/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
// C headers
// C++ headers
// External libs headers
#include "TROOT.h"
// MAUS headers
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/PatternRecognition.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SimpleLine.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SimpleCircle.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SimpleHelix.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ThreeVector.hh"
namespace MAUS {
PatternRecognition::PatternRecognition() {
if (debug == 2) {
_f_res = new ofstream();
_f_res->open("residuals.dat", std::ios::app);
_f_res_good = new ofstream();
_f_res_good->open("residuals_good.dat", std::ios::app);
_f_res_chosen = new ofstream();
_f_res_chosen->open("residuals_chosen.dat", std::ios::app);
_f_trks = new ofstream();
_f_trks->open("tracks.dat", std::ios::app);
PatternRecognition::~PatternRecognition() {
if (debug == 2) {
if ( _f_res ) {
delete _f_res;
_f_res = NULL;
if ( _f_res_good ) {
delete _f_res_good;
_f_res_good = NULL;
if ( _f_res_chosen ) {
delete _f_res_chosen;
_f_res_chosen = NULL;
if ( _f_trks ) {
delete _f_trks;
_f_trks = NULL;
void PatternRecognition::process(const bool helical_pr_on, const bool straight_pr_on,
SciFiEvent &evt) {
if ( evt.spacepoints().size() > 0 ) {
// Some setup
SpacePoint2dPArray spnts_by_tracker(_n_trackers);
spnts_by_tracker = sort_by_tracker(evt.spacepoints());
// Loop over trackers
for ( int trker_no = 0; trker_no < _n_trackers; ++trker_no ) {
// Split spacepoints according to which station they occured in
SpacePoint2dPArray spnts_by_station(_n_stations);
sort_by_station(spnts_by_tracker[trker_no], spnts_by_station);
// Make the helical and straight tracks, depending on flags
if ( _helical_pr_on ) {
bool track_type = 1;
make_all_tracks(track_type, trker_no, spnts_by_station, evt);
if ( _straight_pr_on ) {
bool track_type = 0;
make_all_tracks(track_type, trker_no, spnts_by_station, evt);
}// ~Loop over trackers
std::cout << "Number of straight tracks found: " << evt.straightprtracks().size() << "\n\n";
std::cout << "Number of helical tracks found: " << evt.helicalprtracks().size() << "\n\n";
} else {
std::cout << "No spacepoints in event" << std::endl;
void PatternRecognition::make_all_tracks(const bool track_type, const int trker_no,
SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station, SciFiEvent &evt) {
// Count how many stations have at least one *unused* spacepoint
int num_stations_hit = num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station);
// Make the tracks
if (num_stations_hit == 5) {
std::vector strks;
std::vector htrks;
make_5tracks(track_type, spnts_by_station, strks, htrks);
add_tracks(trker_no, strks, htrks, evt);
num_stations_hit = num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station);
if (num_stations_hit > 3) {
std::vector strks;
std::vector htrks;
make_4tracks(track_type, spnts_by_station, strks, htrks);
add_tracks(trker_no, strks, htrks, evt);
num_stations_hit = num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station);
if (num_stations_hit > 2) {
std::vector strks;
std::vector htrks;
make_3tracks(track_type, spnts_by_station, strks, htrks);
add_tracks(trker_no, strks, htrks, evt);
void PatternRecognition::add_tracks(const int trker_no, std::vector &strks,
std::vector &htrks, SciFiEvent &evt ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(strks.size()); ++i ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(htrks.size()); ++i ) {
void PatternRecognition::make_5tracks(const bool track_type, SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &strks,
std::vector &htrks) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "Making 5 point tracks" << std::endl;
int num_points = 5;
std::vector ignore_stations; // A zero size vector sets that all stations are to be used
if ( track_type == 0 )
make_straight_tracks(num_points, ignore_stations, spnts_by_station, strks);
if ( track_type == 1 )
make_helix(num_points, ignore_stations, spnts_by_station, htrks);
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "Finished making 5 pt tracks" << std::endl;
} // ~make_spr_5pt(...)
void PatternRecognition::make_4tracks(const bool track_type, SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &strks,
std::vector &htrks) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "Making 4 point tracks" << std::endl;
int num_points = 4;
// Count how many stations have at least one *unused* spacepoint
int num_stations_hit = num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station);
// Call make_tracks with parameters depending on how many stations have unused spacepoints
if ( num_stations_hit == 5 ) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "4pt track: 5 stations with unused spacepoints" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { // Loop of stations, ignoring each one in turn
// Recount how many stations have at least one unused spacepoint
num_stations_hit = num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station);
// If there are enough occupied stations left to make a 4 point track, keep making tracks
if ( num_stations_hit >= num_points ) {
std::vector ignore_stations(1, i);
if ( track_type == 0 )
make_straight_tracks(num_points, ignore_stations, spnts_by_station, strks);
if ( track_type == 1 )
make_helix(num_points, ignore_stations, spnts_by_station, htrks);
} else {
} // ~Loop of stations, ignoring each one in turn
} else if ( num_stations_hit == 4 ) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "4pt track: 4 stations with unused spacepoints" << std::endl;
// Find out which station has no unused hits (1st entry in stations_not_hit vector)
std::vector stations_hit, stations_not_hit;
stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station, stations_hit, stations_not_hit);
// Make the tracks
if ( static_cast(stations_not_hit.size()) == 1 ) {
if ( track_type == 0 )
make_straight_tracks(num_points, stations_not_hit, spnts_by_station, strks);
if ( track_type == 1 )
make_helix(num_points, stations_not_hit, spnts_by_station, htrks);
} else {
if ( debug > 0 )
std::cerr << "Wrong number of stations without spacepoints aborting 4 pt track.\n";
} else if ( num_stations_hit < 4 ) {
if ( debug > 0 )
std::cout << "Not enough unused spacepoints, quiting 4 point track." << std::endl;
} else if ( num_stations_hit > 6 ) {
if ( debug > 0 )
std::cerr << "Wrong number of stations with spacepoints, aborting 4 pt track.\n";
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "Finished making 4 pt tracks" << std::endl;
} // ~make_straight_4tracks(...)
