(widths[index], _get_size(value)[0]) if fieldname in self.min_width: widths[index] = max(widths[index], self.min_width[fieldname]) self._widths = widths # Are we exceeding max_table_width? if self._max_table_width: table_width = self._compute_table_width(options) if table_width > self._max_table_width: # Shrink widths in proportion scale = 1.0 * self._max_table_width / table_width widths = [int(math.floor(w * scale)) for w in widths] self._widths = widths # Are we under min_table_width or title width? if self._min_table_width or options["title"]: if options["title"]: title_width = len(options["title"]) + sum( self._get_padding_widths(options) ) if options["vrules"] in (FRAME, ALL): title_width += 2 else: title_width = 0 min_table_width = self.min_table_width or 0 min_width = max(title_width, min_table_width) table_width = self._compute_table_width(options) if table_width < min_width: # Grow widths in proportion scale = 1.0 * min_width / table_width widths = [int(math.ceil(w * scale)) for w in widths] self._widths = widths def _get_padding_widths(self, options): if options["left_padding_width"] is not None: lpad = options["left_padding_width"] else: lpad = options["padding_width"] if options["right_padding_width"] is not None: rpad = options["right_padding_width"] else: rpad = options["padding_width"] return lpad, rpad def _get_rows(self, options): """Return only those data rows that should be printed, based on slicing and sorting. Arguments: options - dictionary of option settings.""" if options["oldsortslice"]: rows = copy.deepcopy(self._rows[options["start"] : options["end"]]) else: rows = copy.deepcopy(self._rows) # Sort if options["sortby"]: sortindex = self._field_names.index(options["sortby"]) # Decorate rows = [[row[sortindex]] + row for row in rows] # Sort rows.sort(reverse=options["reversesort"], key=options["sort_key"]) # Undecorate rows = [row[1:] for row in rows] # Slice if necessary if not options["oldsortslice"]: rows = rows[options["start"] : options["end"]] return rows def _format_row(self, row): return [ self._format_value(field, value) for (field, value) in zip(self._field_names, row) ] def _format_rows(self, rows): return [self._format_row(row) for row in rows] ############################## # PLAIN TEXT STRING METHODS # ############################## def get_string(self, **kwargs) -> str: """Return string representation of table in current state. Arguments: title - optional table title start - index of first data row to include in output end - index of last data row to include in output PLUS ONE (list slice style) fields - names of fields (columns) to include header - print a header showing field names (True or False) border - print a border around the table (True or False) preserve_internal_border - print a border inside the table even if border is disabled (True or False) hrules - controls printing of horizontal rules after rows. Allowed values: ALL, FRAME, HEADER, NONE vrules - controls printing of vertical rules between columns. Allowed values: FRAME, ALL, NONE int_format - controls formatting of integer data float_format - controls formatting of floating point data custom_format - controls formatting of any column using callable padding_width - number of spaces on either side of column data (only used if left and right paddings are None) left_padding_width - number of spaces on left hand side of column data right_padding_width - number of spaces on right hand side of column data vertical_char - single character string used to draw vertical lines horizontal_char - single character string used to draw horizontal lines horizontal_align_char - single character string used to indicate alignment junction_char - single character string used to draw line junctions junction_char - single character string used to draw line junctions top_junction_char - single character string used to draw top line junctions bottom_junction_char - single character string used to draw bottom line junctions right_junction_char - single character string used to draw right line junctions left_junction_char - single character string used to draw left line junctions top_right_junction_char - single character string used to draw top-right line junctions top_left_junction_char - single character string used to draw top-left line