/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/JsonWrapper.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/CppErrorHandler.hh" #include "Interface/Squeak.hh" #include "Interface/Squeal.hh" #include "src/reduce/ReduceCppTofCalib/ReduceCppTofCalib.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/JsonCppProcessors/SpillProcessor.hh" namespace MAUS { bool ReduceCppTofCalib::birth(std::string argJsonConfigDocument) { // Check if the JSON document can be parsed, else return error only _classname = "ReduceCppTofCalib"; _filename = "tofcalibdata.root"; _stationKeys.push_back("tof0"); _stationKeys.push_back("tof1"); _stationKeys.push_back("tof2"); if (!MakeTree()) std::cerr << "Failed to make TTree" << std::endl; // JsonCpp setup - check file parses correctly, if not return false Json::Value configJSON; try { configJSON = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(argJsonConfigDocument); // this will contain the configuration return true; } catch(Squeal squee) { MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleSquealNoJson(squee, _classname); } catch(std::exception exc) { MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleStdExcNoJson(exc, _classname); } return false; } std::string ReduceCppTofCalib::process(std::string document) { // JsonCpp setup // make sure we can load the json document if (loadSpill(document)) { if (_spill.GetDaqEventType() == "physics_event") { int n_part_events = _spill.GetReconEventSize(); // std::cout << n_part_events << " " << std::flush; for (int PartEvent = 0; PartEvent < n_part_events; PartEvent++) { // Get this particle event in TOF0, TOF1 and TOF2. ReconEvent revt = _spill.GetAReconEvent(PartEvent); TOFEvent* tof_event = revt.GetTOFEvent(); TOFEventSlabHit slbhits = tof_event->GetTOFEventSlabHit(); int ntof0_sh = slbhits.GetTOF0SlabHitArraySize(); int ntof1_sh = slbhits.GetTOF1SlabHitArraySize(); int ntof2_sh = slbhits.GetTOF2SlabHitArraySize(); if (!(ntof0_sh == 2 && ntof1_sh == 2 && ntof2_sh == 2)) continue; // Make sure that all times and charges are set to zero and // that all slab numbers are set to -99. slabA = -99; slabB = -99; slabC = -99; slabD = -99; slabE = -99; slabF = -99; adc0 = adc1 = adc2 =adc3 = 0; adc4 = adc5 = adc6 = adc7 = 0; adc8 = adc9 = adc10 = adc11 =0; t0 = t1 = t2 = t3 = 0.; t4 = t5 = t6 = t7 = 0.; t8 = t9 = t10 = t11 = 0.; int tpln, tslb, ch0, ch1; double rt0, rt1; Pmt0 pm0; Pmt1 pm1; for (int h = 0; h < ntof0_sh; ++h) { TOFSlabHit tof0_sh = slbhits.GetTOF0SlabHitArrayElement(h); tpln = tof0_sh.GetPlane(); tslb = tof0_sh.GetSlab(); pm0 = tof0_sh.GetPmt0(); pm1 = tof0_sh.GetPmt1(); rt0 = pm0.GetRawTime(); ch0 = pm0.GetCharge(); rt1 = pm1.GetRawTime(); ch1 = pm1.GetCharge(); if (tpln == 0) { slabA = tslb; adc0 = ch0; adc1 = ch1; t0 = rt0; t1 = rt1; } else if (tpln == 1) { slabB = tslb; adc2 = ch0; adc3 = ch1; t2 = rt0; t3 = rt1; } TOFSlabHit tof1_sh = slbhits.GetTOF1SlabHitArrayElement(h); tpln = tof1_sh.GetPlane(); tslb = tof1_sh.GetSlab(); pm0 = tof1_sh.GetPmt0(); pm1 = tof1_sh.GetPmt1(); rt0 = pm0.GetRawTime(); ch0 = pm0.GetCharge(); rt1 = pm1.GetRawTime(); ch1 = pm1.GetCharge(); if (tpln == 0) { slabC = tslb; adc4 = ch0; adc5 = ch1; t4 = rt0; t5 = rt1; } else if (tpln == 1) { slabD = tslb; adc6 = ch0; adc7 = ch1; t6 = rt0; t7 = rt1; } TOFSlabHit tof2_sh = slbhits.GetTOF2SlabHitArrayElement(h); tpln = tof2_sh.GetPlane(); tslb = tof2_sh.GetSlab(); pm0 = tof2_sh.GetPmt0(); pm1 = tof2_sh.GetPmt1(); rt0 = pm0.GetRawTime(); ch0 = pm0.GetCharge(); rt1 = pm1.GetRawTime(); ch1 = pm1.GetCharge(); if (tpln == 0) { slabE = tslb; adc8 = ch0; adc9 = ch1; t8 = rt0; t9 = rt1; } else if (tpln == 1) { slabF = tslb; adc10 = ch0; adc11 = ch1; t10 = rt0; t11 = rt1; } } dataTree.Fill(); } } } else { std::cerr << "Failed to load JSON\n"; } // Draw the beam profile histograms. return JsonWrapper::JsonToString(root); } bool ReduceCppTofCalib::death() { // Open a ROOT file to store the data. Save(); return true; } void ReduceCppTofCalib::Save() { TFile datafile(_filename.c_str(), "recreate" ); datafile.cd(); // Get the data tree. dataTree.Write(); datafile.ls(); datafile.Close(); Squeak::mout(Squeak::info) << _filename << " is updated." << std::endl; } bool ReduceCppTofCalib::MakeTree() { dataTree.SetNameTitle("dataTree", "tofdata"); dataTree.Branch("slabA", &slabA, "slabA/I"); dataTree.Branch("slabB", &slabB, "slabB/I"); dataTree.Branch("t0", &t0, "t0/D"); dataTree.Branch("t1", &t1, "t1/D"); dataTree.Branch("t2", &t2, "t2/D"); dataTree.Branch("t3", &t3, "t3/D"); dataTree.Branch("adc0", &adc0, "adc0/I"); dataTree.Branch("adc1", &adc1, "adc1/I"); dataTree.Branch("adc2", &adc2, "adc2/I"); dataTree.Branch("adc3", &adc3, "adc3/I"); dataTree.Branch("slabC", &slabC, "slabC/I"); dataTree.Branch("slabD", &slabD, "slabD/I"); dataTree.Branch("t4", &t4, "t4/D"); dataTree.Branch("t5", &t5, "t5/D"); dataTree.Branch("t6", &t6, "t6/D"); dataTree.Branch("t7", &t7, "t7/D"); dataTree.Branch("adc4", &adc4, "adc4/I"); dataTree.Branch("adc5", &adc5, "adc5/I"); dataTree.Branch("adc6", &adc6, "adc6/I"); dataTree.Branch("adc7", &adc7, "adc7/I"); dataTree.Branch("slabE", &slabE, "slabE/I"); dataTree.Branch("slabF", &slabF, "slabF/I"); dataTree.Branch("t8", &t8, "t8/D"); dataTree.Branch("t9", &t9, "t9/D"); dataTree.Branch("t10", &t10, "t10/D"); dataTree.Branch("t11", &t11, "t11/D"); dataTree.Branch("adc8", &adc8, "adc8/I"); dataTree.Branch("adc9", &adc9, "adc9/I"); dataTree.Branch("adc10", &adc10, "adc10/I"); dataTree.Branch("adc11", &adc11, "adc11/I"); return true; } bool ReduceCppTofCalib::loadSpill(std::string jsonDoc) { Json::FastWriter writer; Json::Reader reader; try { root = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(jsonDoc); SpillProcessor spill_proc; _spill = *spill_proc.JsonToCpp(root); return true; } catch(...) { Json::Value errors; std::stringstream ss; ss << _classname << " says: Failed when importing JSON to Spill"; errors["bad_json_document"] = ss.str(); root["errors"] = errors; writer.write(root); return false; } } }