# Cgroups configuration file example

# CPU resource restriction configuration
# - shares: CPU shares (relative weight (ratio) vs. other cgroups with cpu shares).
# - quotas: CPU hardcap limit (in usecs). Allowed cpu time in a given period.
# - period: CPU period to be used for hardcapping (in usecs).
# - realtimeRuntime: how much time realtime scheduling may use (in usecs).
# - realtimePeriod: CPU period to be used for realtime scheduling (in usecs).
# - cpus: CPUs to use within the cpuset. Default is to use any CPU available.
# - mems: list of memory nodes in the cpuset. Default is to use any available memory node
#  shares = 512
#  quotas = 0
#  period = 0
#  realtimeRuntime = 0
#  realtimePeriod = 0
  cpus = "0"
  mems = "0"

# Memory restriction configuration
# - limit: memory limit (in bytes).
# - reservation: memory reservation or soft_limit (in bytes).
# - swap: total memory limit (memory + swap).
# - kernel: kernel memory limit (in bytes).
# - kernelTCP: kernel memory limit for tcp (in bytes)
# - swappiness: how aggressive the kernel will swap memory pages.
# - disableOOMKiller: disableOOMKiller disables the OOM killer for out of memory conditions
# [memory]
#   limit = 1073741824
#   reservation = 2147483648
#   swap = 1073741824
#   kernel = 268435456
#   kernelTCP = 268435456
#   swappiness = 0
#   disableOOMKiller = false

# Devices configures the device whitelist.
# - allow:  allow or deny.
# - type:   device type, block, char, etc.
# - major:  device's major number.
# - minor:  device's minor number.
# - access: cgroup access permissions format, rwm.
  access = "rwm"
  allow = true
  major = 0
  minor = 0
  type = "a"

# BlockIO restriction configuration
# [blockIO]
  # Specifies tasks' weight in the given cgroup while competing with the cgroup's child cgroups, CFQ scheduler only
  # leafWeight = 10

  # Specifies per cgroup weight
  # weight = 10

  # Weight per cgroup per device, can override BlkioWeight
  # - major is the device's major number.
  # - minor is the device's minor number.
  # - weight is the bandwidth rate for the device.
  # - leafWeight is the bandwidth rate for the device while competing with the cgroup's child cgroups, CFQ scheduler only
  # [[blockIO.weightDevice]]
  #   major = 7
  #   minor = 0
  #   weight = 10
  #   leafWeight = 10

  # IO read rate limit per cgroup per device, bytes per second
  # - major is the device's major number.
  # - minor is the device's minor number.
  # - rate is the IO rate limit per cgroup per device
  # [[blockIO.throttleReadBpsDevice]]
  #   major = 7
  #   minor = 0
  #   rate = 100

  # IO write rate limit per cgroup per device, bytes per second
  # [[blockIO.throttleWriteBpsDevice]]
  #   major = 7
  #   minor = 0
  #   rate = 100

  # IO read rate limit per cgroup per device, IO per second
  # [[blockIO.throttleReadIOPSDevice]]
  #   major = 7
  #   minor = 0
  #   rate = 100

  # IO write rate limit per cgroup per device, IO per second
  # [[blockIO.throttleWriteIOPSDevice]]
  #   major = 7
  #   minor = 0
  #   rate = 100

# Hugetlb limit (in bytes)
# - pagesize: the hugepage size
# - limit: the limit of "hugepagesize" hugetlb usage
  limit = 9223372036854771712
  pageSize = "2MB"

# Network restriction configuration
# [network]
#   classID = 
#   [[network.priorities]]
#     name = "eth0"
#     priority = 1

# Task resource restriction configuration.
  limit = 1024

# Rdma resource restriction configuration.
# Limits are a set of key value pairs that define RDMA resource limits,
# where the key is device name and value is resource limits.
# [rdma]
#   [[rdma.resOne]]
#     hcaHandles = 0
#     hcaObjects = 0