junctions bottom_right_junction_char - single character string used to draw bottom-right line junctions bottom_left_junction_char - single character string used to draw bottom-left line junctions sortby - name of field to sort rows by sort_key - sorting key function, applied to data points before sorting reversesort - True or False to sort in descending or ascending order print empty - if True, stringify just the header for an empty table, if False return an empty string""" options = self._get_options(kwargs) lines = [] # Don't think too hard about an empty table # Is this the desired behaviour? Maybe we should still print the header? if self.rowcount == 0 and (not options["print_empty"] or not options["border"]): return "" # Get the rows we need to print, taking into account slicing, sorting, etc. rows = self._get_rows(options) # Turn all data in all rows into Unicode, formatted as desired formatted_rows = self._format_rows(rows) # Compute column widths self._compute_widths(formatted_rows, options) self._hrule = self._stringify_hrule(options) # Add title title = options["title"] or self._title if title: lines.append(self._stringify_title(title, options)) # Add header or top of border if options["header"]: lines.append(self._stringify_header(options)) elif options["border"] and options["hrules"] in (ALL, FRAME): lines.append(self._stringify_hrule(options, where="top_")) if title and options["vrules"] in (ALL, FRAME): lines[-1] = ( self.left_junction_char + lines[-1][1:-1] + self.right_junction_char ) # Add rows for row in formatted_rows[:-1]: lines.append(self._stringify_row(row, options, self._hrule)) if formatted_rows: lines.append( self._stringify_row( formatted_rows[-1], options, self._stringify_hrule(options, where="bottom_"), ) ) # Add bottom of border if options["border"] and options["hrules"] == FRAME: lines.append(self._stringify_hrule(options, where="bottom_")) if "orgmode" in self.__dict__ and self.orgmode is True: tmp = list() for line in lines: tmp.extend(line.split("\n")) lines = ["|" + line[1:-1] + "|" for line in tmp] return "\n".join(lines) def _stringify_hrule(self, options, where=""): if not options["border"] and not options["preserve_internal_border"]: return "" lpad, rpad = self._get_padding_widths(options) if options["vrules"] in (ALL, FRAME): bits = [options[where + "left_junction_char"]] else: bits = [options["horizontal_char"]] # For tables with no data or fieldnames if not self._field_names: bits.append(options[where + "right_junction_char"]) return "".join(bits) for field, width in zip(self._field_names, self._widths): if options["fields"] and field not in options["fields"]: continue line = (width + lpad + rpad) * options["horizontal_char"] # If necessary, add column alignment characters (e.g. ":" for Markdown) if self._horizontal_align_char: if self._align[field] in ("l", "c"): line = self._horizontal_align_char + line[1:] if self._align[field] in ("c", "r"): line = line[:-1] + self._horizontal_align_char bits.append(line) if options["vrules"] == ALL: bits.append(options[where + "junction_char"]) else: bits.append(options["horizontal_char"]) if options["vrules"] in (ALL, FRAME): bits.pop() bits.append(options[where + "right_junction_char"]) if options["preserve_internal_border"] and not options["border"]: bits = bits[1:-1] return "".join(bits) def _stringify_title(self, title, options): lines = [] lpad, rpad = self._get_padding_widths(options) if options["border"]: if options["vrules"] == ALL: options["vrules"] = FRAME lines.append(self._stringify_hrule(options, "top_")) options["vrules"] = ALL elif options["vrules"] == FRAME: lines.append(self._stringify_hrule(options, "top_")) bits = [] endpoint = ( options["vertical_char"] if options["vrules"] in (ALL, FRAME) and options["border"] else " " ) bits.append(endpoint) title = " " * lpad + title + " " * rpad bits.append(self._justify(title, len(self._hrule) - 2, "c")) bits.append(endpoint) lines.append("".join(bits)) return "\n".join(lines) def _stringify_header(self, options): bits = [] lpad, rpad = self._get_padding_widths(options) if options["border"]: if options["hrules"] in (ALL, FRAME): bits.append(self._stringify_hrule(options, "top_")) if options["title"] and options["vrules"] in (ALL, FRAME): bits[-1] = ( self.left_junction_char + bits[-1][1:-1] + self.right_junction_char ) bits.append("\n") if options["vrules"] in (ALL, FRAME): bits.append(options["vertical_char"]) else: bits.append(" ") # For tables with no data or field names if not self._field_names: if options["vrules"] in (ALL, FRAME): bits.append(options["vertical_char"]) else: bits.append(" ") for (field, width) in zip(self._field_names, self._widths): if options["fields"] and field not in options["fields"]: continue if self._header_style == "cap": fieldname = field.capitalize() elif self._header_style == "title": fieldname = field.title() elif self._header_style == "upper": fieldname = field.upper() elif self._header_style == "lower": fieldname = field.lower() else: fieldname = field if _str_block_width(fieldname) > width: fieldname = fieldname[:width] bits.append( " " * lpad + self._justify(fieldname, width, self._align[field]) + " " * rpad ) if options["border"] or options["preserve_internal_border"]: if options["vrules"] == ALL: bits.append(options["vertical_char"]) else: bits.append(" ") # If only preserve_internal_border is true, then we just appended # a vertical character at the end when we wanted a space if not options["border"] and options["preserve_internal_border"]: bits.pop() bits.append(" ") # If vrules is FRAME, then we just appended a space at the end # of the last field, when we really want a vertical character if options["border"] and options["vrules"] == FRAME: bits.pop() bits.append(options["vertical_char"]) if (options["border"] or options["preserve_internal_border"]) and options[ "hrules" ] != NONE: bits.append("\n") bits.append(self._hrule) return "".join(bits) def _stringify_row(self, row, options, hrule): for (index, field, value, width) in zip( range(0, len(row)), self._field_names, row, self._widths ): # Enforce max widths lines = value.split("\n") new_lines = [] for line in lines: if line == "None" and self.none_format.get(field) is not None: line = self.none_format[field] if _str_block_width(line) > width: line = textwrap.fill(line, width) new_lines.append(line) lines = new_lines value = "\n".join(lines) row[index] = value row_height = 0 for c in row: h = _get_size(c)[1] if h > row_height: row_height = h bits = [] lpad, rpad = self._get_padding_widths(options) for y in range(0, row_height): bits.append([]) if options["border"]: if options["vrules"] in (ALL, FRAME): bits[y].append(self.vertical_char) else: bits[y].append(" ") for (field, value, width) in zip(self._field_names, row, self._widths): valign = self._valign[field] lines = value.split("\n") d_height = row_height - len(lines) if d_height: if valign == "m": lines = ( [""] * int(d_height / 2) + lines + [""] * (d_height - int(d_height / 2)) ) elif valign == "b": lines = [""] * d_height + lines else: lines = lines + [""] * d_height y = 0 for line in lines: if options["fields"] and field not in options["fields"]: continue bits[y].append( " " * lpad + self._justify(line, width, self._align[field]) + " " * rpad ) if options["border"] or options["preserve_internal_border"]: if options["vrules"] == ALL: bits[y].append(self.vertical_char) else: bits[y].append(" ") y += 1 # If only preserve_internal_border is true, then we just appended # a vertical character at the end when we wanted a space if not options["border"] and options["preserve_internal_border"]: bits[-1].pop() bits[-1].append(" ") # If vrules is FRAME, then we just appended a space at the end # of the last field, when we really want a vertical character for y in range(0, row_height): if options["border"] and options["vrules"] == FRAME: bits[y].pop() bits[y].append(options["vertical_char"]) if options["border"] and options["hrules"] == ALL: bits[row_height - 1].append("\n") bits[row_height - 1].append(hrule) for y in range(0, row_height): bits[y] = "".join(bits[y]) return "\n".join(bits) def paginate(self, page_length: int = 58, line_break: str = "\f", **kwargs): pages = [] kwargs["start"] = kwargs.get("start", 0) true_end = kwargs.get("end", self.rowcount) while True: kwargs["end"] = min(kwargs["start"] + page_length, true_end) pages.append(self.get_string(**kwargs)) if kwargs["end"] == true_end: break kwargs["start"] += page_length return line_break.join(pages) ############################## # CSV STRING METHODS # ############################## def