// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Fredrik Tegenfeldt, Helge Voss /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : RuleEnsemble * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * A class generating an ensemble of rules * * Input: a forest of decision trees * * Output: an ensemble of rules * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Fredrik Tegenfeldt - Iowa State U., USA * * Helge Voss - MPI-KP Heidelberg, GER * * * * Copyright (c) 2005: * * CERN, Switzerland * * Iowa State U. * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TMVA/RuleEnsemble.h" #include "TMVA/RuleFit.h" #include "TMVA/MethodRuleFit.h" #include "TMVA/Tools.h" //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::RuleEnsemble::RuleEnsemble( RuleFit *rf ) : fLearningModel ( kFull ) , fImportanceCut ( 0 ) , fLinQuantile ( 0.025 ) // default quantile for killing outliers in linear terms , fOffset ( 0 ) , fAverageSupport ( 0.8 ) , fAverageRuleSigma( 0.4 ) // default value - used if only linear model is chosen , fRuleFSig ( 0 ) , fRuleNCave ( 0 ) , fRuleNCsig ( 0 ) , fRuleMinDist ( 1e-3 ) // closest allowed 'distance' between two rules , fNRulesGenerated ( 0 ) , fEvent ( 0 ) , fEventCacheOK ( true ) , fRuleMapOK ( true ) , fRuleMapInd0 ( 0 ) , fRuleMapInd1 ( 0 ) , fRuleMapEvents ( 0 ) , fLogger( new MsgLogger("RuleFit") ) { // constructor Initialize( rf ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::RuleEnsemble::RuleEnsemble( const RuleEnsemble& other ) : fAverageSupport ( 1 ) , fEvent(0) , fRuleMapEvents(0) , fRuleFit(0) , fLogger( new MsgLogger("RuleFit") ) { // copy constructor Copy( other ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::RuleEnsemble::RuleEnsemble() : fLearningModel ( kFull ) , fImportanceCut ( 0 ) , fLinQuantile ( 0.025 ) // default quantile for killing outliers in linear terms , fOffset ( 0 ) , fImportanceRef ( 1.0 ) , fAverageSupport ( 0.8 ) , fAverageRuleSigma( 0.4 ) // default value - used if only linear model is chosen , fRuleFSig ( 0 ) , fRuleNCave ( 0 ) , fRuleNCsig ( 0 ) , fRuleMinDist ( 1e-3 ) // closest allowed 'distance' between two rules , fNRulesGenerated ( 0 ) , fEvent ( 0 ) , fEventCacheOK ( true ) , fRuleMapOK ( true ) , fRuleMapInd0 ( 0 ) , fRuleMapInd1 ( 0 ) , fRuleMapEvents ( 0 ) , fRuleFit ( 0 ) , fLogger( new MsgLogger("RuleFit") ) { // constructor } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::RuleEnsemble::~RuleEnsemble() { // destructor for ( std::vector::iterator itrRule = fRules.begin(); itrRule != fRules.end(); itrRule++ ) { delete *itrRule; } // NOTE: Should not delete the histos fLinPDFB/S since they are delete elsewhere delete fLogger; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::Initialize( const RuleFit *rf ) { // Initializes all member variables with default values SetAverageRuleSigma(0.4); // default value - used if only linear model is chosen fRuleFit = rf; UInt_t nvars = GetMethodBase()->GetNvar(); fVarImportance.clear(); fLinPDFB.clear(); fLinPDFS.clear(); // fVarImportance.resize( nvars,0.0 ); fLinPDFB.resize( nvars,0 ); fLinPDFS.resize( nvars,0 ); fImportanceRef = 1.0; for (UInt_t i=0; iSetMinType(t); } //_______________________________________________________________________ const TMVA::MethodRuleFit* TMVA::RuleEnsemble::GetMethodRuleFit() const { // // Get a pointer to the original MethodRuleFit. // return ( fRuleFit==0 ? 0:fRuleFit->GetMethodRuleFit()); } //_______________________________________________________________________ const TMVA::MethodBase* TMVA::RuleEnsemble::GetMethodBase() const { // // Get a pointer to the original MethodRuleFit. // return ( fRuleFit==0 ? 