#! /usr/bin/env python # David Cournapeau # Last Change: Wed Nov 05 07:00 PM 2008 J import os.path import warnings import numpy as np from numpy.testing import * from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans, kmeans2, py_vq, py_vq2, vq, ClusterError try: from scipy.cluster import _vq TESTC=True except ImportError: print "== Error while importing _vq, not testing C imp of vq ==" TESTC=False #Optional: # import modules that are located in the same directory as this file. DATAFILE1 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data.txt") # Global data X = np.array([[3.0, 3], [4, 3], [4, 2], [9, 2], [5, 1], [6, 2], [9, 4], [5, 2], [5, 4], [7, 4], [6, 5]]) CODET1 = np.array([[3.0000, 3.0000], [6.2000, 4.0000], [5.8000, 1.8000]]) CODET2 = np.array([[11.0/3, 8.0/3], [6.7500, 4.2500], [6.2500, 1.7500]]) LABEL1 = np.array([0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1]) class TestVq(TestCase): def test_py_vq(self): initc = np.concatenate(([[X[0]], [X[1]], [X[2]]])) code = initc.copy() label1 = py_vq(X, initc)[0] assert_array_equal(label1, LABEL1) def test_py_vq2(self): initc = np.concatenate(([[X[0]], [X[1]], [X[2]]])) code = initc.copy() label1 = py_vq2(X, initc)[0] assert_array_equal(label1, LABEL1) def test_vq(self): initc = np.concatenate(([[X[0]], [X[1]], [X[2]]])) code = initc.copy() if TESTC: label1, dist = _vq.vq(X, initc) assert_array_equal(label1, LABEL1) tlabel1, tdist = vq(X, initc) else: print "== not testing C imp of vq ==" #def test_py_vq_1d(self): # """Test special rank 1 vq algo, python implementation.""" # data = X[:, 0] # initc = data[:3] # code = initc.copy() # a, b = _py_vq_1d(data, initc) # ta, tb = py_vq(data[:, np.newaxis], initc[:, np.newaxis]) # assert_array_equal(a, ta) # assert_array_equal(b, tb) def test_vq_1d(self): """Test special rank 1 vq algo, python implementation.""" data = X[:, 0] initc = data[:3] code = initc.copy() if TESTC: a, b = _vq.vq(data, initc) ta, tb = py_vq(data[:, np.newaxis], initc[:, np.newaxis]) assert_array_equal(a, ta) assert_array_equal(b, tb) else: print "== not testing C imp of vq (rank 1) ==" class TestKMean(TestCase): def test_kmeans_simple(self): initc = np.concatenate(([[X[0]], [X[1]], [X[2]]])) code = initc.copy() code1 = kmeans(X, code, iter = 1)[0] assert_array_almost_equal(code1, CODET2) def test_kmeans_lost_cluster(self): """This will cause kmean to have a cluster with no points.""" data = np.fromfile(open(DATAFILE1), sep = ", ") data = data.reshape((200, 2)) initk = np.array([[-1.8127404, -0.67128041], [ 2.04621601, 0.07401111], [-2.31149087,-0.05160469]]) res = kmeans(data, initk) warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning) try: res = kmeans2(data, initk, missing = 'warn') finally: warnings.simplefilter('default', UserWarning) try : res = kmeans2(data, initk, missing = 'raise') raise AssertionError("Exception not raised ! Should not happen") except ClusterError, e: pass def test_kmeans2_simple(self): """Testing simple call to kmeans2 and its results.""" initc = np.concatenate(([[X[0]], [X[1]], [X[2]]])) code = initc.copy() code1 = kmeans2(X, code, iter = 1)[0] code2 = kmeans2(X, code, iter = 2)[0] assert_array_almost_equal(code1, CODET1) assert_array_almost_equal(code2, CODET2) def test_kmeans2_rank1(self): """Testing simple call to kmeans2 with rank 1 data.""" data = np.fromfile(open(DATAFILE1), sep = ", ") data = data.reshape((200, 2)) data1 = data[:, 0] data2 = data[:, 1] initc = data1[:3] code = initc.copy() code1 = kmeans2(data1, code, iter = 1)[0] code2 = kmeans2(data1, code, iter = 2)[0] def test_kmeans2_rank1_2(self): """Testing simple call to kmeans2 with rank 1 data.""" data = np.fromfile(open(DATAFILE1), sep = ", ") data = data.reshape((200, 2)) data1 = data[:, 0] code1 = kmeans2(data1, 2, iter = 1) def test_kmeans2_init(self): """Testing that kmeans2 init methods work.""" data = np.fromfile(open(DATAFILE1), sep = ", ") data = data.reshape((200, 2)) kmeans2(data, 3, minit = 'random') kmeans2(data, 3, minit = 'points') # Check special case 1d data = data[:, :1] kmeans2(data, 3, minit = 'random') kmeans2(data, 3, minit = 'points') def test_kmeans2_empty(self): """Ticket #505.""" try: kmeans2([], 2) raise AssertionError("This should not succeed.") except ValueError, e: # OK, that's what we expect pass def test_kmeans_0k(self): """Regression test for #546: fail when k arg is 0.""" try: kmeans(X, 0) raise AssertionError("kmeans with 0 clusters should fail.") except ValueError: pass try: kmeans2(X, 0) raise AssertionError("kmeans2 with 0 clusters should fail.") except ValueError: pass try: kmeans2(X, np.array([])) raise AssertionError("kmeans2 with 0 clusters should fail.") except ValueError: pass if __name__ == "__main__": run_module_suite()