// MAUS WARNING: THIS IS LEGACY CODE. // MiceModule.hh // // Class that describes the shape, size, position, orientation and other properties of a module of the MICE experiment, // or a subcomponent. // // 15/5/2006 M.Ellis #ifndef CONFIG_MICEMODULE_HH #define CONFIG_MICEMODULE_HH 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h" #include "CLHEP/Vector/Rotation.h" #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Transform3D.h" #include "Config/ModuleTextFileIO.hh" //! MiceModule object handles geometry information and other relevant parameters for G4MICE //! //! MiceModule is essentially a wrapper for a std::map from string property name to int, //! Hep3Vector, string and double property types. Caveat is that numerical property types //! are stored as strings until they are needed. This is so that we can evaluate them as //! equations. //! //! MiceModules sit in a nested tree structure, so that one module will sit inside another //! module with relative position and rotation to the parent module. MiceModule is stores //! position, rotation and scale information, including a few functions to get e.g. position //! relative to another module, or relative to the global volume. ScaleFactor is a property //! for the field maps, giving a linear scaling to the fields represented by the MiceModule //! and all fields below it. //! using namespace CLHEP; class MiceModule { public : // Constructor; if parent is null assume root module MiceModule( std::string name ); //root module MiceModule( ); MiceModule( MiceModule* parent, std::string name ); virtual ~MiceModule(); // < operator compares the global Z position of this module with another bool operator<( const MiceModule& ) const; MiceModule& operator=( MiceModule& ); //shallow copy which moves daughters with it deleting daughters in the original static MiceModule* deepCopy(const MiceModule &, bool insertInMother=false); //deep copy which makes a duplicate of the module tree beneath it; set insertInMother to True to add to daughter mods of mother module (i.e. add it to the module tree) std::string name() const { return _name; }; std::string fullName() const; // Return the concatenated name of this module with all its mothers bool isRoot() const { return _isroot; }; /// Print out the module tree void printTree( int, std::ostream& Cout = std::cout ) const; /// Dump the whole geometry tree in MiceModule format for local usage. /// Note that Repeat factors aren't output as each module is explicitly given. /// For comparisons, expect some rounding errors and some angles to be /// different by 2*PI. /// There is a warning for every Module since ModuleTextFileIO looks for /// a corresponding file in $(MICEFILES)/Models/Modules but won't find it /// since the subdirectory is stripped off the Module name. This is not /// an error because we don't want any parameters read from files. void DumpMiceModule(std::string & Indent, std::ostream & Cout = std::cout) const; MiceModule* mother() const { return _mother; }; MiceModule* mother() { return _mother; }; int daughters() const { return _daughters.size(); }; MiceModule* daughter( int ) const; std::vector allDaughters() const { return _daughters; }; // Return the type of volume this module is describing std::string volType() const {return propertyString("Volume");} Hep3Vector dimensions() const; bool isInside( const MiceModule* ) const; // Return the position of this module with respect to the parent module Hep3Vector position() const; // Return the position of this module with respect to another module that it is inside of Hep3Vector relativePosition( const MiceModule* ) const; // Return the position of this module with respect to the global coordinate system Hep3Vector globalPosition() const; // Return the rotation of this module with respect to the module that it is inside HepRotation rotation() const; // Return the rotation of this module with respect to another module that it is inside of const HepRotation* rotationPointer() { _rotation = rotation(); return &_rotation; }; HepRotation relativeRotation( const MiceModule* ) const; // Return the rotation of this module with respect to the global coordinate system HepRotation globalRotation() const; // Do the relative transformation HepGeom::Transform3D relativeTransform( const MiceModule* ) const; // Return the scale factor (or default 1.) double scaleFactor() const; // Return the product of this scale factor and all parents' scale factors double globalScaleFactor() const; //Set the named property - doesn't throw an exception if property already exists, just silently overwrites template void setProperty(std::string property, T val); // --- Methods to provide "Properties" of a Module // Return true if this property exists as a particular type bool propertyExists( std::string property, std::string type) const; // Return true if this property exists in this instance bool propertyExistsThis( std::string property, std::string type) const; //Return the named int property bool propertyBoolThis( std::string propertyName ) const; //Return propertyBool in the closest ancestor, including this one, that has the property //throw a Squeal if ancestor tree does not have the property bool propertyBool( std::string propertyName ) const; unsigned int numPropertyBool() const { return _bools.size(); }; void ithBool( int i, std::string& name, bool& val ) const; void addPropertyBool( std::string name, bool val ); void addPropertyBool( std::string