// MAUS WARNING: THIS IS LEGACY CODE. // MiceMaterials.cc // // A map of G4Material pointers to strings which can be accessed through the MICE Run for use in the // GEANT4 representation of a particular MICE configuration // // 25th May 2006 // // Malcolm Ellis #include #include #include #include #include "Interface/MiceMaterials.hh" #include "Interface/Squeal.hh" #include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h" using CLHEP::mm; using CLHEP::cm2; using CLHEP::mm3; using CLHEP::g; using CLHEP::gram; using CLHEP::eV; using CLHEP::MeV; using CLHEP::kelvin; using CLHEP::atmosphere; // constructor that will read in the material properties from a file if the application is // not linking with GEANT4 MiceMaterials::MiceMaterials( bool noG4 ) { if( noG4 ) { if(getenv( "MICEFILES" ) == NULL) throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, "Error - MICEFILES environment variable was not defined", "MiceMaterials::MiceMaterials")); if(getenv( "COMPILER" ) == NULL) throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, "Error - COMPILER environment variable was not defined", "MiceMaterials::MiceMaterials")); if(getenv( "G4VERS" ) == NULL) throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, "Error - G4VERS environment variable was not defined", "MiceMaterials::MiceMaterials")); std::string fname = std::string( getenv( "MICEFILES" ) ) + "/Models/Materials/micematerials_" + std::string( getenv( "COMPILER" ) ) + "_" + std::string( getenv( "G4VERS" ) ) + ".txt"; std::ifstream inf( fname.c_str() ); if( inf.good() ) { // read the first couple of lines that state the compiler and GEANT4 versions char line[250]; std::string sline; inf.getline( line, 80 ); inf.getline( line, 80 ); // now read in each of the materials and store the details in the respective maps while( ! inf.eof() && inf.good() ) { std::string name, value, chemical, units, state; double density, temp, press, edens, X0, L0, ZNum, ANum, meanExE, densityCor; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line1( sline ); line1 >> value >> name >> value; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line2( sline ); line2 >> value >> value >> chemical; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line3( sline ); line3 >> value >> density >> units; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line4( sline ); line4 >> value >> state; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line5( sline ); line5 >> value >> temp >> units; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line6( sline ); line6 >> value >> press >> units; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line7( sline ); line7 >> value >> value >> edens >> units >> units; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line8( sline ); line8 >> value >> value >> X0 >> units; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line9( sline ); line9 >> value >> value >> L0 >> units; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line10( sline ); line10 >> value >> value >> ZNum; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line11( sline ); line11 >> value >> value >> ANum; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line12( sline ); line12 >> value >> value >> value >> meanExE >> units; inf.getline( line, 250 ); sline = std::string( line ); std::stringstream line13( sline ); line13 >> value >> value >> value >> value >> value >> value >> value >> value >> densityCor; // skip dEdx line as that is calculated inf.getline( line, 250 ); if( name != "" && name[0] != ' ' ) { _materials[ name ] = NULL; updateProperties( name, chemical, density * g / mm3, state, temp * kelvin, press * atmosphere, edens / mm3, X0 * mm, L0 * mm, ZNum, ANum, meanExE * eV, densityCor ); } } } else std::cerr << "ERROR - unable to find the materials file " << fname << " as a result no mice material information is being loaded" << std::endl; } } void MiceMaterials::addMaterial( G4Material* mat, std::string name ) { _materials[name] = mat; } G4Material* MiceMaterials::materialByName( std::string mat ) const { if ( _materials.find( mat ) == _materials.end() ) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, "Unable to find material "+mat, "MiceMaterials::materialByName") ); } G4Material* matter = _materials.find( mat )->second; if( ! matter ) // can't find this material! { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, "Unable to find material "+mat, "MiceMaterials::materialByName") ); matter = _materials.find( "Galactic" )->second; } return matter; } std::string MiceMaterials::chemicalFomula( std::string name ) const { return _formula.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::density( std::string name ) const { return _density.find( name )->second; } std::string MiceMaterials::state( std::string name ) const { return _state.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::temperature( std::string name ) const { return _temperature.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::pressure( std::string name ) const { return _pressure.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::electronDensity( std::string name ) const { return _electronDensity.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::zNumber( std::string name ) const { return _zNumber.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::aNumber( std::string name ) const { return _aNumber.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::meanExcitationEnergy( std::string name ) const { return _meanExcitationEnergy.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::densityCorrection( std::string name ) const { return _densityCorrection.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::radiationLength( std::string name ) const { return _radiationLength.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::interactionLength( std::string name ) const { return _interactionLength.find( name )->second; } double MiceMaterials::dEdx( std::string name ) const { double dEdx = 0; if( _radiationLength.find( name ) == _radiationLength.end() ) // this material is not known return dEdx; // for now, assume a 200 MeV/c muon - we need to work out how to do this a little better later on... double K = 0.307075 * MeV * cm2 / g; double ZonA = zNumber( name ) / aNumber( name ); double beta = 0.88; double betaGamma = 1.89; double me = 0.511 * MeV; double Tmax = 3.63 * MeV; double I = meanExcitationEnergy( name ); dEdx = -1. * K * ZonA / ( beta * beta ) * ( 0.5 * log( 2. * me * betaGamma * betaGamma * Tmax / I / I ) - beta * beta - densityCorrection( name ) / 2.0 ); return dEdx; } double MiceMaterials::dEdxLength( std::string name ) const { double dEds = 0; if( _radiationLength.find( name ) == _radiationLength.end() ) // this material is not known return dEds; dEds = dEdx( name ) * density( name ); return dEds; } void MiceMaterials::listMaterials() const { for( std::map::const_iterator it = _materials.begin(); it != _materials.end(); ++it ) { std::cout << "Material " << it->first << " has:" << std::endl; std::cout << " Chemical Formula " << _formula.find( it->first )->second << std::endl; std::cout << " Density " << _density.find( it->first )->second / gram * mm3 << " g/mm3" << std::endl; std::cout << " State " << _state.find( it->first )->second << std::endl; std::cout << " Temperature " << _temperature.find( it->first )->second / kelvin << " kelvin" << std::endl; std::cout << " Pressure " << _pressure.find( it->first )->second / atmosphere << " atmosphere" << std::endl; std::cout << " Electron Density " << _electronDensity.find( it->first )->second * mm3 << " per mm3" << std::endl; std::cout << " Radiation Length " << _radiationLength.find( it->first )->second / mm << " mm" << std::endl; std::cout << " Interaction Length " << _interactionLength.find( it->first )->second / mm << " mm" << std::endl; std::cout << " Z Number " << _zNumber.find( it->first )->second << std::endl; std::cout << " A Number " << _aNumber.find( it->first )->second << std::endl; std::cout << " Mean Excitation Energy " << _meanExcitationEnergy.find( it->first )->second / eV << " eV" << std::endl; std::cout << " Density Effect Correction Due to Ionization Energy Loss " << _densityCorrection.find( it->first )->second << std::endl; std::cout << " dE/dx " << dEdx(it->first) / MeV * g / cm2 <<" MeV/(g/cm2)" <