get_csv_string(self, **kwargs) -> str: """Return string representation of CSV formatted table in the current state Keyword arguments are first interpreted as table formatting options, and then any unused keyword arguments are passed to csv.writer(). For example, get_csv_string(header=False, delimiter='\t') would use header as a PrettyTable formatting option (skip the header row) and delimiter as a csv.writer keyword argument. """ options = self._get_options(kwargs) csv_options = { key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key not in options } csv_buffer = io.StringIO() csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_buffer, **csv_options) if options.get("header"): csv_writer.writerow(self._field_names) for row in self._get_rows(options): csv_writer.writerow(row) return csv_buffer.getvalue() ############################## # JSON STRING METHODS # ############################## def get_json_string(self, **kwargs) -> str: """Return string representation of JSON formatted table in the current state Keyword arguments are first interpreted as table formatting options, and then any unused keyword arguments are passed to json.dumps(). For example, get_json_string(header=False, indent=2) would use header as a PrettyTable formatting option (skip the header row) and indent as a json.dumps keyword argument. """ options = self._get_options(kwargs) json_options = dict(indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), sort_keys=True) json_options.update( {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key not in options} ) objects = [] if options.get("header"): objects.append(self.field_names) for row in self._get_rows(options): objects.append(dict(zip(self._field_names, row))) return json.dumps(objects, **json_options) ############################## # HTML STRING METHODS # ############################## def get_html_string(self, **kwargs) -> str: """Return string representation of HTML formatted version of table in current state. Arguments: title - optional table title start - index of first data row to include in output end - index of last data row to include in output PLUS ONE (list slice style) fields - names of fields (columns) to include header - print a header showing field names (True or False) border - print a border around the table (True or False) preserve_internal_border - print a border inside the table even if border is disabled (True or False) hrules - controls printing of horizontal rules after rows. Allowed values: ALL, FRAME, HEADER, NONE vrules - controls printing of vertical rules between columns. Allowed values: FRAME, ALL, NONE int_format - controls formatting of integer data float_format - controls formatting of floating point data custom_format - controls formatting of any column using callable padding_width - number of spaces on either side of column data (only used if left and right paddings are None) left_padding_width - number of spaces on left hand side of column data right_padding_width - number of spaces on right hand side of column data sortby - name of field to sort rows by sort_key - sorting key function, applied to data points before sorting attributes - dictionary of name/value pairs to include as HTML attributes in the
tag format - Controls whether or not HTML tables are formatted to match styling options (True or False) xhtml - print
tags if True,
tags if False""" options = self._get_options(kwargs) if options["format"]: string = self._get_formatted_html_string(options) else: string = self._get_simple_html_string(options) return string def _get_simple_html_string(self, options): lines = [] if options["xhtml"]: linebreak = "
" else: linebreak = "
" open_tag = ["") lines.append("".join(open_tag)) # Title title = options["title"] or self._title if title: lines.append(f" ") # Headers if options["header"]: lines.append(" ") lines.append(" ") for field in self._field_names: if options["fields"] and field not in options["fields"]: continue lines.append( " " % escape(field).replace("\n", linebreak) ) lines.append(" ") lines.append(" ") # Data lines.append(" ") rows = self._get_rows(options) formatted_rows = self._format_rows(rows) for row in formatted_rows: lines.append(" ") for field, datum in zip(self._field_names, row): if options["fields"] and field not in options["fields"]: continue lines.append( " " % escape(datum).replace("\n", linebreak) ) lines.append(" ") lines.append(" ") lines.append("
