# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """HID Transport for U2F. This module imports the U2F HID Transport protocol as well as methods for discovering devices implementing this protocol. """ import logging import os import struct import time from pyu2f import errors from pyu2f import hid def HidUsageSelector(device): if device['usage_page'] == 0xf1d0 and device['usage'] == 0x01: return True return False def DiscoverLocalHIDU2FDevices(selector=HidUsageSelector): for d in hid.Enumerate(): if selector(d): try: dev = hid.Open(d['path']) yield UsbHidTransport(dev) except OSError: # Insufficient permissions to access device pass class UsbHidTransport(object): """Implements the U2FHID transport protocol. This class implements the U2FHID transport protocol from the FIDO U2F specs. This protocol manages fragmenting longer messages over a short hid frame (usually 64 bytes). It exposes an APDU channel through the MSG command as well as a series of other commands for configuring and interacting with the device. """ U2FHID_PING = 0x81 U2FHID_MSG = 0x83 U2FHID_WINK = 0x88 U2FHID_PROMPT = 0x87 U2FHID_INIT = 0x86 U2FHID_LOCK = 0x84 U2FHID_ERROR = 0xbf U2FHID_SYNC = 0xbc U2FHID_BROADCAST_CID = bytearray([0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]) ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY = bytearray([0x06]) class InitPacket(object): """Represent an initial U2FHID packet. Represent an initial U2FHID packet. This packet contains metadata necessary to interpret the entire packet stream associated with a particular exchange (read or write). Attributes: packet_size: The size of the hid report (packet) used. Usually 64. cid: The channel id for the connection to the device. size: The size of the entire message to be sent (including all continuation packets) payload: The portion of the message to put into the init packet. This must be smaller than packet_size - 7 (the overhead for an init packet). """ def __init__(self, packet_size, cid, cmd, size, payload): self.packet_size = packet_size if len(cid) != 4 or cmd > 255 or size >= 2**16: raise errors.InvalidPacketError() if len(payload) > self.packet_size - 7: raise errors.InvalidPacketError() self.cid = cid # byte array self.cmd = cmd # number self.size = size # number (full size of message) self.payload = payload # byte array (for first packet) def ToWireFormat(self): """Serializes the packet.""" ret = bytearray(64) ret[0:4] = self.cid ret[4] = self.cmd struct.pack_into('>H', ret, 5, self.size) ret[7:7 + len(self.payload)] = self.payload return list(map(int, ret)) @staticmethod def FromWireFormat(packet_size, data): """Derializes the packet. Deserializes the packet from wire format. Args: packet_size: The size of all packets (usually 64) data: List of ints or bytearray containing the data from the wire. Returns: InitPacket object for specified data Raises: InvalidPacketError: if the data isn't a valid InitPacket """ ba = bytearray(data) if len(ba) != packet_size: raise errors.InvalidPacketError() cid = ba[0:4] cmd = ba[4] size = struct.unpack('>H', bytes(ba[5:7]))[0] payload = ba[7:7 + size] # might truncate at packet_size return UsbHidTransport.InitPacket(packet_size, cid, cmd, size, payload) class ContPacket(object): """Represents a continutation U2FHID packet. Represents a continutation U2FHID packet. These packets follow the intial packet and contains the remaining data in a particular message. Attributes: packet_size: The size of the hid report (packet) used. Usually 64. cid: The channel id for the connection to the device. seq: The sequence number for this continuation packet. The first continuation packet is 0 and it increases from there. payload: The payload to put into this continuation packet. This must be less than packet_size - 5 (the overhead of the continuation packet is 5). """ def __init__(self, packet_size, cid, seq, payload): self.packet_size = packet_size self.cid = cid self.seq = seq self.payload = payload if len(payload) > self.packet_size - 5: raise errors.InvalidPacketError() if seq > 127: raise errors.InvalidPacketError() def ToWireFormat(self): """Serializes the packet.""" ret = bytearray(self.packet_size) ret[0:4] = self.cid ret[4] = self.seq ret[5:5 + len(self.payload)] = self.payload return list(map(int, ret)) @staticmethod def FromWireFormat(packet_size, data): """Derializes the packet. Deserializes the packet from wire format. Args: packet_size: The size of all packets (usually 64) data: List of ints or bytearray containing the data from the wire. Returns: InitPacket object for specified data Raises: InvalidPacketError: if the data isn't a valid ContPacket """ ba = bytearray(data) if len(ba) != packet_size: raise errors.InvalidPacketError() cid = ba[0:4] seq = ba[4] # We don't know the size limit a priori here without seeing the init # packet, so truncation needs to be done in the higher level protocol # handling code, unlike the degenerate case of a 1 packet message in an # init packet, where the size is known. payload = ba[5:] return UsbHidTransport.ContPacket(packet_size, cid, seq, payload) def __init__(self, hid_device, read_timeout_secs=3.0): self.hid_device = hid_device in_size = hid_device.GetInReportDataLength() out_size = hid_device.GetOutReportDataLength() if in_size != out_size: raise errors.HardwareError( 'unsupported device with different in/out packet sizes.') if in_size == 0: raise errors.HardwareError('unable to determine packet size') self.packet_size = in_size self.read_timeout_secs = read_timeout_secs self.logger = logging.getLogger('pyu2f.hidtransport') self.InternalInit() def SendMsgBytes(self, msg): r = self.InternalExchange(UsbHidTransport.U2FHID_MSG, msg) return r def SendBlink(self, length): return self.InternalExchange(UsbHidTransport.U2FHID_PROMPT, bytearray([length])) def SendWink(self): return self.InternalExchange(UsbHidTransport.U2FHID_WINK, bytearray([])) def SendPing(self, data): return self.InternalExchange(UsbHidTransport.U2FHID_PING, data) def InternalInit(self): """Initializes the device and obtains channel id.""" self.cid = UsbHidTransport.U2FHID_BROADCAST_CID nonce = bytearray(os.urandom(8)) r = self.InternalExchange(UsbHidTransport.U2FHID_INIT, nonce) if len(r) < 17: raise errors.HidError('unexpected init reply len') if r[0:8] != nonce: raise errors.HidError('nonce mismatch') self.cid = bytearray(r[8:12]) self.u2fhid_version = r[12] def InternalExchange(self, cmd, payload_in): """Sends and receives a message from the device.""" # make a copy because we destroy it below self.logger.debug('payload: ' + str(list(payload_in))) payload = bytearray() payload[:] = payload_in for _ in range(2): self.InternalSend(cmd, payload) ret_cmd, ret_payload = self.InternalRecv() if ret_cmd == UsbHidTransport.U2FHID_ERROR: if ret_payload == UsbHidTransport.ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY: time.sleep(0.5) continue raise errors.HidError('Device error: %d' % int(ret_payload[0])) elif ret_cmd != cmd: raise errors.HidError('Command mismatch!') return ret_payload raise errors.HidError('Device Busy. Please retry') def InternalSend(self, cmd, payload): """Sends a message to the device, including fragmenting it.""" length_to_send = len(payload) max_payload = self.packet_size - 7 first_frame = payload[0:max_payload] first_packet = UsbHidTransport.InitPacket(self.packet_size, self.cid, cmd, len(payload), first_frame) del payload[0:max_payload] length_to_send -= len(first_frame) self.InternalSendPacket(first_packet) seq = 0 while length_to_send > 0: max_payload = self.packet_size - 5 next_frame = payload[0:max_payload] del payload[0:max_payload] length_to_send -= len(next_frame) next_packet = UsbHidTransport.ContPacket(self.packet_size, self.cid, seq, next_frame) self.InternalSendPacket(next_packet) seq += 1 def InternalSendPacket(self, packet): wire = packet.ToWireFormat() self.logger.debug('sending packet: ' + str(wire)) self.hid_device.Write(wire) def InternalReadFrame(self): # TODO(gdasher): Figure out timeouts. Today, this implementation # blocks forever at the HID level waiting for a response to a report. # This may not be reasonable behavior (though in practice in seems to be # OK on the set of devices and machines tested so far). frame = self.hid_device.Read() self.logger.debug('recv: ' + str(frame)) return frame def InternalRecv(self): """Receives a message from the device, including defragmenting it.""" first_read = self.InternalReadFrame() first_packet = UsbHidTransport.InitPacket.FromWireFormat(self.packet_size, first_read) data = first_packet.payload to_read = first_packet.size - len(first_packet.payload) seq = 0 while to_read > 0: next_read = self.InternalReadFrame() next_packet = UsbHidTransport.ContPacket.FromWireFormat(self.packet_size, next_read) if self.cid != next_packet.cid: # Skip over packets that are for communication with other clients. # HID is broadcast, so we see potentially all communication from the # device. For well-behaved devices, these should be BUSY messages # sent to other clients of the device because at this point we're # in mid-message transit. continue if seq != next_packet.seq: raise errors.HardwareError('Packets received out of order') # This packet for us at this point, so debit it against our # balance of bytes to read. to_read -= len(next_packet.payload) data.extend(next_packet.payload) seq += 1 # truncate incomplete frames data = data[0:first_packet.size] return (first_packet.cmd, data)