// @(#)root/proofplayer:$Id$ // Author: G. Ganis Mar 2008 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TProofPlayerLite // // // // This version of TProofPlayerRemote merges the functionality needed // // by clients and masters. It is used in optmized local sessions. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TProofPlayerLite.h" #include "MessageTypes.h" #include "TDSet.h" #include "TDSetProxy.h" #include "TEntryList.h" #include "TEventList.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TMessage.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TPerfStats.h" #include "TProofLite.h" #include "TProofDebug.h" #include "TProofServ.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TSelector.h" #include "TVirtualPacketizer.h" //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayerLite::MakeSelector(const char *selfile) { // Create the selector object and save the relevant files and binary information // in the cache so that the worker can pick it up. // Returns 0 and fill fSelector in case of success. Returns -1 and sets // fSelector to 0 in case of failure. fSelectorClass = 0; SafeDelete(fSelector); if (!selfile || strlen(selfile) <= 0) { Error("MakeSelector", "input file path or name undefined"); return -1; } // If we are just given a name, init the selector and return if (!strchr(gSystem->BaseName(selfile), '.')) { if (gDebug > 1) Info("MakeSelector", "selector name '%s' does not contain a '.':" " no file to check, it will be loaded from a library", selfile); if (!(fSelector = TSelector::GetSelector(selfile))) { Error("MakeSelector", "could not create a %s selector", selfile); return -1; } // Done return 0; } if (((TProofLite*)fProof)->CopyMacroToCache(selfile, 1, &fSelector, TProof::kCp | TProof::kCpBin) < 0) return -1; // Done return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerLite::Process(TDSet *dset, TSelector *selector, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first) { // Process specified TDSet on PROOF. // This method is called on client and on the PROOF master. // The return value is -1 in case of an error and TSelector::GetStatus() in // in case of success. if (!selector) { Error("Process", "selector object undefined"); return -1; } // Define fSelector in Client if (selector != fSelector) { if (fCreateSelObj) SafeDelete(fSelector); fSelector = selector; } fCreateSelObj = kFALSE; return Process(dset, selector->ClassName(), option, nentries, first); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerLite::Process(TDSet *dset, const char *selector_file, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first) { // Process specified TDSet on PROOF. // This method is called on client and on the PROOF master. // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in // in case of success. PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Enter"); fDSet = dset; fExitStatus = kFinished; if (!fProgressStatus) { Error("Process", "No progress status"); return -1; } fProgressStatus->Reset(); // delete fOutput; if (!fOutput) fOutput = new TList; else fOutput->Clear(); TPerfStats::Setup(fInput); TPerfStats::Start(fInput, fOutput); TMessage mesg(kPROOF_PROCESS); TString fn(gSystem->BaseName(selector_file)); // Parse option Bool_t sync = (fProof->GetQueryMode(option) == TProof::kSync); // Make sure that the temporary output list is empty if (fOutputLists) { fOutputLists->Delete(); delete fOutputLists; fOutputLists = 0; } if (!sync) { gSystem->RedirectOutput(fProof->fLogFileName); Printf(" "); Info("Process","starting new query"); } if (fCreateSelObj) { if (MakeSelector(selector_file) != 0) { if (!sync) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0); return -1; } } fSelectorClass = fSelector->IsA(); // Add fSelector to inputlist if processing with object TList *inputtmp = 0; // List of temporary input objects if (!fCreateSelObj) { // In any input list was set into the selector move it to the PROOF // input list, because we do not want to stream the selector one if (fSelector->GetInputList() && fSelector->GetInputList()->GetSize() > 0) { TIter nxi(fSelector->GetInputList()); TObject *o = 0; while ((o = nxi())) { if (!fInput->FindObject(o)) { fInput->Add(o); if (!inputtmp) { inputtmp = new TList; inputtmp->SetOwner(kFALSE); } inputtmp->Add(o); } } } fInput->Add(fSelector); } // Set the input list for initialization fSelector->SetInputList(fInput); fSelector->SetOption(option); if (fSelector->GetOutputList()) fSelector->GetOutputList()->Clear(); PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process","Call Begin(0)"); fSelector->Begin(0); // Send large input data objects, if any gProof->SendInputDataFile(); // Attach to the transient histogram with the assigned packets, if required if (fInput->FindObject("PROOF_StatsHist") != 0) { if (!