/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include "src/legacy/Config/MiceModule.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DetModel/SciFi/DoubletFiberParam.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Material.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Tubs.hh" #include "Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "Geant4/G4PVParameterised.hh" #include "Geant4/G4UserLimits.hh" #include "Geant4/G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Colour.hh" #include "Geant4/G4ios.hh" #include "Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "Geant4/G4RotationMatrix.hh" #include "Geant4/globals.hh" #include "Geant4/G4SDManager.hh" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace MAUS { class DoubletFiberParamTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: DoubletFiberParamTest() { // the following numbers are from MICE note 135: // "Specification of the scintillating and clear fibre for the MICE // scintillating fibre trackers" // note135_sensitive_radius // note135_active_radius // note135_inner_diameter note135_core_diameter = 0.308; // mm note135_fiber_diameter = 0.350; // mm note135_fiber_pitch = 0.427; // mm calculated_fiber_half_length = 152.7126; // mm expected_delta_phi = 6.28319; calculated_X = 47.7375; calculated_Y = 0; calculated_Z = -0.13867; } virtual ~DoubletFiberParamTest() {} virtual void SetUp() {} virtual void TearDown() {} double note135_core_diameter; double note135_fiber_diameter; double note135_fiber_pitch; double calculated_fiber_half_length; double expected_delta_phi; double calculated_X; double calculated_Y; double calculated_Z; }; TEST_F(DoubletFiberParamTest, test_fiber_parameters) { std::string filename = "Stage4.dat"; std::vector modules; MiceModule* _module; _module = new MiceModule(filename); modules = _module->findModulesByPropertyString("SensitiveDetector", "SciFi"); const MiceModule* this_plane = NULL; for ( unsigned int j = 0; !this_plane && j < modules.size(); ++j ) { // find the module corresponding to this plane if ( modules[j]->propertyExists("Tracker", "int") && modules[j]->propertyExists("Station", "int") && modules[j]->propertyExists("Plane", "int") && modules[j]->propertyInt("Tracker") == 0 && modules[j]->propertyInt("Station") == 1 && modules[j]->propertyInt("Plane") == 1 ) // save the module this_plane = modules[j]; } assert(this_plane != NULL); // read values from the Mice Module... G4double pSensitiveRadius = this_plane->propertyDouble("ActiveRadius"); G4double pActiveRadius = this_plane->propertyDouble("ActiveRadius"); G4double pOuterDiameter = this_plane->propertyDouble("CoreDiameter"); G4double pInnerDiameter = 0.0; G4double pFiberDiameter = this_plane->propertyDouble("FibreDiameter"); G4double pFiberPitch = ( this_plane->propertyDouble("Pitch") ) / ( this_plane->propertyDouble("FibreDiameter") ); // .. feed them to DoubletFiberParam() G4double fetched_outer_diameter = DoubletFiberParam(pSensitiveRadius, pActiveRadius, pOuterDiameter, pInnerDiameter, pFiberDiameter, pFiberPitch).getOuterDiameter(); G4double fetched_fiber_diameter = DoubletFiberParam(pSensitiveRadius, pActiveRadius, pOuterDiameter, pInnerDiameter, pFiberDiameter, pFiberPitch).getFiberDiameter(); G4double fetched_fiber_pitch = DoubletFiberParam(pSensitiveRadius, pActiveRadius, pOuterDiameter, pInnerDiameter, pFiberDiameter, pFiberPitch).getFiberPitch(); // ... compare with MICE Note 135 EXPECT_NEAR(note135_core_diameter, fetched_outer_diameter, 1e-12); EXPECT_NEAR(note135_fiber_diameter, fetched_fiber_diameter, 1e-12); EXPECT_NEAR(note135_fiber_pitch/note135_fiber_diameter, fetched_fiber_pitch, 1e-12); } TEST_F(DoubletFiberParamTest, test_compute_transformation) { std::string filename = "Stage4.dat"; std::vector modules; MiceModule* _module; _module = new MiceModule(filename); modules = _module->findModulesByPropertyString("SensitiveDetector", "SciFi"); const MiceModule* this_plane = NULL; for ( unsigned int j = 0; !this_plane && j < modules.size(); ++j ) { // find the module corresponding to this plane if ( modules[j]->propertyExists("Tracker", "int") && modules[j]->propertyExists("Station", "int") && modules[j]->propertyExists("Plane", "int") && modules[j]->propertyInt("Tracker") == 