name, std::string val ); //Return the named int property int propertyIntThis( std::string propertyName ) const; //Return propertyInt in the closest ancestor, including this one, that has the property //throw a Squeal if ancestor tree does not have the property int propertyInt( std::string propertyName ) const; unsigned int numPropertyInt() const { return _ints.size(); }; void ithInt( int i, std::string& name, int& val ) const; void addPropertyInt( std::string name, int val ); void addPropertyInt( std::string name, std::string val ); //Return the named double property double propertyDoubleThis( std::string propertyName ) const; //Return propertyDouble in the closest ancestor, including this one, that has the property //throw a Squeal if ancestor tree does not have the property double propertyDouble( std::string propertyName ) const; unsigned int numPropertyDouble() const { return _doubles.size(); }; void ithDouble( int i, std::string& name, double& val ) const; void addPropertyDouble( std::string name, double val ); void addPropertyDouble( std::string name, std::string val ); //Return the named double property std::string propertyStringThis( std::string propertyName) const; //Return propertyString in the closest ancestor, including this one, that has the property //throw a Squeal if ancestor tree does not have the property std::string propertyString( std::string propertyName) const; unsigned int numPropertyString() const { return _strings.size(); }; void ithString( int i, std::string& name, std::string& val ) const; void addPropertyString( std::string name, std::string val ); //Return the named double propertyHep3Vector Hep3Vector propertyHep3VectorThis( std::string propertyName) const; //Return propertyHep3Vector in the closest ancestor, including this one, that has the property //throw a Squeal if ancestor tree does not have the property Hep3Vector propertyHep3Vector( std::string ) const; unsigned int numPropertyHep3Vector() const { return _hep3vectors.size(); }; void ithHep3Vector( int i, std::string& name, Hep3Vector& val ) const; void addPropertyHep3Vector( std::string name, Hep3Vector val ); void addPropertyHep3Vector( std::string name, std::string val ); // Return all daughters (and self) that have the string property refered to of a specific value std::vector findModulesByPropertyString( std::string, std::string ) const; std::vector findModulesByPropertyExists( std::string, std::string ) const; std::vector findModulesByName( std::string ) const; //Somehow gcc doesnt overload from const to non-const... so add nc suffix (to mean NON CONST) std::vector findModulesByPropertyExistsNC( std::string, std::string ); /// print all daughters void print( std::ostream& ) const; /// print only this class void printThis(std::ostream& ) const; const MiceModule* rootModule() const; int depth() const; bool checkGeometry() const; bool checkGeometry( MiceModule* daught ) const; bool isInside( const Hep3Vector&, const MiceModule*, bool quiet = false ) const; //setup methods void addDaughter(MiceModule* daughter) {_daughters.push_back(daughter); daughter->_mother=this;} void removeDaughter(MiceModule* daughter); void setRotation(HepRotation rotation); void setName(std::string name) {_name = name;} void setMother(MiceModule* mother) {_mother = mother;} //convert from HepRotation to string "xTheta yTheta zTheta" static std::string rotationString(HepRotation rot); static CLHEP::HepRotation Hep3VecToRotation(CLHEP::Hep3Vector vec); static CLHEP::Hep3Vector HepRotationTo3Vec(CLHEP::HepRotation rot); MiceModule* copyDisplaced(Hep3Vector translation, HepRotation rotation, double scaleFactor); void addParameter(std::string key, double value); //idr 27/10/10 //! Template the code to get lists of properties from the MiceModule template std::map getListOfProperties(); private : //return the map of the appropriate type std::map* getPropertyMap(bool dummy) {return &_bools;} std::map* getPropertyMap(int dummy) {return &_ints;} std::map* getPropertyMap(std::string dummy) {return &_strings;} std::map* getPropertyMap(double dummy) {return &_doubles;} std::map* getPropertyMap(CLHEP::Hep3Vector dummy) {return &_hep3vectors;} /// Print module properties void printProperties( std::string, std::ostream& Cout = std::cout ) const; void DumpProperties(std::string & indent, std::ostream & Cout) const; void checkNames(); bool _isroot; std::string _name; MiceModule* _mother; std::vector _daughters; HepRotation _rotation; std::map _bools; std::map _ints;//Oct2010. Now ints will be read as strings std::map _strings; //I store doubles as strings so that I can use evaluator on them... //It would be nice if I could always use evaluator at ModuleTextFileIO time, but that's not always possible //In particular, when doing repeats, I need to parse the propertyInt number of repeats, then run the //evaluator against the @RepeatNumber, so I have to run the evaluator after doing IO std::map _doubles; std::map _hep3vectors; //parameters to be passed to the evaluator. Note that @ is aliased to MI_ as evaluator can only handle alphanumerics std::map _parameters; static const int precision; }; //Set the named property - doesn't throw an exception if property already exists, just silently overwrites template void MiceModule::setProperty(std::string property, T val) { std::string val_string = ModuleTextFileIO::toString(val, precision); std::map* prop_map = getPropertyMap(val); (*prop_map)[property] = val_string; } #endif