/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include "Utils/CppErrorHandler.hh" #include "Utils/JsonWrapper.hh" #include "Utils/TOFChannelMap.hh" #include "Utils/DAQChannelMap.hh" #include "Interface/Squeal.hh" #include "Interface/dataCards.hh" #include "src/map/MapCppTOFDigits/MapCppTOFDigits.hh" bool MapCppTOFDigits::birth(std::string argJsonConfigDocument) { _classname = "MapCppTOFDigits"; _stationKeys.push_back("tof0"); _stationKeys.push_back("tof1"); _stationKeys.push_back("tof2"); char* pMAUS_ROOT_DIR = getenv("MAUS_ROOT_DIR"); if (!pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Could not find the $MAUS_ROOT_DIR environmental variable." << std::endl; Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Did you try running: source env.sh ?" << std::endl; return false; } // Check if the JSON document can be parsed, else return error only try { // JsonCpp setup Json::Value configJSON; Json::Value map_file_name; Json::Value xEnable_V1290_Unpacking; Json::Value xEnable_V1724_Unpacking; configJSON = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(argJsonConfigDocument); // this will contain the configuration /* map_file_name = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_cabling_file", JsonWrapper::stringValue); std::string xMapFile = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) + map_file_name.asString(); bool loaded = _map.InitFromFile(xMapFile); */ map_init = true; bool loaded = _map.InitializeCards(configJSON); if (!loaded) map_init = false; xEnable_V1290_Unpacking = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "Enable_V1290_Unpacking", JsonWrapper::booleanValue); xEnable_V1724_Unpacking = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "Enable_V1724_Unpacking", JsonWrapper::booleanValue); if (!xEnable_V1290_Unpacking.asBool()) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::warning) << "WARNING in MapCppTOFDigits::birth. The unpacking of the TDC V1290 is disabled!!!" << " Are you shure you want this?" << std::endl; } if (!xEnable_V1724_Unpacking.asBool()) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::warning) << "WARNING in MapCppTOFDigits::birth. The unpacking of the flashADC V1724 is disabled!!!" << " Are you shure you want this?" << std::endl; } return true; } catch(Squeal squee) { MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleSquealNoJson(squee, _classname); } catch(std::exception exc) { MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleStdExcNoJson(exc, _classname); } return false; } bool MapCppTOFDigits::death() {return true;} std::string MapCppTOFDigits::process(std::string document) { // JsonCpp setup Json::FastWriter writer; Json::Value root; Json::Value xEventType; // don't try to process if we have not initialized the channel map // this could be because of an invalid map // or because the CDB is down if (!map_init) { Json::Value errors; std::stringstream ss; ss << _classname << " says: Failed to intialize channel map"; errors["no_channel_map"] = ss.str(); root["errors"] = errors; return writer.write(root); } // Check if the JSON document can be parsed, else return error only try {root = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(document);} catch(...) { Json::Value errors; std::stringstream ss; ss << _classname << " says: Failed to parse input document"; errors["bad_json_document"] = ss.str(); root["errors"] = errors; return writer.write(root); } try { xEventType = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(root, "daq_event_type", JsonWrapper::stringValue); if (xEventType == "physics_event" || xEventType == "calibration_event") { Json::Value xDaqData = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(root, "daq_data", JsonWrapper::objectValue); Json::Value xDocTrig, xDocTrigReq; if (xDaqData.isMember("trigger") && xDaqData.isMember("trigger_request")) { xDocTrigReq = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDaqData, "trigger_request", JsonWrapper::arrayValue); xDocTrig = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDaqData, "trigger", JsonWrapper::arrayValue); Json::Value xDocAllDigits; // list by station then by event unsigned int n_events = 0; for (unsigned int n_station = 0; n_station < _stationKeys.size(); n_station++) { if (xDaqData.isMember(_stationKeys[n_station])) { Json::Value xDocDetectorData = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDaqData, _stationKeys[n_station], JsonWrapper::arrayValue); // list of events for station n_station xDocAllDigits[n_station] = makeDigits (xDocDetectorData, xDocTrigReq, xDocTrig); n_events = xDocAllDigits[n_station].size(); } } for (unsigned int ev = 0; ev < n_events; ev++) { Json::Value xDocTofDigits(Json::objectValue); for (unsigned int stat = 0; stat < _stationKeys.size(); stat++) { if (xDocAllDigits[stat][ev].type() == Json::arrayValue) { xDocTofDigits[_stationKeys[stat]] = xDocAllDigits[stat][ev]; } else { xDocTofDigits[_stationKeys[stat]] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); } } root["recon_events"][ev]["tof_event"]["tof_digits"] = xDocTofDigits; } } } } catch(Squeal squee) { root = MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance() ->HandleSqueal(root, squee, _classname); } catch(std::exception exc) { root = MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance() ->HandleStdExc(root, exc, _classname); } // if (root.isMember("digits")) std::cout<> xTdcDaqKey; TOFChannelKey* xTofTdcKey = _map.find(&xTdcDaqKey); if (xTofTdcKey) { xDocInfo["tof_key"] = xTofTdcKey->str(); xDocInfo["station"] = xTofTdcKey->station(); xDocInfo["plane"] = xTofTdcKey->plane(); xDocInfo["slab"] = xTofTdcKey->slab(); xDocInfo["pmt"] = xTofTdcKey->pmt(); xDocInfo["part_event_number"] = xDocTdcHit["part_event_number"]; xDocInfo["phys_event_number"] = xDocTdcHit["phys_event_number"]; xDocInfo["leading_time"] = xDocTdcHit["leading_time"]; xDocInfo["trailing_time"] = xDocTdcHit["trailing_time"]; xDocInfo["trigger_time_tag"] = xDocTdcHit["trigger_time_tag"]; xDocInfo["time_stamp"] = xDocTdcHit["time_stamp"]; } return xDocInfo; } bool MapCppTOFDigits::getAdc(Json::Value xDocfAdc, Json::Value xDocTdcHit, Json::Value &xDocDigit) throw(Squeal) { int n_Adc_hits = xDocfAdc.size(); std::string xTofKey_str = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocDigit, "tof_key", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); TOFChannelKey xTdcTofKey(xTofKey_str); for (int AdcHitCount = 0; AdcHitCount < n_Adc_hits; AdcHitCount++) { std::string xDaqKey_adc_str = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocfAdc[AdcHitCount], "channel_key", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); DAQChannelKey xAdcDaqKey(xDaqKey_adc_str); TOFChannelKey* xAdcTofKey = _map.find(&xAdcDaqKey); if (xTdcTofKey == *xAdcTofKey) { xDocDigit["charge_mm"] = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocfAdc[AdcHitCount], "charge_mm", JsonWrapper::intValue ); xDocDigit["charge_pm"] = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocfAdc[AdcHitCount], "charge_pm", JsonWrapper::intValue ); if (!xDocfAdc[AdcHitCount].isMember("charge_mm")) xDocDigit["charge_mm"] = 0; if (!xDocfAdc[AdcHitCount].isMember("charge_pm")) xDocDigit["charge_pm"] = 0; if (xDocDigit["part_event_number"] != xDocfAdc[AdcHitCount]["part_event_number"]) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("Wrong part_event_number!"), "MapCppTOFDigits::getAdc")); } if (xDocDigit["phys_event_number"] != xDocfAdc[AdcHitCount]["phys_event_number"]) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("Wrong phys_event_number!"), "MapCppTOFDigits::getAdc")); } return true; } } return false; } bool MapCppTOFDigits::getTrig(Json::Value xDocTrig, Json::Value xDocTdcHit, Json::Value &xDocDigit ) throw(Squeal) { Json::Value xDocT = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocTrig, "V1290", JsonWrapper::arrayValue); int HitGeo = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocTdcHit , "geo", JsonWrapper::intValue).asInt(); int n_count = xDocT.size(); // Loop over all of the triggers for this particle event. for (int TrigCount = 0; TrigCount < n_count; TrigCount++) { Json::Value Trig = JsonWrapper::GetItem(xDocT, TrigCount, JsonWrapper::objectValue); int TrGeo = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(Trig, "geo", JsonWrapper::intValue).asInt(); // If the Geo number of the trigger request matches the Geo number for the TDC then add the // trigger information to the digit. if ( TrGeo == HitGeo ) { xDocDigit["trigger_leading_time"] = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(Trig, "leading_time", JsonWrapper::intValue); xDocDigit["trigger_trailing_time"] = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(Trig, "trailing_time", JsonWrapper::intValue); if (xDocDigit["part_event_number"] != Trig["part_event_number"]) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("Wrong part_event_number!"), "MapCppTOFDigits::getTrig")); } if (xDocDigit["phys_event_number"] != Trig["phys_event_number"]) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("Wrong phys_event_number!"), "MapCppTOFDigits::getTrig")); } return true; // will break the loop and return true it finds the first trigger that matches. } } return false; } bool MapCppTOFDigits::getTrigReq(Json::Value xDocTrigReq, Json::Value xDocTdcHit, Json::Value &xDocDigit ) throw(Squeal) { Json::Value xDocTR = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocTrigReq, "V1290", JsonWrapper::arrayValue); int HitGeo = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(xDocTdcHit, "geo", JsonWrapper::intValue).asInt(); int n_req_count = xDocTR.size(); // Loop over all of the trigger requests for this particle event. for (int TrigReqCount = 0; TrigReqCount < n_req_count; TrigReqCount++) { Json::Value TrigReq = JsonWrapper::GetItem(xDocTR, TrigReqCount, JsonWrapper::objectValue); int TrReqGeo = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(TrigReq, "geo", JsonWrapper::intValue).asInt(); // If the Geo number of the trigger request matches the Geo number for the TDC then add the // trigger request information to the digit. if (TrReqGeo == HitGeo) { xDocDigit["trigger_request_leading_time"] = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(TrigReq, "leading_time", JsonWrapper::intValue); xDocDigit["trigger_request_trailing_time"] = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(TrigReq, "trailing_time", JsonWrapper::intValue); if (xDocDigit["part_event_number"] != TrigReq["part_event_number"]) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("Wrong part_event_number!"), "MapCppTOFDigits::getTrigReq")); } if (xDocDigit["phys_event_number"] != TrigReq["phys_event_number"]) { throw(Squeal(Squeal::recoverable, std::string("Wrong phys_event_number!"), "MapCppTOFDigits::getTrigReq")); } return true; // will break the loop when it finds the first request that matches. // There may be multiple requests per board but for now we only get the first one. } } return false; }