") return "\n".join(lines) def _get_formatted_html_string(self, options): lines = [] lpad, rpad = self._get_padding_widths(options) if options["xhtml"]: linebreak = "
" else: linebreak = "
" open_tag = ["") lines.append("".join(open_tag)) # Title title = options["title"] or self._title if title: lines.append(f" {title}") # Headers if options["header"]: lines.append(" ") lines.append(" ") for field in self._field_names: if options["fields"] and field not in options["fields"]: continue lines.append( ' %s' # noqa: E501 % (lpad, rpad, escape(field).replace("\n", linebreak)) ) lines.append(" ") lines.append(" ") # Data lines.append(" ") rows = self._get_rows(options) formatted_rows = self._format_rows(rows) aligns = [] valigns = [] for field in self._field_names: aligns.append( {"l": "left", "r": "right", "c": "center"}[self._align[field]] ) valigns.append( {"t": "top", "m": "middle", "b": "bottom"}[self._valign[field]] ) for row in formatted_rows: lines.append(" ") for field, datum, align, valign in zip( self._field_names, row, aligns, valigns ): if options["fields"] and field not in options["fields"]: continue lines.append( ' %s' # noqa: E501 % ( lpad, rpad, align, valign, escape(datum).replace("\n", linebreak), ) ) lines.append(" ") lines.append(" ") lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines) ############################## # LATEX STRING METHODS # ############################## def get_latex_string(self, **kwargs) -> str: """Return string representation of LaTex formatted version of table in current state. Arguments: start - index of first data row to include in output end - index of last data row to include in output PLUS ONE (list slice style) fields - names of fields (columns) to include header - print a header showing field names (True or False) border - print a border around the table (True or False) preserve_internal_border - print a border inside the table even if border is disabled (True or False) hrules - controls printing of horizontal rules after rows. Allowed values: ALL, FRAME, HEADER, NONE vrules - controls printing of vertical rules between columns. Allowed values: FRAME, ALL, NONE int_format - controls formatting of integer data float_format - controls formatting of floating point data sortby - name of field to sort rows by sort_key - sorting key function, applied to data points before sorting format - Controls whether or not HTML tables are formatted to match styling options (True or False) """ options = self._get_options(kwargs) if options["format"]: string = self._get_formatted_latex_string(options) else: string = self._get_simple_latex_string(options) return string def _get_simple_latex_string(self, options): lines = [] wanted_fields = [] if options["fields"]: wanted_fields = [ field for field in self._field_names if field in options["fields"] ] else: wanted_fields = self._field_names alignments = "".join([self._align[field] for field in wanted_fields]) begin_cmd = "\\begin{tabular}{%s}" % alignments lines.append(begin_cmd) # Headers if options["header"]: lines.append(" & ".join(wanted_fields) + " \\\\") # Data rows = self._get_rows(options) formatted_rows = self._format_rows(rows) for row in formatted_rows: wanted_data = [ d for f, d in zip(self._field_names, row) if f in wanted_fields ] lines.append(" & ".join(wanted_data) + " \\\\") lines.append("\\end{tabular}") return "\r\n".join(lines) def _get_formatted_latex_string(self, options): lines = [] wanted_fields = [] if options["fields"]: wanted_fields = [ field for field in self._field_names if field in options["fields"] ] else: wanted_fields = self._field_names wanted_alignments = [self._align[field] for field in wanted_fields] if options["border"] and options["vrules"] == ALL: alignment_str = "|".join(wanted_alignments) elif not options["border"] and options["preserve_internal_border"]: alignment_str = "|".join(wanted_alignments) else: alignment_str = "".join(wanted_alignments) if options["border"] and options["vrules"] in [ALL, FRAME]: alignment_str = "|" + alignment_str + "|" begin_cmd = "\\begin{tabular}{%s}" % alignment_str lines.append(begin_cmd) if options["border"] and options["hrules"] in [ALL, FRAME]: