// @(#)root/guibuilder:$Id$ // Author: Valeriy Onuchin 12/09/04 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TRootGuiBuilder.h" #include "TGuiBldDragManager.h" #include "TGuiBldEditor.h" #include "TGShutter.h" #include "TGSplitter.h" #include "TGLayout.h" #include "TGResourcePool.h" #include "TGButton.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TGDockableFrame.h" #include "TGMdi.h" #include "TGStatusBar.h" #include "TG3DLine.h" #include "TGLabel.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TGToolBar.h" #include "TGToolTip.h" #include "KeySymbols.h" #include "TGFileDialog.h" #include "TGMsgBox.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include "TRootHelpDialog.h" #include "TGListTree.h" #include "TImage.h" #include "TTimer.h" #include "TGTextEdit.h" #include "TGTab.h" #include "TGListBox.h" #include "TGComboBox.h" #include "TGProgressBar.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TRootGuiBuilder // // // ************************************************ // ROOT GUI Builder principles // ************************************************ // // With the GUI builder, we try to make the next step from WYSIWYG // to embedded editing concept - WYSIWYE ("what you see is what you edit"). // The ROOT GUI Builder allows modifying real GUI objects. // For example, one can edit the existing GUI application created by // $ROOTSYS/tutorials/gui/guitest.C. // GUI components can be added to a design area from a widget palette, // or can be borrowed from another application. // One can drag and and drop TCanvas's menu bar into the application. // GUI objects can be resized and dragged, copied and pasted. // ROOT GUI Builder allows changing the layout, snap to grid, change object's // layout order via the GUI Builder toolbar, or by options in the right-click // context menus. // A final design can be immediatly tested and used, or saved as a C++ macro. // For example, it's possible to rearrange buttons in control bar, // add separators etc. and continue to use a new fancy control bar in the // application. // // ************************************************ // // The following is a short description of the GUI Builder actions and key shortcuts: // // o Press Ctrl-Double-Click to start/stop edit mode // o Press Double-Click to activate quick edit action (defined in root.mimes) // // Selection, grabbing, dropping // ************************************************ // It is possible to select, drag any frame and drop it to any frame // // o Click left mouse button or Ctrl-Click to select an object to edit. // o Press right mouse button to activate context menu // o Multiple selection (grabbing): // - draw lasso and press Return key // - press Shift key and draw lasso // o Dropping: // - select frame and press Ctrl-Return key // o Changing layout order: // - select frame and use arrow keys to change layout order // o Alignment: // - draw lasso and press arrow keys (or Shift-Arrow key) to align frames // // Key shortcuts // ************************************************ // o Return - grab selected frames // o Ctrl-Return - drop frames // o Del - delete selected frame // o Shift-Del - crop action // o Ctrl-X - cut action // o Ctrl-C - copy action // o Ctrl-V - paste frame into the last clicked position // o Ctrl-L - compact // o Ctrl-B - enable/disable layout // o Ctrl-H - switch horizontal-vertical layout // o Ctrl-G - switch on/off grid // o Ctrl-S - save action // o Ctrl-O - open and execute a ROOT macro file. GUI components created // after macro execution will be emebedded to currently edited // design area. // o Ctrl-N - create new main frame // //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html const char gHelpBuilder[] = "\ Start/Stop Edit Mode\n\ ************************************************\n\ o Select File menu / Edit\n\ o Select Start Edit button on the toolbar\n\ o Ctrl-Double-Click on the project frame\n\ o Double-Click to activate quick edit action (defined in root.mimes)\n\ \n\ Select, Grab, Drop\n\ ************************************************\n\ It is possible to select & drag any frame and drop it to another frame\n\ \n\ o Press left mouse button Click or Ctrl-Click to select an object.\n\ o Press right mouse button to activate context menu\n\ o Multiple selection can be done in two ways (grabbing):\n\ - draw lasso and press Return key\n\ - press Shift key and draw lasso\n\ o Dropping:\n\ - select frame and press Ctrl-Return key\n\ o Changing layout order of widgets:\n\ - set broken layout mode via toolbar button or check button\n\ \'Layout subframes\' in tab \'Layout\'\n\ - select a widget and use arrow keys to change the layout order\n\ o Alignment:\n\ - remove the selection (if any) by using the space bar\n\ - draw lasso and use the four toolbar buttons for widget alignment\n\ - arrow keys align the frames too, if you prefer the keyboard\n\ \n\ Key shortcuts\n\ ************************************************\n\ o Return - grab selected frames\n\ o Ctrl-Return - drop frames\n\ o Del - delete selected frame\n\ o Shift-Del - crop\n\ o Ctrl-X - cut\n\ o Ctrl-C - copy\n\ o Ctrl-V - paste frame into the last clicked position\n\ o Ctrl-L - compact frame\n\ o Ctrl-B - enable/disable layout\n\ o Ctrl-H - switch Horizontal-Vertical layout\n\ o Ctrl-G - switch ON/OFF grid\n\ o Ctrl-S - save\n\ o Ctrl-O - open and execute ROOT macro file\n\ o Ctrl-N - create new main frame\n\ o Ctrl-Z - undo last action (not implemented)\n\ o Shift-Ctrl-Z - redo (not implemented)\n\ \n\ More information\n\ ************************************************\n\ \n\ For more information, please see the GuiBuilder Howto page at:\n\ \n\ http://root.cern.ch/root/HowtoGuiBuilder.html\n\ \n\ "; const char gHelpAboutBuilder[] = "\ ROOT Gui Builder\n\ \n\ ************************************************************\n\ * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *\n\ * All rights reserved. *\n\ * *\n\ * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *\n\ * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.*\n\ ************************************************************\n\ "; //----- Toolbar stuff... static ToolBarData_t gToolBarData[] = { { "bld_edit.png", "Start Edit (Ctrl-Dbl-Click)", kFALSE, kEditableAct, 0 }, { "", "", kFALSE, -1, 0 }, { "bld_new.png", "New (Ctrl-N)", kFALSE, kNewAct, 0 }, { "bld_open.png", "Open (Ctrl-O)", kFALSE, kOpenAct, 0 }, { "bld_save.png", "Save As (Ctrl-S)", kFALSE, kSaveAct, 0 }, { "", "", kFALSE, -1, 0 }, // { "bld_pointer.xpm", "Selector (Ctrl-Click)", kTRUE, kSelectAct, 0 }, // { "bld_grab.xpm", "Grab Selected Frames (Return)", kTRUE, kGrabAct, 0 }, { "", "", kFALSE, -1, 0 }, { "bld_compact.png", "Compact selected frame (Ctrl-L)", kFALSE, kCompactAct, 0 }, { "bld_break.png", "Disable/Enable layout (Ctrl-B)", kFALSE, kBreakLayoutAct, 0 }, { "bld_hbox.png", "Layout selected frame horizontally (Ctrl-H)", kFALSE, kLayoutHAct, 0 }, { "bld_vbox.png", "Layout selected frame vertically (Ctrl-H)", kFALSE, kLayoutVAct, 0 }, { "bld_grid.png", "On/Off grid (Ctrl+G)", kFALSE, kGridAct, 0 }, { "", "", kFALSE, -1, 0 }, { "bld_AlignTop.png", "Align selected frames to the top line of lasso (Up Arrow)", kFALSE, kUpAct, 0 }, { "bld_AlignBtm.png", "Align selected frames to the down line of lasso (Down Arrow)", kFALSE, kDownAct, 0 }, { "bld_AlignLeft.png", "Align selected frames to the left line of lasso (Left Arrow)", kFALSE, kLeftAct, 0 }, { "bld_AlignRight.png", "Align selected frames to the right line of lasso (Right Arrow)", kFALSE, kRightAct, 0 }, { "", "", kFALSE, -1, 0 }, { "bld_cut.png", "Cut (Ctrl-X)", kFALSE, kCutAct, 0 }, { "bld_copy.png", "Copy (Ctrl-C)", kFALSE, kCopyAct, 0 }, { "bld_paste.png", "Paste frame into the last clicked position (Ctrl-V)", kFALSE, kPasteAct, 0 }, // { "bld_paste_into.png", "Paste with replacing of selected frame (Ctrl-R)", kFALSE, kReplaceAct, 0 }, { "bld_delete.png", "Delete (Del/Backspace)", kFALSE, kDeleteAct, 0 }, { "bld_crop.png", "Crop (Shift-Del)", kFALSE, kCropAct, 0 }, // { "", "", kFALSE, -1, 0 }, // { "bld_undo.png", "Undo (Ctrl-Z)", kFALSE, kUndoAct, 0 }, // { "bld_redo.png", "Redo (Shift-Ctrl-Z)", kFALSE, kRedoAct, 0 }, { 0, 0, kFALSE, 0, 0 } }; ClassImp(TRootGuiBuilder) TGGC *TRootGuiBuilder::fgBgnd = 0; TGGC *TRootGuiBuilder::fgBgndPopup = 0; TGGC *TRootGuiBuilder::fgBgndPopupHlght = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Here are few experimental GUI classes which give a nice&fancy appearence // to GuiBuilder. