/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
#include "src/legacy/Interface/Squeal.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/FieldTools/SectorField.hh"
namespace MAUS {
SectorField::SectorField() : BTField(), _polarBBMin(3, 0), _polarBBMax(3, 0) {
_polarBBMin[1] = bbMin[1];
_polarBBMax[1] = bbMax[1];
_polarBBMax[0] = bbMax[0];
_polarBBMin[2] = -2.*M_PI;
_polarBBMax[2] = 2.*M_PI;
SectorField::~SectorField() {}
SectorField::SectorField(double bbMinR, double bbMinY, double bbMinPhi,
double bbMaxR, double bbMaxY, double bbMaxPhi) {
SetPolarBoundingBox(bbMinR, bbMinY, bbMinPhi, bbMaxR, bbMaxY, bbMaxPhi);
void SectorField::ConvertToPolar(double* position) {
double x = ::sqrt(position[0]*position[0]+position[2]*position[2]);
double z = ::atan2(position[2], position[0]);
position[0] = x;
position[2] = z;
void SectorField::ConvertToPolar(const double* position, double* value) {
double x = +value[0]*::cos(position[2])
double z = +value[2]*::cos(position[2])
value[0] = x;
value[2] = z;
void SectorField::ConvertToCartesian(double* position) {
double x = position[0]*::cos(position[2]); // r cos(phi)
double z = position[0]*::sin(position[2]); // r sin(phi)
position[0] = x;
position[2] = z;
void SectorField::ConvertToCartesian(const double* position, double* value) {
double x = +value[0]*::cos(position[2])
double z = +value[2]*::cos(position[2])
value[0] = x;
value[2] = z;
void SectorField::SetPolarBoundingBox
(double bbMinR, double bbMinY, double bbMinPhi,
double bbMaxR, double bbMaxY, double bbMaxPhi) {
if (bbMinR > bbMaxR) {
"Bounding box minimum radius was greater than maximum radius",
if (bbMinR < 0.) {
"Bounding box radius must be positive",
if (bbMinY > bbMaxY) {
"Bounding box minimum y was greater than maximum y",
if (bbMinY > bbMaxY) {
"Bounding box minimum angle was greater than maximum angle",
if (bbMinPhi < -2.*M_PI || bbMinPhi > 2.*M_PI ||
bbMaxPhi < -2.*M_PI || bbMaxPhi > 2.*M_PI) {
"Bounding box angles must be in range -2*M_PI < phi < 2*M_PI",
_polarBBMin[0] = bbMinR;
_polarBBMin[1] = bbMinY;
_polarBBMin[2] = bbMinPhi;
_polarBBMax[0] = bbMaxR;
_polarBBMax[1] = bbMaxY;
_polarBBMax[2] = bbMaxPhi;
// bounding box from corner coordinates
std::vector< std::vector > corner_coords(
GetCorners(bbMinR, bbMinPhi, bbMaxR, bbMaxPhi));
BTField::bbMin[0] =
*std::min_element(corner_coords[0].begin(), corner_coords[0].end());
BTField::bbMax[0] =
*std::max_element(corner_coords[0].begin(), corner_coords[0].end());
BTField::bbMin[1] = bbMinY;
BTField::bbMax[1] = bbMaxY;
BTField::bbMin[2] =
*std::min_element(corner_coords[1].begin(), corner_coords[1].end());
BTField::bbMax[2] =
*std::max_element(corner_coords[1].begin(), corner_coords[1].end());
// if the magnet crosses an axis, then the corners are no longer at the max
// extent
if ( (bbMaxPhi > 0.5*M_PI && bbMinPhi < 0.5*M_PI) ||
(bbMaxPhi > -1.5*M_PI && bbMinPhi < -1.5*M_PI) ) {
BTField::bbMax[2] = bbMaxR;
if ((bbMaxPhi > M_PI && bbMinPhi < M_PI) ||
(bbMaxPhi > -M_PI && bbMinPhi < -M_PI)) {
BTField::bbMin[0] = -bbMaxR;
if ((bbMaxPhi > 1.5*M_PI && bbMinPhi < 1.5*M_PI) ||
(bbMaxPhi > -0.5*M_PI && bbMinPhi < -0.5*M_PI)) {
BTField::bbMin[2] = -bbMaxR;
if ((bbMaxPhi > 0.*M_PI && bbMinPhi < 0.*M_PI)) {
BTField::bbMax[0] = bbMaxR;
std::vector< std::vector > SectorField::GetCorners
(double bbMinR, double bbMinPhi, double bbMaxR, double bbMaxPhi) {
std::vector< std::vector > corner_coords(2);
corner_coords[0] = std::vector(4);
corner_coords[1] = std::vector(4);
// corners in polar coordinates
double corner_0[3] = {bbMinR, 0., bbMinPhi};
double corner_1[3] = {bbMinR, 0., bbMaxPhi};
double corner_2[3] = {bbMaxR, 0., bbMaxPhi};
double corner_3[3] = {bbMaxR, 0., bbMinPhi};
// corners in rectangular coordinates (ignore y)
corner_coords[0][0] = corner_0[0];
corner_coords[0][1] = corner_1[0];
corner_coords[0][2] = corner_2[0];
corner_coords[0][3] = corner_3[0];
corner_coords[1][0] = corner_0[2];
corner_coords[1][1] = corner_1[2];
corner_coords[1][2] = corner_2[2];
corner_coords[1][3] = corner_3[2];
return corner_coords;
std::vector SectorField::GetPolarBoundingBoxMin() const {
return _polarBBMin;
std::vector SectorField::GetPolarBoundingBoxMax() const {
return _polarBBMax;