void PatternRecognition::make_3tracks(const bool track_type, SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &strks,
std::vector &htrks) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "Making 3 point track" << std::endl;
int num_points = 3;
// Count how many stations have at least one *unused* spacepoint
int num_stations_hit = num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station);
bool sufficient_hit_stations = true;
// Call make_tracks with parameters depending on how many stations have unused spacepoints
if ( num_stations_hit == 5 ) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "3pt track: 5 stations with unused spacepoints" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // Loop of first station to ignore
if ( sufficient_hit_stations ) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < 5; ++j) { // Loop of second station to ignore
if ( sufficient_hit_stations ) {
// Recount how many stations have at least one unused spacepoint
num_stations_hit = num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station);
// If there are enough occupied stations left to make a 3pt track, keep making tracks
if ( num_stations_hit >= num_points ) {
std::vector ignore_stations;
if ( track_type == 0 )
make_straight_tracks(num_points, ignore_stations, spnts_by_station, strks);
if ( track_type == 1 )
make_helix(num_points, ignore_stations, spnts_by_station, htrks);
} else {
sufficient_hit_stations = false;
} // ~if ( sufficient_hit_stations )
} // ~Loop of second station to ignore
} // ~if ( sufficient_hit_stations )
} // ~Loop of first station to ignore
} else if ( num_stations_hit == 4 ) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "3pt track: 4 stations with unused spacepoints" << std::endl;
// Find out which station has no unused hits (1st entry in stations_not_hit vector)
std::vector stations_hit, stations_not_hit;
stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station, stations_hit, stations_not_hit);
std::vector ignore_stations;
// Make the tracks
if ( static_cast(stations_not_hit.size()) == 1 ) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { // Loop of stations, ignoring each one in turn
// Recount how many stations have at least one unused spacepoint
num_stations_hit = num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station);
// If there are enough occupied stations left to make a 4 point track, keep making tracks
if ( num_stations_hit >= num_points ) {
if ( stations_not_hit[0] != i ) { // Don't send the same 2 ignore stations
if ( track_type == 0 )
make_straight_tracks(num_points, ignore_stations, spnts_by_station, strks);
if ( track_type == 1 )
make_helix(num_points, ignore_stations, spnts_by_station, htrks);
} else {
} else if ( num_stations_hit == 3 ) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "3pt track: 3 stations with unused spacepoints" << std::endl;
// Find out which station has no unused hits (1st entry in stations_not_hit vector)
std::vector stations_hit, stations_not_hit;
stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station, stations_hit, stations_not_hit);
// Make the tracks
if ( static_cast(stations_not_hit.size()) == 2 ) {
if ( track_type == 0 )
make_straight_tracks(num_points, stations_not_hit, spnts_by_station, strks);
if ( track_type == 1 )
make_helix(num_points, stations_not_hit, spnts_by_station, htrks);
} else {
if ( debug > 0 ) {
std::cerr << "Wrong number of stations without spacepoints, ";
std::cerr << "aborting 3 pt track." << std::endl;
} else if ( num_stations_hit < 3 ) {
if ( debug > 0 )
std::cout << "Not enough unused spacepoints, quiting 3 point track." << std::endl;
} else if ( num_stations_hit > 6 ) {
if ( debug > 0 )
std::cerr << "Wrong number of stations with spacepoints, aborting 3 pt track." << std::endl;
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "Finished making 3 pt tracks" << std::endl;
} // ~make_straight_3tracks(...)
