// @(#)root/meta:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 05/02/2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TVirtualStreamerInfo #define ROOT_TVirtualStreamerInfo ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TVirtualStreamerInfo Abstract Interface class // // // // Abstract Interface describing Streamer information for one class. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TNamed #include "TNamed.h" #endif class TFile; class TClass; class TObjArray; class TStreamerElement; class TStreamerBasicType; class TVirtualCollectionProxy; class TClassStreamer; namespace ROOT { class TCollectionProxyInfo; } class TVirtualStreamerInfo : public TNamed { protected: Bool_t fOptimized; //! true if the Streamer has been optimized Bool_t fIsBuilt; //! true if the StreamerInfo has been 'built' protected: static Bool_t fgCanDelete; //True if ReadBuffer can delete object static Bool_t fgOptimize; //True if optimization on static Bool_t fgStreamMemberWise; //True if the collections are to be stream "member-wise" (when possible). static TVirtualStreamerInfo *fgInfoFactory; TVirtualStreamerInfo(const TVirtualStreamerInfo& info); TVirtualStreamerInfo& operator=(const TVirtualStreamerInfo&); public: //status bits enum { kCannotOptimize = BIT(12), kIgnoreTObjectStreamer = BIT(13), // eventhough BIT(13) is taken up by TObject (to preserverse forward compatibility) kRecovered = BIT(14), kNeedCheck = BIT(15), kIsCompiled = BIT(16) }; enum EReadWrite { kBase = 0, kOffsetL = 20, kOffsetP = 40, kCounter = 6, kCharStar = 7, kChar = 1, kShort = 2, kInt = 3, kLong = 4, kFloat = 5, kDouble = 8, kDouble32= 9, kUChar = 11, kUShort = 12, kUInt = 13, kULong = 14, kBits = 15, kLong64 = 16, kULong64 = 17, kBool = 18, kFloat16 = 19, kObject = 61, kAny = 62, kObjectp = 63, kObjectP = 64, kTString = 65, kTObject = 66, kTNamed = 67, kAnyp = 68, kAnyP = 69, kAnyPnoVT = 70, kSTLp = 71, kSkip = 100, kSkipL = 120, kSkipP = 140, kConv = 200, kConvL = 220, kConvP = 240, kSTL = 300, kSTLstring = 365, kStreamer = 500, kStreamLoop = 501, kCache = 600, // Cache the value in memory than is not part of the object but is accessible via a SchemaRule kArtificial = 1000, kCacheNew = 1001, kCacheDelete = 1002, kMissing = 99999 }; // Some comments about EReadWrite // kBase : base class element // kOffsetL : fixed size array // kOffsetP : pointer to object // kCounter : counter for array size // kCharStar: pointer to array of char // kBits : TObject::fBits in case of a referenced object // kObject : Class derived from TObject // kObjectp : Class* derived from TObject and with comment field //->Class // kObjectP : Class* derived from TObject and with NO comment field //->Class // kAny : Class not derived from TObject // kAnyp : Class* not derived from TObject with comment field //->Class // kAnyP : Class* not derived from TObject with NO comment field //->Class // kAnyPnoVT: Class* not derived from TObject with NO comment field //->Class and Class has NO virtual table // kSTLp : Pointer to STL container. // kTString : TString, special case // kTObject : TObject, special case // kTNamed : TNamed , special case TVirtualStreamerInfo(); TVirtualStreamerInfo(TClass * /*cl*/); virtual ~TVirtualStreamerInfo(); virtual void Build() = 0; virtual void BuildCheck() = 0; virtual void BuildEmulated(TFile *file) = 0; virtual void BuildOld() = 0; virtual Bool_t BuildFor( const TClass *cl ) = 0; virtual void CallShowMembers(void* obj, TMemberInspector &insp) const = 0; virtual void Clear(Option_t *) = 0; virtual Bool_t CompareContent(TClass *cl,TVirtualStreamerInfo *info, Bool_t warn, Bool_t complete) = 0; virtual void Compile() = 0; virtual void ForceWriteInfo(TFile *file, Bool_t force=kFALSE) = 0; virtual Int_t GenerateHeaderFile(const char *dirname, const TList *subClasses = 0, const TList *extrainfos = 0) = 0; virtual TClass *GetActualClass(const void *obj) const = 0; virtual TClass *GetClass() const = 0; virtual UInt_t GetCheckSum() const = 0; virtual Int_t GetClassVersion() const = 0; virtual ULong_t *GetElems() const = 0; virtual TObjArray *GetElements() const = 0; virtual Int_t GetOffset(const char *) const = 0; virtual Int_t *GetOffsets() const = 0; virtual Version_t GetOldVersion() const = 0; virtual Int_t GetOnFileClassVersion() const = 0; virtual Int_t GetNumber() const = 0; virtual Int_t GetSize() const = 0; virtual TStreamerElement *GetStreamerElement(const char*datamember, Int_t& offset) const = 0; Bool_t IsBuilt() const { return fIsBuilt; } Bool_t IsCompiled() const { return TestBit(kIsCompiled); } Bool_t IsOptimized() const { return fOptimized; } Int_t IsRecovered() const { return TestBit(kRecovered); } virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const = 0; virtual TVirtualStreamerInfo *NewInfo(TClass *cl) = 0; virtual void *New(void *obj = 0) = 0; virtual void *NewArray(Long_t nElements, void* ary = 0) = 0; virtual void Destructor(void* p, Bool_t dtorOnly = kFALSE) = 0; virtual void DeleteArray(void* p, Bool_t dtorOnly = kFALSE) = 0; virtual void SetCheckSum(UInt_t checksum) = 0; virtual void SetClass(TClass *cl) = 0; virtual void SetClassVersion(Int_t vers) = 0; static Bool_t SetStreamMemberWise(Bool_t enable = kTRUE); virtual void TagFile(TFile *fFile) = 0; virtual void Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass) = 0; static TStreamerBasicType *GetElementCounter(const char *countName, TClass *cl); static Bool_t CanOptimize(); static Bool_t GetStreamMemberWise(); static void Optimize(Bool_t opt=kTRUE); static Bool_t CanDelete(); static void SetCanDelete(Bool_t opt=kTRUE); static void SetFactory(TVirtualStreamerInfo *factory); virtual TVirtualCollectionProxy *GenEmulatedProxy(const char* class_name, Bool_t silent) = 0; virtual TClassStreamer *GenEmulatedClassStreamer(const char* class_name, Bool_t silent) = 0; virtual TVirtualCollectionProxy *GenExplicitProxy( const ::ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo &info, TClass *cl ) = 0; virtual TClassStreamer *GenExplicitClassStreamer( const ::ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo &info, TClass *cl ) = 0; static TVirtualStreamerInfo *Factory(); //WARNING this class version must be the same as TStreamerInfo ClassDef(TVirtualStreamerInfo,6) //Abstract Interface describing Streamer information for one class }; #endif