// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: S.Jadach, Tancredi Carli, Dominik Dannheim, Alexander Voigt /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Classes: PDEFoamCell * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Objects of this class are hyperrectangular cells organized in * * the binary tree. Special algoritm for encoding relalive * * positioning of the cells saves total memory allocation needed * * for the system of cells. * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * S. Jadach - Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland * * Tancredi Carli - CERN, Switzerland * * Dominik Dannheim - CERN, Switzerland * * Alexander Voigt - TU Dresden, Germany * * * * Copyright (c) 2008: * * CERN, Switzerland * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #include #include #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_PDEFoamCell #include "TMVA/PDEFoamCell.h" #endif using namespace std; ClassImp(TMVA::PDEFoamCell) //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamCell::PDEFoamCell() : TObject(), fDim(0), fSerial(0), fStatus(1), fParent(0), fDaught0(0), fDaught1(0), fXdiv(0.0), fBest(0), fVolume(0.0), fIntegral(0.0), fDrive(0.0), fElement(0) { // Default constructor for streamer } //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamCell::PDEFoamCell(Int_t kDim) : TObject(), fDim(kDim), fSerial(0), fStatus(1), fParent(0), fDaught0(0), fDaught1(0), fXdiv(0.0), fBest(0), fVolume(0.0), fIntegral(0.0), fDrive(0.0), fElement(0) { // User constructor allocating single empty Cell if ( kDim <= 0 ) Error( "PDEFoamCell", "Dimension has to be >0" ); } //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamCell::PDEFoamCell(const PDEFoamCell &cell) : TObject(), fDim (cell.fDim), fSerial (cell.fSerial), fStatus (cell.fStatus), fParent (cell.fParent), fDaught0 (cell.fDaught0), fDaught1 (cell.fDaught1), fXdiv (cell.fXdiv), fBest (cell.fBest), fVolume (cell.fVolume), fIntegral(cell.fIntegral), fDrive (cell.fDrive), fElement (cell.fElement) { // Copy constructor Error( "PDEFoamCell", "COPY CONSTRUCTOR NOT IMPLEMENTED" ); } //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamCell::~PDEFoamCell() { // Destructor } //_____________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::PDEFoamCell::Fill(Int_t status, PDEFoamCell *parent, PDEFoamCell *daugh1, PDEFoamCell *daugh2) { // Fills in certain data into newly allocated cell fStatus = status; fParent = parent; fDaught0 = daugh1; fDaught1 = daugh2; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GETTERS/SETTERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_____________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::PDEFoamCell::GetHcub( PDEFoamVect &cellPosi, PDEFoamVect &cellSize) const { // Provides size and position of the cell // These parameter are calculated by analyzing information in all parents // cells up to the root cell. It takes time but saves memory. if(fDim<1) return; const PDEFoamCell *pCell,*dCell; cellPosi = 0.0; cellSize=1.0; // load all components dCell = this; while(dCell != 0) { pCell = dCell->GetPare(); if( pCell== 0) break; Int_t kDiv = pCell->fBest; Double_t xDivi = pCell->fXdiv; if(dCell == pCell->GetDau0() ) { cellSize[kDiv] *=xDivi; cellPosi[kDiv] *=xDivi; } else if( dCell == pCell->GetDau1() ) { cellSize[kDiv] *=(1.0-xDivi); cellPosi[kDiv] =cellPosi[kDiv]*(1.0-xDivi)+xDivi; } else { Error( "GetHcub ","Something wrong with linked tree \n"); } dCell=pCell; }//while }//GetHcub //_____________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::PDEFoamCell::GetHSize( PDEFoamVect &cellSize) const { // Provides size of the cell // Size parameters are calculated by analyzing information in all parents // cells up to the root cell. It takes time but saves memory. if(fDim<1) return; const PDEFoamCell *pCell,*dCell; cellSize=1.0; // load all components dCell = this; while(dCell != 0) { pCell = dCell->GetPare(); if( pCell== 0) break; Int_t kDiv = pCell->fBest; Double_t xDivi = pCell->fXdiv; if(dCell == pCell->GetDau0() ) { cellSize[kDiv]=cellSize[kDiv]*xDivi; } else if(dCell == pCell->GetDau1() ) { cellSize[kDiv]=cellSize[kDiv]*(1.0-xDivi); } else { Error( "GetHSize ","Something wrong with linked tree \n"); } dCell=pCell; }//while }//GetHSize //_____________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::PDEFoamCell::CalcVolume(void) { // Calculates volume of the cell using size params which are calculated Int_t k; Double_t volu=1.0; if(fDim>0) { // h-cubical subspace PDEFoamVect cellSize(fDim); GetHSize(cellSize); for(k=0; kGetPare()) != 0){ ++depth; } return depth; } //_____________________________________________________________________ UInt_t TMVA::PDEFoamCell::GetTreeDepth(UInt_t depth) { // Get depth of cell tree, starting at this cell. if (GetStat() == 1) // this is an active cell return depth + 1; UInt_t depth0 = 0, depth1 = 0; if (GetDau0() != NULL) depth0 = GetDau0()->GetTreeDepth(depth+1); if (GetDau1() != NULL) depth1 = GetDau1()->GetTreeDepth(depth+1); return (depth0 > depth1 ? depth0 : depth1); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::PDEFoamCell::Print(Option_t *option) const { // Printout of the cell geometry parameters for the debug purpose if (!option) Error( "Print", "No option set\n"); cout << " Status= "<< fStatus <<","; cout << " Volume= "<< fVolume <<","; cout << " TrueInteg= " << fIntegral <<","; cout << " DriveInteg= "<< fDrive <<","; cout << endl; cout << " Xdiv= "<GetSerial() : -1) <<"} "; // extra DEBUG cout << " Daught0= {"<< (GetDau0() ? GetDau0()->GetSerial() : -1 )<<"} "; // extra DEBUG cout << " Daught1= {"<< (GetDau1() ? GetDau1()->GetSerial() : -1 )<<"} "; // extra DEBUG cout << endl; // // if (fDim>0 ) { PDEFoamVect cellPosi(fDim); PDEFoamVect cellSize(fDim); GetHcub(cellPosi,cellSize); cout <<" Posi= "; cellPosi.Print("1"); cout<<","<< endl; cout <<" Size= "; cellSize.Print("1"); cout<<","<< endl; } }