void PatternRecognition::make_straight_tracks(const int num_points,
const std::vector ignore_stations,
SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &strks) {
// Set inner and outer stations
int outer_st_num = -1, inner_st_num = -1;
set_end_stations(ignore_stations, outer_st_num, inner_st_num);
if (static_cast(spnts_by_station.size()) == _n_stations
&& outer_st_num > -1 && outer_st_num < _n_stations
&& inner_st_num > -1 && inner_st_num < _n_stations) {
// Loop over spacepoints in outer station
for ( unsigned int outer_sp = 0; outer_sp < spnts_by_station[outer_st_num].size();
++outer_sp ) {
// Check the outer spacepoint is unused and enough stations are left with unused sp
if ( !spnts_by_station[outer_st_num][outer_sp]->get_used() &&
num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station) >= num_points) {
// Loop over spacepoints in inner station
for ( unsigned int inner_sp = 0;
inner_sp < spnts_by_station[inner_st_num].size(); ++inner_sp ) {
// Check the inner spacepoint is unused and enough stations are left with unused sp
if ( !spnts_by_station[inner_st_num][inner_sp]->get_used() &&
num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station) >= num_points ) {
// Vector to hold the good spacepoints in each station
std::vector good_spnts;
// good_spnts.resize(num_points);
// Set variables to hold which stations are to be ignored
int ignore_st_1 = -1, ignore_st_2 = -1;
set_ignore_stations(ignore_stations, ignore_st_1, ignore_st_2);
// Draw a straight line between spacepoints in outer most and inner most stations
SimpleLine line_x, line_y;
spnts_by_station[inner_st_num][inner_sp], line_x, line_y);
// Loop over intermediate stations and compare spacepoints with the line
for ( int st_num = inner_st_num + 1; st_num < outer_st_num; ++st_num ) {
if (st_num != ignore_st_1 && st_num != ignore_st_2) {
// A large number so initial value is set as best first
double delta_sq = 1000000;
int best_sp = -1;
// Loop over spacepoints
for ( unsigned int sp_no = 0; sp_no < spnts_by_station[st_num].size(); ++sp_no ) {
// If the spacepoint has not already been used in a track fit
if ( !spnts_by_station[st_num][sp_no]->get_used() ) {
SciFiSpacePoint *sp = spnts_by_station[st_num][sp_no];
double dx = 0, dy = 0;
calc_residual(sp, line_x, line_y, dx, dy);
if ( debug > 1 )
*_f_res << st_num << "\t" << num_points << "\t" << dx << "\t" << dy << "\n";
// Apply roadcuts & find the spoints with the smallest residuals for the line
if ( fabs(dx) < _res_cut && fabs(dy) < _res_cut ) {
if ( debug > 1 ) {
*_f_res_good << st_num << "\t" << num_points << "\t";
*_f_res_good << dx << "\t" << dy << "\n";
if ( delta_sq > (dx*dx + dy*dy) )
delta_sq = dx*dx + dy*dy;
best_sp = sp_no;
// add_residuals(true, dx, dy, residuals);
} // ~If pass roadcuts and beats previous best fit point
} // ~If spacepoint is unused
} // ~Loop over spacepoints
// Push back the best spacepoint found for the current station
if (best_sp > -1) {
SciFiSpacePoint * sp = spnts_by_station[st_num][best_sp];
double dx = 0, dy = 0;
calc_residual(sp, line_x, line_y, dx, dy);
if ( debug > 1 ) {
*_f_res_chosen << st_num << "\t" << num_points << "\t";
*_f_res_chosen << dx << "\t" << dy << "\n";
}// ~if (counter > 0)
} // ~if (st_num != ignore_station)
} // ~Loop over intermediate stations
// Clear the line objects so we can reuse them
// Check we have at least 1 good spacepoint in each of the intermediate stations
if ( static_cast(good_spnts.size()) > (num_points - 3) ) {
good_spnts.insert(good_spnts.begin(), spnts_by_station[inner_st_num][inner_sp]);
std::vector x, x_err, y, y_err, z;
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(good_spnts.size()); ++i ) {
// The error on the position measurements of sp in a tracker (same in x and y)
double sd = -1.0;
if ( good_spnts[i]->get_station() == 5 )
sd = _sd_5;
sd = _sd_1to4;
// Fit track
SimpleLine line_x, line_y;
linear_fit(z, x, x_err, line_x);
linear_fit(z, y, y_err, line_y);
// Check track passes chisq test, then create SciFiStraightPRTrack
if ( ( line_x.get_chisq() / ( num_points - 2 ) < _chisq_cut ) &&
( line_y.get_chisq() / ( num_points - 2 ) < _chisq_cut ) ) {
if ( debug > 0 )
std::cout << "** chisq test passed, adding " << num_points << "pt track **\n";
SciFiStraightPRTrack track(-1, num_points, line_x, line_y);
if ( debug > 0 ) {
std::cout << "x0 = " << track.get_x0() << "mx = " << track.get_mx();
std::cout << "y0 = " << track.get_y0() << "my = " << track.get_my() << std::endl;
// *_f_trks << num_points << "\t" << track.get_x0() << "\t" << track.get_mx();
// *_f_trks << "\t" << track.get_x_chisq() << "\t" << track.get_y0() << "\t";
// *_f_trks << track.get_my() << "\t" << track.get_y_chisq() << "\t" << 1 << "\n";
// Set all the good sp to used and convert pointers to variables
std::vector good_spnts_variables;
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(good_spnts.size()); ++i ) {
good_spnts_variables[i] = *good_spnts[i];
// Populate the sp of the track and then push the track back into the strks vector
} else {
if ( debug > 0 ) {
std::cout << "x_chisq = " << line_x.get_chisq();
std::cout << "\ty_chisq = " << line_y.get_chisq() << std::endl;
std::cout << "chisq test failed, " << num_points << "pt track rejected\n";
SciFiStraightPRTrack bad_track(-1, num_points, line_x, line_y);
// *_f_trks << num_points << "\t" << bad_track.get_x0() << "\t";
// *_f_trks << bad_track.get_mx() << "\t" << bad_track.get_x_chisq() << "\t";
// *_f_trks << bad_track.get_y0() << "\t" << bad_track.get_my() << "\t";
// *_f_trks << bad_track.get_y_chisq() << "\t" << 0 << "\n";
} // ~Check track passes chisq test
} // ~ if ( good_spnts.size() > 1 )
} else {
// std::cout << "...no" << std::endl;
}// ~Check the inner spacepoint is unused
} // ~Loop over sp in station 1
} else {
// std::cout << "...no" << std::endl;
}// ~Check the outer spacepoint is unused
} // ~Loop over sp in station 5
} else {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cerr << "Bad spnts_by_station passed, aborting make_straight_tracks.\n";
} // ~make_straight_tracks(...)
