{% set version = "0.5.5" %} # This package builds 2 outputs # zfp --- C headers # zfpy --- Python package # # The build procedure actually rebuilds zfp when zfpy is being built # during the install phase, conda will simply ignore all the files # that are being copied related to zfp since they already exist in the prefix package: name: zfp version: {{ version }} source: url: https://github.com/LLNL/zfp/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: 6a7f4934489087d9c117a4af327fd6495ea757924f4df467b9c537abf8bd86c4 patches: # https://github.com/scikit-build/scikit-build/issues/506 - 100-update-cmake.patch # https://github.com/LLNL/zfp/pull/109 # This patch just isn't working. we do it manually in the build script # It is a pretty easy fix, so hopefully upstream will accept it soon # - 109-avoid-importing-cpython-array.patch build: number: 6 script: source ${RECIPE_DIR}/build_zfp.sh # [unix] script: {{ RECIPE_DIR }}\bld_zfp.bat # [win] run_exports: # No real information, for now, let keep the defaults - {{ pin_subpackage('zfp') }} rpaths: - lib/ # [unix] requirements: build: - {{ compiler('c') }} - {{ compiler('cxx') }} - cmake - make # [unix] - ninja # [win] # For defaults, this is included in libgcc-ng # - libgomp # [linux] - llvm-openmp # [osx] test: commands: - test -f $PREFIX/include/zfp.h # [unix] - test -f ${PREFIX}/lib/cmake/zfp/zfp-config.cmake # [unix] - if not exist %LIBRARY_INC%\zfp.h exit 1 # [win] - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libzfp.so.{{ version }} # [linux] - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libzfp${SHLIB_EXT} # [unix] - if not exist %LIBRARY_BIN%\zfp.dll exit 1 # [win] - if not exist %LIBRARY_LIB%\zfp.lib exit 1 # [win] - if not exist %LIBRARY_PREFIX%\lib\cmake\zfp\zfp-config.cmake exit 1 # [win] # Command always returns 1 - which zfp # [unix] - where zfp # [win] outputs: - name: zfp requirements: run: # Using selector until packages for other platforms are (re)built using # newer defaults toolchains that use the `_openmp_mutex` mechanism. - _openmp_mutex # [s390x] - name: zfpy build: script: source ${RECIPE_DIR}/build_zfpy.sh # [unix] script: {{ RECIPE_DIR }}\bld_zfpy.bat # [win] requirements: build: - {{ compiler('c') }} - {{ compiler('cxx') }} - cmake - make # [unix] - ninja # [win] host: - python - numpy - cython - {{ pin_subpackage('zfp', exact=True) }} run: - python - {{ pin_compatible('numpy') }} # I don't think run exports work with pin exact subpackage - {{ pin_subpackage('zfp', exact=True) }} test: imports: - zfpy about: home: https://computation.llnl.gov/projects/floating-point-compression license: BSD-3-Clause license_family: BSD license_file: LICENSE summary: 'Library for compressed numerical arrays that support high throughput read and write random access' description: | zfp is an open source C/C++ library for compressed numerical arrays that support high throughput read and write random access. zfp also supports streaming compression of integer and floating-point data, e.g., for applications that read and write large data sets to and from disk. zfp is primarily written in C and C++ but also includes Python and Fortran bindings. doc_url: http://zfp.readthedocs.io/en/release0.5.5/ dev_url: https://github.com/LLNL/zfp extra: recipe-maintainers: - kmpaul - ToreAad - lindstro - GarrettDMorrison - hmaarrfk