0:fRuleFit->GetMethodBase()); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::MakeModel() { // create model MakeRules( fRuleFit->GetForest() ); MakeLinearTerms(); MakeRuleMap(); CalcRuleSupport(); RuleStatistics(); PrintRuleGen(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::RuleEnsemble::CoefficientRadius() { // // Calculates sqrt(Sum(a_i^2)), i=1..N (NOTE do not include a0) // Int_t ncoeffs = fRules.size(); if (ncoeffs<1) return 0; // Double_t sum2=0; Double_t val; for (Int_t i=0; iGetCoefficient(); sum2 += val*val; } return sum2; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::ResetCoefficients() { // reset all rule coefficients fOffset = 0.0; UInt_t nrules = fRules.size(); for (UInt_t i=0; iSetCoefficient(0.0); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::SetCoefficients( const std::vector< Double_t > & v ) { // set all rule coefficients UInt_t nrules = fRules.size(); if (v.size()!=nrules) { Log() << kFATAL << " - BUG TRAP - input vector worng size! It is = " << v.size() << " when it should be = " << nrules << Endl; } for (UInt_t i=0; iSetCoefficient(v[i]); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::GetCoefficients( std::vector< Double_t > & v ) { // Retrieve all rule coefficients UInt_t nrules = fRules.size(); v.resize(nrules); if (nrules==0) return; // for (UInt_t i=0; iGetCoefficient()); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ const std::vector* TMVA::RuleEnsemble::GetTrainingEvents() const { // get list of training events from the rule fitter return &(fRuleFit->GetTrainingEvents()); } //_______________________________________________________________________ const TMVA::Event * TMVA::RuleEnsemble::GetTrainingEvent(UInt_t i) const { // get the training event from the rule fitter return fRuleFit->GetTrainingEvent(i); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::RemoveSimilarRules() { // remove rules that behave similar Log() << kVERBOSE << "Removing similar rules; distance = " << fRuleMinDist << Endl; UInt_t nrulesIn = fRules.size(); TMVA::Rule *first, *second; std::vector< Char_t > removeMe( nrulesIn,false ); // <--- stores boolean Int_t nrem = 0; Int_t remind=-1; Double_t r; for (UInt_t i=0; iEqual(*second,kTRUE,fRuleMinDist); if (equal) { r = gRandom->Rndm(); remind = (r>0.5 ? k:i); // randomly select rule } else { remind = -1; } if (remind>-1) { if (!removeMe[remind]) { removeMe[remind] = true; nrem++; } } } } } } UInt_t ind = 0; Rule *theRule; for (UInt_t i=0; i= 1400 fRules.erase( std::vector::iterator(&fRules[ind], &fRules) ); #else fRules.erase( std::vector::iterator(&fRules[ind]) ); #endif delete theRule; ind--; } ind++; } UInt_t nrulesOut = fRules.size(); Log() << kVERBOSE << "Removed " << nrulesIn - nrulesOut << " out of " << nrulesIn << " rules" << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::CleanupRules() { // cleanup rules UInt_t nrules = fRules.size(); if (nrules==0) return; Log() << kVERBOSE << "Removing rules with relative importance < " << fImportanceCut << Endl; if (fImportanceCut<=0) return; // // Mark rules to be removed // Rule *therule; Int_t ind=0; for (UInt_t i=0; iGetRelImportance()= 1400 fRules.erase( std::vector::iterator(&fRules[ind], &fRules) ); #else fRules.erase( std::vector::iterator(&fRules[ind]) ); #endif delete therule; ind--; } ind++; } Log() << kINFO << "Removed " << nrules-ind << " out of a total of " << nrules << " rules with importance < " << fImportanceCut << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::CleanupLinear() { // cleanup linear model UInt_t nlin = fLinNorm.size(); if (nlin==0) return; Log() << kVERBOSE << "Removing linear terms with relative importance < " << fImportanceCut << Endl; // fLinTermOK.clear(); for (UInt_t i=0; i fImportanceCut) ); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::CalcRuleSupport() { // calculate the support for all rules Log() << kVERBOSE << "Evaluating Rule support" << Endl; Double_t s,t,stot,ttot,ssb; Double_t ssig, sbkg, ssum; Int_t indrule=0; stot = 0; ttot = 0; // reset to default values SetAverageRuleSigma(0.4); const std::vector *events = GetTrainingEvents(); Double_t nrules = static_cast(fRules.size()); Double_t ew; // if ((nrules>0) && (events->size()>0)) { for ( std::vector< Rule * >::iterator itrRule=fRules.begin(); itrRule!