/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include "Utils/TOFChannelMap.hh" TOFChannelMap::~TOFChannelMap() { for (unsigned int i = 0;i < _tofKey.size();i++) { delete _tofKey[i]; delete _tdcKey[i]; delete _fadcKey[i]; } _tdcKey.resize(0); _fadcKey.resize(0); _tofKey.resize(0); } TOFChannelMap::TOFChannelMap() { pymod_ok = true; if (!this->InitializePyMod()) pymod_ok = false; } bool TOFChannelMap::InitializeCards(Json::Value configJSON) { _tof_station = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_trigger_station", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); // convert trigger station name to upper case // the DB holds detector names in upper case std::transform(_tof_station.begin(), _tof_station.end(), _tof_station.begin(), std::ptr_fun(std::toupper)); _tof_cablingdate = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_cabling_date_from", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); // std::cout << "cabling date: " << _tof_cablingdate << std::endl; if (!pymod_ok) return false; bool loaded = this->InitFromCDB(); if (!loaded) return false; return true; } bool TOFChannelMap::InitFromFile(string filename) { ifstream stream(filename.c_str()); if ( !stream ) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFChannelMap::InitFromFile : Can't open TOF cabling file " << filename << std::endl; return false; } TOFChannelKey* tofkey; DAQChannelKey* tdckey; DAQChannelKey* fadckey; try { while (!stream.eof()) { tofkey = new TOFChannelKey(); tdckey = new DAQChannelKey(); fadckey = new DAQChannelKey(); stream >> *tofkey >> *fadckey >> *tdckey; _tofKey.push_back(tofkey); _tdcKey.push_back(tdckey); _fadcKey.push_back(fadckey); } } catch(Squeal e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFChannelMap::InitFromFile : Error during loading." << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } if (_tofKey.size() == 0) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFChannelMap::InitFromFile : Nothing is loaded. " << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool TOFChannelMap::InitFromCDB() { this->GetCabling(_tof_station, _tof_cablingdate); std::cout << "got cabling" << std::endl; TOFChannelKey* tofkey; DAQChannelKey* tdckey; DAQChannelKey* fadckey; try { while (!cblstr.eof()) { tofkey = new TOFChannelKey(); tdckey = new DAQChannelKey(); fadckey = new DAQChannelKey(); cblstr >> *tofkey >> *fadckey >> *tdckey; _tofKey.push_back(tofkey); _tdcKey.push_back(tdckey); _fadcKey.push_back(fadckey); } } catch(Squeal e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFChannelMap::InitFromCDB : Error during loading." << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } if (_tofKey.size() == 0) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFChannelMap::InitFromCDB : Nothing is loaded. " << std::endl; return false; } return true; } TOFChannelKey* TOFChannelMap::find(DAQChannelKey *daqKey) { if (daqKey->eqType() == 102) for (unsigned int i = 0;i < _tofKey.size();i++) { if ( _tdcKey[i]->ldc() == daqKey->ldc() && _tdcKey[i]->geo() == daqKey->geo() && _tdcKey[i]->channel() == daqKey->channel() ) { return _tofKey[i]; } } if (daqKey->eqType() == 120) { for (unsigned int i = 0;i < _tofKey.size();i++) { if ( _fadcKey[i]->ldc() == daqKey->ldc() && _fadcKey[i]->geo() == daqKey->geo() && _fadcKey[i]->channel() == daqKey->channel() ) { return _tofKey[i]; } } } return NULL; } TOFChannelKey* TOFChannelMap::find(std::string daqKeyStr) { DAQChannelKey xDaqKey; stringstream xConv; try { xConv << daqKeyStr; xConv >> xDaqKey; }catch(Squeal e) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("corrupted DAQ Channel Key"), "TOFChannelMap::find(std::string)")); } TOFChannelKey* xTofKey = find(&xDaqKey); return xTofKey; } DAQChannelKey* TOFChannelMap::findfAdcKey(std::string tdcKeyStr) { DAQChannelKey xDaqKey; stringstream xConv; try { xConv << tdcKeyStr; xConv >> xDaqKey; }catch(Squeal e) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("corrupted DAQ Channel Key"), "TOFChannelMap::findfAdcKey(std::string)")); } if (xDaqKey.eqType() == 102) { for (unsigned int i = 0;i < _tofKey.size();i++) { if ( *(_tdcKey[i]) == xDaqKey ) { return _fadcKey[i]; } } } return NULL; } DAQChannelKey* TOFChannelMap::findTdcKey(std::string adcKeyStr) { DAQChannelKey xDaqKey; stringstream xConv; try { xConv << adcKeyStr; xConv >> xDaqKey; }catch(Squeal e) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("corrupted DAQ Channel Key"), "TOFChannelMap::findTdcKey(std::string)")); } if (xDaqKey.eqType() == 120) { for (unsigned int i = 0;i < _tofKey.size();i++) { if ( *(_fadcKey[i]) == xDaqKey ) { return _tdcKey[i]; } } } return NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TOFChannelKey::TOFChannelKey(string keyStr) throw(Squeal) { std::stringstream xConv; try { xConv << keyStr; xConv >> (*this); }catch(Squeal e) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("corrupted TOF Channel Key"), "TOFChannelKey::TOFChannelKey(std::string)")); } } bool TOFChannelKey::operator==( TOFChannelKey const key ) { if ( _station == key._station && _plane == key._plane && _slab == key._slab && _pmt == key._pmt && _detector == key._detector) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool TOFChannelKey::operator!