lines.append("\\hline") # Headers if options["header"]: lines.append(" & ".join(wanted_fields) + " \\\\") if (options["border"] or options["preserve_internal_border"]) and options[ "hrules" ] in [ALL, HEADER]: lines.append("\\hline") # Data rows = self._get_rows(options) formatted_rows = self._format_rows(rows) rows = self._get_rows(options) for row in formatted_rows: wanted_data = [ d for f, d in zip(self._field_names, row) if f in wanted_fields ] lines.append(" & ".join(wanted_data) + " \\\\") if options["border"] and options["hrules"] == ALL: lines.append("\\hline") if options["border"] and options["hrules"] == FRAME: lines.append("\\hline") lines.append("\\end{tabular}") return "\r\n".join(lines) ############################## # UNICODE WIDTH FUNCTION # ############################## def _str_block_width(val): return wcwidth.wcswidth(_re.sub("", val)) ############################## # TABLE FACTORIES # ############################## def from_csv(fp, field_names: Any | None = None, **kwargs): fmtparams = {} for param in [ "delimiter", "doublequote", "escapechar", "lineterminator", "quotechar", "quoting", "skipinitialspace", "strict", ]: if param in kwargs: fmtparams[param] = kwargs.pop(param) if fmtparams: reader = csv.reader(fp, **fmtparams) else: dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(fp.read(1024)) fp.seek(0) reader = csv.reader(fp, dialect) table = PrettyTable(**kwargs) if field_names: table.field_names = field_names else: table.field_names = [x.strip() for x in next(reader)] for row in reader: table.add_row([x.strip() for x in row]) return table def from_db_cursor(cursor, **kwargs): if cursor.description: table = PrettyTable(**kwargs) table.field_names = [col[0] for col in cursor.description] for row in cursor.fetchall(): table.add_row(row) return table def from_json(json_string, **kwargs): table = PrettyTable(**kwargs) objects = json.loads(json_string) table.field_names = objects[0] for obj in objects[1:]: row = [obj[key] for key in table.field_names] table.add_row(row) return table class TableHandler(HTMLParser): def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.kwargs = kwargs self.tables = [] self.last_row = [] self.rows = [] self.max_row_width = 0 self.active = None self.last_content = "" self.is_last_row_header = False self.colspan = 0 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs) -> None: self.active = tag if tag == "th": self.is_last_row_header = True for (key, value) in attrs: if key == "colspan": self.colspan = int(value) def handle_endtag(self, tag) -> None: if tag in ["th", "td"]: stripped_content = self.last_content.strip() self.last_row.append(stripped_content) if self.colspan: for i in range(1, self.colspan): self.last_row.append("") self.colspan = 0 if tag == "tr": self.rows.append((self.last_row, self.is_last_row_header)) self.max_row_width = max(self.max_row_width, len(self.last_row)) self.last_row = [] self.is_last_row_header = False if tag == "table": table = self.generate_table(self.rows) self.tables.append(table) self.rows = [] self.last_content = " " self.active = None def handle_data(self, data) -> None: self.last_content += data def generate_table(self, rows): """ Generates from a list of rows a PrettyTable object. """ table = PrettyTable(**self.kwargs) for row in self.rows: if len(row[0]) < self.max_row_width: appends = self.max_row_width - len(row[0]) for i in range(1, appends): row[0].append("-") if row[1]: self.make_fields_unique(row[0]) table.field_names = row[0] else: table.add_row(row[0]) return table def make_fields_unique(self, fields) -> None: """ iterates over the row and make each field unique """ for i in range(0, len(fields)): for j in range(i + 1, len(fields)): if fields[i] == fields[j]: fields[j] += "'" def from_html(html_code, **kwargs): """ Generates a list of PrettyTables from a string of HTML code. Each in the HTML becomes one PrettyTable object. """ parser = TableHandler(**kwargs) parser.feed(html_code) return parser.tables def from_html_one(html_code, **kwargs): """ Generates a PrettyTables from a string of HTML code which contains only a single
""" tables = from_html(html_code, **kwargs) try: assert len(tables) == 1 except AssertionError: raise ValueError( "More than one
in provided HTML code. Use from_html instead." ) return tables[0]