// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Peter Speckmayer, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : DataSet * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Contains all the data information * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Joerg Stelzer - CERN, Switzerland * * Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland * * Helge Voss - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Copyright (c) 2006: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_DataSet #define ROOT_TMVA_DataSet ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // DataSet // // // // Class that contains all the data information // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include "TObject.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TString #include "TString.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TTree #include "TTree.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TCut #include "TCut.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMatrixDfwd #include "TMatrixDfwd.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TPrincipal #include "TPrincipal.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TRandom3 #include "TRandom3.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Types #include "TMVA/Types.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_VariableInfo #include "TMVA/VariableInfo.h" #endif namespace TMVA { class Event; class DataSetInfo; class MsgLogger; class Results; class DataSet { public: DataSet(const DataSetInfo&); virtual ~DataSet(); void AddEvent( Event *, Types::ETreeType ); Long64_t GetNEvents( Types::ETreeType type = Types::kMaxTreeType ) const; Long64_t GetNTrainingEvents() const { return GetNEvents(Types::kTraining); } Long64_t GetNTestEvents() const { return GetNEvents(Types::kTesting); } Event* GetEvent() const; // returns event without transformations Event* GetEvent ( Long64_t ievt ) const { fCurrentEventIdx = ievt; return GetEvent(); } // returns event without transformations Event* GetTrainingEvent( Long64_t ievt ) const { return GetEvent(ievt, Types::kTraining); } Event* GetTestEvent ( Long64_t ievt ) const { return GetEvent(ievt, Types::kTesting); } Event* GetEvent ( Long64_t ievt, Types::ETreeType type ) const { fCurrentTreeIdx = TreeIndex(type); fCurrentEventIdx = ievt; return GetEvent(); } UInt_t GetNVariables() const; UInt_t GetNTargets() const; UInt_t GetNSpectators() const; void SetCurrentEvent( Long64_t ievt ) const { fCurrentEventIdx = ievt; } void SetCurrentType ( Types::ETreeType type ) const { fCurrentTreeIdx = TreeIndex(type); } Types::ETreeType GetCurrentType() const; void SetEventCollection( std::vector*, Types::ETreeType ); const std::vector& GetEventCollection( Types::ETreeType type = Types::kMaxTreeType ) const; const TTree* GetEventCollectionAsTree(); Long64_t GetNEvtSigTest(); Long64_t GetNEvtBkgdTest(); Long64_t GetNEvtSigTrain(); Long64_t GetNEvtBkgdTrain(); Bool_t HasNegativeEventWeights() const { return fHasNegativeEventWeights; } Results* GetResults ( const TString &, Types::ETreeType type, Types::EAnalysisType analysistype ); void DeleteResults ( const TString &, Types::ETreeType type, Types::EAnalysisType analysistype ); void SetVerbose( Bool_t ) {} // sets the number of blocks to which the training set is divided, // some of which are given to the Validation sample. As default they belong all to Training set. void DivideTrainingSet( UInt_t blockNum ); // sets a certrain block from the origin training set to belong to either Training or Validation set void MoveTrainingBlock( Int_t blockInd,Types::ETreeType dest, Bool_t applyChanges = kTRUE ); void IncrementNClassEvents( Int_t type, UInt_t classNumber ); Long64_t GetNClassEvents ( Int_t type, UInt_t classNumber ); void ClearNClassEvents ( Int_t type ); TTree* GetTree( Types::ETreeType type ); // accessors for random and importance sampling void InitSampling( Float_t fraction, Float_t weight, UInt_t seed = 0 ); void EventResult( Bool_t successful, Long64_t evtNumber = -1 ); void CreateSampling() const; UInt_t TreeIndex(Types::ETreeType type) const; private: // data members DataSet(); void DestroyCollection( Types::ETreeType type, Bool_t deleteEvents ); const DataSetInfo& fdsi; //! datasetinfo that created this dataset std::vector::iterator fEvtCollIt; std::vector< std::vector* > fEventCollection; //! list of events for training/testing/... std::vector< std::map< TString, Results* > > fResults; //! [train/test/...][method-identifier] mutable UInt_t fCurrentTreeIdx; mutable Long64_t fCurrentEventIdx; // event sampling std::vector fSampling; // random or importance sampling (not all events are taken) !! Bool_t are stored ( no vector taken for speed (performance) issues ) std::vector fSamplingNEvents; // number of events which should be sampled std::vector fSamplingWeight; // weight change factor [weight is indicating if sampling is random (1.0) or importance (<1.0)] mutable std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< Float_t, Long64_t >* > > fSamplingEventList; // weights and indices for sampling mutable std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< Float_t, Long64_t >* > > fSamplingSelected; // selected events TRandom3 *fSamplingRandom; // random generator for sampling // further things std::vector< std::vector > fClassEvents; //! number of events of class 0,1,2,... in training[0] // and testing[1] (+validation, trainingoriginal) Bool_t fHasNegativeEventWeights; // true if at least one signal or bkg event has negative weight mutable MsgLogger* fLogger; // message logger MsgLogger& Log() const { return *fLogger; } std::vector fBlockBelongToTraining; // when dividing the dataset to blocks, sets whether // the certain block is in the Training set or else // in the validation set // boolean are stored, taken vector for performance reasons (instead of vector) Long64_t fTrainingBlockSize; // block size into which the training dataset is divided void ApplyTrainingBlockDivision(); void ApplyTrainingSetDivision(); }; } //_______________________________________________________________________ inline UInt_t TMVA::DataSet::TreeIndex(Types::ETreeType type) const { switch (type) { case Types::kMaxTreeType : return fCurrentTreeIdx; case Types::kTraining : return 0; case Types::kTesting : return 1; case Types::kValidation : return 2; case Types::kTrainingOriginal : return 3; default : return fCurrentTreeIdx; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ inline TMVA::Types::ETreeType TMVA::DataSet::GetCurrentType() const { switch (fCurrentTreeIdx) { case 0: return Types::kTraining; case 1: return Types::kTesting; case 2: return Types::kValidation; case 3: return Types::kTrainingOriginal; } return Types::kMaxTreeType; } //_______________________________________________________________________ inline Long64_t TMVA::DataSet::GetNEvents(Types::ETreeType type) const { Int_t treeIdx = TreeIndex(type); if (fSampling.size() > UInt_t(treeIdx) && fSampling.at(treeIdx)) { return fSamplingSelected.at(treeIdx).size(); } return GetEventCollection(type).size(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ inline const std::vector& TMVA::DataSet::GetEventCollection( TMVA::Types::ETreeType type ) const { return *(fEventCollection.at(TreeIndex(type))); } #endif