/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #ifndef _SRC_COMMON_CPP_SIMULATION_MAUSPHYSICSLIST_HH_ #define _SRC_COMMON_CPP_SIMULATION_MAUSPHYSICSLIST_HH_ #include #include "Geant4/G4VUserPhysicsList.hh" class G4VModularPhysicsList; namespace MAUS { /** MAUSPhysicsList, wrapper for G4VModularPhysicsList * * MAUSPhysicsList is used to set up the physics process model for G4MICE. * By default, we use some user define G4VModularPhysicsList (probably * defined by G4PhysListFactory, for example) and then make modifications * to get it to do what we want. * * Physics list is controlled by two methods * (i) Predefined commands to switch on and off stochastic processes, defined * by datacards * (ii) User-defined G4UI macros to modify processes by hand * * Potentially a more robust way to do this is to make MAUSPhysicsList more * like something that modifies the Geant4 default physics list... shrug */ class MAUSPhysicsList: public G4VUserPhysicsList { public: /** Controls EM scattering model - Multiple Coulomb Scattering or None */ enum scat {mcs, no_scat}; /** Controls EM energy loss model - Energy Straggling, dedx (mean energy * loss) or None */ enum eloss {energyStraggling, dedx, no_eloss}; /** Controls hadronic processes - all or nothing */ enum hadronic {all_hadronic, no_hadronic}; /** Static initialiser gets the physics list. Uses datacard "PhysicsModel" * to determine what the modular physics list is and G4PhysListFactory * class */ static MAUSPhysicsList* GetMAUSPhysicsList(); /** Deep copies the modular physics list directly * * /param physList */ explicit MAUSPhysicsList(G4VModularPhysicsList* physList); /** Destructor */ ~MAUSPhysicsList(); /** Set up reference particle physics model according to reference datacards */ void BeginOfReferenceParticleAction(); /** Set up particle physics model according to normal datacards */ void BeginOfRunAction(); /** Construct the process table (wraps _list); add MAUS specific processes */ void ConstructProcess(); /** Construct the particle table (wraps _list) */ void ConstructParticle(); /** Does nothing - included to overload pure virtual base class function */ void SetCuts() {} /** Get all relevant datacards from the json configuration */ void Setup(); private: /** Convert from string to scat enumeration * * "msc", "mcs" for multiple coulomb scattering * "none" for no scattering * case insensitive */ scat ScatteringModel(std::string scatteringModel); /** Convert from string to eloss enumeration * - "ionisation","ionization" for mean energy loss only * - "estrag" for energy straggling and mean energy loss * - "none" no energy loss at all * Case insensitive */ eloss EnergyLossModel(std::string elossModel); /** Convert from string to hadronic enumeration * * \param hadronicModel Accepts "all" or "none" to turn on or off hadronic * model case insensitive */ hadronic HadronicModel(std::string hadronicModel); /** Add some specific processes for MAUS * * Only add a step limiter */ void SetSpecialProcesses(); /** Set g4 particle physics model using strings defined elsewhere * * \param scatteringModel transverse scattering model * \param energyLossModel energy loss model * \param hadronicModel hadronic process model * \param decayModel are decays active */ void SetStochastics(scat scatteringModel, eloss energyLossModel, hadronic hadronicModel, bool decayModel); /** Set pion or muon half life (if specified) * * \param pionHalfLife charged pion halfLife in ns * \param muonHalfLife charged muon halfLife in ns */ void SetHalfLife(double pionHalfLife, double muonHalfLife); /** Run a UI command, print to debug */ void UIApplyCommand(std::string command); /** Set scattering model for electromagnetic scattering processes * * Modifies muBrems hBrems eBrems muPairProd ePairProd hPairProd * ElectroNuclear msc G4 processes * * \param scatteringModel if scatteringModel = no_scat, deactivates the * processes; if scatteringModel = mcs, activates the processes */ void SetScattering(scat scatteringModel); /** Set energy loss model for electromagnetic processes * * Modifies muBrems hBrems eBrems muPairProd ePairProd hPairProd muIoni * hIoni eIoni GEANT4 processes * \param energyLossModel If energyLoss = no_eloss, deactivates the * processes; if energyLoss = dedx, activates the processes but sets * cuts to 1000 km and deactivates fluctuations; if energyLoss = * energyStraggling, activates all processes and sets cuts to * ProductionThreshold datacard */ void SetEnergyLoss(eloss energyLossModel); /** Set hadronic process model * * Modifies all hadronic processes * * \param hadronicModel If hadronicModel is all_hadronic, activate all * hadronic processes in the G4ProcessTable. If hadronicModel is * no_hadronic, inactivate all hadronic processes in the * G4ProcessTable */ void SetHadronic(hadronic hadronicModel); /** Set particle decays * * \param willDecay Set to true to activate particle decay for all * particles; set to false to inactivate decay */ void SetDecay(bool willDecay); /** Set the half life for particle with G4Name particleName * * \param particleName geant4 name of the particle * \param halfLife half life [ns] */ void SetParticleHalfLife(std::string particleName, double halfLife); private: static const std::string _scatNames[]; static const std::string _eLossNames[]; static const int _nScatNames; static const int _nELossNames; eloss _refDEModel; scat _msModel; eloss _dEModel; hadronic _hadronicModel; bool _partDecay; double _piHalfLife; double _muHalfLife; double _productionThreshold; G4VModularPhysicsList* _list; }; } #endif