void PatternRecognition::linear_fit(const std::vector &_x, const std::vector &_y,
const std::vector &_y_err, SimpleLine &line) {
int num_points = static_cast(_x.size());
CLHEP::HepMatrix A(num_points, 2); // rows, columns
CLHEP::HepMatrix V(num_points, num_points); // error matrix
CLHEP::HepMatrix Y(num_points, 1); // measurements
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(_x.size()); ++i ) {
// std::cout <<"( " << _x[i] << "," << _y[i] << " )" << std::endl;
A[i][0] = 1;
A[i][1] = _x[i];
V[i][i] = ( _y_err[i] * _y_err[i] );
Y[i][0] = _y[i];
CLHEP::HepMatrix At, tmpy, yparams;
int ierr;
At = A.T();
tmpy = At * V * A;
yparams = tmpy * At * V * Y;
CLHEP::HepMatrix C, result;
C = Y - (A * yparams);
result = C.T() * V * C;
line.set_chisq_dof(result[0][0] / num_points);
} // ~linear_fit(...)
void PatternRecognition::make_helix(const int num_points, const std::vector ignore_stations,
SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &htrks) {
// Set inner and outer stations
int outer_st_num = -1, inner_st_num = -1, mid_st_num = -1;
bool success = set_seed_stations(ignore_stations, outer_st_num, inner_st_num, mid_st_num);
if ( !success ) {
std::cerr << "Failed to set seed station, aborting making helices" << std::endl;
// ** Beginning nested loops to find unused spacepoints from each station available. **
// Loop over spacepoints in outer station
for ( unsigned int outer_sp = 0; outer_sp < spnts_by_station[outer_st_num].size(); ++outer_sp ) {
// Check the outer spacepoint is unused and enough stations are left with unused sp
if ( !spnts_by_station[outer_st_num][outer_sp]->get_used() &&
num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station) >= num_points) {
// Loop over spacepoints in inner station
for ( unsigned int inner_sp = 0; inner_sp < spnts_by_station[inner_st_num].size();
++inner_sp ) {
// Check the inner spacepoint is unused and enough stations are left with unused sp
if ( !spnts_by_station[inner_st_num][inner_sp]->get_used() &&
!spnts_by_station[outer_st_num][outer_sp]->get_used() &&
num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station) >= num_points ) {
// Loop over spacepoints in middle station
for ( unsigned int mid_sp = 0; mid_sp < spnts_by_station[mid_st_num].size(); ++mid_sp ) {
// Check intermediate spnts are unused and enough stations are left with unused spnts
if ( !spnts_by_station[mid_st_num][mid_sp]->get_used() &&
!spnts_by_station[inner_st_num][inner_sp]->get_used() &&
!spnts_by_station[outer_st_num][outer_sp]->get_used() &&
num_stations_with_unused_spnts(spnts_by_station) >= num_points ) {
// Vector to hold the good spacepoints in each station
std::vector good_spnts;
// Set variables to hold which stations are to be ignored
int ignore_st_1 = -1, ignore_st_2 = -1;
set_ignore_stations(ignore_stations, ignore_st_1, ignore_st_2);
// Loop over other intermediate stations so that can try adding them to the circle
for ( int st_num = inner_st_num + 1; st_num < outer_st_num; ++st_num ) {
if (st_num != mid_st_num && st_num != ignore_st_1 && st_num != ignore_st_2) {
for (unsigned int sp_no = 0; sp_no < spnts_by_station[st_num].size(); ++sp_no) {
// If the spacepoint has not already been used in a track fit
if ( !spnts_by_station[st_num][sp_no]->get_used() ) {
} // ~loop over intermediate station sp
} // ~if (st_num != ignore_station)
} // ~Loop over intermediate stations not used in initial circle_fit
// Fill the rest of the good_spnts vector
if ( good_spnts.size() > 0 && good_spnts[0]->get_station() > mid_st_num+1 )
good_spnts.insert(good_spnts.begin(), spnts_by_station[mid_st_num][mid_sp]);
else if ( good_spnts.size() > 0 && good_spnts[0]->get_station() < mid_st_num+1 )
good_spnts.insert(good_spnts.begin() + 1, spnts_by_station[mid_st_num][mid_sp]);
// Check we have at least 1 good spacepoint in each of the intermediate stations
if ( static_cast(good_spnts.size()) >= (num_points - 3) ) {
good_spnts.insert(good_spnts.begin(), spnts_by_station[inner_st_num][inner_sp]);
// Perform a circle fit now that we have found a set of spacepoints
SimpleCircle circle;
bool good_radius = circle_fit(good_spnts, circle);
// If the radius calculated is too large, force loop to iterate from here
if ( !good_radius ) continue;
// Check circle chisq test passes, then perform s-z fit
if ( circle.get_chisq() / ( num_points - 2 ) < _chisq_cut ) {
