/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ // TODO(rogers) - multipass logic should be handled in the plane itself; at the // moment it's handled in the manager #ifndef _SRC_CPP_CORE_INTERFACE_VIRTUALPLANES_HH_ #define _SRC_CPP_CORE_INTERFACE_VIRTUALPLANES_HH_ #include #include #include #include #include "json/json.h" #include "CLHEP/Vector/Rotation.h" #include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h" #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/JsonWrapper.hh" #include "src/legacy/Interface/VirtualHit.hh" #include "src/legacy/BeamTools/BTTracker.hh" #include "src/legacy/BeamTools/BTFieldGroup.hh" class G4Step; class G4StepPoint; class MiceModule; namespace MAUS { class VirtualPlane; class VirtualPlaneManager; class VirtualPlane { /** @class VirtualPlane * * Looks for steps in the geant4 data that straddle one of our virtual * planes. Then integrate (track) off the plane to the virtual plane. We * track from both the PreStepPoint forwards and the PostStepPoint backwards. * We take the average (thus getting average of any stochastic processes on * the step). */ public: /** enumeration to control how VirtualPlane handles the interpolation between * step start and end */ enum stepping {integrate, linear_interpolate}; /** enumeration to control how VirtualPlane handles multiple hits on the same * station */ enum multipass_handler {ignore, new_station, same_station}; /** @brief Default constructor initialises to 0. */ VirtualPlane(); /** @brief Destructor; no memory allocated so does nothing. */ ~VirtualPlane() {} // BUG - do constructor then init function - more "standard" /** @brief Set up a VirtualPlane * * @params rot Rotation of the VirtualPlane * @params pos Position of the VirtualPlane used to calculate independent * variable and apply radial cuts * @params radialExtent radial extent of the virtual plane; set to negative * to make no radial cut * @params globalCoordinates set to True to record output in * globalCoordinates; set to False to record output in the translated * and rotated frame of the Virtual * @params independent variable (z, t, tau_field, u) at which the * VirtualPlane will register hits * @params type independent variable type; either z (z-axis position), t * (time), tau (proper time), u (position in rotated coordinates) * @params multipass_handler set how we handle multiple passes. If set to * ignore, only first hit is registered; if set to new_station, we * make a new station with station = N(stations)*N(hits)+station; if * set to same_station, just record the hit as normal * @params allowBackwards; set to True to register hits for backwards going * particles as well as forwards going particles. */ static VirtualPlane BuildVirtualPlane(::CLHEP::HepRotation rot, ::CLHEP::Hep3Vector pos, double radialExtent, bool globalCoordinates, double indie, BTTracker::var type, multipass_handler mp, bool allowBackwards); /** @brief Return the independent variable for the point * * @params aPoint calculate independent variable for this StepPoint * * Calculate the independent variable for aPoint; either the time, proper * time, z-position, or z-position in the rotated coordinate system */ double GetIndependentVariable(G4StepPoint* aPoint) const; /** @brief Return true if aStep steps over the virtual plane * * @params aStep check if plane is between Pre and Post step * * Calculate the independent variable for aStep pre and post points; return * true if the points straddle the virtual plane; note that if allow * backwards is "false" then we also have condition that post point has to be * after the virtual plane and pre point has to be before the virtual plane */ bool SteppingOver(const G4Step* aStep) const; /** @brief Use the stepping data to build a new hit. * * @params aStep interpolate between Pre and Post step to find the hit * @params station set the station number (station number is handled by the * VirtualPlaneManager right now) * * Builds a new hit using stepping data. If _stepping is set to integrate, * uses BTTracker routines and integrates Lorentz equation (or whatever) to * the plane in z or other independent variable. Then takes the average of * the tracked pre-step or post-step point, to take account of any tracking * errors or physics processes (other than basic tracking) * * If _stepping is set to linear_interpolate, just takes the linear * interpolation from the pre-step point to the post-step point. * * If _globalCoordinates is true, builds a hit with coordinates in the global * system; if false, builds a hit with coordinates relative to the position * and rotation of the virtual plane (position, momentum, fields) * * If _radialExtent is positive checks radius of particles (cylindrical * type radius, in coordinate system of the Virtual Plane). */ VirtualHit BuildNewHit(const G4Step * aStep, int station) const; /** @brief Comparator for sorting by independent variable */ static bool ComparePosition(VirtualPlane* p1, VirtualPlane* p2) { return p1->_independentVariable < p2->_independentVariable; } /** @brief Return true if a position is inside the radial cut * * @params position transform to local coordinates and use the radius (given * by r**2 = x**2+y**2) to perform a cut * * Uses the _radialExtent to perform the cut; if _radialExtent <= 0., does * nothing, * * @returns true if the particle is in the cut */ bool InRadialCut(::CLHEP::Hep3Vector position) const; /** @brief return the type of independent variable of the plane */ BTTracker::var GetPlaneIndependentVariableType() const { return _planeType; } /** @brief return the value of independent variable of the plane */ double GetPlaneIndependentVariable() const { return _independentVariable; } /** @brief return the Radial Extent (radius cut) of the plane */ double GetRadialExtent() const { return _radialExtent; } /** @brief return true if the plane outputs in global coordinates; false if * the plane outputs in local coordinate system */ bool GetGlobalCoordinates() const { return _globalCoordinates; } /** @brief returns the algorithm used for handling multiple passes */ multipass_handler GetMultipassAlgorithm() {return _multipass;} /** @brief returns the plane rotation */ ::CLHEP::HepRotation GetRotation() {return _rotation;} /** @brief returns the plane position */ ::CLHEP::Hep3Vector GetPosition() {return _position;} /** @brief return true if backwards going particles are registered on the * plane; false otherwise */ bool GetAllowBackwards() {return _allowBackwards;} private: // Build a new hit and send it to the MICEEvent void FillBField(VirtualHit * aHit, const G4Step * aStep) const; void FillStaticData(VirtualHit * aHit, const G4Step * aStep) const; void FillKinematics(VirtualHit * aHit, const G4Step * aStep) const; void TransformToLocalCoordinates(VirtualHit* aHit) const; double* Integrate(G4StepPoint* aPoint) const; double* ExtractPointData(G4StepPoint* aPoint) const; BTTracker::var _planeType; double _independentVariable; double _step; double _radialExtent; bool _globalCoordinates; multipass_handler _multipass; static const BTField* _field; static stepping _stepping; ::CLHEP::Hep3Vector _position; // if var is u, then this will give origin ::CLHEP::HepRotation _rotation; // if var is u, then this will give rotation bool _allowBackwards; friend class VirtualPlaneManager; }; /** @class VirtualPlaneManager * * Manages the VirtualPlanes\n * - handles interface with MiceModules used to build * VirtualPlanes\n * - gives mapping from station number to MiceModule* (used by Optics * optimiser for example).\n * - enables setting/getting of field map used to integrate the virtual plane. * - handles multipass logic to decide whether to allocate a step\n */ class VirtualPlaneManager { public: /** @brief Constructor */ VirtualPlaneManager(); /** @brief Destructor * * delete constructed virtual planes. If this is instance, resets all the * static variables to 0. Does not delete MiceModules or field - this is * controlled from elsewhere. */ ~VirtualPlaneManager(); /** @brief Construct the VirtualPlanes * * Looks through the MiceModules for VirtualPlanes and builds them. Planes * are automatically sorted by independent variable. If ConstructVirtualPlanes * is called more than once, replaces existing field pointer and appends any * additional virtual plane definitions. * * @params field pointer to the global field group. If this is NULL, will * make an empty field. * @params model pointer to the global model. Will construct virtual planes * off any Module with "PropertyString SensitiveDetector Envelope" or * "PropertyString SensitiveDetector Virtual" */ void ConstructVirtualPlanes(const BTField* field, MiceModule* model); /** @brief Check to see if a step straddles a VirtualPlane * * Looks through the list of virtual planes and checks if the step straddles * the plane. If so, makes a hit. * * @params aStep Check whether presteppoint and poststeppoint sit on either * side of one (or more) virtual planes; try to find the VirtualHit * if this is the case * @params track puts tracks into the "Virtual" branch of the track * * @returns Json::Value with VirtualPlanes hits appended */ void VirtualPlanesSteppingAction(const G4Step * aStep); /** @brief Clear count of Virtual Hits for the next track * * Each VirtualPlane stores a count of the number of hits. This is used e.g. * to allocate station number and reject hits if the multipass_handler is set * to ignore. */ void StartOfEvent(); /** @brief Return a pointer to the field object used for tracking */ const BTField* GetField() { return _field;} /** @brief Set the pointer to the field object used for tracking */ void SetField(const BTField* field) { _field = field; VirtualPlane::_field = field; } /** @brief Get a pointer to the MiceModule based on StationNumber * * @returns MiceModule or NULL if no MiceModule registered */ const MiceModule* GetModuleFromStationNumber(int stationNumber); /** @brief Get the primary StationNumber based on a pointer to the MiceModule */ int GetStationNumberFromModule(const MiceModule* module); /** @brief Return a vector of planes controlled by the plane manager */ std::vector GetPlanes() {return _planes;} /** @brief Get the number of hits recorded on a station based on the primary * station number. */ int GetNumberOfHits(int stationNumber); /** @brief Write the hit to the Json::Value */ Json::Value WriteHit(VirtualHit hit); /** @brief Read the hit from the Json::Value */ VirtualHit ReadHit(Json::Value value); /** @brief Add plane to the manager * * @params plane is the plane to be added. Note VirtualPlaneManager now takes * ownership of this memory. * @params mod is the module which made the plane. If no module, just set * this to NULL. This is used subsequently to relate stations to the * originating MiceModule. VirtualPlaneManager does not own this * memory. */ void AddPlane(VirtualPlane* plane, const MiceModule* mod); /** @brief Remove planes from the manager * * This takes a vector of stations so that several stations can be removed - * note that by removing the planes, the station numbers will change (as * stations are always numbered incrementally from 1) * * @param station numbers of the plane to be removed */ void RemovePlanes(std::set station); /** @brief Remove a plane from the manager * * @param pointer to the plane to be removed. Note that the memory pointed to * is deleted by this function call. */ void RemovePlane(VirtualPlane* plane); /** @brief Get Json array of all recorded virtual hits since StartOfEvent() */ Json::Value GetVirtualHits() {return _hits;} /** @brief Set Json array of virtual hits * * @params hits array of virtual hits; if hits is not a Json::arrayValue, * throws an exception */ void SetVirtualHits(Json::Value hits); /** @brief Get flag to tell whether VirtualPlanes are active * * Default is to activate VirtualPlanes if they are found in the geometry */ bool GetWillUseVirtualPlanes() {return _useVirtualPlanes;} /** @brief Set flag to tell whether VirtualPlanes are active */ void SetWillUseVirtualPlanes(bool willUse) {_useVirtualPlanes = willUse;} private: VirtualPlane ConstructFromModule(const MiceModule* mod); VirtualPlane* PlaneFromStation(int station); // get plane from station number ::CLHEP::Hep3Vector JsonToThreeVector(Json::Value value, std::string name); const BTField* _field; bool _useVirtualPlanes; std::vector _planes; // associate MiceModule with each plane in _planes std::map _mods; std::vector _nHits; // numberOfHits in each plane Json::Value _hits; static const BTFieldGroup _default_field; // _field defaults to this }; } #endif