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGuiBldMenuTitle : public TGMenuTitle { private: Pixel_t fBgndColor; protected: void DoRedraw(); public: virtual ~TGuiBldMenuTitle() {} TGuiBldMenuTitle(const TGWindow *p, TGHotString *s, TGPopupMenu *menu) : TGMenuTitle(p, s, menu) { fEditDisabled = kEditDisable; fBgndColor = TRootGuiBuilder::GetBgnd(); SetBackgroundColor(fBgndColor); AddInput(kEnterWindowMask | kLeaveWindowMask); } Bool_t HandleCrossing(Event_t *event); }; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGuiBldMenuTitle::HandleCrossing(Event_t *event) { // Handle crossing events. if (event->fType == kEnterNotify) { fBgndColor = TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupHlght(); } else { fBgndColor = TRootGuiBuilder::GetBgnd(); } DoRedraw(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGuiBldMenuTitle::DoRedraw() { // Redraw builder menu title. TGFrame::DoRedraw(); int x, y, max_ascent, max_descent; x = y = 4; gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fFontStruct, max_ascent, max_descent); if (fState) { gVirtualX->SetForeground(fNormGC, GetDefaultSelectedBackground()); gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId,fNormGC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight); gVirtualX->SetForeground(fNormGC, GetForeground()); fLabel->Draw(fId, fSelGC, x, y + max_ascent); } else { gVirtualX->SetForeground(fNormGC, fBgndColor); gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId,fNormGC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight); gVirtualX->SetForeground(fNormGC, GetForeground()); fLabel->Draw(fId, fNormGC, x, y + max_ascent); } if (fBgndColor == TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupHlght()) { gVirtualX->DrawRectangle(fId, TGFrame::GetBlackGC()(), 0, 0, GetWidth()-1, GetHeight()-1); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGuiBldPopupMenu : public TGPopupMenu { public: virtual ~TGuiBldPopupMenu() { } TGuiBldPopupMenu() : TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetDefaultRoot()) { fEditDisabled = kEditDisable; SetBackgroundColor(TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupBgnd()); fEntrySep = 8; } void DrawEntry(TGMenuEntry *entry); }; //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGuiBldPopupMenu::DrawEntry(TGMenuEntry *entry) { // Draw popup menu entry. FontStruct_t font; GCValues_t gcval; if (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuHideMask) return; if (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuDefaultMask) { font = fHifontStruct; gcval.fMask = kGCFont; gcval.fFont = gVirtualX->GetFontHandle(font); gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fNormGC, &gcval); gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fSelGC, &gcval); } else { font = fFontStruct; } UInt_t tw = 0; UInt_t sep = fEntrySep; Int_t max_ascent, max_descent; gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(font, max_ascent, max_descent); if (entry->GetShortcut()) tw = 7 + gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, entry->GetShortcutText(), entry->GetShortcut()->Length()); Int_t tx = entry->GetEx() + fXl; Int_t ty = entry->GetEy() + max_ascent + 2; UInt_t h = max_ascent + max_descent + sep; Int_t picposy = 0; if (entry->GetPic() != 0) { picposy = entry->GetEy() + h / 2; picposy -= entry->GetPic()->GetHeight() / 2; } switch (entry->GetType()) { case kMenuPopup: case kMenuLabel: case kMenuEntry: if ((entry->GetStatus() & kMenuActiveMask) && entry->GetType() != kMenuLabel) { if (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuEnableMask) { gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId, TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupHlghtGC()->GetGC(), entry->GetEx()+1, entry->GetEy(), fMenuWidth-6, h - 1); gVirtualX->DrawRectangle(fId, TGFrame::GetBlackGC()(), entry->GetEx()+ 1, entry->GetEy()-1, fMenuWidth - entry->GetEx()- 6, h - 1); } if (entry->GetType() == kMenuPopup) { DrawTrianglePattern(fSelGC, fMenuWidth-10, entry->GetEy() + 3, fMenuWidth-6, entry->GetEy() + 11); } if (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuCheckedMask) { DrawCheckMark(fSelGC, 6, entry->GetEy()+sep, 14, entry->GetEy()+11); } if (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuRadioMask) { DrawRCheckMark(fSelGC, 6, entry->GetEy()+sep, 14, entry->GetEy()+11); } if (entry->GetPic() != 0) { entry->GetPic()->Draw(fId, fSelGC, 8, picposy); } entry->GetLabel()->Draw(fId, (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuEnableMask) ? fSelGC : GetShadowGC()(), tx, ty); if (entry->GetShortcut()) entry->GetShortcut()->Draw(fId, (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuEnableMask) ? fSelGC : GetShadowGC()(), fMenuWidth - tw, ty); } else { if ( entry->GetType() != kMenuLabel) { gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId, TRootGuiBuilder::GetBgndGC()->GetGC(), entry->GetEx()+1, entry->GetEy()-1, tx-4, h); gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId, TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupBgndGC()->GetGC(), tx-1, entry->GetEy()-1, fMenuWidth-tx-1, h); } else { // we need some special background for labels gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId, TGFrame::GetBckgndGC()(), entry->GetEx()+1, entry->GetEy()-1, fMenuWidth - entry->GetEx()- 3, h); } if (entry->GetType() == kMenuPopup) { DrawTrianglePattern(fNormGC, fMenuWidth-10, entry->GetEy() + 3, fMenuWidth-6, entry->GetEy() + 11); } if (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuCheckedMask) { DrawCheckMark(fNormGC, 6, entry->GetEy()+sep, 14, entry->GetEy()+11); } if (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuRadioMask) { DrawRCheckMark(fNormGC, 6, entry->GetEy()+sep, 14, entry->GetEy()+11); } if (entry->GetPic() != 0) { entry->GetPic()->Draw(fId, fNormGC, 8, picposy); } if (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuEnableMask) { entry->GetLabel()->Draw(fId, fNormGC, tx, ty); if (entry->GetShortcut()) entry->GetShortcut()->Draw(fId, fNormGC, fMenuWidth - tw, ty); } else { entry->GetLabel()->Draw(fId, GetHilightGC()(), tx+1, ty+1); entry->GetLabel()->Draw(fId, GetShadowGC()(), tx, ty); if (entry->GetShortcut()) { entry->GetShortcut()->Draw(fId, GetHilightGC()(), fMenuWidth - tw+1, ty+1); entry->GetShortcut()->Draw(fId, GetShadowGC()(), fMenuWidth - tw, ty); } } } break; case kMenuSeparator: gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId, TRootGuiBuilder::GetBgndGC()->GetGC(), entry->GetEx()+1, entry->GetEy()-1, tx-4, 4); gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, TGFrame::GetBlackGC()(), tx+1, entry->GetEy()+1, fMenuWidth-sep, entry->GetEy()+1); break; } // restore font if (entry->GetStatus() & kMenuDefaultMask) { gcval.fFont = gVirtualX->GetFontHandle(fFontStruct); gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fNormGC, &gcval); gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fSelGC, &gcval); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGuiBldToolButton : public TGPictureButton { private: Pixel_t fBgndColor; protected: void DoRedraw(); public: virtual ~TGuiBldToolButton() { } TGuiBldToolButton(const TGWindow *p, const TGPicture *pic, Int_t id = -1) : TGPictureButton(p, pic, id) { fBgndColor = TRootGuiBuilder::GetBgnd(); ChangeOptions(GetOptions() & ~kRaisedFrame); } Bool_t IsDown() const { return (fOptions & kSunkenFrame); } void SetState(EButtonState state, Bool_t emit = kTRUE); Bool_t HandleCrossing(Event_t *event); void SetBackgroundColor(Pixel_t bgnd) { fBgndColor = bgnd; TGFrame::SetBackgroundColor(bgnd); } }; //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGuiBldToolButton::DoRedraw() { // Redraw tool button. int x = (fWidth - fTWidth) >> 1; int y = (fHeight - fTHeight) >> 1; UInt_t w = GetWidth() - 1; UInt_t h = GetHeight()- 1; TGFrame::SetBackgroundColor(fBgndColor); TGFrame::DoRedraw(); if (fState == kButtonDown || fState == kButtonEngaged) { ++x; ++y; w--; h--; } const TGPicture *pic = fPic; if (fState == kButtonDisabled) { if (!fPicD) CreateDisabledPicture(); pic = fPicD ? fPicD : fPic; } if (fBgndColor == TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupHlght()) { x--; y--; gVirtualX->DrawRectangle(fId, TGFrame::GetBlackGC()(), 0, 0, w, h); } pic->Draw(fId, fNormGC, x, y); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGuiBldToolButton::HandleCrossing(Event_t *event) { // Handle crossing events. if (fTip) { if (event->fType == kEnterNotify) { fTip->Reset(); } else { fTip->Hide(); } } if ((event->fType == kEnterNotify) && (fState != kButtonDisabled)) { fBgndColor = TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupHlght(); } else { fBgndColor = TRootGuiBuilder::GetBgnd(); } if (event->fType == kLeaveNotify) { fBgndColor = TRootGuiBuilder::GetBgnd(); if (fState != kButtonDisabled && fState != kButtonEngaged) SetState(kButtonUp, kFALSE); } DoRedraw(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGuiBldToolButton::SetState(EButtonState state, Bool_t emit) { // Set state of tool bar button and emit a signal according // to passed arguments. Bool_t was = !IsDown(); if (state != fState) { switch (state) { case kButtonEngaged: case kButtonDown: fOptions &= ~kRaisedFrame; fOptions |= kSunkenFrame; break; case