// std::cerr << "Found a good circle using spacepoints:\n";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < good_spnts.size(); ++i) {
ThreeVector pos = good_spnts[i]->get_position();
std::cerr << pos.x() << " " << pos.y() << " " << pos.z() << std::endl;
/* std::cerr << " circle_x0 is " << circle.get_x0() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " circle_y0 is " << circle.get_y0() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " circle_R is " << circle.get_R() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " circle_chi2 is " << circle.get_chisq() << std::endl; */
SimpleLine line_sz;
std::vector dphi; // to hold change between turning angles
double phi_0; // initial turning angle
// Perform s-z fit
calculate_dipangle(good_spnts, circle, dphi, line_sz, phi_0);
std::cerr << "line_sz_c is " << line_sz.get_c() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "line_sz_m is " << line_sz.get_m() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "line_sz_chisq is " << line_sz.get_chisq() << std::endl;
// Check linear fit passes chisq test, then perform make a helical track
if ( line_sz.get_chisq() / ( num_points - 2 ) < _sz_chisq_cut ) {
// double pt = circle.get_R() * 1.2;
// double pz = pt / line_sz.get_m();
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "dsdz = " << line_sz.get_m() << std:: endl;
double psi_0 = phi_0 + (CLHEP::pi / 2);
SciFiHelicalPRTrack track(-1, num_points, good_spnts[0]->get_position(),
phi_0, psi_0, circle, line_sz);
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dphi.size(); ++i ) {
std::cerr << "1phi_i[" << i << "] = " << dphi[i] << std::endl;
std::cerr << "2phi_i[" << i << "] = " << track.get_phi_i()[i] << std::endl;
// Set all the good sp to used and convert pointers to variables
std::vector good_spnts_variables;
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(good_spnts.size()); ++i ) {
good_spnts_variables[i] = *good_spnts[i];
// Populate the sp of the track and then push the track back into trks vector
} // ~Check s-z line passes chisq test
} // ~Check circle passes chisq test
} // ~if enough spacepoints are found for fit (must be at least 3)
} // ~if middle station sp unused
} // ~Loop over middle station spacepoints
} // ~If inner station spacepoint is unused
} // ~Loop over inner station spacepoints
} // ~if outer station spacepoint is unused
} // ~Loop over outer station spacepoints
} // ~make_helix(...)
bool PatternRecognition::circle_fit(const std::vector &spnts,
SimpleCircle &circle) {
int num_points = static_cast(spnts.size());
CLHEP::HepMatrix A(num_points, 3); // rows, columns
CLHEP::HepMatrix V(num_points, num_points); // error matrix
CLHEP::HepMatrix K(num_points, 1);
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(spnts.size()); ++i ) {
// This part will change once I figure out proper errors
double sd = -1.0;
if ( spnts[i]->get_station() == 5 )
sd = _sd_5;
sd = _sd_1to4;
double x_i = spnts[i]->get_position().x();
double y_i = spnts[i]->get_position().y();
A[i][0] = ( x_i * x_i ) + ( y_i * y_i );
A[i][1] = x_i;
A[i][2] = y_i;
V[i][i] = ( sd * sd );
K[i][0] = 1.;
CLHEP::HepMatrix At, tmpx, tmp_params;
int ierr;
At = A.T();
tmpx = At * V * A;
tmp_params = tmpx * At * V * K;
// These values will be used for delta_R calculation
double alpha, beta, gamma;
alpha = tmp_params[0][0];
beta = tmp_params[1][0];
gamma = tmp_params[2][0];
// Convert the linear parameters into the circle center and radius
double x0, y0, R;
x0 = (-1*beta) / (2 * alpha);
y0 = (-1*gamma) / (2 * alpha);
if ( ((4 * alpha) + (beta * beta) + (gamma * gamma)) < 0 )
R = 0;
R = sqrt((4 * alpha) + (beta * beta) + (gamma * gamma)) / (2 * alpha);
if ( debug > 0 ) {
std::cout << "alpha = " << alpha << std::endl;
std::cout << "beta = " << beta << std::endl;
std::cout << "gamma = " << gamma << std::endl;
if ( R < 0. )
std::cout << "R was < 0 geometrically but taking abs_val for physical correctness\n";
R = fabs(R);
if (R > 150)
return false; // Can not be larger than 150mm or the track is not contained in tracker
// Stored to be used for delta_R calculation
// circle.set_alpha_err(alpha_err);
// circle.set_beta_err(beta_err);
// circle.set_gamma_err(gamma_err);
CLHEP::HepMatrix C, result;
C = K - (A * tmp_params);
result = C.T() * V * C;
double chi2 = result[0][0];
circle.set_chisq(chi2); // should I leave this un-reduced?
