#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################# ###!!! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MODIFY THIS FILE DIRECTLY !!!### ###!!! PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS FILE WITH THE CP COMMAND !!!### ################################################################# """ Online analysis to produce reconstructed events from the MICE Experiment. """ import MAUS import io def run(): """ Analyze data from the MICE experiment This reads in and processes data taken from the MICE experiment. """ # Set up data cards. data_cards_list = [] # batch mode = runs ROOT in batch mode so that canvases are not displayed # 1 = True, Batch Mode # 0 = False, Interactive Mode # setting it to false/0 will cause canvases to pop up on screen and # will get refreshed every N spills set by the refresh_rate data # card. data_cards_list.append("root_batch_mode='%d'\n" % 1) # refresh_rate = once in how many spills should canvases be updated data_cards_list.append("refresh_rate='%d'\n" % 1) # Add auto-numbering to the image tags. If False then each # histogram output for successive spills will have the same tag # so there are no spill-specific histograms. This is the # recommended use for online reconstruction. data_cards_list.append("histogram_auto_number=%s\n" % False) # Default image type is eps. For online use, use PNG. data_cards_list.append("histogram_image_type=\"png\"\n") # Directory for images. Default: $MAUS_WEB_MEDIA_RAW if set # else the current directory is used. # Uncomment and change the following if you want to hard # code a different default path. # data_cards_list.append("image_directory='%s'\n" % os.getcwd()) # Convert data_cards to string. data_cards = io.StringIO(unicode("".join(data_cards_list))) # Set up the input that reads from DAQ # my_input = MAUS.InputCppDAQData() # my_input = MAUS.InputCppDAQOnlineData() my_input = MAUS.InputCppDAQOnlineData() # pylint: disable = E1101 # Create an empty array of mappers, then populate it # with the functionality you want to use. my_map = MAUS.MapPyGroup() my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTOFDigits()) my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTOFSlabHits()) my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTOFSpacePoints()) my_map.append(MAUS.MapPyCkov()) # Histogram reducer. reducer = MAUS.ReducePyTOFPlot() #reducer = MAUS.ReducePyDoNothing() # Save images as EPS and meta-data as JSON. #output_worker = MAUS.OutputPyDoNothing() output_worker = MAUS.OutputPyImage() # Run the workflow. MAUS.Go(my_input, my_map, reducer, output_worker, data_cards) if __name__ == '__main__': run()