kButtonDisabled: case kButtonUp: fOptions &= ~kRaisedFrame; fOptions &= ~kSunkenFrame; break; } fState = state; DoRedraw(); if (emit) EmitSignals(was); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //______________________________________________________________________________ TRootGuiBuilder::TRootGuiBuilder(const TGWindow *p) : TGuiBuilder(), TGMainFrame(p ? p : gClient->GetDefaultRoot(), 1, 1) { // Create GUI builder application. SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); gGuiBuilder = this; fManager = 0; fEditor = 0; fActionButton = 0; fClosing = 0; if (gDragManager) { fManager = (TGuiBldDragManager *)gDragManager; } else { gDragManager = fManager = new TGuiBldDragManager(); } fManager->SetBuilder(this); fMenuBar = new TGMdiMenuBar(this, 10, 10); AddFrame(fMenuBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX)); InitMenu(); AddFrame(new TGHorizontal3DLine(this), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX, 0,0,2,2)); fToolDock = new TGDockableFrame(this); AddFrame(fToolDock, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 1, 0)); fToolDock->SetWindowName("GuiBuilder ToolBar"); fToolBar = new TGToolBar(fToolDock); fToolDock->AddFrame(fToolBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX)); int spacing = 8; for (int i = 0; gToolBarData[i].fPixmap; i++) { if (strlen(gToolBarData[i].fPixmap) == 0) { spacing = 8; continue; } const TGPicture *pic = fClient->GetPicture(gToolBarData[i].fPixmap); TGuiBldToolButton *pb = new TGuiBldToolButton(fToolBar, pic, gToolBarData[i].fId); pb->SetStyle(gClient->GetStyle()); pb->SetToolTipText(gToolBarData[i].fTipText); TGToolTip *tip = pb->GetToolTip(); tip->SetDelay(200); tip->Connect("Reset()", "TRootGuiBuilder", this, "UpdateStatusBar(=0)"); tip->Connect("Hide()", "TRootGuiBuilder", this, "EraseStatusBar()"); fToolBar->AddButton(this, pb, spacing); spacing = 0; if (gToolBarData[i].fId == kEditableAct) { fStartButton = pb; continue; } if ((gToolBarData[i].fId == kUndoAct) || (gToolBarData[i].fId == kRedoAct)) { pb->SetState(kButtonDisabled); } } fToolBar->Connect("Clicked(Int_t)", "TGuiBldDragManager", fManager, "HandleAction(Int_t)"); AddFrame(new TGHorizontal3DLine(this), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX, 0,0,2,5)); TGCompositeFrame *cf = new TGHorizontalFrame(this, 1, 1); AddFrame(cf, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); //fShutterDock = new TGDockableFrame(cf); //cf->AddFrame(fShutterDock, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal )); //fShutterDock->SetWindowName("Widget Factory"); //fShutterDock->EnableUndock(kTRUE); //fShutterDock->EnableHide(kTRUE); //fShutterDock->DockContainer(); fShutter = new TGShutter(cf, kSunkenFrame); cf->AddFrame(fShutter, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandY)); fShutter->ChangeOptions(fShutter->GetOptions() | kFixedWidth); TGVSplitter *splitter = new TGVSplitter(cf); splitter->SetFrame(fShutter, kTRUE); cf->AddFrame(splitter, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandY)); fMain = new TGMdiMainFrame(cf, fMenuBar, 1, 1); fMain->Connect("FrameClosed(Int_t)", "TRootGuiBuilder", this, "HandleWindowClosed(Int_t)"); TQObject::Connect("TGMdiFrame", "CloseWindow()", "TRootGuiBuilder", this, "MaybeCloseWindow()"); cf->AddFrame(fMain, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); fMain->GetContainer()->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisable); const TGPicture *pbg = fClient->GetPicture("bld_bg.png"); if (pbg) { fMain->GetContainer()->SetBackgroundPixmap(pbg->GetPicture()); } if (fManager) { fEditor = new TGuiBldEditor(cf); cf->AddFrame(fEditor, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandY)); fManager->SetPropertyEditor(fEditor); fEditor->SetEmbedded(); } AddSection("Projects"); AddSection("Buttons"); AddSection("Containers"); AddSection("Bars"); AddSection("Input"); AddSection("Complex Input"); AddSection("Display"); AddSection("Dialogs"); // create an empty section AddSection("User's Macros"); TGShutterItem *item = fShutter->GetItem("User's Macros"); TGCompositeFrame *cont = (TGCompositeFrame *)item->GetContainer(); cont->SetBackgroundColor(TColor::Number2Pixel(18)); TGuiBldAction *act = new TGuiBldAction("TGMainFrame", "Empty Frame", kGuiBldProj); act->fAct = "empty"; act->fPic = "bld_mainframe.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Projects"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGMainFrame", "Horizontal Frame", kGuiBldProj); act->fAct = "horizontal"; act->fPic = "bld_mainframe.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Projects"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGMainFrame", "Vertical Frame", kGuiBldProj); act->fAct = "vertical"; act->fPic = "bld_mainframe.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Projects"); // Standard act = new TGuiBldAction("TGTextButton", "Text Button", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGTextButton()"; act->fPic = "bld_textbutton.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Buttons"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGCheckButton", "Check Button", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGCheckButton()"; act->fPic = "bld_checkbutton.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Buttons"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGRadioButton", "Radio Button", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGRadioButton()"; act->fPic = "bld_radiobutton.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Buttons"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGPictureButton", "Picture Button", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGPictureButton()"; act->fPic = "bld_image.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Buttons"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGTextEntry", "Text Entry", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGTextEntry()"; act->fPic = "bld_entry.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGTextEdit", "Text Edit", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildTextEdit()"; act->fPic = "bld_text.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGNumberEntry", "Number Entry", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGNumberEntry()"; act->fPic = "bld_numberentry.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGComboBox", "Combo Box", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildComboBox()"; act->fPic = "bld_combobox.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGListBox", "List Box", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildListBox()"; act->fPic = "bld_listbox.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGHSlider", "Horizontal Slider", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGHSlider()"; act->fPic = "bld_hslider.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGVSlider", "Vertical Slider", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGVSlider()"; act->fPic = "bld_vslider.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGHScrollBar", "HScrollbar", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildHScrollBar()"; act->fPic = "bld_hscrollbar.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGVScrollBar", "VScrollbar", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildVScrollBar()"; act->fPic = "bld_vscrollbar.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGListTree", "List Tree", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildListTree()"; act->fPic = "bld_listtree.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Complex Input"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGLabel", "Text Label", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGLabel()"; act->fPic = "bld_label.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Display"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGIcon", "Icon", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGIcon()"; act->fPic = "bld_image.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Display"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGHorizontal3DLine", "Horizontal Line", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildH3DLine()"; act->fPic = "bld_hseparator.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Display"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGVertical3DLine", "Vertical Line", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildV3DLine()"; act->fPic = "bld_vseparator.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Display"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGStatusBar", "Status Bar", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGStatusBar()"; act->fPic = "bld_statusbar.xpm"; act->fHints = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX); AddAction(act, "Bars"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGHProgressBar", "HProgress Bar", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildHProgressBar()"; act->fPic = "bld_hprogressbar.