return true;
} // ~circle_fit(...)
void PatternRecognition::calculate_dipangle(const std::vector &spnts,
const SimpleCircle &circle, std::vector &dphi,
SimpleLine &line_sz, double &phi_0) {
// For the linear fit in s-z, we care about the change in z vs change in s
// So here we calculate the values dz_i and phi_i (because ds_i = R * phi_i)
std::vector dz;
std::vector dphi_err;
// Calculate phi_0, the rotation when moving from x to x'
phi_0 = calc_turning_angle(spnts[0]->get_position().x(), spnts[0]->get_position().y(), circle);
// Loop over spacepoints
for ( int i = 1; i < static_cast(spnts.size()); ++i ) {
dz.push_back(spnts[i]->get_position().z() - spnts[0]->get_position().z());
// theta_i is defined as phi_i + phi_0 i.e. the turning angle wrt the x (not x') axis
double theta_i = calc_turning_angle(spnts[i]->get_position().x(),
spnts[i]->get_position().y(), circle);
// phi_i is defined as the turning angle wrt the x' axis, given by theta_i - phi_0
dphi.push_back(theta_i - phi_0);
// std::cerr << "Pushed " << theta_i - phi_0 << " into dphi, size is " << dphi.size() << "\n";
// Set the error on phi
double sd_phi = -1.0;
if ( (spnts[i]->get_station() == 5) )
sd_phi = _sd_phi_5;
sd_phi = _sd_phi_1to4;
} // ~Loop over spacepoints
// Correct dphi for 2pi rotations
bool dphi_ok = turns_between_stations(dz, dphi);
// Use the dphi to calculate the ds by multiplying each element of dphi by R
if ( dphi_ok ) {
std::vector ds;
dphi_to_ds(circle.get_R(), dphi, ds);
/* if ( debug > 0 ) {
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ds.size(); i++ ) {
std::cerr << "ds = " << ds[i] << ", dz = " << dz[i] << std::endl;
} */
// Peform a linear fit in s - z
linear_fit(dz, ds, dphi_err, line_sz); // Take ds_err to be dphi_err (is this true??)
} // ~calculate_dipangle(...)
double PatternRecognition::calc_turning_angle(double xpos, double ypos,
const SimpleCircle &circle) {
// Note this function returns phi_i + phi_0, unless using x0, y0 in which case it returns phi_0
double angle = atan2(ypos - circle.get_y0(), xpos - circle.get_x0());
if ( angle < 0. ) angle += 2. * CLHEP::pi;
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "Turning angle from circle fit = " << angle << std::endl;
return angle;
} // ~calculate_phi(...)
bool PatternRecognition::turns_between_stations(const std::vector &dz,
std::vector &dphi) {
// Make sure that you have enough points to make a line (2)
if ( dz.size() < 2 || dphi.size() < 2 )
return false;
for ( int n = 0; n < 2; ++n ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(dphi.size()) - 1; ++i ) {
int j = i + 1;
if ( dphi[i] < 0 )
dphi[i] += 2. * CLHEP::pi;
if ( dphi[j] < 0 )
dphi[j] += 2. * CLHEP::pi;
if ( dphi[j] < dphi[i] )
dphi[j] += 2. * CLHEP::pi;
double z_ratio = dz[j] / dz[i];
double phi_ratio = dphi[j] / dphi[i];
if ( fabs(phi_ratio - z_ratio) / z_ratio > _AB_cut ) {
// try
bool passed_cut = AB_ratio(dphi[i], dphi[j], dz[i], dz[j]);
if ( !passed_cut )
return false;
return true;
} // ~turns_between_stations(...)
bool PatternRecognition::AB_ratio(double &dphi_ji, double &dphi_kj, double dz_ji, double dz_kj) {
for ( int n = 0; n < 10; ++n ) {
for ( int m = 0; m < 10; ++m ) {
// std::cerr << "n is " << n << " and m is " << m << std::endl;
double A, B;
A = ( dphi_kj + ( 2 * n * CLHEP::pi ) ) / ( dphi_ji + ( 2 * m * CLHEP::pi ) ); // phi_ratio
B = dz_kj / dz_ji; // z_ratio
// std::cerr << "| A - B | / B = " << fabs(A - B)/B;
// std::cerr << ", new phi_i = " << dphi_ji + ( 2 * m * CLHEP::pi );
// std::cerr<< ", new phi_j = " << dphi_kj + ( 2 * n * CLHEP::pi ) << std::endl;
if ( fabs(A - B) / B < _AB_cut ) {
dphi_kj += 2 * n * CLHEP::pi;
dphi_ji += 2 * m * CLHEP::pi;
// std::cerr << "Success: n = " << n << " m = " << m << std::endl;
// std::cerr << "| A - B | / B = " << fabs(A - B)/B << " and AB_cut = " << _AB_cut << "\n";
return true;
} // end m loop
} // end n loop
return false; // Return false if _ABcut is never satisfied
} // ~AB_ratio(...)
void PatternRecognition::dphi_to_ds(double R, const std::vector &dphi,
std::vector &ds) {
// This function performs scaler multiplication on the input vector.
