// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Eckhard von Toerne /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : VariablePCATransform * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation (see header for description) * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland * * Joerg Stelzer - CERN, Switzerland * * Eckhard v. Toerne - U of Bonn, Germany * * Helge Voss - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Copyright (c) 2005-2011: * * CERN, Switzerland * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * U. of Bonn, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "TVectorF.h" #include "TVectorD.h" #include "TMatrixD.h" #include "TMatrixDBase.h" #include "TMVA/VariablePCATransform.h" #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MsgLogger #include "TMVA/MsgLogger.h" #endif #include "TMVA/DataSet.h" #include "TMVA/Tools.h" ClassImp(TMVA::VariablePCATransform) //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::VariablePCATransform::VariablePCATransform( DataSetInfo& dsi ) : VariableTransformBase( dsi, Types::kPCA, "PCA" ) { // constructor } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::VariablePCATransform::~VariablePCATransform() { // destructor for (UInt_t i=0; i& events ) { // calculate the principal components using the ROOT class TPrincipal // and the normalization Initialize(); if (!IsEnabled() || IsCreated()) return kTRUE; Log() << kINFO << "Preparing the Principle Component (PCA) transformation..." << Endl; UInt_t inputSize = fGet.size(); SetNVariables(inputSize); // TPrincipal doesn't support PCA transformation for 1 or less variables if (inputSize <= 1) { Log() << kFATAL << "Cannot perform PCA transformation for " << inputSize << " variable only" << Endl; return kFALSE; } if (inputSize > 200) { Log() << kINFO << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << ": More than 200 variables, will not calculate PCA!" << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" << Endl; return kFALSE; } CalculatePrincipalComponents( events ); SetCreated( kTRUE ); return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ const TMVA::Event* TMVA::VariablePCATransform::Transform( const Event* const ev, Int_t cls ) const { // apply the principal component analysis if (!IsCreated()) return 0; // const Int_t inputSize = fGet.size(); // const UInt_t nCls = GetNClasses(); // if we have more than one class, take the last PCA analysis where all classes are combined if // the cls parameter is outside the defined classes // If there is only one class, then no extra class for all events of all classes has to be created //if (cls < 0 || cls > GetNClasses()) cls = (fMeanValues.size()==1?0:2);//( GetNClasses() == 1 ? 0 : 1 ); ; // EVT this is a workaround to address the reader problem with transforma and EvaluateMVA(std::vector ,...) if (cls < 0 || cls >= (int) fMeanValues.size()) cls = fMeanValues.size()-1; // EVT workaround end // Perform PCA and put it into PCAed events tree if (fTransformedEvent==0 ) { fTransformedEvent = new Event(); } std::vector input; std::vector mask; std::vector principalComponents; Bool_t hasMaskedEntries = GetInput( ev, input, mask ); if( hasMaskedEntries ){ // targets might be masked (for events where the targets have not been computed yet) UInt_t numMasked = std::count(mask.begin(), mask.end(), (Char_t)kTRUE); UInt_t numOK = std::count(mask.begin(), mask.end(), (Char_t)kFALSE); if( numMasked>0 && numOK>0 ){ Log() << kFATAL << "You mixed variables and targets in the decorrelation transformation. This is not possible." << Endl; } SetOutput( fTransformedEvent, input, mask, ev ); return fTransformedEvent; } X2P( principalComponents, input, cls ); SetOutput( fTransformedEvent, principalComponents, mask, ev ); return