import functools import inspect import itertools import warnings from .common import BACKEND_ENTRYPOINTS, BackendEntrypoint try: from importlib.metadata import entry_points except ImportError: # if the fallback library is missing, we are doomed. from importlib_metadata import entry_points # type: ignore[no-redef] STANDARD_BACKENDS_ORDER = ["netcdf4", "h5netcdf", "scipy"] def remove_duplicates(entrypoints): # sort and group entrypoints by name entrypoints = sorted(entrypoints, key=lambda ep: entrypoints_grouped = itertools.groupby(entrypoints, key=lambda ep: # check if there are multiple entrypoints for the same name unique_entrypoints = [] for name, matches in entrypoints_grouped: matches = list(matches) unique_entrypoints.append(matches[0]) matches_len = len(matches) if matches_len > 1: selected_module_name = matches[0].module_name all_module_names = [e.module_name for e in matches] warnings.warn( f"Found {matches_len} entrypoints for the engine name {name}:" f"\n {all_module_names}.\n It will be used: {selected_module_name}.", RuntimeWarning, ) return unique_entrypoints def detect_parameters(open_dataset): signature = inspect.signature(open_dataset) parameters = signature.parameters parameters_list = [] for name, param in parameters.items(): if param.kind in ( inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, ): raise TypeError( f"All the parameters in {open_dataset!r} signature should be explicit. " "*args and **kwargs is not supported" ) if name != "self": parameters_list.append(name) return tuple(parameters_list) def backends_dict_from_pkg(entrypoints): backend_entrypoints = {} for entrypoint in entrypoints: name = try: backend = entrypoint.load() backend_entrypoints[name] = backend except Exception as ex: warnings.warn(f"Engine {name!r} loading failed:\n{ex}", RuntimeWarning) return backend_entrypoints def set_missing_parameters(backend_entrypoints): for name, backend in backend_entrypoints.items(): if backend.open_dataset_parameters is None: open_dataset = backend.open_dataset backend.open_dataset_parameters = detect_parameters(open_dataset) def sort_backends(backend_entrypoints): ordered_backends_entrypoints = {} for be_name in STANDARD_BACKENDS_ORDER: if backend_entrypoints.get(be_name, None) is not None: ordered_backends_entrypoints[be_name] = backend_entrypoints.pop(be_name) ordered_backends_entrypoints.update( {name: backend_entrypoints[name] for name in sorted(backend_entrypoints)} ) return ordered_backends_entrypoints def build_engines(entrypoints): backend_entrypoints = {} for backend_name, backend in BACKEND_ENTRYPOINTS.items(): if backend.available: backend_entrypoints[backend_name] = backend entrypoints = remove_duplicates(entrypoints) external_backend_entrypoints = backends_dict_from_pkg(entrypoints) backend_entrypoints.update(external_backend_entrypoints) backend_entrypoints = sort_backends(backend_entrypoints) set_missing_parameters(backend_entrypoints) return {name: backend() for name, backend in backend_entrypoints.items()} @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1) def list_engines(): entrypoints = entry_points().get("xarray.backends", ()) return build_engines(entrypoints) def guess_engine(store_spec): engines = list_engines() for engine, backend in engines.items(): try: if backend.guess_can_open(store_spec): return engine except Exception: warnings.warn(f"{engine!r} fails while guessing", RuntimeWarning) compatible_engines = [] for engine, backend_cls in BACKEND_ENTRYPOINTS.items(): try: backend = backend_cls() if backend.guess_can_open(store_spec): compatible_engines.append(engine) except Exception: warnings.warn(f"{engine!r} fails while guessing", RuntimeWarning) installed_engines = [k for k in engines if k != "store"] if not compatible_engines: if installed_engines: error_msg = ( "did not find a match in any of xarray's currently installed IO " f"backends {installed_engines}. Consider explicitly selecting one of the " "installed engines via the ``engine`` parameter, or installing " "additional IO dependencies, see:\n" "\n" "" ) else: error_msg = ( "xarray is unable to open this file because it has no currently " "installed IO backends. Xarray's read/write support requires " "installing optional IO dependencies, see:\n" "\n" "" ) else: error_msg = ( "found the following matches with the input file in xarray's IO " f"backends: {compatible_engines}. But their dependencies may not be installed, see:\n" " \n" "" ) raise ValueError(error_msg) def get_backend(engine): """Select open_dataset method based on current engine.""" if isinstance(engine, str): engines = list_engines() if engine not in engines: raise ValueError( f"unrecognized engine {engine} must be one of: {list(engines)}" ) backend = engines[engine] elif isinstance(engine, type) and issubclass(engine, BackendEntrypoint): backend = engine() else: raise TypeError( ( "engine must be a string or a subclass of " f"xarray.backends.BackendEntrypoint: {engine}" ) ) return backend