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Display"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGVProgressBar", "VProgress Bar", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildVProgressBar()"; act->fPic = "bld_vprogressbar.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Display"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TRootEmbeddedCanvas", "Embed Canvas", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TRootEmbeddedCanvas()"; act->fPic = "bld_embedcanvas.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Display"); // Containers act = new TGuiBldAction("TGHorizontalFrame", "Horizontal Frame", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGHorizontalFrame(0,200,100)"; act->fPic = "bld_hbox.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Containers"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGVerticalFrame", "Vertical Frame", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGVerticalFrame(0,100,200)"; act->fPic = "bld_vbox.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Containers"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGGroupFrame", "Group Frame", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "new TGGroupFrame()"; act->fPic = "bld_groupframe.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Containers"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGTab", "Tabbed Frame", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildTab()"; act->fPic = "bld_tab.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Containers"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGShutter", "Shutter", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildShutter()"; act->fPic = "bld_shutter.png"; AddAction(act, "Containers"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGCanvas", "Scrolled Canvas", kGuiBldCtor); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::BuildCanvas()"; act->fPic = "bld_canvas.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Containers"); /* act = new TGuiBldAction("TGVSplitter", "Horizontal Panes", kGuiBldFunc); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::VSplitter()"; act->fPic = "bld_hpaned.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Containers"); act = new TGuiBldAction("TGHSplitter", "Vertical Panes", kGuiBldFunc); act->fAct = "TRootGuiBuilder::HSplitter()"; act->fPic = "bld_vpaned.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Containers"); */ act = new TGuiBldAction("TGColorSelect", "Color Selector", kGuiBldFunc); act->fAct = "new TGColorSelect()"; act->fPic = "bld_colorselect.xpm"; AddAction(act, "Dialogs"); fShutter->Resize(140, fShutter->GetHeight()); fStatusBar = new TGStatusBar(this, 40, 10); AddFrame(fStatusBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 3, 0)); PropagateBgndColor(this, GetBgnd()); SetEditDisabled(kEditDisable); // disable editting to all subframes MapSubwindows(); Int_t qq; UInt_t ww; UInt_t hh; gVirtualX->GetWindowSize(gVirtualX->GetDefaultRootWindow(), qq, qq, ww, hh); MoveResize(100, 100, ww - 200, hh - 200); SetWMPosition(100, 100); SetWindowName("ROOT GuiBuilder"); SetIconName("ROOT GuiBuilder"); fIconPic = SetIconPixmap("bld_rgb.xpm"); SetClassHints("GuiBuilder", "GuiBuilder"); fSelected = 0; Update(); fMenuFile->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TRootGuiBuilder", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); fMenuWindow->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TRootGuiBuilder", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); fMenuHelp->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TRootGuiBuilder", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); // doesn't work properly on Windows... if (gVirtualX->InheritsFrom("TGX11")) BindKeys(); UpdateStatusBar("Ready"); MapRaised(); fEditor->SwitchLayout(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TRootGuiBuilder::~TRootGuiBuilder() { // Destructor. if (fIconPic) gClient->FreePicture(fIconPic); delete fMenuFile; delete fMenuWindow; delete fMenuHelp; gGuiBuilder = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::CloseWindow() { // Close GUI builder via window manager "Close" button. TGWindow *root = (TGWindow*)fClient->GetRoot(); if (root) root->SetEditable(kFALSE); fEditor->Reset(); if (fMain->GetNumberOfFrames() == 0) { fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_CLOSE); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); } else { fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_CLOSE); } TGButton *btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kGridAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!fClient->IsEditable() ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } fClosing = 1; fMain->CloseAll(); if (fClosing == -1) { fClosing = 0; return; } SwitchToolbarButton(); Hide(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGButton *TRootGuiBuilder::FindActionButton(const char *name, const char *sect) { // Find action by name if (!name || !sect) return 0; TGShutterItem *item = fShutter->GetItem(sect); if (!item) return 0; TGCompositeFrame *cont = (TGCompositeFrame *)item->GetContainer(); TGHorizontalFrame *hf; TGFrameElement *fe; TIter next(cont->GetList()); TGLabel *lb; TGButton *btn; while ((fe = (TGFrameElement*)next())) { hf = (TGHorizontalFrame*)fe->fFrame; btn = (TGButton*)((TGFrameElement*)hf->GetList()->First())->fFrame; lb = (TGLabel*)((TGFrameElement*)hf->GetList()->Last())->fFrame; if (*(lb->GetText()) == name) { return (TGButton*)btn; } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::AddAction(TGuiBldAction *act, const char *sect) { // Add new action to widget palette. if (!act || !sect) return; TGShutterItem *item = fShutter->GetItem(sect); TGButton *btn = 0; if (!item) return; TGCompositeFrame *cont = (TGCompositeFrame *)item->GetContainer(); cont->SetBackgroundColor(TColor::Number2Pixel(18)); const TGPicture *pic = 0; if (!act->fPicture) { act->fPicture = fClient->GetPicture(act->fPic); } pic = act->fPicture; TGHorizontalFrame *hf = new TGHorizontalFrame(cont); if (pic) { btn = new TGPictureButton(hf, pic); } else { btn = new TGTextButton(hf, act->GetName()); } btn->SetToolTipText(act->GetTitle(), 200); btn->SetUserData((void*)act); btn->Connect("Clicked()", "TRootGuiBuilder", this, "HandleButtons()"); hf->AddFrame(btn, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterY,3,3,3,3)); TGLabel *lb = new TGLabel(hf, act->fType != kGuiBldMacro ? act->GetTitle() : act->GetName()); lb->SetBackgroundColor(cont->GetBackground()); hf->AddFrame(lb, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterY,3,3,3,3)); hf->SetBackgroundColor(cont->GetBackground()); // disable edit cont->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisable); hf->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisable); cont->AddFrame(hf, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsTop, 2, 2, 2, 0)); cont->MapSubwindows(); cont->Resize(); // invoke Layout() } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::AddSection(const char *sect) { // Add new shutter item. static int id = 10000; TGShutterItem *item = new TGShutterItem(fShutter, new TGHotString(sect), id++); fShutter->AddItem(item); item->Connect("Selected()", "TRootGuiBuilder", this, "HandleMenu(=3)"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::HandleButtons() { // Handle buttons in the GUI builder's widget palette. TGFrame *parent; if (fActionButton) { parent = (TGFrame*)fActionButton->GetParent(); parent->ChangeOptions(parent->GetOptions() & ~kSunkenFrame); fClient->NeedRedraw(parent, kTRUE); } if (!fClient->IsEditable()) { HandleMenu(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); } fActionButton = (TGButton *)gTQSender; TGuiBldAction *act = (TGuiBldAction *)fActionButton->GetUserData(); parent = (TGFrame*)fActionButton->GetParent(); parent->ChangeOptions(parent->GetOptions() | kSunkenFrame); fClient->NeedRedraw(parent, kTRUE); if (act) { fAction = act; fManager->UngrabFrame(); if (fAction->fType != kGuiBldCtor) ExecuteAction(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::ExecuteAction() { // Execute an action. if (!fAction || fAction->fAct.IsNull()) return 0; TGFrame *ret = 0; if (!fClient->IsEditable() && (fAction->fType != kGuiBldMacro)) { TGMdiFrame *current = fMain->GetCurrent(); if (current) current->SetEditable(kTRUE); } TString s = ""; switch (fAction->fType) { case kGuiBldProj: s = fAction->fAct.Data(); NewProject(s); fAction = 0; break; case kGuiBldMacro: { TGWindow *root = (TGWindow*)fClient->GetRoot(); if (root) root->SetEditable(kFALSE); gROOT->Macro(fAction->fAct.Data()); if (root) root->SetEditable(kTRUE); fAction = 0; break; } default: ret = (TGFrame *)gROOT->ProcessLineFast(fAction->fAct.Data()); break; } Update(); return