0 && modules[j]->propertyInt("Station") == 1 && modules[j]->propertyInt("Plane") == 1 ) // save the module this_plane = modules[j]; } assert(this_plane != NULL); // read values from the Mice Module... G4double pSensitiveRadius = this_plane->propertyDouble("ActiveRadius"); G4double pActiveRadius = this_plane->propertyDouble("ActiveRadius"); G4double pOuterDiameter = this_plane->propertyDouble("CoreDiameter"); G4double pInnerDiameter = 0.0; G4double pFiberDiameter = this_plane->propertyDouble("FibreDiameter"); G4double pFiberPitch = ( this_plane->propertyDouble("Pitch") ) / ( this_plane->propertyDouble("FibreDiameter") ); // Setup up dummy geometry to feed to ComputeDimensions and ComputeTransformation G4Tubs* fiberElement = new G4Tubs("testFiber", 0.0, 0.35 * mm, 1.0 * mm, 0.0 * deg, 360.0 * deg); int copyNo = 525; G4Material* mater = new G4Material("Test", 1, 2, 1); G4LogicalVolume* nullLogic = new G4LogicalVolume(fiberElement, mater, "testFiber", 0, 0, 0); G4String name = "testFiber"; G4LogicalVolume* mother = 0; G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix(CLHEP::HepRotationX(0.0*deg)); G4VPhysicalVolume* physVol = new G4PVPlacement(rot, G4ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.), nullLogic, name, mother, false, 0); // Feeding geometries to functions DoubletFiberParam(pSensitiveRadius, pActiveRadius, pOuterDiameter, pInnerDiameter, pFiberDiameter, pFiberPitch).ComputeTransformation(copyNo, physVol); // EXPECT_EQ(0 , physVol->GetRotation()); EXPECT_NEAR(calculated_X , physVol->GetTranslation().getX() , 0.0001); EXPECT_NEAR(calculated_Y , physVol->GetTranslation().getY() , 0.0001); EXPECT_NEAR(calculated_Z , physVol->GetTranslation().getZ() , 0.0001); } TEST_F(DoubletFiberParamTest, test_compute_dimension) { std::string filename = "Stage4.dat"; std::vector modules; MiceModule* _module; _module = new MiceModule(filename); modules = _module->findModulesByPropertyString("SensitiveDetector", "SciFi"); const MiceModule* this_plane = NULL; for ( unsigned int j = 0; !this_plane && j < modules.size(); ++j ) { // find the module corresponding to this plane if ( modules[j]->propertyExists("Tracker", "int") && modules[j]->propertyExists("Station", "int") && modules[j]->propertyExists("Plane", "int") && modules[j]->propertyInt("Tracker") == 0 && modules[j]->propertyInt("Station") == 1 && modules[j]->propertyInt("Plane") == 1 ) // save the module this_plane = modules[j]; } assert(this_plane != NULL); // read values from the Mice Module... G4double pSensitiveRadius = this_plane->propertyDouble("ActiveRadius"); G4double pActiveRadius = this_plane->propertyDouble("ActiveRadius"); G4double pOuterDiameter = this_plane->propertyDouble("CoreDiameter"); G4double pInnerDiameter = 0.0; G4double pFiberDiameter = this_plane->propertyDouble("FibreDiameter"); G4double pFiberPitch = ( this_plane->propertyDouble("Pitch") ) / ( this_plane->propertyDouble("FibreDiameter") ); // Setup up dummy geometry to feed to ComputeDimensions and ComputeTransformation G4Tubs* fiberElement = new G4Tubs("testFiber", 0.0, 0.35 * mm, 1.0 * mm, 0.0 * deg, 360.0 * deg); int copyNo = 525; G4Material* mater = new G4Material("Test", 1, 2, 1); G4LogicalVolume* nullLogic = new G4LogicalVolume(fiberElement, mater, "testFiber", 0, 0, 0); G4String name = "testFiber"; G4LogicalVolume* mother = 0; G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix(CLHEP::HepRotationX(0.0*deg)); G4VPhysicalVolume* physVol = new G4PVPlacement(rot, G4ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.), nullLogic, name, mother, false, 0); DoubletFiberParam(pSensitiveRadius, pActiveRadius, pOuterDiameter, pInnerDiameter, pFiberDiameter, pFiberPitch).ComputeDimensions(*fiberElement, copyNo, physVol); EXPECT_EQ(0 , fiberElement->GetInnerRadius()); EXPECT_EQ(note135_core_diameter/2.0 , fiberElement->GetOuterRadius()); EXPECT_NEAR(calculated_fiber_half_length , fiberElement->GetZHalfLength() , 0.001); EXPECT_EQ(0 , fiberElement->GetStartPhiAngle()); EXPECT_NEAR(expected_delta_phi , fiberElement->GetDeltaPhiAngle() , 0.0001); } } // ~namespace MAUS