Demonstration Applets 
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The examples on this page provide demonstration applets solely for the purpose of demonstrating and evaluating Java Plug-in. Hence, the HTML of each page explicitly specifies the use of the JavaTMPlug-in rather than the default Java virtual machine contained in your browser. 

Java Plug-in is installed as part of the public JavaTM SE Runtime Environment. Once installed, the Java Plug-in loads automatically and transparently to render Java applets. 

All of these applets leverage JavaTM SE Development Kit 6u29 features, and are thus dependent on features in that version.  For information on compatibility, see Compatibility with Previous Releases.   The applets include those in the demo directory of the Java SE Development Kit, plus a few extras.  Each applet is viewed by opening the respective web page (see the links below) in your Web browser. 

Programmers: Please feel free to reuse source code from our applets, except in programs where a bug could be life-threatening. 

Educational Applets


For Programmers Only

Games and Other Diversions

Applets to Enhance a Web Page

JFC Applets