ret; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::InitMenu() { // Inititiate GUI Builder menus. fMenuFile = new TGuiBldPopupMenu(); fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Edit (Ctrl+double-click)"), kGUIBLD_FILE_START, 0, fClient->GetPicture("bld_edit.png")); fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Stop (Ctrl+double-click)"), kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP, 0, fClient->GetPicture("bld_stop.png")); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&New Project"), kGUIBLD_FILE_NEW, 0, fClient->GetPicture("bld_new.png")); fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Open"), kGUIBLD_FILE_OPEN, 0, fClient->GetPicture("bld_open.png")); fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Close"), kGUIBLD_FILE_CLOSE, 0, fClient->GetPicture("bld_delete.png")); fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Save project as"), kGUIBLD_FILE_SAVE, 0, fClient->GetPicture("bld_save.png")); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_CLOSE); fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); fMenuFile->AddEntry(new TGHotString("E&xit"), kGUIBLD_FILE_EXIT, 0, fClient->GetPicture("bld_exit.png")); /* fMenuEdit = new TGuiBldPopupMenu(); fMenuEdit->AddSeparator(); fMenuEdit->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Preferences ..."), kGUIBLD_EDIT_PREF); */ fMenuWindow = new TGuiBldPopupMenu(); fMenuWindow->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Tile &Horizontally"), kGUIBLD_WINDOW_HOR); fMenuWindow->AddEntry(new TGHotString("Tile &Vertically"), kGUIBLD_WINDOW_VERT); fMenuWindow->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Cascade"), kGUIBLD_WINDOW_CASCADE); fMenuWindow->AddSeparator(); //fMenuWindow->AddPopup(new TGHotString("&Windows"), fMain->GetWinListMenu()); fMenuWindow->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Arrange icons"), kGUIBLD_WINDOW_ARRANGE); fMenuWindow->AddSeparator(); fMenuWindow->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Opaque resize"), kGUIBLD_WINDOW_OPAQUE); fMenuWindow->CheckEntry(kGUIBLD_WINDOW_OPAQUE); fMenuHelp = new TGuiBldPopupMenu(); fMenuHelp->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Contents"), kGUIBLD_HELP_CONTENTS); fMenuHelp->AddSeparator(); fMenuHelp->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&About"), kGUIBLD_HELP_ABOUT); //fMenuHelp->AddSeparator(); //fMenuHelp->AddEntry(new TGHotString("&Send Bug Report"),kGUIBLD_HELP_BUG); TGMenuBar *bar = fMenuBar->GetMenuBar(); TGuiBldMenuTitle *title; title = new TGuiBldMenuTitle(bar, new TGHotString("&File"), fMenuFile); bar->AddTitle(title, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft,0,4,0,0)); //title = new TGuiBldMenuTitle(bar, new TGHotString("&Edit"), fMenuEdit); //bar->AddTitle(title, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft,0,4,0,0)); title = new TGuiBldMenuTitle(bar, new TGHotString("&Windows"), fMenuWindow); bar->AddTitle(title, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft,0,4,0,0)); title = new TGuiBldMenuTitle(bar, new TGHotString("&Help"), fMenuHelp); bar->AddTitle(title, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight,4,4,0,0)); fMenuBar->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisable); PropagateBgndColor(fMenuBar, GetBgnd()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::ChangeSelected(TGFrame *f) { // Set selected frame. fSelected = f; Update(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::EnableLassoButtons(Bool_t on) { // Enable toolbar buttons for alignment. TGButton *btn = 0; btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kUpAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kDownAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kRightAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kLeftAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kDeleteAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kGrabAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kCropAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::EnableSelectedButtons(Bool_t on) { // Enable/disable toolbar buttons according to the selected frame. fSelected = fManager->GetSelected(); TGButton *btn = 0; if (!fSelected) { btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kCompactAct); if (btn) btn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kLayoutVAct); if (btn) btn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kLayoutHAct); if (btn) btn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kBreakLayoutAct); if (btn) btn->SetState(kButtonDisabled); return; } Bool_t comp = kFALSE; TGLayoutManager *lm = 0; Bool_t hor = kFALSE; Bool_t fixed = kFALSE; Bool_t enable = on; Bool_t compact_disable = kTRUE; if (fSelected->InheritsFrom(TGCompositeFrame::Class())) { lm = ((TGCompositeFrame*)fSelected)->GetLayoutManager(); comp = kTRUE; hor = lm && lm->InheritsFrom(TGHorizontalLayout::Class()); fixed = !fManager->CanChangeLayout(fSelected); compact_disable = !fManager->CanCompact(fSelected); } else { enable = kFALSE; } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kCompactAct); if (btn) btn->SetState(enable && comp && !fixed && !compact_disable ? kButtonUp : kButtonDisabled); btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kLayoutHAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(enable && comp && !hor && !fixed ? kButtonUp : kButtonDisabled); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kLayoutVAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(enable && comp && hor && !fixed ? kButtonUp : kButtonDisabled); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kBreakLayoutAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(enable && comp && !fixed ? kButtonUp : kButtonDisabled); } /* btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kGrabAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(enable && comp ? kButtonDown : kButtonUp); TGToolTip *tt = btn->GetToolTip(); tt->SetText(btn->IsDown() ? "Drop Frames (Ctrl-Return)" : "Grab Selected Frames (Return)"); } */ } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::EnableEditButtons(Bool_t on) { // Enable/disable toolbar buttons according to the selected frame. TGButton *btn = 0; Bool_t lasso = fManager->IsLassoDrawn() && on; btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kReplaceAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kCutAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on || lasso ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kDropAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on || lasso ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kCopyAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on || lasso ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kPasteAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on || !fManager->IsPasteFrameExist() ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kCropAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on && !lasso ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kDeleteAct); if (btn) { btn->SetState(!on && !lasso ? kButtonDisabled : kButtonUp); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::Update() { // Update gui builder. if (!fManager) { return; } EnableLassoButtons(fManager->IsLassoDrawn()); fSelected = fManager->GetSelected(); EnableSelectedButtons(fSelected); EnableEditButtons(fClient->IsEditable() && (fManager->IsLassoDrawn() || fManager->GetSelected() || fManager->IsPasteFrameExist())); if (fActionButton) { TGFrame *parent = (TGFrame*)fActionButton->GetParent(); parent->ChangeOptions(parent->GetOptions() & ~kSunkenFrame); fClient->NeedRedraw(parent, kTRUE); } if (!fClient->IsEditable()) { UpdateStatusBar(""); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); fEditable = 0; //fShutter->SetSelectedItem(fShutter->GetItem("Projects")); } else { fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); } SwitchToolbarButton(); fActionButton = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TRootGuiBuilder::IsSelectMode() const { // Return the status of the selected mode. TGButton *btn = 0; btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kSelectAct); if (!btn) return kFALSE; return btn->IsDown(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TRootGuiBuilder::IsGrabButtonDown() const { // Return the status of the grab mode. TGButton *btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kGrabAct); if (!btn) return kFALSE; return btn->IsDown(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGuiBldSaveFrame : public TGMainFrame { public: TGuiBldSaveFrame(const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w , UInt_t h) : TGMainFrame(p, w, h) {} void SetList(TList *li) { fList = li; } }; static const char *gSaveMacroTypes[] = { "Macro files", "*.