=( TOFChannelKey const key ) { if ( _station == key._station && _plane == key._plane && _slab == key._slab && _pmt == key._pmt && _detector == key._detector) { return false; } else { return true; } } bool TOFChannelKey::inSameSlab(TOFChannelKey key) { if (this->station() == key.station() && this->plane() == key.plane() && this->slab() == key.slab() && this->detector() == key.detector()&& this->pmt() != key.pmt()) return true; return false; } bool TOFChannelKey::inSameSlab(string keyStr) { TOFChannelKey key(keyStr); return this->inSameSlab(key); } TOFChannelKey TOFChannelKey::GetOppositeSidePMT() { TOFChannelKey key; key.SetStation(this->station()); key.SetPlane(this->plane()); key.SetSlab(this->slab()); key.SetDetector(this->detector()); if (this->pmt() == 0) key.SetPmt(1); if (this->pmt() == 1) key.SetPmt(0); return key; } string TOFChannelKey::GetOppositeSidePMTStr() { TOFChannelKey key = this->GetOppositeSidePMT(); return key.str(); } ostream& operator<<( ostream& stream, TOFChannelKey key ) { stream << "TOFChannelKey " << key._station; stream << " " << key._plane; stream << " " << key._slab; stream << " " << key._pmt; stream << " " << key._detector; return stream; } istream& operator>>( istream& stream, TOFChannelKey &key ) throw(Squeal) { string xLabel; stream >> xLabel >> key._station >> key._plane >> key._slab >> key._pmt >> key._detector; if (xLabel != "TOFChannelKey") { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("corrupted TOF Channel Key"), "istream& operator>>(istream& stream, TOFChannelKey)")); } return stream; } string TOFChannelKey::str() { stringstream xConv; xConv << (*this); return xConv.str(); } bool TOFChannelMap::InitializePyMod() { // import the get_tof_cabling module // this python module access and gets cabling from the DB _cabling_mod = PyImport_ImportModule("calibration.get_tof_cabling"); if (_cabling_mod == NULL) { std::cerr << "Failed to import get_tof_cabling module" << std::endl; return false; } PyObject* cabling_mod_dict = PyModule_GetDict(_cabling_mod); if (cabling_mod_dict != NULL) { PyObject* cabling_init = PyDict_GetItemString (cabling_mod_dict, "GetCabling"); if (PyCallable_Check(cabling_init)) { _tcabling = PyObject_Call(cabling_init, NULL, NULL); } } if (_tcabling == NULL) { std::cerr << "Failed to instantiate get_tof_cabling" << std::endl; return false; } // get the get_cabling_func() function _get_cabling_func = PyObject_GetAttrString(_tcabling, "get_cabling"); if (_get_cabling_func == NULL) { std::cerr << "Failed to find get_cabling function" << std::endl; return false; } return true; } void TOFChannelMap::GetCabling(std::string devname, std::string fromdate) { PyObject *py_arg = NULL, *py_value = NULL; // setup the arguments to get_calib_func // the arguments are 2 strings // arg1 = device name (TOF0/TOF1/TOF2) uppercase // this is actually not very meaningful since the cabling is for TOF not TOF0/1/2 // however the cabling schema does not have a generic "TOF" device // hence using the trigger station as the default device // arg2 = valid_from_date == either "current" or an actual date 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' // default date argument is "current" // this is set via TOF_cabling_date_from card in ConfigurationDefaults py_arg = Py_BuildValue("(ss)", devname.c_str(), fromdate.c_str()); std::cout << "Building" << std::endl; if (py_arg == NULL) { PyErr_Clear(); throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, "Failed to resolve arguments to get_cabling", "MAUSEvaluator::evaluate")); } if (_get_cabling_func != NULL && PyCallable_Check(_get_cabling_func)) { py_value = PyObject_CallObject(_get_cabling_func, py_arg); // setup the stream to hold the cabling if (py_value != NULL) cblstr << PyString_AsString(py_value); } if (py_value == NULL) { PyErr_Clear(); Py_XDECREF(py_arg); throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, "Failed to parse argument "+devname, "GetCabling::get_cabling")); } // clean up Py_XDECREF(py_value); Py_XDECREF(py_arg); }