from __future__ import annotations import os import re import warnings from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from os.path import isfile from os.path import join from os.path import samefile from typing import Callable from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from .config import Configuration from .scm_workdir import Workdir from .utils import _CmdResult from .utils import data_from_mime from .utils import do_ex from .utils import require_command from .utils import trace from .version import meta from .version import ScmVersion from .version import tags_to_versions if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import _types as _t from setuptools_scm.hg_git import GitWorkdirHgClient REF_TAG_RE = re.compile(r"(?<=\btag: )([^,]+)\b") DESCRIBE_UNSUPPORTED = "%(describe" # If testing command in shell make sure to quote the match argument like # '*[0-9]*' as it will expand before being sent to git if there are any matching # files in current directory. DEFAULT_DESCRIBE = [ "git", "describe", "--dirty", "--tags", "--long", "--match", "*[0-9]*", ] class GitWorkdir(Workdir): """experimental, may change at any time""" COMMAND = "git" @classmethod def from_potential_worktree(cls, wd: _t.PathT) -> GitWorkdir | None: require_command(cls.COMMAND) wd = os.path.abspath(wd) git_dir = join(wd, ".git") real_wd, _, ret = do_ex( ["git", "--git-dir", git_dir, "rev-parse", "--show-prefix"], wd ) real_wd = real_wd[:-1] # remove the trailing pathsep if ret: return None if not real_wd: real_wd = wd else: assert wd.replace("\\", "/").endswith(real_wd) # In windows wd contains ``\`` which should be replaced by ``/`` # for this assertion to work. Length of string isn't changed by replace # ``\\`` is just and escape for `\` real_wd = wd[: -len(real_wd)] trace("real root", real_wd) if not samefile(real_wd, wd): return None return cls(real_wd) def do_ex_git(self, cmd: list[str]) -> _CmdResult: return self.do_ex(["git", "--git-dir", join(self.path, ".git")] + cmd) def is_dirty(self) -> bool: out, _, _ = self.do_ex_git(["status", "--porcelain", "--untracked-files=no"]) return bool(out) def get_branch(self) -> str | None: branch, err, ret = self.do_ex_git(["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]) if ret: trace("branch err", branch, err, ret) branch, err, ret = self.do_ex_git(["symbolic-ref", "--short", "HEAD"]) if ret: trace("branch err (symbolic-ref)", branch, err, ret) return None return branch def get_head_date(self) -> date | None: timestamp, err, ret = self.do_ex_git( ["-c", "log.showSignature=false", "log", "-n", "1", "HEAD", "--format=%cI"] ) if ret: trace("timestamp err", timestamp, err, ret) return None # TODO, when dropping python3.6 use fromiso date_part = timestamp.split("T")[0] if "%c" in date_part: trace("git too old -> timestamp is ", timestamp) return None return datetime.strptime(date_part, r"%Y-%m-%d").date() def is_shallow(self) -> bool: return isfile(join(self.path, ".git/shallow")) def fetch_shallow(self) -> None: self.do_ex_git(["fetch", "--unshallow"]) def node(self) -> str | None: node, _, ret = self.do_ex_git(["rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "HEAD"]) if not ret: return node[:7] else: return None def count_all_nodes(self) -> int: revs, _, _ = self.do_ex_git(["rev-list", "HEAD"]) return revs.count("\n") + 1 def default_describe(self) -> _CmdResult: git_dir = join(self.path, ".git") return self.do_ex( DEFAULT_DESCRIBE[:1] + ["--git-dir", git_dir] + DEFAULT_DESCRIBE[1:] ) def warn_on_shallow(wd: GitWorkdir) -> None: """experimental, may change at any time""" if wd.is_shallow(): warnings.warn(f'"{wd.path}" is shallow and may cause errors') def fetch_on_shallow(wd: GitWorkdir) -> None: """experimental, may change at any time""" if wd.is_shallow(): warnings.warn(f'"{wd.path}" was shallow, git fetch was used to