fTransformedEvent; } //_______________________________________________________________________ const TMVA::Event* TMVA::VariablePCATransform::InverseTransform( const Event* const ev, Int_t cls ) const { // apply the principal component analysis // TODO: implementation of inverse transformation // Log() << kFATAL << "Inverse transformation for PCA transformation not yet implemented. Hence, this transformation cannot be applied together with regression. Please contact the authors if necessary." << Endl; if (!IsCreated()) return 0; // const Int_t inputSize = fGet.size(); const UInt_t nCls = GetNClasses(); //UInt_t evCls = ev->GetClass(); // if we have more than one class, take the last PCA analysis where all classes are combined if // the cls parameter is outside the defined classes // If there is only one class, then no extra class for all events of all classes has to be created if (cls < 0 || UInt_t(cls) > nCls) cls = (fMeanValues.size()==1?0:2);//( GetNClasses() == 1 ? 0 : 1 ); ; // Perform PCA and put it into PCAed events tree if (fBackTransformedEvent==0 ) fBackTransformedEvent = new Event(); std::vector principalComponents; std::vector mask; std::vector output; GetInput( ev, principalComponents, mask, kTRUE ); P2X( output, principalComponents, cls ); SetOutput( fBackTransformedEvent, output, mask, ev, kTRUE ); return fBackTransformedEvent; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::VariablePCATransform::CalculatePrincipalComponents( const std::vector& events ) { // calculate the principal components for the signal and the background data // it uses the MakePrincipal method of ROOT's TPrincipal class UInt_t nvars = 0, ntgts = 0, nspcts = 0; CountVariableTypes( nvars, ntgts, nspcts ); if( nvars>0 && ntgts>0 ) Log() << kFATAL << "Variables and targets cannot be mixed in PCA transformation." << Endl; const Int_t inputSize = fGet.size(); // if we have more than one class, add another PCA analysis which combines all classes const UInt_t nCls = GetNClasses(); const UInt_t maxPCA = (nCls<=1) ? nCls : nCls+1; // PCA [signal/background/class x/class y/... /all classes] std::vector pca(maxPCA); for (UInt_t i=0; i input; std::vector mask; for (ievt=0; ievtGetClass(); Bool_t hasMaskedEntries = GetInput( ev, input, mask ); if (hasMaskedEntries){ Log() << kWARNING << "Print event which triggers an error" << Endl; ev->Print(Log()); Log() << kFATAL << "Masked entries found in event read in when calculating the principal components for the PCA transformation." << Endl; } UInt_t iinp = 0; for( std::vector::iterator itInp = input.begin(), itInpEnd = input.end(); itInp != itInpEnd; ++itInp ) { Float_t value = (*itInp); dvec[iinp] = (Double_t)value; ++iinp; } pca.at(cls)->AddRow( dvec ); if (nCls > 1) pca.at(maxPCA-1)->AddRow( dvec ); } // delete possible leftovers for (UInt_t i=0; iMakePrincipals(); // retrieve mean values, eigenvectors and sigmas fMeanValues[i] = new TVectorD( *(pca.at(i)->GetMeanValues()) ); // need to copy since we want to own fEigenVectors[i] = new TMatrixD( *(pca.at(i)->GetEigenVectors()) ); } for (UInt_t i=0; i& pc, const std::vector& x, Int_t cls ) const { // Calculate the principal components from the original data vector // x, and return it in p (function extracted from TPrincipal::X2P) // It's the users responsibility to make sure that both x and p are // of the right size (i.e., memory must be allocated for p) const Int_t nInput = x.size(); pc.assign(nInput,0); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nInput; i++) { Double_t pv = 0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nInput; j++) pv += (((Double_t)x.at(j)) - (*fMeanValues.at(cls))(j)) * (*fEigenVectors.at(cls))(j,i); pc[i] = pv; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::VariablePCATransform::P2X( std::vector& x, const