[C|c]*", "All files", "*", 0, 0 }; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TRootGuiBuilder::HandleKey(Event_t *event) { // Handle keys. if (event->fType == kGKeyPress) { UInt_t keysym; char str[2]; gVirtualX->LookupString(event, str, sizeof(str), keysym); if (event->fState & kKeyControlMask) { if (str[0] == 19) { // ctrl-s if (fMain->GetCurrent()) { return SaveProject(event); } else { return kFALSE; //TGMainFrame::HandleKey(event); } } else if (str[0] == 14) { //ctrl-n return NewProject(); //event not needed } else if (str[0] == 15) { // ctrl-o return OpenProject(event); } } fManager->HandleKey(event); return TGMainFrame::HandleKey(event); } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TRootGuiBuilder::NewProject(TString type) { // Create a new project. TGWindow *root = (TGWindow*)fClient->GetRoot(); if (root) root->SetEditable(kFALSE); fEditable = new TGMdiFrame(fMain, 500, 400, kOwnBackground); fEditable->DontCallClose(); fEditable->SetMdiHints(kMdiDefaultHints); fEditable->SetWindowName(fEditable->GetName()); fEditable->SetEditDisabled(0); // enable editting fEditable->MapRaised(); fEditable->AddInput(kKeyPressMask | kButtonPressMask); fEditable->SetEditable(kTRUE); if (type == "horizontal") { TGHorizontalFrame *hor = new TGHorizontalFrame(fEditable, 100, 100); fEditable->AddFrame(hor, new TGLayoutHints( kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 1, 1, 1, 1)); hor->SetEditable(kTRUE); fClient->NeedRedraw(hor, kTRUE); fEditable->MapSubwindows(); fEditable->MapWindow(); fClient->NeedRedraw(fEditable, kTRUE); fEditable->SetLayoutBroken(kFALSE); fEditable->Layout(); } else if (type == "vertical") { TGVerticalFrame *vert = new TGVerticalFrame(fEditable, 100, 100); fEditable->AddFrame(vert, new TGLayoutHints( kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY,1,1,1,1)); vert->SetEditable(kTRUE); fClient->NeedRedraw(vert, kTRUE); fEditable->MapSubwindows(); fEditable->MapWindow(); fClient->NeedRedraw(fEditable, kTRUE); fEditable->SetLayoutBroken(kFALSE); fEditable->Layout(); } else { fEditable->SetLayoutBroken(kTRUE); } fManager->SetEditable(kTRUE); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_CLOSE); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); fEditable->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); SwitchToolbarButton(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TRootGuiBuilder::OpenProject(Event_t *event) { // Open new gui builder project. TGButton *btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kOpenAct); if (btn) { btn->SetBackgroundColor(GetBgnd()); fClient->NeedRedraw(btn, kTRUE); } TGFileInfo fi; static TString dir("."); static Bool_t overwr = kFALSE; TString fname; fi.fFileTypes = gSaveMacroTypes; fi.fIniDir = StrDup(dir); fi.fOverwrite = overwr; TGWindow *root = (TGWindow*)fClient->GetRoot(); root->SetEditable(kFALSE); new TGFileDialog(fClient->GetDefaultRoot(), this, kFDOpen, &fi); if (!fi.fFilename) { root->SetEditable(kTRUE); return kFALSE; } dir = fi.fIniDir; overwr = fi.fOverwrite; fname = fi.fFilename; if (fname.EndsWith(".C", TString::kIgnoreCase) || fname.EndsWith(".cxx") || fname.EndsWith(".cpp") || fname.EndsWith(".cc")) { NewProject(); // create new project gROOT->Macro(fname.Data()); // put content of the macro as child frame } else { Int_t retval; new TGMsgBox(fClient->GetDefaultRoot(), this, "Error...", TString::Format("file (%s) must have source extension (.C, .c, .cxx, .cpp, .cc)", fname.Data()), kMBIconExclamation, kMBRetry | kMBCancel, &retval); if (retval == kMBRetry) { OpenProject(event); } } fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_CLOSE); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); SwitchToolbarButton(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TRootGuiBuilder::SaveProject(Event_t *event) { // Save selected project. TGButton *btn = fToolBar->GetButton(kSaveAct); if (btn) { btn->SetBackgroundColor(GetBgnd()); fClient->NeedRedraw(btn, kTRUE); } TGMdiFrame *savfr = fMain->GetCurrent(); if (!savfr) return kFALSE; static TImage *img = 0; if (!img) { img = TImage::Create(); } img->FromWindow(savfr->GetParent()->GetId()); TGWindow *root = (TGWindow*)fClient->GetRoot(); TGFileInfo fi; static TString dir("."); static Bool_t overwr = kFALSE; TString fname; root->SetEditable(kFALSE); fi.fFileTypes = gSaveMacroTypes; fi.fIniDir = StrDup(dir); fi.fOverwrite = overwr; new TGFileDialog(fClient->GetDefaultRoot(), this, kFDSave, &fi); if (!fi.fFilename) { root->SetEditable(kTRUE); SetEditable(kTRUE); return kFALSE; } dir = fi.fIniDir; overwr = fi.fOverwrite; fname = gSystem->UnixPathName(fi.fFilename); if (fname.EndsWith(".C", TString::kIgnoreCase) || fname.EndsWith(".cxx") || fname.EndsWith(".cpp") || fname.EndsWith(".cc")) { TGuiBldSaveFrame *main = new TGuiBldSaveFrame(fClient->GetDefaultRoot(), savfr->GetWidth(), savfr->GetHeight()); TList *list = main->GetList(); TString name = savfr->GetName(); savfr->SetName(main->GetName()); main->SetList(savfr->GetList()); main->SetLayoutBroken(savfr->IsLayoutBroken()); main->SaveSource(fname.Data(), "keep_names"); savfr->SetWindowName(fname.Data()); main->SetList(list); main->SetMWMHints(kMWMDecorAll, kMWMFuncAll, kMWMInputFullApplicationModal); main->SetWMSize(main->GetWidth(), main->GetHeight()); main->SetWMSizeHints(main->GetDefaultWidth(), main->GetDefaultHeight(), 10000, 10000, 0, 0); main->SetWindowName(fname.Data()); main->SetIconName(fname.Data()); main->SetClassHints(fname.Data(), fname.Data()); // some problems here under win32 if (gVirtualX->InheritsFrom("TGX11")) main->SetIconPixmap("bld_rgb.xpm"); savfr->SetName(name.Data()); AddMacro(fname.Data(), img); delete main; } else { Int_t retval; new TGMsgBox(fClient->GetDefaultRoot(), this, "Error...", TString::Format("file (%s) must have source extension (.C, .c, .cxx, .cpp, .cc)", fname.Data()), kMBIconExclamation, kMBRetry | kMBCancel, &retval); if (retval == kMBRetry) { SaveProject(event); } SwitchToolbarButton(); } SwitchToolbarButton(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::AddMacro(const char *macro, TImage *img) { // Add macro to "User's Macros" section // Input img must be static - do not delete it. if (!img || !img->GetWidth() || !img->GetHeight()) { return; } UInt_t w = 100; Float_t ratio = Float_t(w)/img->GetWidth(); Float_t rh = img->GetHeight()*ratio; UInt_t h = UInt_t(rh); img->Scale(w, h); img->Merge(img, "overlay"); static int i = 0; const TGPicture *pic = fClient->GetPicturePool()->GetPicture( TString::Format("%s;%d", macro, i++), img->GetPixmap(),img->GetMask()); const char *name = gSystem->BaseName(macro); TGButton *btn = FindActionButton(name, "User's Macros"); TGuiBldAction *act = 0; if (!btn) { act = new TGuiBldAction(name, macro, kGuiBldMacro); act->fAct = macro; act->fPic = macro; act->fPicture = pic; AddAction(act, "User's Macros"); } else { act = (TGuiBldAction*)btn->GetUserData(); act->fAct = macro; act->fPic = macro; act->fPicture = pic; if (btn->InheritsFrom(TGPictureButton::Class())) { btn->Resize(w, h); fClient->FreePicture(((TGPictureButton*)btn)->GetPicture()); ((TGPictureButton*)btn)->SetPicture(pic); } } fClient->NeedRedraw(fShutter); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGMdiFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::FindEditableMdiFrame(const TGWindow *win) { // Find the editable frame. const TGWindow *parent = win; TGMdiFrame *ret = 0; while (parent && (parent != fClient->GetDefaultRoot())) { if (parent->InheritsFrom(TGMdiFrame::Class())) { ret = (TGMdiFrame*)parent; return ret; } parent = parent->GetParent(); } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::SwitchToolbarButton() { // Switch image of toolbar edit button according to the current state. static const TGPicture *start = fClient->GetPicture("bld_edit.png"); static const TGPicture *stop = fClient->GetPicture("bld_stop.png"); if (fClient->IsEditable()) { fStartButton->SetEnabled(kTRUE); fStartButton->SetPicture(stop); fToolBar->SetId(fStartButton, kEndEditAct); fStartButton->SetToolTipText("Stop Edit (Ctrl-Dbl-Click)"); } else { if (fMain->GetNumberOfFrames() < 1) { fStartButton->SetEnabled(kFALSE); } else { fStartButton->SetEnabled(kTRUE); fStartButton->SetPicture(start); fToolBar->SetId(fStartButton, kEditableAct); fStartButton->SetToolTipText("Start Edit (Ctrl-Dbl-Click)"); } } fClient->NeedRedraw(fStartButton, kTRUE); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::HandleMenu(Int_t id) { // Handle menu items. TGWindow *root = (TGWindow*)fClient->GetRoot(); TRootHelpDialog *hd; switch (id) { case kGUIBLD_FILE_START: if (fClient->IsEditable()) { break; } fEditable = fMain->GetCurrent(); if (fEditable) { fEditable->SetEditable(kTRUE); } //else if (!fMain->GetCurrent()) { //NewProject(); //} UpdateStatusBar("Start edit"); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); SwitchToolbarButton(); break; case kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP: if (!fClient->IsEditable()) { break; } fEditable = FindEditableMdiFrame(root); if (fEditable) { root->SetEditable(kFALSE); UpdateStatusBar("Stop edit"); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); fEditable = 0; SwitchToolbarButton(); } fEditor->Reset(); break; case kGUIBLD_FILE_NEW: NewProject(); SwitchToolbarButton(); break; case kGUIBLD_FILE_CLOSE: fEditable = FindEditableMdiFrame(root); if (fEditable && (fEditable == fMain->GetCurrent())) { root->SetEditable(kFALSE); } fEditor->Reset(); UpdateStatusBar(""); fMain->Close(fMain->GetCurrent()); if (fMain->GetNumberOfFrames() <= 1) { fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_CLOSE); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); } if (fClient->IsEditable()) { fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); } else { fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); } SwitchToolbarButton(); break; case kGUIBLD_FILE_EXIT: CloseWindow(); break; case kGUIBLD_FILE_OPEN: OpenProject(); SwitchToolbarButton(); break; case kGUIBLD_FILE_SAVE: SaveProject(); SwitchToolbarButton(); break; case kGUIBLD_WINDOW_HOR: fMain->TileHorizontal(); break; case kGUIBLD_WINDOW_VERT: fMain->TileVertical(); break; case kGUIBLD_WINDOW_CASCADE: fMain->Cascade(); break; case kGUIBLD_WINDOW_ARRANGE: fMain->ArrangeMinimized(); break; case kGUIBLD_WINDOW_OPAQUE: if (fMenuWindow->IsEntryChecked(kGUIBLD_WINDOW_OPAQUE)) { fMenuWindow->UnCheckEntry(kGUIBLD_WINDOW_OPAQUE); fMain->SetResizeMode(kMdiNonOpaque); } else { fMenuWindow->CheckEntry(kGUIBLD_WINDOW_OPAQUE); fMain->SetResizeMode(kMdiOpaque); } break; case kGUIBLD_HELP_CONTENTS: root->SetEditable(kFALSE); hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, "Help on Gui Builder...", 600, 400); hd->SetText(gHelpBuilder); hd->SetEditDisabled(); hd->Popup(); root->SetEditable(kTRUE); break; case kGUIBLD_HELP_ABOUT: root->SetEditable(kFALSE); hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, "About Gui Builder...", 520, 160); hd->SetEditDisabled(); hd->SetText(gHelpAboutBuilder); hd->Popup(); root->SetEditable(kTRUE); break; default: fMain->SetCurrent(id); break; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::MaybeCloseWindow() { // Handler before closing MDI frame. int retval; if (fClosing == -1) return; TGMdiFrame *mdiframe = (TGMdiFrame *)gTQSender; fManager->SetEditable(kFALSE); new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetDefaultRoot(), this, "Closing project", "Do you want to save the project before closing?", kMBIconExclamation, kMBYes | kMBNo | kMBCancel, &retval); fManager->SetEditable(kTRUE); if (retval == kMBYes) { SaveProject(); } if (retval == kMBCancel) { fClosing = -1; if (!fClient->IsEditable()) HandleMenu(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); return; } fEditor->RemoveFrame(mdiframe); mdiframe->CloseWindow(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::HandleWindowClosed(Int_t ) { // Handler for closed MDI frame. fEditable = 0; if (fClient->IsEditable()) { fManager->SetEditable(kFALSE); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); } else { fMenuFile->EnableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); } fEditor->Reset(); UpdateStatusBar(""); if (fMain->GetNumberOfFrames() == 0) { fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_CLOSE); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_STOP); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(kGUIBLD_FILE_START); SwitchToolbarButton(); return; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::UpdateStatusBar(const char *txt) { // Update information shown on the status bar. if (!fStatusBar) return; const char *text = 0; if (!txt) { TObject *o = (TObject *)gTQSender; if (o && o->InheritsFrom(TGToolTip::Class())) { TGToolTip *tip = (TGToolTip*)o; text = tip->GetText()->Data(); } } else { text = txt; } fStatusBar->SetText(text); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::EraseStatusBar() { // Clear information shown in the status bar. if (!fStatusBar) return; fStatusBar->SetText(""); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::BindKeys() { // Keyborad key binding. gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_a), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_n), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_o), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Return), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Return), 0, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Enter), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Enter), 0, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_x), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_c), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_v), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_r), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_z), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_z), kKeyControlMask | kKeyShiftMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_b), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_l), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_g), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_h), kKeyControlMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Delete), 0, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Backspace), 0, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Space), 0, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Left), 0, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Right), 0, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Up), 0, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Down), 0, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Left), kKeyShiftMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Right), kKeyShiftMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Up), kKeyShiftMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Down), kKeyShiftMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Delete), kKeyShiftMask, kTRUE); gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Backspace), kKeyShiftMask, kTRUE); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::VSplitter() { // Create new vertical splitter (TGVSplitter). TGHorizontalFrame *ret = new TGHorizontalFrame(); ret->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); TGVerticalFrame *v1 = new TGVerticalFrame(ret, 40, 10, kSunkenFrame | kFixedWidth); ret->AddFrame(v1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandY)); //v1->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisableGrab); TGVSplitter *splitter = new TGVSplitter(ret); splitter->SetFrame(v1, kTRUE); ret->AddFrame(splitter, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandY)); splitter->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisableBtnEnable); TGVerticalFrame *v2 = new TGVerticalFrame(ret, 10, 10, kSunkenFrame); v2->ChangeOptions(kSunkenFrame); ret->AddFrame(v2, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); //v2->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisableGrab); ret->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisableLayout); ret->MapSubwindows(); ret->SetLayoutBroken(kFALSE); return ret; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::HSplitter() { // Creates new horizontal splitter (TGHSplitter). TGVerticalFrame *ret = new TGVerticalFrame(); ret->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); TGHorizontalFrame *v1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(ret, 10, 40, kSunkenFrame | kFixedHeight); ret->AddFrame(v1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX)); //v1->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisableGrab); TGHSplitter *splitter = new TGHSplitter(ret); splitter->SetFrame(v1, kTRUE); ret->AddFrame(splitter, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX)); splitter->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisable); TGHorizontalFrame *v2 = new TGHorizontalFrame(ret, 10, 10); v2->ChangeOptions(kSunkenFrame); ret->AddFrame(v2, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); //v2->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisableGrab); ret->SetEditDisabled(kEditDisableLayout); ret->MapSubwindows(); ret->SetLayoutBroken(kFALSE); return ret; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::Hide() { // Hide builder. //fMain->CloseAll(); UnmapWindow(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TRootGuiBuilder::GetBgnd() { // Return default background color. return GetDefaultFrameBackground(); static ULong_t gPixel = 0; if (gPixel) return gPixel; Float_t r, g, b; r = 232./255; g = 232./255; b = 222./255; gPixel = TColor::RGB2Pixel(r, g, b); return gPixel; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGGC *TRootGuiBuilder::GetBgndGC() { // Return background GC. if (fgBgnd) return fgBgnd; fgBgnd = new TGGC(TGFrame::GetBckgndGC()); Pixel_t back = GetBgnd(); fgBgnd->SetBackground(back); fgBgnd->SetForeground(back); return fgBgnd; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TRootGuiBuilder::PropagateBgndColor(TGFrame *frame, Pixel_t color) { // Set a background color to frame and all its subframes. if (!frame) return; frame->SetBackgroundColor(color); if (!frame->InheritsFrom(TGCompositeFrame::Class())) return; TIter next(((TGCompositeFrame*)frame)->GetList()); TGFrameElement *fe; while ((fe = (TGFrameElement*)next())) { if (fe->fFrame->GetBackground() == TGFrame::GetWhitePixel()) { continue; } PropagateBgndColor(fe->fFrame, color); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupBgnd() { // Return background color for popup menus. return GetDefaultFrameBackground(); static ULong_t gPixel = 0; if (gPixel) return gPixel; Float_t r, g, b; r = 250./255; g = 250./255; b = 250./255; gPixel = TColor::RGB2Pixel(r, g, b); return gPixel; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGGC *TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupBgndGC() { // Return background GC for popup menus. if (fgBgndPopup) return fgBgndPopup; fgBgndPopup = new TGGC(TGFrame::GetBckgndGC()); Pixel_t back = GetPopupBgnd(); fgBgndPopup->SetBackground(back); fgBgndPopup->SetForeground(back); return fgBgndPopup; } //______________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupHlght() { // Return highlighted color for popup menu entry. return GetDefaultSelectedBackground(); static ULong_t gPixel = 0; if (gPixel) return gPixel; Float_t r, g, b; r = 120./255; g = 120./255; b = 222./255; gPixel = TColor::RGB2Pixel(r, g, b); return gPixel; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGGC *TRootGuiBuilder::GetPopupHlghtGC() { // Return background GC for highlighted popup menu entry. if (fgBgndPopupHlght) return fgBgndPopupHlght; fgBgndPopupHlght = new TGGC(TGFrame::GetHilightGC()); Pixel_t back = GetPopupHlght(); fgBgndPopupHlght->SetBackground(back); fgBgndPopupHlght->SetForeground(back); return fgBgndPopupHlght; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGPopupMenu *TRootGuiBuilder::CreatePopup() { // Return style popup menu. return new TGuiBldPopupMenu(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildListTree() { // Helper method used in guibuilding TGCanvas *canvas = new TGCanvas(gClient->GetRoot(), 100, 100); TGListTree *lt = new TGListTree(canvas, kHorizontalFrame); lt->AddItem(0, "Entry 1"); lt->AddItem(0, "Entry 2"); lt->AddItem(0, "Entry 3"); lt->AddItem(0, "Entry 4"); lt->AddItem(0, "Entry 5"); canvas->Resize(100, 60); canvas->MapSubwindows(); return canvas; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildCanvas() { // Helper method used in guibuilding to create TGCanvas widget TGCanvas *canvas = new TGCanvas(gClient->GetRoot(), 100, 100); TGCompositeFrame *cont = new TGCompositeFrame(canvas->GetViewPort(), 200, 200, kHorizontalFrame | kOwnBackground); cont->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); cont->SetLayoutManager(new TGTileLayout(cont, 8)); cont->AddFrame(new TGTextButton(cont, "Button1")); cont->AddFrame(new TGTextButton(cont, "Button2")); cont->AddFrame(new TGTextButton(cont, "Button3")); cont->AddFrame(new TGTextButton(cont, "Button4")); canvas->SetContainer(cont); return canvas; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildShutter() { // Helper method used in guibuilding to create TGShutter widget TGShutterItem *item; TGCompositeFrame *container; const TGPicture *buttonpic; TGPictureButton *button; TGLayoutHints *l = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX,5,5,5,0); TGShutter *shut = new TGShutter(); item = shut->AddPage("Histograms"); container = (TGCompositeFrame *)item->GetContainer(); buttonpic = gClient->GetPicture("h1_s.xpm"); if (buttonpic) { button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic); button->SetToolTipText("TH1"); container->AddFrame(button, l); } buttonpic = gClient->GetPicture("h2_s.xpm"); if (buttonpic) { button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic); button->SetToolTipText("TH2"); container->AddFrame(button, l); } buttonpic = gClient->GetPicture("h3_s.xpm"); if (buttonpic) { button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic); button->SetToolTipText("TH3"); container->AddFrame(button, l); } buttonpic = gClient->GetPicture("profile_s.xpm"); if (buttonpic) { button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic); button->SetToolTipText("TProfile"); container->AddFrame(button, l); } // new page item = shut->AddPage("Functions"); container = (TGCompositeFrame *)item->GetContainer(); buttonpic = gClient->GetPicture("f1_s.xpm"); if (buttonpic) { button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic); button->SetToolTipText("TF1"); container->AddFrame(button, l); } buttonpic = gClient->GetPicture("f2_s.xpm"); if (buttonpic) { button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic); button->SetToolTipText("TF2"); container->AddFrame(button, l); } // new page item = shut->AddPage("Trees"); container = (TGCompositeFrame *)item->GetContainer(); buttonpic = gClient->GetPicture("ntuple_s.xpm"); if (buttonpic) { button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic); button->SetToolTipText("TNtuple"); container->AddFrame(button, l); } buttonpic = gClient->GetPicture("tree_s.xpm"); if (buttonpic) { button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic); button->SetToolTipText("TTree"); container->AddFrame(button, l); } buttonpic = gClient->GetPicture("chain_s.xpm"); if (buttonpic) { button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic); button->SetToolTipText("TChain"); container->AddFrame(button, l); } shut->MapSubwindows(); return shut; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildTextEdit() { // Helper method to create TGTextEdit widget TGTextEdit *te = new TGTextEdit(); te->AddLine("all work and no play makes jack a pretty"); te->AddLine("dull boy. all work and no play makes jack"); te->AddLine("a pretty dull boy. all work and no play "); te->AddLine("makes jack a pretty dull boy. all work"); te->AddLine("and no play makes jack a pretty dull boy."); te->MapSubwindows(); te->Layout(); te->Resize(100, 60); return te; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildTab() { // Helper method to create TGTab widget TGTab *tab = new TGTab(); tab->AddTab("Tab1"); tab->AddTab("Tab2"); tab->MapSubwindows(); return tab; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildListBox() { // Helper method to create TGListBox widget TGListBox *lb = new TGListBox(); lb->AddEntry("Entry 1", 0); lb->AddEntry("Entry 2", 1); lb->AddEntry("Entry 3", 2); lb->AddEntry("Entry 4", 3); lb->AddEntry("Entry 5", 4); lb->AddEntry("Entry 6", 5); lb->AddEntry("Entry 7", 6); lb->MapSubwindows(); lb->Resize(100,100); return lb; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildComboBox() { // Helper method to create TGComboBox widget TGComboBox *cb = new TGComboBox(); cb->AddEntry("Entry 1 ", 0); cb->AddEntry("Entry 2 ", 1); cb->AddEntry("Entry 3 ", 2); cb->AddEntry("Entry 4 ", 3); cb->AddEntry("Entry 5 ", 4); cb->AddEntry("Entry 6 ", 5); cb->AddEntry("Entry 7 ", 6); cb->MapSubwindows(); FontStruct_t fs = TGTextLBEntry::GetDefaultFontStruct(); int max_ascent, max_descent; gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fs, max_ascent, max_descent); cb->Resize(cb->GetListBox()->GetDefaultWidth(), max_ascent+max_descent+7); return cb; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildH3DLine() { // Helper method to create TGHorizontal3DLine widget. TGHorizontal3DLine *l = new TGHorizontal3DLine(0, 100, 2); l->Resize(100, 2); return l; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildV3DLine() { // Helper method to create TGVertical3DLine widget. TGVertical3DLine *l = new TGVertical3DLine(); l->Resize(2, 100); return l; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildHScrollBar() { // Helper method to create TGHScrollBar TGHScrollBar *b = new TGHScrollBar(); b->Resize(100, b->GetDefaultHeight()); b->SetRange(100, 20); b->MapSubwindows(); return b; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildVScrollBar() { // Helper method to create TGVScrollBar TGVScrollBar *b = new TGVScrollBar(); b->Resize(b->GetDefaultWidth(), 100); b->MapSubwindows(); b->SetRange(100, 20); return b; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildHProgressBar() { // Helper method to create TGHProgressBar TGHProgressBar *b = new TGHProgressBar(); b->Resize(100, b->GetDefaultHeight()); b->SetPosition(25); b->Format("%.2f"); b->SetFillType(TGProgressBar::kBlockFill); return b; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGFrame *TRootGuiBuilder::BuildVProgressBar() { // Helper method to create TGVProgressBar TGVProgressBar *b = new TGVProgressBar(); b->Resize(b->GetDefaultWidth(), 100); b->SetPosition(25); b->SetFillType(TGProgressBar::kBlockFill); return b; }