=fRules.end(); itrRule++ ) { s=0.0; ssig=0.0; sbkg=0.0; for ( std::vector::const_iterator itrEvent=events->begin(); itrEvent!=events->end(); itrEvent++ ) { if ((*itrRule)->EvalEvent( *(*itrEvent) )) { ew = (*itrEvent)->GetWeight(); s += ew; if (GetMethodRuleFit()->DataInfo().IsSignal(*itrEvent)) ssig += ew; else sbkg += ew; } } // s = s/fRuleFit->GetNEveEff(); t = s*(1.0-s); t = (t<0 ? 0:sqrt(t)); stot += s; ttot += t; ssum = ssig+sbkg; ssb = (ssum>0 ? Double_t(ssig)/Double_t(ssig+sbkg) : 0.0 ); (*itrRule)->SetSupport(s); (*itrRule)->SetNorm(t); (*itrRule)->SetSSB( ssb ); (*itrRule)->SetSSBNeve(Double_t(ssig+sbkg)); indrule++; } fAverageSupport = stot/nrules; fAverageRuleSigma = TMath::Sqrt(fAverageSupport*(1.0-fAverageSupport)); Log() << kVERBOSE << "Standard deviation of support = " << fAverageRuleSigma << Endl; Log() << kVERBOSE << "Average rule support = " << fAverageSupport << Endl; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::CalcImportance() { // calculate the importance of each rule Double_t maxRuleImp = CalcRuleImportance(); Double_t maxLinImp = CalcLinImportance(); Double_t maxImp = (maxRuleImp>maxLinImp ? maxRuleImp : maxLinImp); SetImportanceRef( maxImp ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::SetImportanceRef(Double_t impref) { // set reference importance for ( UInt_t i=0; iSetImportanceRef(impref); } fImportanceRef = impref; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::RuleEnsemble::CalcRuleImportance() { // calculate importance of each rule Double_t maxImp=-1.0; Double_t imp; Int_t nrules = fRules.size(); for ( int i=0; iCalcImportance(); imp = fRules[i]->GetImportance(); if (imp>maxImp) maxImp = imp; } for ( Int_t i=0; iSetImportanceRef(maxImp); } return maxImp; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::RuleEnsemble::CalcLinImportance() { // calculate the linear importance for each rule Double_t maxImp=-1.0; UInt_t nvars = fLinCoefficients.size(); fLinImportance.resize(nvars,0.0); if (!DoLinear()) return maxImp; // // The linear importance is: // I = |b_x|*sigma(x) // Note that the coefficients in fLinCoefficients are for the normalized x // => b'_x * x' = b'_x * sigma(r)*x/sigma(x) // => b_x = b'_x*sigma(r)/sigma(x) // => I = |b'_x|*sigma(r) // Double_t imp; for ( UInt_t i=0; imaxImp) maxImp = imp; } return maxImp; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::CalcVarImportance() { // // Calculates variable importance using eq (35) in RuleFit paper by Friedman et.al // Log() << kVERBOSE << "Compute variable importance" << Endl; Double_t rimp; UInt_t nrules = fRules.size(); if (GetMethodBase()==0) Log() << kFATAL << "RuleEnsemble::CalcVarImportance() - should not be here!" << Endl; UInt_t nvars = GetMethodBase()->GetNvar(); UInt_t nvarsUsed; Double_t rimpN; fVarImportance.resize(nvars,0); // rules if (DoRules()) { for ( UInt_t ind=0; indGetImportance(); nvarsUsed = fRules[ind]->GetNumVarsUsed(); if (nvarsUsed<1) Log() << kFATAL << " Variables for importance calc!!!??? A BUG!" << Endl; rimpN = (nvarsUsed > 0 ? rimp/nvarsUsed:0.0); for ( UInt_t iv=0; ivContainsVariable(iv)) { fVarImportance[iv] += rimpN; } } } } // linear terms if (DoLinear()) { for ( UInt_t iv=0; iv maximp ) maximp = fVarImportance[iv]; } if (maximp>0) { for ( UInt_t iv=0; iv & rules ) { // set rules // // first clear all DeleteRules(); // fRules.resize(rules.size()); for (UInt_t i=0; i & forest ) { // // Makes rules from the given decision tree. // First node in all rules is ALWAYS the root node. // fRules.clear(); if (!DoRules()) return; // Int_t nrulesCheck=0; Int_t nrules; Int_t nendn; Double_t sumnendn=0; Double_t sumn2=0; // // UInt_t prevs; UInt_t ntrees = forest.size(); for ( UInt_t ind=0; ind *events = GetTrainingEvents(); UInt_t neve = events->size(); UInt_t nvars = ((*events)[0])->GetNVariables(); // Event -> GetNVariables(); Double_t val,ew; typedef std::pair< Double_t, Int_t> dataType; typedef std::pair< Double_t, dataType > dataPoint; std::vector< std::vector > vardata(nvars); std::vector< Double_t > varsum(nvars,0.0); std::vector< Double_t > varsum2(nvars,0.0); // first find stats of all variables // vardata[v][i].first -> value of var in event // vardata[v][i].second.first -> the event weight // vardata[v][i].second.second -> the event type for (UInt_t i=0; iGetWeight(); for (UInt_t v=0; vGetValue(v); vardata[v].push_back( dataPoint( val, dataType(ew,((*events)[i])->GetClass()) ) ); } } // fLinDP.clear(); fLinDM.clear(); fLinCoefficients.clear(); fLinNorm.clear(); fLinDP.resize(nvars,0); fLinDM.resize(nvars,0); fLinCoefficients.resize(nvars,0); fLinNorm.resize(nvars,0); Double_t averageWeight = fRuleFit->GetNEveEff()/static_cast(neve); // sort and find limits Double_t stdl; // find normalisation given in ref 2 after eq 26 Double_t lx; Double_t nquant; Double_t neff; UInt_t indquantM; UInt_t indquantP; for (UInt_t v=0; vGetNEveEff(); // quantile = 0.025 neff=0; UInt_t ie=0; // first scan for lower quantile (including weights) while ( (ie0) && (neffSumw2(); fLinPDFS[v]->Sumw2(); // Int_t type; const Double_t w = 1.0/fRuleFit->GetNEveEff(); for (ie=0; ieFill(lx,w*ew); else fLinPDFB[v]->Fill(lx,w*ew); } // // Get normalization. // stdl = TMath::Sqrt( (varsum2[v] - (varsum[v]*varsum[v]/fRuleFit->GetNEveEff()))/(fRuleFit->GetNEveEff()-averageWeight) ); fLinNorm[v] = CalcLinNorm(stdl); } // Save PDFs - for debugging purpose for (UInt_t v=0; vWrite(); fLinPDFB[v]->Write(); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::RuleEnsemble::PdfLinear( Double_t & nsig, Double_t & ntot ) const { // // This function returns Pr( y = 1 | x ) for the linear terms. // UInt_t nvars=fLinDP.size(); Double_t fstot=0; Double_t fbtot=0; nsig = 0; ntot = nvars; for (UInt_t v=0; vFindBin(val); fstot += fLinPDFS[v]->GetBinContent(bin); fbtot += fLinPDFB[v]->GetBinContent(bin); } if (nvars<1) return 0; ntot = (fstot+fbtot)/Double_t(nvars); nsig = (fstot)/Double_t(nvars); return fstot/(fstot+fbtot); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::RuleEnsemble::PdfRule( Double_t & nsig, Double_t & ntot ) const { // // This function returns Pr( y = 1 | x ) for rules. // The probability returned is normalized against the number of rules which are actually passed // Double_t sump = 0; Double_t sumok = 0; Double_t sumz = 0; Double_t ssb; Double_t neve; // UInt_t nrules = fRules.size(); for (UInt_t ir=0; ir0) { ssb = fEventRuleVal[ir]*GetRulesConst(ir)->GetSSB(); // S/(S+B) is evaluated in CalcRuleSupport() using ALL training events neve = GetRulesConst(ir)->GetSSBNeve(); // number of events accepted by the rule sump += ssb*neve; // number of signal events sumok += neve; // total number of events passed } else sumz += 1.0; // all events } nsig = sump; ntot = sumok; // if (ntot>0) return nsig/ntot; return 0.0; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::RuleEnsemble::FStar( const Event & e ) { // // We want to estimate F* = argmin Eyx( L(y,F(x) ), min wrt