std::vector& pc, Int_t cls ) const { // Perform the back-transformation from the principal components // pc, and return x // It's the users responsibility to make sure that both x and pc are // of the right size (i.e., memory must be allocated for p) const Int_t nInput = pc.size(); x.assign(nInput,0); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nInput; i++) { Double_t xv = 0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nInput; j++) xv += (((Double_t)pc.at(j)) * (*fEigenVectors.at(cls))(i,j) ) + (*fMeanValues.at(cls))(j); x[i] = xv; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::VariablePCATransform::WriteTransformationToStream( std::ostream& o ) const { // write mean values to stream for (Int_t sbType=0; sbType<2; sbType++) { o << "# PCA mean values " << std::endl; const TVectorD* means = fMeanValues[sbType]; o << (sbType==0 ? "Signal" : "Background") << " " << means->GetNrows() << std::endl; for (Int_t row = 0; rowGetNrows(); row++) { o << std::setprecision(12) << std::setw(20) << (*means)[row]; } o << std::endl; } o << "##" << std::endl; // write eigenvectors to stream for (Int_t sbType=0; sbType<2; sbType++) { o << "# PCA eigenvectors " << std::endl; const TMatrixD* mat = fEigenVectors[sbType]; o << (sbType==0 ? "Signal" : "Background") << " " << mat->GetNrows() << " x " << mat->GetNcols() << std::endl; for (Int_t row = 0; rowGetNrows(); row++) { for (Int_t col = 0; colGetNcols(); col++) { o << std::setprecision(12) << std::setw(20) << (*mat)[row][col] << " "; } o << std::endl; } } o << "##" << std::endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::VariablePCATransform::AttachXMLTo(void* parent) { // create XML description of PCA transformation void* trfxml = gTools().AddChild(parent, "Transform"); gTools().AddAttr(trfxml, "Name", "PCA"); VariableTransformBase::AttachXMLTo( trfxml ); // write mean values to stream for (UInt_t sbType=0; sbTypeGetNrows() ); TString meansdef = ""; for (Int_t row = 0; rowGetNrows(); row++) meansdef += gTools().StringFromDouble((*means)[row]) + " "; gTools().AddRawLine( meanxml, meansdef ); } // write eigenvectors to stream for (UInt_t sbType=0; sbTypeGetNrows() ); gTools().AddAttr( evxml, "NCols", mat->GetNcols() ); TString evdef = ""; for (Int_t row = 0; rowGetNrows(); row++) for (Int_t col = 0; colGetNcols(); col++) evdef += gTools().StringFromDouble((*mat)[row][col]) + " "; gTools().AddRawLine( evxml, evdef ); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::VariablePCATransform::ReadFromXML( void* trfnode ) { // Read the transformation matrices from the xml node Int_t nrows, ncols; UInt_t clsIdx; TString classtype; TString nodeName; Bool_t newFormat = kFALSE; void* inpnode = NULL; inpnode = gTools().GetChild(trfnode, "Selection"); // new xml format if( inpnode!=NULL ) newFormat = kTRUE; // new xml format if( newFormat ){ // ------------- new format -------------------- // read input VariableTransformBase::ReadFromXML( inpnode ); } void* ch = gTools().GetChild(trfnode); while (ch) { nodeName = gTools().GetName(ch); if (nodeName == "Statistics") { // read mean values gTools().ReadAttr(ch, "Class", classtype); gTools().ReadAttr(ch, "ClassIndex", clsIdx); gTools().ReadAttr(ch, "NRows", nrows); // set the correct size if (fMeanValues.size()<=clsIdx) fMeanValues.resize(clsIdx+1,0); if (fMeanValues[clsIdx]==0) fMeanValues[clsIdx] = new TVectorD( nrows ); fMeanValues[clsIdx]->ResizeTo( nrows ); // now read vector entries std::stringstream s(gTools().GetContent(ch)); for (Int_t row = 0; row> (*fMeanValues[clsIdx])(row); } else if ( nodeName == "Eigenvectors" ) { // Read eigenvectors gTools().ReadAttr(ch, "Class", classtype); gTools().ReadAttr(ch, "ClassIndex", clsIdx); gTools().ReadAttr(ch, "NRows", nrows); gTools().ReadAttr(ch, "NCols", ncols); if (fEigenVectors.size()<=clsIdx) fEigenVectors.resize(clsIdx+1,0); if (fEigenVectors[clsIdx]==0) fEigenVectors[clsIdx] = new TMatrixD( nrows, ncols ); fEigenVectors[clsIdx]->ResizeTo( nrows, ncols ); // now read matrix entries std::stringstream s(gTools().GetContent(ch)); for (Int_t row = 0; row> (*fEigenVectors[clsIdx])[row][col]; } // done reading eigenvectors ch = gTools().GetNextChild(ch); } SetCreated(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::VariablePCATransform::ReadTransformationFromStream( std::istream& istr, const TString& classname ) { // Read mean values from input stream char buf[512]; istr.getline(buf,512); TString strvar, dummy; Int_t nrows(0), ncols(0); UInt_t classIdx=(classname=="signal"?0:1); for (UInt_t i=0; i> strvar; if (strvar=="signal" || strvar=="background") { sstr >> nrows; Int_t sbType = (strvar=="signal" ? 0 : 1); if (fMeanValues[sbType] == 0) fMeanValues[sbType] = new TVectorD( nrows ); else fMeanValues[sbType]->ResizeTo( nrows ); // now read vector entries for (Int_t row = 0; row> (*fMeanValues[sbType])(row); } // done reading vector istr.getline(buf,512); // reading the next line } // Read eigenvectors from input stream istr.getline(buf,512); while (!(buf[0]=='#'&& buf[1]=='#')) { // if line starts with ## return char* p = buf; while(*p==' ' || *p=='\t') p++; // 'remove' leading whitespace if (*p=='#' || *p=='\0') { istr.getline(buf,512); continue; // if comment or empty line, read the next line } std::stringstream sstr(buf); sstr >> strvar; if (strvar=="signal" || strvar=="background") { // coverity[tainted_data_argument] sstr >> nrows >> dummy >> ncols; Int_t sbType = (strvar=="signal" ? 0 : 1); if (fEigenVectors[sbType] == 0) fEigenVectors[sbType] = new TMatrixD( nrows, ncols ); else fEigenVectors[sbType]->ResizeTo( nrows, ncols ); // now read matrix entries for (Int_t row = 0; rowGetNrows(); row++) { for (Int_t col = 0; colGetNcols(); col++) { istr >> (*fEigenVectors[sbType])[row][col]; } } } // done reading matrix istr.getline(buf,512); // reading the next line } fMeanValues[2] = new TVectorD( *fMeanValues[classIdx] ); fEigenVectors[2] = new TMatrixD( *fEigenVectors[classIdx] ); SetCreated(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::VariablePCATransform::MakeFunction( std::ostream& fout, const TString& fcncName, Int_t part, UInt_t trCounter, Int_t ) { // creates C++ code fragment of the PCA transform for inclusion in standalone C++ class UInt_t nvar = fEigenVectors[0]->GetNrows(); // creates a PCA transformation function UInt_t numC = fMeanValues.size(); if (part==1) { fout << std::endl; fout << " void X2P_"<GetNrows() << "];" << std::endl; // mean values fout << " double fEigenVectors_"<GetNrows() << "][" << fEigenVectors[0]->GetNcols() <<"];" << std::endl; // eigenvectors fout << std::endl; } // sanity check if (numC>1){ if (fMeanValues[0]->GetNrows() != fMeanValues[1]->GetNrows() || fEigenVectors[0]->GetNrows() != fEigenVectors[1]->GetNrows() || fEigenVectors[0]->GetNcols() != fEigenVectors[1]->GetNcols()) { Log() << kFATAL << " Mismatch in vector/matrix dimensions" << Endl; } } if (part==2) { fout << std::endl; fout << "//_______________________________________________________________________" << std::endl; fout << "inline void " << fcncName << "::X2P_"<GetNrows(); i++) { fout << " fMeanValues_"<GetNrows(); i++) { for (int j=0; jGetNcols(); j++) { fout << " fEigenVectors_"<& iv, int cls ) const" << std::endl; fout << "{" << std::endl; fout << " // PCA transformation" << std::endl; fout << " const int nVar = " << nvar << ";" << std::endl; fout << " double *dv = new double[nVar];" << std::endl; fout << " double *rv = new double[nVar];" << std::endl; fout << " if (cls < 0 || cls > "< 1 ) cls = "<X2P_"<