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import QtQml 2.14 as Qml
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0

    \qmltype DelayButton
    \inherits QtQuickControls::Button
    \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Extras
    \since 5.5
    \ingroup extras
    \ingroup extras-interactive
    \brief A checkable button that triggers an action when held in long enough.

    \image delaybutton.png A DelayButton

    The DelayButton is a checkable button that incorporates a delay before
    the button becomes checked and the \l activated signal is emitted. This
    delay prevents accidental presses.

    The current progress is expressed as a decimal value between \c 0.0 and
    \c 1.0. The time it takes for \l activated to be emitted is measured in
    milliseconds, and can be set with the \l delay property.

    The progress is indicated by a progress indicator around the button. When
    the indicator reaches completion, it flashes.

    \image delaybutton-progress.png A DelayButton being held down
    A DelayButton being held down
    \image delaybutton-activated.png A DelayButton after being activated
    A DelayButton after being activated

    You can create a custom appearance for a DelayButton by assigning a
    \l {DelayButtonStyle}.

Button {
    id: root

    style: Settings.styleComponent(Settings.style, "DelayButtonStyle.qml", root)

        \qmlproperty real DelayButton::progress

        This property holds the current progress as displayed by the progress
        indicator, in the range \c 0.0 - \c 1.0.
    readonly property alias progress: root.__progress

        This property holds the time it takes (in milliseconds) for \l progress
        to reach \c 1.0 and emit \l activated.

        The default value is \c 3000 ms.
    property int delay: 3000

        This signal is emitted when \l progress reaches \c 1.0 and the button
        becomes checked.
    signal activated

    /*! \internal */
    property real __progress: 0.0

    Behavior on __progress {
        id: progressBehavior

        NumberAnimation {
            id: numberAnimation

    Qml.Binding {
        // Force checkable to false to get full control over the checked -property
        target: root
        property: "checkable"
        value: false
        restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding

    onProgressChanged: {
        if (__progress === 1.0) {
            checked = true;

    onCheckedChanged: {
        if (checked) {
            if (__progress < 1) {
                // Programmatically activated the button; don't animate.
                progressBehavior.enabled = false;
                __progress = 1;
                progressBehavior.enabled = true;
        } else {
            // Unchecked the button after it was flashing; it should instantly stop
            // flashing (with no reversed progress bar).
            progressBehavior.enabled = false;
            __progress = 0;
            progressBehavior.enabled = true;

    onPressedChanged: {
        if (checked) {
            if (pressed) {
                // Pressed the button to stop the activation.
                checked = false;
        } else {
            var effectiveDelay = pressed ? delay : delay * 0.3;
            // Not active. Either the button is being held down or let go.
            numberAnimation.duration = Math.max(0, (pressed ? 1 - __progress : __progress) * effectiveDelay);
            __progress = pressed ? 1 : 0;