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(dphi.size()); ++i ) {
double ds_ji = dphi[i] * R;
} // ~dphi_to_ds(...)
bool PatternRecognition::check_time_consistency(const std::vector good_spnts) {
double dT_first, dT_last;
/* Waiting for Spacepoints to have time added ****
double dT_first = good_spnts.front()->get_time();
double dT_last = good_spnts.back()->get_time();
double dZ = fabs(good_spnts.back()->get_position().z() - good_spnts.front()->get_position().z());
double dS;
if ( _straight_pr_on && !_helical_pr_on ) // If you are ONLY looking at straight tracks
dS = dZ;
else if ( _helical_pr_on ) // if you are trying to reconstruc EITHER straight OR helical tracks
dS = dZ * _Pt_max / _Pz_min; // _Pz_min is a guess right now. (both defined in header)
double longest_allowed_time = dS / CLHEP::c_light;
if ( fabs(dT_last - dT_first) > longest_allowed_time )
return false;
return true;
// For linear Pattern Recognition use
bool PatternRecognition::set_end_stations(const std::vector ignore_stations,
int &outer_st_num, int &inner_st_num) {
if ( static_cast(ignore_stations.size()) == 0 ) { // 5pt track case
outer_st_num = 4;
inner_st_num = 0;
} else if ( static_cast(ignore_stations.size()) == 1 ) { // 4pt track case
// Check a valid station number has been supplied
bool ok = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) {
if ( ignore_stations[0] == i ) ok = true;
if ( !ok ) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cerr << "Error: Invalid ignore station argument." << std::endl;
return false;
// Set outer station number
if ( ignore_stations[0] != 4 )
outer_st_num = 4;
outer_st_num = 3;
// Set inner station number
if ( ignore_stations[0] != 0 )
inner_st_num = 0;
inner_st_num = 1;
} else if ( static_cast(ignore_stations.size()) == 2 ) { // 3pt track case
// Check valid station numbers have been supplied
bool ok0 = false;
bool ok1 = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) {
if ( ignore_stations[0] == i ) ok0 = true;
if ( ignore_stations[1] == i ) ok1 = true;
if ( ignore_stations[0] == ignore_stations[1] ) ok0 = false;
if ( !ok0 || !ok1 ) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cerr << "Error: Invalid ignore station argument." << std::endl;
return false;
// Set outer station number
if ( ignore_stations[0] != 4 && ignore_stations[1] != 4 )
outer_st_num = 4;
else if ( ignore_stations[0] != 3 && ignore_stations[1] != 3)
outer_st_num = 3;
outer_st_num = 2;
// Set inner station number
if ( ignore_stations[0] != 0 && ignore_stations[1] != 0 )
inner_st_num = 0;
else if ( ignore_stations[0] != 1 && ignore_stations[1] != 1 )
inner_st_num = 1;
inner_st_num = 2;
} else {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cerr << "Error: Invalid ignore station argument." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
} // ~set_end_stations(...)
// For helical Pattern Recognition use
bool PatternRecognition::set_seed_stations(const std::vector ignore_stations,
int &outer_st_num, int &inner_st_num, int &mid_st_num) {
if ( static_cast(ignore_stations.size()) == 0 ) { // 5pt track case
outer_st_num = 4;
inner_st_num = 0;
mid_st_num = 2;
} else if ( static_cast(ignore_stations.size()) == 1 ) { // 4pt track case
// Check a valid station number has been supplied
bool ok = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) {
if ( ignore_stations[0] == i ) ok = true;
if ( !ok ) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cerr << "Error: Invalid ignore station argument." << std::endl;
return false;
// Set outer station number
if ( ignore_stations[0] != 4 )
outer_st_num = 4;
outer_st_num = 3;
// Set inner station number
if ( ignore_stations[0] != 0 )
inner_st_num = 0;
inner_st_num = 1;
// Set middle station number
if ( ignore_stations[0] != 2 )
mid_st_num = 2;
mid_st_num = 1;
} else if ( static_cast(ignore_stations.size()) == 2 ) { // 3pt track case
// Check valid station numbers have been supplied
bool ok0 = false;
bool ok1 = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) {
if ( ignore_stations[0] == i ) ok0 = true;
if ( ignore_stations[1] == i ) ok1 = true;
if ( ignore_stations[0] == ignore_stations[1] ) ok0 = false;
if ( !ok0 || !ok1 ) {
if ( debug > 0 ) std::cerr << "Error: Invalid ignore station argument." << std::endl;
return false;
if ( ignore_stations[0] == 4 || ignore_stations[1] == 4 ) { // 1 of ignore stats is 4
if ( ignore_stations[0] == 3 || ignore_stations[1] == 3 ) {
outer_st_num = 2;
mid_st_num = 1;
inner_st_num = 0;
} else if ( ignore_stations[0] == 2 || ignore_stations[1] == 2 ) {