F(x) // F(x) = FL(x) + FR(x) , linear and rule part // // SetEvent(e); UpdateEventVal(); return FStar(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::RuleEnsemble::FStar() const { // // We want to estimate F* = argmin Eyx( L(y,F(x) ), min wrt F(x) // F(x) = FL(x) + FR(x) , linear and rule part // // Double_t p=0; Double_t nrs=0, nrt=0; Double_t nls=0, nlt=0; Double_t nt; Double_t pr=0; Double_t pl=0; // first calculate Pr(y=1|X) for rules and linear terms if (DoLinear()) pl = PdfLinear(nls, nlt); if (DoRules()) pr = PdfRule(nrs, nrt); // nr(l)t=0 or 1 if ((nlt>0) && (nrt>0)) nt=2.0; else nt=1.0; p = (pl+pr)/nt; return 2.0*p-1.0; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::RuleResponseStats() { // calculate various statistics for this rule // TODO: NOT YET UPDATED FOR WEIGHTS const std::vector *events = GetTrainingEvents(); const UInt_t neve = events->size(); const UInt_t nvars = GetMethodBase()->GetNvar(); const UInt_t nrules = fRules.size(); const Event *eveData; // Flags Bool_t sigRule; Bool_t sigTag; Bool_t bkgTag; // Bool_t noTag; Bool_t sigTrue; Bool_t tagged; // Counters Int_t nsig=0; Int_t nbkg=0; Int_t ntag=0; Int_t nss=0; Int_t nsb=0; Int_t nbb=0; Int_t nbs=0; std::vector varcnt; // Clear vectors fRulePSS.clear(); fRulePSB.clear(); fRulePBS.clear(); fRulePBB.clear(); fRulePTag.clear(); // varcnt.resize(nvars,0); fRuleVarFrac.clear(); fRuleVarFrac.resize(nvars,0); // for ( UInt_t i=0; iContainsVariable(v)) varcnt[v]++; // count how often a variable occurs } sigRule = fRules[i]->IsSignalRule(); if (sigRule) { // rule is a signal rule (ie s/(s+b)>0.5) nsig++; } else { nbkg++; } // reset counters nss=0; nsb=0; nbs=0; nbb=0; ntag=0; // loop over all events for (UInt_t e=0; eEvalEvent(*eveData); sigTag = (tagged && sigRule); // it's tagged as a signal bkgTag = (tagged && (!sigRule)); // ... as bkg // noTag = !(sigTag || bkgTag); // ... not tagged sigTrue = (eveData->GetClass() == 0); // true if event is true signal if (tagged) { ntag++; if (sigTag && sigTrue) nss++; if (sigTag && !sigTrue) nsb++; if (bkgTag && sigTrue) nbs++; if (bkgTag && !sigTrue) nbb++; } } // Fill tagging probabilities fRulePTag.push_back(Double_t(ntag)/Double_t(neve)); fRulePSS.push_back(Double_t(nss)/Double_t(ntag)); fRulePSB.push_back(Double_t(nsb)/Double_t(ntag)); fRulePBS.push_back(Double_t(nbs)/Double_t(ntag)); fRulePBB.push_back(Double_t(nbb)/Double_t(ntag)); // } fRuleFSig = static_cast(nsig)/static_cast(nsig+nbkg); for ( UInt_t v=0; v(fRules[i]->GetNcuts()); sumNc += nc; sumNc2 += nc*nc; } fRuleNCave = 0.0; fRuleNCsig = 0.0; if (nrules>0) { fRuleNCave = sumNc/nrules; fRuleNCsig = TMath::Sqrt(gTools().ComputeVariance(sumNc2,sumNc,nrules)); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::PrintRuleGen() const { // print rule generation info Log() << kINFO << "-------------------RULE ENSEMBLE SUMMARY------------------------" << Endl; const MethodRuleFit *mrf = GetMethodRuleFit(); if (mrf) Log() << kINFO << "Tree training method : " << (mrf->UseBoost() ? "AdaBoost":"Random") << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Number of events per tree : " << fRuleFit->GetNTreeSample() << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Number of trees : " << fRuleFit->GetForest().size() << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Number of generated rules : " << fNRulesGenerated << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Idem, after cleanup : " << fRules.size() << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Average number of cuts per rule : " << Form("%8.2f",fRuleNCave) << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "Spread in number of cuts per rules : " << Form("%8.2f",fRuleNCsig) << Endl; Log() << kVERBOSE << "Complexity : " << Form("%8.2f",fRuleNCave*fRuleNCsig) << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::Print() const { // print function const EMsgType kmtype=kINFO; const Bool_t isDebug = (fLogger->GetMinType()<=kDEBUG); // Log() << kmtype << Endl; Log() << kmtype << "================================================================" << Endl; Log() << kmtype << " M o d e l " << Endl; Log() << kmtype << "================================================================" << Endl; Int_t ind; const UInt_t nvars = GetMethodBase()->GetNvar(); const Int_t nrules = fRules.size(); const Int_t printN = TMath::Min(10,nrules); //nrules+1; Int_t maxL = 0; for (UInt_t iv = 0; ivGetInputLabel(iv).Length() > maxL) maxL = GetMethodBase()->GetInputLabel(iv).Length(); } // if (isDebug) { Log() << kDEBUG << "Variable importance:" << Endl; for (UInt_t iv = 0; ivGetInputLabel(iv) << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::right) << " : " << Form(" %3.3f",fVarImportance[iv]) << Endl; } } // Log() << kmtype << "Offset (a0) = " << fOffset << Endl; // if (DoLinear()) { if (fLinNorm.size() > 0) { Log() << kmtype << "------------------------------------" << Endl; Log() << kmtype << "Linear model (weights unnormalised)" << Endl; Log() << kmtype << "------------------------------------" << Endl; Log() << kmtype << std::setw(maxL) << "Variable" << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::right) << " : " << std::setw(11) << " Weights" << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::right) << " : " << "Importance" << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::right) << Endl; Log() << kmtype << "------------------------------------" << Endl; for ( UInt_t i=0; iGetInputLabel(i); if (fLinTermOK[i]) { Log() << kmtype << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::right) << " : " << Form(" %10.3e",fLinCoefficients[i]*fLinNorm[i]) << " : " << Form(" %3.3f",fLinImportance[i]/fImportanceRef) << Endl; } else { Log() << kmtype << "-> importance below threshhold = " << Form(" %3.3f",fLinImportance[i]/fImportanceRef) << Endl; } } Log() << kmtype << "------------------------------------" << Endl; } } else Log() << kmtype << "Linear terms were disabled" << Endl; if ((!DoRules()) || (nrules==0)) { if (!DoRules()) { Log() << kmtype << "Rule terms were disabled" << Endl; } else { Log() << kmtype << "Eventhough rules were included in the model, none passed! " << nrules << Endl; } } else { Log() << kmtype << "Number of rules = " << nrules << Endl; if (isDebug) { Log() << kmtype << "N(cuts) in rules, average = " << fRuleNCave << Endl; Log() << kmtype << " RMS = " << fRuleNCsig << Endl; Log() << kmtype << "Fraction of signal rules = " << fRuleFSig << Endl; Log() << kmtype << "Fraction of rules containing a variable (%):" << Endl; for ( UInt_t v=0; vGetInputLabel(v); Log() << kmtype << Form(" = %2.2f",fRuleVarFrac[v]*100.0) << " %" << Endl; } } // // Print out all rules sorted in importance // std::list< std::pair > sortedImp; for (Int_t i=0; i( fRules[i]->GetImportance(),i ) ); } sortedImp.sort(); // Log() << kmtype << "Printing the first " << printN << " rules, ordered in importance." << Endl; int pind=0; for ( std::list< std::pair >::reverse_iterator itpair = sortedImp.rbegin(); itpair != sortedImp.rend(); itpair++ ) { ind = itpair->second; // if (pind==0) impref = // Log() << kmtype << "Rule #" << // Log() << kmtype << *fRules[ind] << Endl; fRules[ind]->PrintLogger(Form("Rule %4d : ",pind+1)); pind++; if (pind==printN) { if (nrules==printN) { Log() << kmtype << "All rules printed" << Endl; } else { Log() << kmtype << "Skipping the next " << nrules-printN << " rules" << Endl; } break; } } } Log() << kmtype << "================================================================" << Endl; Log() << kmtype << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::PrintRaw( ostream & os ) const { // write rules to stream Int_t dp = os.precision(); UInt_t nrules = fRules.size(); // std::sort(fRules.begin(),fRules.end()); // os << "ImportanceCut= " << fImportanceCut << std::endl; os << "LinQuantile= " << fLinQuantile << std::endl; os << "AverageSupport= " << fAverageSupport << std::endl; os << "AverageRuleSigma= " << fAverageRuleSigma << std::endl; os << "Offset= " << fOffset << std::endl; os << "NRules= " << nrules << std::endl; for (UInt_t i=0; iPrintRaw(os); } UInt_t nlinear = fLinNorm.size(); // os << "NLinear= " << fLinTermOK.size() << std::endl; for (UInt_t i=0; iAddXMLTo(re); for (UInt_t i=0; iSetRuleEnsemble( this ); fRules[i]->ReadFromXML( ch ); ch = gTools().GetNextChild(ch); } // read linear classifier (Fisher) fLinNorm .resize( nlinear ); fLinTermOK .resize( nlinear ); fLinCoefficients.resize( nlinear ); fLinDP .resize( nlinear ); fLinDM .resize( nlinear ); fLinImportance .resize( nlinear ); Int_t iok; i=0; while(ch) { gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "OK", iok ); fLinTermOK[i] = (iok == 1); gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "Coeff", fLinCoefficients[i] ); gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "Norm", fLinNorm[i] ); gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "DM", fLinDM[i] ); gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "DP", fLinDP[i] ); gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "Importance", fLinImportance[i] ); i++; ch = gTools().GetNextChild(ch); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::ReadRaw( istream & istr ) { // read rule ensemble from stream UInt_t nrules; // std::string dummy; Int_t idum; // // First block is general stuff // istr >> dummy >> fImportanceCut; istr >> dummy >> fLinQuantile; istr >> dummy >> fAverageSupport; istr >> dummy >> fAverageRuleSigma; istr >> dummy >> fOffset; istr >> dummy >> nrules; // // Now read in the rules // DeleteRules(); // for (UInt_t i=0; i> dummy >> idum; // read line "***Rule " fRules.push_back( new Rule() ); (fRules.back())->SetRuleEnsemble( this ); (fRules.back())->ReadRaw(istr); } // // and now the linear terms // UInt_t nlinear; // // coverity[tainted_data_argument] istr >> dummy >> nlinear; // fLinNorm .resize( nlinear ); fLinTermOK .resize( nlinear ); fLinCoefficients.resize( nlinear ); fLinDP .resize( nlinear ); fLinDM .resize( nlinear ); fLinImportance .resize( nlinear ); // Int_t iok; for (UInt_t i=0; i> dummy >> idum; istr >> iok; fLinTermOK[i] = (iok==1); istr >> fLinCoefficients[i]; istr >> fLinNorm[i]; istr >> fLinDM[i]; istr >> fLinDP[i]; istr >> fLinImportance[i]; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::Copy( const RuleEnsemble & other ) { // copy function if(this != &other) { fRuleFit = other.GetRuleFit(); fRuleMinDist = other.GetRuleMinDist(); fOffset = other.GetOffset(); fRules = other.GetRulesConst(); fImportanceCut = other.GetImportanceCut(); fVarImportance = other.GetVarImportance(); fLearningModel = other.GetLearningModel(); fLinQuantile = other.GetLinQuantile(); fRuleNCsig = other.fRuleNCsig; fAverageRuleSigma = other.fAverageRuleSigma; fEventCacheOK = other.fEventCacheOK; fImportanceRef = other.fImportanceRef; fNRulesGenerated = other.fNRulesGenerated; fRuleFSig = other.fRuleFSig; fRuleMapInd0 = other.fRuleMapInd0; fRuleMapInd1 = other.fRuleMapInd1; fRuleMapOK = other.fRuleMapOK; fRuleNCave = other.fRuleNCave; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ Int_t TMVA::RuleEnsemble::CalcNRules( const DecisionTree *dtree ) { // calculate the number of rules if (dtree==0) return 0; Node *node = dtree->GetRoot(); Int_t nendnodes = 0; FindNEndNodes( node, nendnodes ); return 2*(nendnodes-1); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::FindNEndNodes( const Node *node, Int_t & nendnodes ) { // find the number of leaf nodes if (node==0) return; if ((node->GetRight()==0) && (node->GetLeft()==0)) { ++nendnodes; return; } const Node *nodeR = node->GetRight(); const Node *nodeL = node->GetLeft(); FindNEndNodes( nodeR, nendnodes ); FindNEndNodes( nodeL, nendnodes ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::MakeRulesFromTree( const DecisionTree *dtree ) { // create rules from the decsision tree structure Node *node = dtree->GetRoot(); AddRule( node ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::AddRule( const Node *node ) { // add a new rule to the tree if (node==0) return; if (node->GetParent()==0) { // it's a root node, don't make a rule AddRule( node->GetRight() ); AddRule( node->GetLeft() ); } else { Rule *rule = MakeTheRule(node); if (rule) { fRules.push_back( rule ); AddRule( node->GetRight() ); AddRule( node->GetLeft() ); } else { Log() << kFATAL << " - ERROR failed in creating a rule! BUG!" << Endl; } } } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::Rule *TMVA::RuleEnsemble::MakeTheRule( const Node *node ) { // // Make a Rule from a given Node. // The root node (ie no parent) does not generate a Rule. // The first node in a rule is always the root node => fNodes.size()>=2 // Each node corresponds to a cut and the cut value is given by the parent node. // // if (node==0) { Log() << kFATAL << " Input node is NULL. Should not happen. BUG!" << Endl; return 0; } if (node->GetParent()==0) { // a root node - ignore return 0; } // std::vector< const Node * > nodeVec; const Node *parent = node; // // Make list with the input node at the end: // ... // nodeVec.push_back( node ); while (parent!=0) { parent = parent->GetParent(); if (!parent) continue; const DecisionTreeNode* dtn = dynamic_cast(parent); if (dtn && dtn->GetSelector()>=0) nodeVec.insert( nodeVec.begin(), parent ); } if (nodeVec.size()<2) { Log() << kFATAL << " BUG! Inconsistent Rule!" << Endl; return 0; } Rule *rule = new Rule( this, nodeVec ); rule->SetMsgType( Log().GetMinType() ); return rule; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::RuleEnsemble::MakeRuleMap(const std::vector *events, UInt_t ifirst, UInt_t ilast) { // Makes rule map for all events Log() << kVERBOSE << "Making Rule map for all events" << Endl; // make rule response map if (events==0) events = GetTrainingEvents(); if ((ifirst==0) || (ilast==0) || (ifirst>ilast)) { ifirst = 0; ilast = events->size()-1; } // check if identical to previous call if ((events!=fRuleMapEvents) || (ifirst!=fRuleMapInd0) || (ilast !=fRuleMapInd1)) { fRuleMapOK = kFALSE; } // if (fRuleMapOK) { Log() << kVERBOSE << " Map is already valid" << Endl; return; // already cached } fRuleMapEvents = events; fRuleMapInd0 = ifirst; fRuleMapInd1 = ilast; // check number of rules UInt_t nrules = GetNRules(); if (nrules==0) { Log() << kVERBOSE << "No rules found in MakeRuleMap()" << Endl; fRuleMapOK = kTRUE; return; } // // init map // std::vector ruleind; fRuleMap.clear(); for (UInt_t i=ifirst; i<=ilast; i++) { ruleind.clear(); fRuleMap.push_back( ruleind ); for (UInt_t r=0; rEvalEvent(*((*events)[i]))) { fRuleMap.back().push_back(r); // save only rules that are accepted } } } fRuleMapOK = kTRUE; Log() << kVERBOSE << "Made rule map for event# " << ifirst << " : " << ilast << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ ostream& TMVA::operator<< ( ostream& os, const RuleEnsemble & rules ) { // ostream operator os << "DON'T USE THIS - TO BE REMOVED" << std::endl; rules.Print(); return os; }