(fProcPackets = (TH1 *) fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_ProcPcktHist"))) { Warning("Process", "could not attach to histogram 'PROOF_ProcPcktHist'"); } else { PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process", "attached to histogram 'PROOF_ProcPcktHist' to record" " packets being processed"); } } PDB(kPacketizer,1) Info("Process","Create Proxy TDSet"); TDSet *set = new TDSetProxy(dset->GetType(), dset->GetObjName(), dset->GetDirectory()); if (dset->TestBit(TDSet::kEmpty)) set->SetBit(TDSet::kEmpty); fProof->SetParameter("PROOF_MaxSlavesPerNode", (Long_t) ((TProofLite *)fProof)->fNWorkers); if (InitPacketizer(dset, nentries, first, "TPacketizerUnit", "TPacketizerAdaptive") != 0) { Error("Process", "cannot init the packetizer"); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } // reset start, this is now managed by the packetizer first = 0; // Try to have 100 messages about memory, unless a different number is given by the user if (!fProof->GetParameter("PROOF_MemLogFreq")){ Long64_t memlogfreq = fPacketizer->GetTotalEntries()/(fProof->GetParallel()*100); memlogfreq = (memlogfreq > 0) ? memlogfreq : 1; fProof->SetParameter("PROOF_MemLogFreq", memlogfreq); } // Add the unique query tag as TNamed object to the input list // so that it is available in TSelectors for monitoring fProof->SetParameter("PROOF_QueryTag", fProof->GetName()); // ... and the sequential number fProof->SetParameter("PROOF_QuerySeqNum", fProof->fSeqNum); if (!sync) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0); TCleanup clean(this); SetupFeedback(); TString opt = option; // Workers will get the entry ranges from the packetizer Long64_t num = (fProof->IsParallel()) ? -1 : nentries; Long64_t fst = (fProof->IsParallel()) ? -1 : first; // Entry- or Event- list ? TEntryList *enl = (!fProof->IsMaster()) ? dynamic_cast(set->GetEntryList()) : (TEntryList *)0; TEventList *evl = (!fProof->IsMaster() && !enl) ? dynamic_cast(set->GetEntryList()) : (TEventList *)0; // Reset the merging progress information fProof->ResetMergePrg(); // Broadcast main message PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Calling Broadcast"); mesg << set << fn << fInput << opt << num << fst << evl << sync << enl; Int_t nb = fProof->Broadcast(mesg); fProof->fNotIdle += nb; // Redirect logs from master to special log frame fProof->fRedirLog = kTRUE; if (!sync) { // Asynchronous query: just make sure that asynchronous input // is enabled and return the prompt PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Asynchronous processing:" " activating CollectInputFrom"); fProof->Activate(); // Return the query sequential number return fProof->fSeqNum; } else { // Wait for processing PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Synchronous processing: calling Collect"); fProof->Collect(); // Restore prompt logging (Collect leaves things as they were // at the time it was called) fProof->fRedirLog = kFALSE; if (!TSelector::IsStandardDraw(fn)) HandleTimer(0); // force an update of final result if (fPacketizer) { fPacketizer->StopProcess(kFALSE, kTRUE); // The progress timer will now stop itself at the next call fPacketizer->SetBit(TVirtualPacketizer::kIsDone); // Store process info if (fQuery) fQuery->SetProcessInfo(0, 0., fPacketizer->GetBytesRead(), fPacketizer->GetInitTime(), fPacketizer->GetProcTime()); } StopFeedback(); Long64_t rc = -1; if (GetExitStatus() != TProofPlayer::kAborted) rc = Finalize(kFALSE, sync); // Remove temporary input objects, if any if (inputtmp) { TIter nxi(inputtmp); TObject *o = 0; while ((o = nxi())) fInput->Remove(o); SafeDelete(inputtmp); } // Done return rc; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerLite::Finalize(Bool_t force, Bool_t sync) { // Finalize a query. // Returns -1 in case error, 0 otherwise. if (fOutputLists == 0) { if (force && fQuery) return fProof->Finalize(Form("%s:%s", fQuery->GetTitle(), fQuery->GetName()), force); } Long64_t rv = 0; TPerfStats::Stop(); if (!fQuery) { Info("Finalize", "query is undefined!"); return -1; } // Some objects (e.g. histos in autobin) may not have been merged yet // do it now MergeOutput(); if (fExitStatus != kAborted) { if (!sync) { // Reinit selector (with multi-sessioning we must do this until // TSelector::GetSelector() is optimized to i) avoid reloading of an // unchanged selector and ii) invalidate existing instances of // reloaded selector) if (ReinitSelector(fQuery) == -1) { Info("Finalize", "problems reinitializing selector \"%s\"", fQuery->GetSelecImp()->GetName()); return -1; } } // Some input parameters may be needed in Terminate fSelector->SetInputList(fInput); TList *output = fSelector->GetOutputList(); if (output) { TIter next(fOutput); while(TObject* obj = next()) { if (fProof->IsParallel() || DrawCanvas(obj) == 1) // Either parallel or not a canvas or not able to display it: // just add to the list output->Add(obj); } } else { Warning("Finalize", "undefined output list in the selector! Protocol error?"); } SetSelectorDataMembersFromOutputList(); PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Finalize","Call Terminate()"); fOutput->Clear("nodelete"); fSelector->Terminate(); rv = fSelector->GetStatus(); // copy the output list back and clean the selector's list TIter it(output); while(TObject* o = it()) { fOutput->Add(o); } // Save the output list in the current query, if any if (fQuery) { fQuery->SetOutputList(fOutput); // Set in finalized state (cannot be done twice) fQuery->SetFinalized(); } else { Warning("Finalize","current TQueryResult object is undefined!"); } if (!fCreateSelObj) { fInput->Remove(fSelector); fOutput->Remove(fSelector); if (output) output->Remove(fSelector); fSelector = 0; } // We have transferred copy of the output objects in TQueryResult, // so now we can cleanup the selector, making sure that we do not // touch the output objects if (output) output->SetOwner(kFALSE); if (fCreateSelObj) SafeDelete(fSelector); // Delete fOutput (not needed anymore, cannot be finalized twice), // making sure that the objects saved in TQueryResult are not deleted fOutput->SetOwner(kFALSE); SafeDelete(fOutput); } else { // Cleanup fOutput->SetOwner(); SafeDelete(fSelector); if (!fCreateSelObj) fSelector = 0; } PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Finalize","exit"); return rv; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayerLite::HandleTimer(TTimer *) { // Send feedback objects to client. PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("HandleTimer","Entry: %p", fFeedbackTimer); if (fFeedbackTimer == 0) return kFALSE; // timer already switched off // process local feedback objects TList *fb = new TList; fb->SetOwner(); TIter next(fFeedback); while( TObjString *name = (TObjString*) next() ) { TObject *o = fOutput->FindObject(name->GetName()); if (o != 0) fb->Add(o->Clone()); } if (fb->GetSize() > 0) StoreFeedback(this, fb); // adopts fb else delete fb; if (fFeedbackLists == 0) { fFeedbackTimer->Start(fFeedbackPeriod, kTRUE); // maybe next time return kFALSE; } fb = MergeFeedback(); Feedback(fb); fb->SetOwner(); delete fb; fFeedbackTimer->Start(fFeedbackPeriod, kTRUE); return kFALSE; // ignored? } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerLite::SetupFeedback() { // Setup reporting of feedback objects. fFeedback = (TList*) fInput->FindObject("FeedbackList"); if (fFeedback) { PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("SetupFeedback","\"FeedbackList\" found: %d objects", fFeedback->GetSize()); } else { PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("SetupFeedback","\"FeedbackList\" NOT found"); } if (fFeedback == 0 || fFeedback->GetSize() == 0) return; // OK, feedback was requested, setup the timer SafeDelete(fFeedbackTimer); fFeedbackPeriod = 2000; TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_FeedbackPeriod", fFeedbackPeriod); fFeedbackTimer = new TTimer; fFeedbackTimer->SetObject(this); fFeedbackTimer->Start(fFeedbackPeriod, kTRUE); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerLite::StoreFeedback(TObject *slave, TList *out) { // Store feedback results from the specified slave. PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("StoreFeedback","Enter (%p,%p,%d)", fFeedbackLists, out, (out ? out->GetSize() : -1)); if ( out == 0 ) { PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("StoreFeedback","Leave (empty)"); return; } if (fFeedbackLists == 0) { PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("StoreFeedback","Create fFeedbackLists"); fFeedbackLists = new TList; fFeedbackLists->SetOwner(); } TIter next(out); out->SetOwner(kFALSE); // take ownership of the contents TObject *obj; while( (obj = next()) ) { PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("StoreFeedback","Find '%s'", obj->GetName() ); TMap *map = (TMap*) fFeedbackLists->FindObject(obj->GetName()); if ( map == 0 ) { PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("StoreFeedback", "map for '%s' not found (creating)", obj->GetName()); // map must not be owner (ownership is with regards to the keys (only)) map = new TMap; map->SetName(obj->GetName()); fFeedbackLists->Add(map); } else { PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("StoreFeedback","removing previous value"); if (map->GetValue(slave)) delete map->GetValue(slave); map->Remove(slave); } map->Add(slave, obj); } delete out; PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("StoreFeedback","Leave"); }