outer_st_num = 3;
mid_st_num = 1;
inner_st_num = 0;
} else if ( ignore_stations[0] == 1 || ignore_stations[1] == 1 ) {
outer_st_num = 3;
mid_st_num = 2;
inner_st_num = 0;
} else if ( ignore_stations[0] == 0 || ignore_stations[1] == 0 ) {
outer_st_num = 3;
mid_st_num = 2;
inner_st_num = 1;
} else if ( ignore_stations[0] == 3 || ignore_stations[1] == 3 ) {// 1 of ignore stats is 3
if ( ignore_stations[0] == 2 || ignore_stations[1] == 2 ) {
outer_st_num = 4;
mid_st_num = 1;
inner_st_num = 0;
} else if ( ignore_stations[0] == 1 || ignore_stations[1] == 1 ) {
outer_st_num = 4;
mid_st_num = 2;
inner_st_num = 0;
} else if ( ignore_stations[0] == 0 || ignore_stations[1] == 0 ) {
outer_st_num = 4;
mid_st_num = 2;
inner_st_num = 1;
} else if ( ignore_stations[0] == 2 || ignore_stations[1] == 2 ) {// 1 of ignore stats is 2
if ( ignore_stations[0] == 1 || ignore_stations[1] == 1 ) {
outer_st_num = 4;
mid_st_num = 3;
inner_st_num = 0;
} else if ( ignore_stations[0] == 0 || ignore_stations[1] == 0 ) {
outer_st_num = 4;
mid_st_num = 3;
inner_st_num = 1;
} else if ( ignore_stations[0] == 1 || ignore_stations[1] == 1 ) {// 1 of ignore stats is 1
if ( ignore_stations[0] == 0 || ignore_stations[1] == 0 ) {
outer_st_num = 4;
mid_st_num = 3;
inner_st_num = 2;
} else {
if (debug > 0) std::cout << "Error: Invalid ignore station argument." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
} // ~set_seed_stations(...)
void PatternRecognition::sort_by_station(const std::vector &spnts,
SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station) {
for ( int st_num = 0; st_num < static_cast(spnts_by_station.size()); ++st_num ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(spnts.size()); ++i ) {
if ( spnts[i]->get_station() == st_num + 1 ) {
} // ~sort_by_station(...)
SpacePoint2dPArray PatternRecognition::sort_by_tracker(
const std::vector &spnts) {
SpacePoint2dPArray spnts_by_tracker(_n_trackers);
for ( int trker_no = 0; trker_no < _n_trackers; ++trker_no ) {
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < spnts.size(); ++i ) {
if ( spnts[i]->get_tracker() == trker_no ) {
return spnts_by_tracker;
int PatternRecognition::num_stations_with_unused_spnts(
const SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station) {
int stations_hit = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(spnts_by_station.size()); ++i ) {
int unused_sp = 0;
for ( int j = 0; j < static_cast(spnts_by_station[i].size()); ++j ) {
if ( !spnts_by_station[i][j]->get_used() ) {
if ( unused_sp > 0 ) {
return stations_hit;
} // ~num_stations_with_unused_spnts(...)
void PatternRecognition::stations_with_unused_spnts(const SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station,
std::vector &stations_hit,
std::vector &stations_not_hit) {
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(spnts_by_station.size()); ++i ) {
int unused_sp = 0;
for ( int j = 0; j < static_cast(spnts_by_station[i].size()); ++j ) {
if ( !spnts_by_station[i][j]->get_used() ) {
if ( unused_sp > 0 ) {
} else if ( unused_sp == 0 ) {
} // ~stations_with_unused_spnts(...)
bool PatternRecognition::set_ignore_stations(const std::vector &ignore_stations,
int &ignore_st_1, int &ignore_st_2) {
ignore_st_1 = -1, ignore_st_2 = -1;
if ( ignore_stations.size() == 0 ) {
// Leave ignore stations as -1
} else if ( ignore_stations.size() == 1 ) {
ignore_st_1 = ignore_stations[0];
} else if ( ignore_stations.size() == 2 ) {
ignore_st_1 = ignore_stations[0];
ignore_st_2 = ignore_stations[1];
} else {
std::cerr << "Error: Invalid ignore station argument." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
} // ~set_ignore_stations(...)
void PatternRecognition::draw_line(const SciFiSpacePoint *sp1, const SciFiSpacePoint *sp2,
SimpleLine &line_x, SimpleLine &line_y) {
ThreeVector pos_outer = sp1->get_position();
ThreeVector pos_inner = sp2->get_position();
line_x.set_m(( pos_inner.x() - pos_outer.x()) / (pos_inner.z() - pos_outer.z() ));
line_x.set_c(pos_outer.x() - ( pos_outer.z() * line_x.get_m()) );
line_y.set_m(( pos_inner.y() - pos_outer.y()) / (pos_inner.z() - pos_outer.z() ));
line_y.set_c(pos_outer.y() - ( pos_outer.z() * line_y.get_m() ));
} // ~draw_line(...)
void PatternRecognition::calc_residual(const SciFiSpacePoint *sp, const SimpleLine &line_x,
const SimpleLine &line_y, double &dx, double &dy) {
ThreeVector pos = sp->get_position();
dx = pos.x() - ( line_x.get_c() + ( pos.z() * line_x.get_m() ) );
dy = pos.y() - ( line_y.get_c() + ( pos.z() * line_y.get_m() ) );
} // ~calc_residual(...)
} // ~namespace MAUS