// MAUS WARNING: THIS IS LEGACY CODE. #include "DetModel/KL/KLGlue.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Material.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Tubs.hh" #include "Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "Geant4/G4PVParameterised.hh" #include "Geant4/G4AssemblyVolume.hh" #include "Geant4/G4UserLimits.hh" #include "Geant4/G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Colour.hh" #include "Geant4/G4ios.hh" #include "Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "Geant4/G4RotationMatrix.hh" #include "Geant4/globals.hh" #include "DetModel/SciFi/SciFiSD.hh" #include "Geant4/G4SDManager.hh" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // KLGlue::~KLGlue() { if(fSolidGlueStrip) delete fSolidGlueStrip; if(fLogicGlueStrip) delete fLogicGlueStrip; if(fSolidHole) delete fSolidHole; if(fLogicHole) delete fLogicHole; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // KLGlue::KLGlue(MiceModule* mod, G4Material* mater, G4VPhysicalVolume *mlv ) { G4double zStart, zStep, z, yStart, yStep, y; // G4double cellX = mod->dimensions().x(); G4double cellY = mod->dimensions().y(); G4double cellZ = mod->dimensions().z(); G4double fiberRad = 0.5*mod->propertyDouble( "FibreDiameter" ); G4double fiberLength = mod->propertyDouble( "FibreLength" ); G4double fiberSpacing = mod->propertyDouble( "FibreSpacingY" ); G4double fiberSpacingZ = mod->propertyDouble( "FibreSpacingZ" ); G4double glueThickness = mod->propertyDouble( "GlueThickness" ); G4int cellNr = mod->propertyInt("Cell"); G4ThreeVector nullVect = G4ThreeVector(0,0,0); G4RotationMatrix rm0; G4RotationMatrix rm90; rm90.rotateY(90.*deg); // The strip of glue between to lead foils, center of fiber = center of strip G4double glueStripW = 0.5*fiberSpacing-fiberRad; fSolidGlueStrip = new G4Box("sGlueStripCAL", 0.5*fiberLength, 0.5*glueStripW, 0.5*glueThickness); fLogicGlueStrip = new G4LogicalVolume(fSolidGlueStrip, mater, "lGlueStripCAL"); G4ThreeVector upVect = G4ThreeVector(0,fiberRad+0.5*glueStripW,0); G4ThreeVector dnVect = G4ThreeVector(0,-fiberRad-0.5*glueStripW,0); // The space to put the fiber inside G4double holeRad = 0.5*glueThickness+fiberRad; fSolidHole = new G4Tubs("sHoleCAL", fiberRad, holeRad, 0.5*fiberLength ,0.0,2*pi) ; fLogicHole = new G4LogicalVolume(fSolidHole, mater, "lHoleCAL"); G4AssemblyVolume* assemblyCell = new G4AssemblyVolume(); assemblyCell->AddPlacedVolume( fLogicGlueStrip, upVect, &rm0 ); assemblyCell->AddPlacedVolume( fLogicGlueStrip, dnVect, &rm0 ); assemblyCell->AddPlacedVolume( fLogicHole, nullVect, &rm90 ); G4AssemblyVolume* assemblyCell2 = new G4AssemblyVolume(); assemblyCell->AddPlacedVolume( fLogicGlueStrip, upVect, &rm0 ); assemblyCell->AddPlacedVolume( fLogicHole, nullVect, &rm90 ); yStep = fiberSpacing; if (fiberSpacingZ < 0){ zStep = yStep*0.5*sqrt(3); //triangular, KLOE standard } else { zStep = fiberSpacingZ; // KLOE light } zStart = -0.5*cellZ+zStep; // boundaries are glue filled holes yStart = -0.5*cellY+0.5*yStep; int layer = 0; z = zStart; while(z<=fabs(zStart)){ y = yStart+(layer%2)*0.5*yStep; // offset every second layer while(y<=fabs(yStart)){ G4ThreeVector Tm( 0,y,z); assemblyCell->MakeImprint( mlv->GetLogicalVolume(), Tm, &rm0, cellNr ); y += yStep; } if ( (cellNr%10 !=0) && (layer%2 != 0)) { // add one extra row at the bottom (not copied over by next cell) y = yStart-0.5*yStep; G4ThreeVector Tm( 0,y,z); assemblyCell2->MakeImprint( mlv->GetLogicalVolume(), Tm, &rm0, cellNr ); } layer++; z += zStep; } G4VisAttributes* visAttInv = new G4VisAttributes(false); if (fLogicGlueStrip) fLogicGlueStrip ->SetVisAttributes(visAttInv); if (fLogicHole) fLogicHole ->SetVisAttributes(visAttInv); }