rectify') wd.fetch_shallow() def fail_on_shallow(wd: GitWorkdir) -> None: """experimental, may change at any time""" if wd.is_shallow(): raise ValueError( f'{wd.path} is shallow, please correct with "git fetch --unshallow"' ) def get_working_directory(config: Configuration) -> GitWorkdir | None: """ Return the working directory (``GitWorkdir``). """ if config.parent: return GitWorkdir.from_potential_worktree(config.parent) if config.search_parent_directories: return search_parent(config.absolute_root) return GitWorkdir.from_potential_worktree(config.absolute_root) def parse( root: str, describe_command: str | list[str] | None = None, pre_parse: Callable[[GitWorkdir], None] = warn_on_shallow, config: Configuration | None = None, ) -> ScmVersion | None: """ :param pre_parse: experimental pre_parse action, may change at any time """ if not config: config = Configuration(root=root) wd = get_working_directory(config) if wd: return _git_parse_inner( config, wd, describe_command=describe_command, pre_parse=pre_parse ) else: return None def _git_parse_inner( config: Configuration, wd: GitWorkdir | GitWorkdirHgClient, pre_parse: None | (Callable[[GitWorkdir | GitWorkdirHgClient], None]) = None, describe_command: _t.CMD_TYPE | None = None, ) -> ScmVersion: if pre_parse: pre_parse(wd) if config.git_describe_command is not None: describe_command = config.git_describe_command if describe_command is not None: out, _, ret = wd.do_ex(describe_command) else: out, _, ret = wd.default_describe() distance: int | None node: str | None if ret == 0: tag, distance, node, dirty = _git_parse_describe(out) if distance == 0 and not dirty: distance = None else: # If 'git git_describe_command' failed, try to get the information otherwise. tag = "0.0" node = wd.node() if node is None: distance = 0 else: distance = wd.count_all_nodes() node = "g" + node dirty = wd.is_dirty() branch = wd.get_branch() node_date = wd.get_head_date() or return meta( tag, branch=branch, node=node, node_date=node_date, distance=distance, dirty=dirty, config=config, ) def _git_parse_describe(describe_output: str) -> tuple[str, int, str, bool]: # 'describe_output' looks e.g. like 'v1.5.0-0-g4060507' or # 'v1.15.1rc1-37-g9bd1298-dirty'. if describe_output.endswith("-dirty"): dirty = True describe_output = describe_output[:-6] else: dirty = False tag, number, node = describe_output.rsplit("-", 2) return tag, int(number), node, dirty def search_parent(dirname: _t.PathT) -> GitWorkdir | None: """ Walk up the path to find the `.git` directory. :param dirname: Directory from which to start searching. """ # Code based on: # curpath = os.path.abspath(dirname) while curpath: try: wd = GitWorkdir.from_potential_worktree(curpath) except Exception: wd = None if wd is not None: return wd curpath, tail = os.path.split(curpath) if not tail: return None return None def archival_to_version( data: dict[str, str], config: Configuration | None = None ) -> ScmVersion | None: node: str | None trace("data", data) archival_describe = data.get("describe-name", DESCRIBE_UNSUPPORTED) if DESCRIBE_UNSUPPORTED in archival_describe: warnings.warn("git archive did not support describe output") else: tag, number, node, _ = _git_parse_describe(archival_describe) return meta( tag, config=config, distance=None if number == 0 else number, node=node, ) versions = tags_to_versions(REF_TAG_RE.findall(data.get("ref-names", ""))) if versions: return meta(versions[0], config=config) else: node = data.get("node") if node is None: return None elif "$FORMAT" in node.upper(): warnings.warn("unexported git archival found") return None else: return meta("0.0", node=node, config=config) def parse_archival( root: _t.PathT, config: Configuration | None = None ) -> ScmVersion | None: archival = os.path.join(root, ".git_archival.txt") data = data_from_mime(archival) return archival_to_version(data, config=config)